Micah Angelica Pablico: Sent 16 Hours Ago

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For lesson 2, it mainly talks about the significant role of the sociological and

anthropological aspect of man. In Early Psychology, there are many debates

pertaining to whether nurture or nature is more dominant in the shaping of the
self. But recent researches proposed that generally, the self is shaped by the
interaction of nature and nurture. Hndi na sya labanan kung sino ang lamang sa
kanilang dalawa, instead, it is viewed as the interaction of both that gives
shaping and molding of the self.

Micah Angelica Pablico

Micah Angelica Pablico
16 hours ago
We have two faces of the self: the moi and personnel. Kapag Moi, this is our
biological givenness, our name, body, properties, our basic identity. So kung
tatanungin natin for example kung sino si Micah in the concept of MOI, ang
pangalan niya ay si Micah, maputi, at nasa katamtamang pangangatawan.
Nakasuot sya ng salamin sa mata at palagi siyang nakangiti. In the concept of
PERSONNE, we can say na si Micah ay isang guro, sya ay mabuti sa kanyang
mga estudyante; Siya rin ay isang mag aaral, masipag at masinop, Siya rin ay
isang kaibigan, palaban pero maasahan. So Moi talks about your personal
identity, ang iyong pagkakakilanlan, and personne was related to the "social
concepts" of what it means to be who we are.

Micah Angelica Pablico

Micah Angelica Pablico
16 hours ago
Next, we have Mead's Development Stages of the Self. Sinasabi ni Mead na ang
tao daw nahuhubog in the lens of society. So as we are born in this world,
automatically, may society or social group na tayong kinabibilangan and this
social group can have a great impact on the development of the self. Mead
proposed four stages. First is Imitation: let us consider an infant, diba we have
observed na ang mga bata lalo na from ages 1 to 3, amhilig silang manggaya.
This is for the reason na they still have no idea of how the world works, how
things are done kaya kung ano yung nakikita nila, gagayahin nila. Kaya nga
sinasabi ng mga developmental PSychologist and even Pediatricians na crucial
ang stage na to para sa mga bata dahil kung ano yung nakikita nila, yun yung
alam nilang tama, and eventually, as they grow and mature, dadalhin nila ang
mga bagay na nakita nila, naimitate nila sa ibang tao

Micah Angelica Pablico

Micah Angelica Pablico
16 hours ago
Second is Play. Children from 4 to 6 were very fond of playing. Again I know
as you have observed, may mga bata na mahilig magrole paly. Paano? Yung
mga dialog nila na "Kunware ako si Batman, Kunware sya si Cinderella at ikaw
naman si Sleeping Beauty" So the child now learns to on the role that another
person might have, maybe dahil nagugustuhan nila yung suot o kaya yung
beauty/attitude/powers ng character na yun kaya yun yung kanilang character na
gustong iportray sa kanilang role play

Micah Angelica Pablico

Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
The third is Games. So as the child interacts with his fellow/playmates, they
now learned to understand that as they play, as they assign themselves with the
different roles they want to portray, they now understand na hindi pala magiging
maganda yung play namin kung walang interaction. So the child now The child
learn to understand interactions involving different people with a variety of
purposes. The child realizes na "Ay si Batman pala yung may kakayahan into,
so dapat siya yung gumawa ng bagay na yan." So they now learn to take roles
that are appropriate for them and assign others whom they think is more
appropriate to take the role in order to have a more meaningful
Micah Angelica Pablico
Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
And lastly, generalized others. The individual is able to imagine how he or she
is viewed by one or many others. As the child grow and develop, he will be able
to understand that the play - game that they are doing with their fellow children
is also somewhat similar to the actual environment they are in. That as they
mature and age, there are many different roles that they may portray in a given
situation. So dito yung realization na okay lang na masunurin tayo sa loob ng
ating pamilya, matapang tayo sa labas ng ating tahanan, magalang sa loob ng
paaralan, etc.

Micah Angelica Pablico

Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
So we can see dito sa Stages of Development the role of others in shaping or
realizing our full potential as individuals who belong to a certain society/group.
As we socialize with other people, there are certain things that we learn, we
discover, we enhance which contributed to our self-actualization.

Micah Angelica Pablico

Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
Same is through with Lev Vygotsky in his zone of proximal development. Na
habang tayo'y bata pa, hindi pa ganun kalawak ang ating zone of proximal
development, but as we interact with other people, there are certain knowledge
and skills that we are capable of learning through guidance. As we often observe
someone who is slightly more advanced/mature than we are, then we are able to
progressively extend this zone of proximal development.
Micah Angelica Pablico
Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
I hope clear sa inyo yung THE SELF FROM THE EASTERN (Collectivism)
AND WESTERN (Individualism)THOUGHTS. When we say Individualism or
eastern thoughts, it entails the participation of the other members of the society.
Like for example, sa atin as Asians, important sa atin ang ating family, relatives,
friends, social group, maging ang kapitbahay na walang ginawa kundi
mantsismis (tabi tabi po). So our decisions, behaviors are largely influenced by
our social group. For example, as what Filipinos are famous for- teh strong
family ties, na kahit anak na ng anak ng anak ng anak na ng lola mo, nakatira
parin sa iisang bahay. This only proves that Filipinos are governed by the
eastern thoughts, compared to the Westerners wherein at the age of 18, they are
now freely live on their own, without much dependence on their
parents/relatives. Individualism tries to find the meaning of life to the here and
now with self at the center. Collectivism finds find the meaning of life through
their social groups. But take note that this does not mean na and mga
Collectivist ay dependent sa kanilang social group. They are not, but their
groups play a very significant role in the shaping of their self and lives.

Micah Angelica Pablico

Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
Next, Lesson 3. We are going to deal with psychological theories which
generally see the self and identity as mental constructs, created and recreated in
memory. These theories focus on explaining how children change and grow
over the course of childhood, and trying to predict their behavior later in life.
Such theories focus on various aspects of development such as social,
emotional, sexual and cognitive growth.

Micah Angelica Pablico
Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
PSYCHOLOGISTS. 1. Psychosexual Theory of Development by Sigmund
Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
Tip para madaling imemorize ang Stages ni Sigmund Freud (Father of
Psychology): When we talk about Sigmund Freud, Sya ay OA PhALAGE. Oral
Anal PHAllic LAtency GEnitals. I hope nakuha ninyo.

Micah Angelica Pablico

Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
Sabi ni Sigmund Freud, ang tao daw ay motivated by TWO DRIVES only: Sex
and Aggression. Lahat daw ng pleasurable sa tao/self, ito ay sex. So eating,
travelling, surfing the internet, online shopping, being in love is pleasurable, so
therefore it is considered as Sex. (Take note, Hindi sya literal na Sex as in
intercourse). Lahat naman daw ng hindi pleasurable and gratifying for the self is
considered as aggression. Be it crying, anger, hunger, loneliness, violence is a
form of aggression

WARNING: The following discussions may lead you to Self-diagnosis. Please
be mindful and cautious not to be overwhelmed by the concepts
Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
Every stages of Freud has an assigned Erogenous Zone which means that it is an
area of the human body that has heightened sensitivity, the stimulation of which
may generate a sexual response.
Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
For Oral stage, the erogenous Zone is the mouth/lips or anything which is
outside/inside/near the lip area.

Micah Angelica Pablico

Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
Each stages has to achieve a Developmental task (Activity) in order to proceed
to the next stage. Failure to meet the developmental task of each stage will lead
to fixation. A fixation is a persistent focus on an earlier psychosexual stage.
Until this conflict is resolved, the individual will remain "stuck" in this stage.
For example, A person who is fixated at the oral stage, may be over-dependent
on others (Oral Incorporative) and may seek oral stimulation through smoking,
drinking, or eating (oral aggressive).

Micah Angelica Pablico

Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
So in real life, as you may observe, may mga taong hindi mapigilang kumain ng
kumain (Over-eating), smoking, drinking, ang hilig magsalita ng bad words,
those who loved to argue, int eh view of Freud, that person is fixated termed
oral aggressive. Bakit kaya? This is for the reason na noong birth - 2 years old
sila, hindi nasatisfy ng caregiver/mother yung task na kailangan nilang gawin
which is to be fed, to thumb suck, to bite. So kapag nakakakita tayo ng mga bata
na nakathumb suck parin at the age of 2, it is okay, normal lang sa kanila. hwag
nating pagbawalan because this will lead to fixation. But take note na pag
nagthumb suck parin beyond 2 years old. hindi na okay yun, again this may be a
nother sign of fixation.

Micah Angelica Pablico

Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
Oral incorporative- sila yung mga infant na naoverfeed, kahit hindi gutom, sige
subo lang sa dede/nursing bottle, o kaya, lagpas na sila ng 2 years, nagthuthumb
suck parin sila. dito natin makikita na lahat ng sobra ay masama. Later in life,
they will develop a personality that is gullible, passive, needs a lot of attention
form other

Micah Angelica Pablico

Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
During the anal stage, Freud believed that the primary focus was on controlling
bladder and bowel movements. The major conflict at this stage is toilet training
—the child has to learn to control their bodily needs. Developing this control
leads to a sense of accomplishment and independence.

Micah Angelica Pablico

Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
According to Freud, success at this stage is dependent upon the way in which
parents approach toilet training. Parents who utilize praise and rewards for using
the toilet at the appropriate time encourage positive outcomes and help children
feel capable and productive.
Micah Angelica Pablico
Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
However, not all parents provide the support and encouragement that children
need during this stage. Some parents punish, ridicule, or shame a child for
accidents. According to Freud, inappropriate parental responses can result in
negative outcomes. If parents take an approach that is too lenient, Freud
suggested that an anal-expulsive personality could develop in which the
individual has a messy, wasteful, or destructive personality. If parents are too
strict or begin toilet training too early, Freud believed that an anal-retentive
personality develops in which the individual is stringent, orderly, rigid, and

Micah Angelica Pablico

Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
May mga parents/caregivers na kapag naiihi or najejebs yung bata, "sige inkan
ta igid" o kaya "iisbom latta ditan" or yung bata talagang kinukulit na ang
kaniyang caregiver dahil lalabas na pero walang proper attention na binibigay-
there is no proper training. This will result to the anal-expulsive. Kaya may mga
taong messy sa gamit, wasteful, clumsy or disorganized na kung saan saan lang
ang kanilang mga gamit

Micah Angelica Pablico

Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
May mga parents/caregivers din naman na kapag naiihi or najejebs yung bata,
sobrang higpit na kapag hindi nagawa ng tama ng bata yung instruction ng
caregiver eh mapapagalitan na, this will also result to anal-retentive. Individual
who is stringent, orderly, rigid, and obsessive, perfectionist na ayaw sa kunting

Micah Angelica Pablico

Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
Freud suggested that during the phallic stage, the primary focus is on the
genitals. At this age, children also begin to discover the differences between
males and females. Freud also believed that boys begin to view their fathers as a
rival for the mother’s affections. The "Oedipus complex" describes these
feelings of wanting to possess the mother and the desire to replace the father.
However, the child also fears that he will be punished by the father for these
feelings, a fear Freud termed castration anxiety.

Micah Angelica Pablico

Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
The term Electra complex has been used to describe a similar set of feelings
experienced by young girls. Freud, however, believed that girls instead
experience penis envy.

Micah Angelica Pablico

Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
During the stage of latency, the superego continues to develop while the id's
energies are suppressed. Children develop social skills, values and relationships
with peers and adults outside of the family. The development of the ego and
superego contribute to this period of calm. So dormant yung erogenous zone,
the child gains pleasure through social interaction with peers. The stage begins
around the time that children enter into school and become more concerned with
peer relationships, hobbies, and other interests.

Micah Angelica Pablico

Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
The latent period is a time of exploration in which the sexual energy repressed
or dormant. This energy is still present, but it is sublimated into other areas such
as intellectual pursuits and social interactions. This stage is important in the
development of social and communication skills and self-confidence. As with
the other psychosexual stages, Freud believed that it was possible for children to
become fixated or "stuck" in this phase. Fixation at this stage can result in
immaturity and an inability to form fulfilling relationships as an adult.

Micah Angelica Pablico

Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
During the final stage of psychosexual development, the individual develops a
strong sexual interest in the opposite sex. This stage begins during puberty but
last throughout the rest of a person's life. Where in earlier stages the focus was
solely on individual needs, interest in the welfare of others grows during this
stage. The goal of this stage is to establish a balance between the various life

Micah Angelica Pablico

Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
Teens in the genital stage of development are able to balance their most basic
urges against the need to conform to the demands of reality and social norms.

Micah Angelica Pablico

Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
Next, we have Ego Defense Mechanisms by Sigmund Freud. Defense
mechanisms are behaviors people use to separate themselves from unpleasant
events, actions, or thoughts. These psychological strategies may help people put
distance between themselves and threats or unwanted feelings, such as guilt or
shame. Defense mechanisms are a normal, natural part of psychological
development, but take note, overuse of defense mechanism is not healthy.
Identifying which type you, your loved ones, even your classmates use can help
you in future conversations and encounters.

Micah Angelica Pablico

Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
1. REPRESSION - Unsavory thoughts, painful memories, or irrational beliefs
can upset you. Instead of facing them, you may unconsciously choose to hide
them in hopes of forgetting about them entirely. That does not mean, however,
that the memories disappear entirely. They may influence behaviors, and they
may impact future relationships. You just may not realize the impact this
defense mechanism is having.

Micah Angelica Pablico

Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
2. REACTION FORMATION - People who use this defense mechanism
recognize how they feel, but they choose to behave in the opposite manner of
their instincts. A person who reacts this way, for example, may feel they should
not express negative emotions, such as anger or frustration. They choose to
instead react in an overly positive way.

Micah Angelica Pablico

Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
3. DISPLACEMENT - You direct strong emotions and frustrations toward a
person or object that doesn’t feel threatening. This allows you to satisfy an
impulse to react, but you don’t risk significant consequences. A good example
of this defense mechanism is getting angry at your younger sibling because you
had a bad day at school. Neither of these people is the target of your strong
emotions, but reacting to them is likely less problematic than reacting to your
teacher for example.

Micah Angelica Pablico

Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
4. FIXATION - as discussed awhile back, it is the permanent attachment of the
libido onto an earlier, more primitive stage of development. 5. REGRESSION -
Some people who feel threatened or anxious may unconsciously “escape” to an
earlier stage of development. This type of defense mechanism may be most
obvious in young children. If they experience trauma or loss, they
willay suddenly act as if they’re younger again. They may even begin wetting
the bed or sucking their thumb. Adults can regress, too. Adults who are
struggling to cope with events or behaviors may return to sleeping with a
cherished stuffed animal, overeat foods they find comforting, or begin chain
smoking or chewing on pencils or pens. They may also avoid everyday
activities because they feel overwhelming.
Micah Angelica Pablico
Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
6. PROJECTION - Some thoughts or feelings you have about another person
may make you uncomfortable. If you project those feelings, you’re
misattributing them to the other person. For example, you may dislike your new
classmate, but instead of accepting that, you choose to tell yourself that they
dislike you. You see in their actions the things you wish you could do or say.

Micah Angelica Pablico

Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
7. INTROJECTION - it occurs when a person internalizes the ideas or voices of
other people-often external authorities. An example of introjection might be a
dad telling his son “boys don't cry”- this is an idea that a person might take in
from their environment and internalize into their way of thinking. So in result,
the boy won't cry ever again because he introjected the statement of his father

Micah Angelica Pablico

Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
8. SUBLIMATION - This type of defense mechanism is considered a positive
strategy. That’s because people who rely on it choose to redirect strong
emotions or feelings into an object or activity that is appropriate and safe. For
example, instead of lashing out at your classmates, you choose to channel your
frustration into kickboxing or exercise. You could also funnel or redirect the
feelings into music, art, or sports.

Micah Angelica Pablico
Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
9. RATIONALIZATION - Some people may attempt to explain undesirable
behaviors with their own set of “facts.” This allows you to feel comfortable with
the choice you made, even if you know on another level it’s not right. For
example, people who might be angry at a classmate for not contributing to the
activity could be ignoring the fact that they’re typically late, too.

Micah Angelica Pablico

Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
Much like Sigmund Freud, Erikson believed that personality developed in a
series of stages. Unlike Freud's theory of psychosexual stages, however,
Erikson's theory described the impact of social experience across the whole
lifespan. Erikson was interested in how social interaction and relationships
played a role in the development and growth of human beings.
Micah Angelica Pablico
Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
Each stage in Erikson's theory builds on the preceding stages and paves the way
for following periods of development. In each stage, Erikson believed people
experience a conflict that serves as a turning point in development. If people
successfully deal with the conflict, they emerge from the stage with
psychological strengths that will serve them well for the rest of their lives. If
they fail to deal effectively with these conflicts, they may not develop the
essential skills needed for a strong sense of self. Erikson also believed that a
sense of competence motivates behaviors and actions. Each stage in Erikson's
theory is concerned with becoming competent in an area of life. If the stage is
handled well, the person will feel a sense of mastery, which is sometimes
referred to as ego strength or ego quality. If the stage is managed poorly, the
person will emerge with a sense of inadequacy in that aspect of development.
Micah Angelica Pablico
Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
Please refer to the discussion on the module. Kompleto yung explanation doon.

Micah Angelica Pablico

15 hours ago
Please read and familiarize the Self-Concept of Carl Rogers, read Karen Horney
but don't give much focus sa kaniyang terms kasi very Psychological, I did not
include in your midterm exam, siguro one item lang.

Micah Angelica Pablico

Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
Some important concepts in Self-efficacy of Bandura. The Locus of Control
which refers to where you believe the power to alter your life events resides:
within you (internal locus of control) or outside of you (external locus of
control). Kapag sinabi mong, “Nagfail ako dahil puro send ng module lang
naman ginagawa ng teacher namin — you likely have an external locus of
control. That means that you do not have a solid sense of belief in your own

Micah Angelica Pablico

Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
In juxtaposition to the external locus of control is the internal locus of control,
in which an individual is quick to admit her own mistakes and failures, and is
willing to take the credit and blame whenever it is due to her.
Micah Angelica Pablico
Micah Angelica Pablico
15 hours ago
Self-efficacy and an internal locus of control often go hand-in hand, but again,
too much internal and even external locus of control can be problematic; those
who blame themselves for everything are not likely to be healthy and happy in
their lives, while those who don’t blame themselves for anything are likely not
completely in touch with reality and may have trouble relating to and
connecting with others.

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