Introduction To Bibliology: - Revelation - Inspiration - Illumination - Canonicity

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Introduction to Bibliology

• Revelation
• Inspiration
• Illumination
• Canonicity
The Bible’s History

• Revelation- from God to man

• Inspiration- from man to paper
• Illumination- from paper to heart

Meaning of Bible
The English word bible is derived
from the Greek word biblion, which
means “book” or “roll.”
The name comes from byblos, which
denoted the papyrus plant that grew
in marshes or river banks, primarily
along the Nile.
Meaning of Scripture

The word translated “Scripture” comes from the

Greek word graphe, which simply means
The “writings” of the Old Testament were
eventually collected into three groups called the
Law, Prophets, and Writings (or Psalms), and
constituted the 39 books of the Old Testament.
Claims of the Bible
• 3800 x’s the Bible declares “God said”
or “thus says the Lord
• 25% of the Bible is prophetic in nature
• Paul, Peter & John, Jesus & the Father
all made acknowledgement of
Scripture’s authority.
Continuity of the Bible
• Different Occupations of writers
• Different Locations of writing
• Different Circumstances of writers
• The word revelation is derived
from the Greek word
apokalupsis, which means
“disclosure” or “unveiling.”

• ”Revelation is both
“general”—God revealing
Himself in history and nature,
and “special”—God revealing
Himself in the Scriptures and
in His Son.
How God reveals Himself
• He often spoke to men through angels
• He spoke to men through a voice.
• He spoke to men through a still, small voice
• He spoke to men through nature
• He spoke through the mouth of an donkey
• He spoke to men through dreams.
• He spoke to men through visions.
• He spoke to men through theophanies.
General Revelation
• Romans 1:18-21 The “invisible attributes,”
“eternal power,” and “divine nature” of God
have been “clearly seen” (v. 20).

• The human race is rendered guilty and without
excuse through God’s revelation of Himself in
• This revelation gives mankind an awareness of
God but is of itself inadequate to provide salvation."
• God has also revealed Himself to the human
race through His providential control.
• It is through His supplying people with
sunshine and rain that enables them to live and
function (Matt. 5:45; Acts 14:15-17).
• Further, God has revealed Himself through
conscience. Romans 2:14-15 indicates God has
placed intuitional knowledge concerning Himself
within the heart of man.
Special Revelation

Special revelation
involves a narrower
focus than general
revelation and is
restricted to Jesus
Christ and the

• From man to paper

• Elements of Inspiration:
–Divine Causality
–Prophetic Agency
–Written Authority

Theories of Inspiration
• The Natural theory
• The Mechanical Theory
• The Content /Concept Theory
• The Partial Theory
• The Spirit-Rule Only Theory
• The Plenary-Verbal Theory
That all (plenary), the very words (verbal)
of the Bible are inspired by God.
This view alone is the correct one.
Implications of inspiration.
• Plenary-verbal inspiration does not teach that
all parts of the Bible are equally important,
but only that they are equally inspired.
• Plenary-verbal inspiration does not allow for
any false teaching, but it does on occasion
record the lie of someone
• Plenary-verbal inspiration does not permit
any historical, scientific, or prophetical error
Illumination is that method
used by the Holy Spirit to shed
divine light upon all seeking
men as they look
into the Word of God.
Illumination is from the
written word to the human
Reasons for Illumination
• It is necessary
because of natural
blindness (1 Cor 2:14)
• It is necessary
because of satanic
blindness (2 Cor 4:3)
• It is necessary
because of carnal
blindness ( Heb 5:12)
Results of Illumination

• People are saved

• Christians are strengthened

• Need for faith

• Need for explanation

End of Class One
• review
• Revelation is
• Inspiration is
• Illumination is

Inerrancy & Infallibility

• Inerrant- without error in the

original autographs

• Infallible- will never fail in what

it declares.
1. Amazing Unity
• In spite of long periods
between writings
• In spite of many authors
and various occupations
• In spite of geographical
• Different writing styles.
2. Indestructibility
• From Political

• From Religious
3. Historical Accuracy
• Sir William Ramsey
• William F. Albright
• Archaeology Facts
4. Scientific Accuracy
• Earth is spherical • Ocean currents
• Suspended in space • Hydrologic cycle
• Stars are innumerable • All things reproduced
• Mountains in the sea after their kind
• Springs in sea • Health & sanitation
5. Prophetical Accuracy
• Dealing with Israel
• Dealing with Gentile Nations
• Specific Cities
• Specific Individuals
• Concerning Messiah (JESUS)
6. Universal Influence

• Literature
• Art
• Music
• Law
7. It’s Care & Copy
• No book has been
copied more
• Rules for copying
• Number of Copies
8. Amazing Circulation

• Only 1/2 of 1% of all books

published survive 7 years.
• 80% of all books are forgotten
in 1 year.
• Bible is consistent best seller.
9. Absolute Honesty

• Speaks of both the successes

and failures of it’s characters.
• Tells of eternal realities
repugnant to the human mind.
10. It’s Life Transforming
• Ability to transform sinners to saints.
• Ability to continue to make us more like
• Definition • What does NOT
Gk. kanon- entrance in
=rod,ruler cannon:
• Synonyms • Age
• Hebrew Language
Sacred Scriptures
• Agreement w/
Writings Torah
• Religious value
• Often there is “thus says the
• Teaching- divine
pronouncement of what
believers should do
• History- divine pronouncement
of what God has done.
5 Basic Criteria
• Authoritative- does it claim to be from God?
• Prophetic- was it written by a servant of God?
• Authentic- does it tell the truth concerning God,
man, etc.?
• Received- do people to whom it is written bear
• Dynamic- does it possess life-changing power?
Gal 1:1 • Concerning true
Heb. 1:1 writers

2 Pt. 1-20

2 Thes.2:2 • Concerning
false writers
• True & accurate; since God can
not lie, the content must
match previous revelations

• The Aporcrypha is rejected due

to this test.

• 2 Tim 3:16,17
• Only the truth has
• Heb 4:12
life changing • 1 Peter 1:23
power • 1 Peter 2:2
Acceptance by People of God
• Torah immediately accepted
• Paul’s epistles- immediately
received by the church
• Some book rejected due to lack
of authority
• God vindicates those He
Procedure for Canonicity
• Inspiration by God
• Recognition by Man
• Collection And preservation
of writings
Writing materials
• Clay
• Stone
• Papyrus
• Vellum
• Metal
• Old Testament was written
in Hebrew with some
passages in Aramaic
• New Testament written in
Reasons for Writing

• Precision

• Propagation

• Preservation
Old Testament
• Job -2150 bc • Hosea- 755bc
• Pentatuch-1402 bc • Isaiah- 750bc
• Micah- 740bc
• Joshua- 1350 bc
• Jeremiah & Lam.- 640bc
• Judges & Ruth-1050bc • Nahum- 630bc
• Psalms- 965bc • Habakkuk & Zephaniah- 625bc
• Prov., Ecc.,Song- 926bc • Ezekiel- 593bc
• 1&2 Samuel- 926bc • 2 Kings & 2 Chron.-539bc
• Daniel- 538bc
• 1 Kings & 1 Chron. 848bc
• Haggai & Zechariah- 520bc
• Obadiah- 848bc • Esther- 476bc
• Joel- 835bc • Ezra- 458bc
• Jonah-780bc • Nehemiah- 445bc
• Amos-765bc • Malachi- 432bc
New Testament
• James- 49ad • Hebrews- 64ad
• 1&2 Thessalonians.- 52ad • 1 Timothy- 65ad
• 1 Corinthians -55ad • 1 Peter- 65ad
• 2 Corinthians -56ad • 2 Peter- 66ad
• Galatians- 57ad • Titus- 66ad
• Romans- 58ad • Jude- 67ad
• Luke-59ad • 2 Timothy-67ad
• Acts-60ad • John- 85-90ad
• Philippians, • 1 John- 90-95ad
Colossians,Ephesians, • 2 & 3 John- 90-95ad
Philemon- 61ad
• Revelation- 95 ad
• Matthew- 63ad
• Mark-63ad
Human Writers
• Matthew-author of Gospel
• Mark- author of Gospel
• Luke- author of Gospel, Acts
• John- author of Gospel, 1-3 John, Revelation
• James- author of epistle
• Jude- author of epistle
• Peter- author of 1 & 2 Peter
• Paul- author of 14 New Testament books.

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