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Febr uar y 28t h, 20 21

The Willy-Nilly
Thank s for r eading! The Four Edit eer s ar e a gr oup of aspir ing w r it er s and
edit or s who have been hir ed by t he Wonk a Chocolat e
Company t o w r it e and edit t he mont hly newslet t er. This
newslet t er cont ains a var iet y of st or ies, updat es, and
WRITTEN excit ing fan cont r ibut ions, such as fan ar t and a comic. This
newslet t er 's quiz is all about Wonk a's Chocolat e Fact or y
AND fact s, so be on t he lookout for t hat and check your answer s
at t he bot t om of t he quiz box! This mont h, t he newslet t er
EDITED w ill addr ess t he beginning of t he new year for Wonk a's
Chocolat e Fact or y, and we'll discuss how COVID-19 has

BY: impact ed our fact or y?s f unct ions. The Wonk a Chocolat e
Fact or y was saddened t o lear n about t he passing of Joe
The Four Edit eer s: Bucket , and has dedicat ed a sect ion of t his mont h's
newslet t er in his honor. Remember t o t ake a look at t his
Mor gan Lampman, mont h's upcoming event s calendar t o see what 's in t he
St even Economos, wor k s at Wonk a's Chocolat e Company! Be sur e t o check out
Chloe Womble, and ht t ps://www.t hefour edit eer t o see mor e wor k
by The Four Edit eer s, and t o cont act t he t eam w it h any
Noah Williams. quest ions or feedback . We hope you enjoy it !
ENG 420 0 - Edit ing

Check out our wor k at :

Br ought t o you ht t ps://t hefour edit eer
Ev er l ast ing & be sur e t o wat ch
Gobst opper s!
1 "Char lie & The Chocolat e Fact or y"
in t heat er s soon!
Table of Cont ent s
Table of Cont ent s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...............................2
Int r o Let t er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...............................3
Company Quiz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...............................3
Ar t icle 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
New Pr oduct Announcement . . . ...............................5
Test imonial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...............................5
Quar t er ly Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...............................6
Ar t icle 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...............................7
Fact or y Safet y Impr ovement s . . ...............................7
Mont hly Comic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Mont hly Fan Ar t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...............................8
Employee of t he Mont h . . . . . . . . . ...............................9
Upcoming Event s Calendar . . . . ...............................9
In Memor iam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...............................9
Meet t he Aut hor s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...............................9

Tr y our Fizzy
Lif t ing Dr ink s! 1 MARSHMALLOW PILLOWS:
A Let t er Fr om Willy Wonka "You all t r ust ed us,
and your t r ust w ill
Dear All, not be for got t en."

I want t o of fer an expr ession of sincer e

gr at it ude t o Wonka Chocolat e?s fait hf ul,
beloved cust omer s. Wit hout you, Wonka
Chocolat e could never have become t he household name and indust r y
leader it is t oday. Many people would have been r eluct ant t o pur chase
food pr oduct s f r om a business t hat was as secr et ive as Wonka
Chocolat e. Many people would have wor r ied
about what we had t o hide. Many people would
QUIZ have quest ioned t he sanit y of a man who gave
- What is t he name of an ent ir e fact or y t o a t en-year -old boy. In spit e
Mr. Wonka's t r ust ed of it all, you all looked past our eccent r icit ies
and beloved
and dubious pr act ices and judged us on t he
mer it of our pr oduct s inst ead. You all t r ust ed
- Who ow ns Wonka's
Chocolat e Fact or y?
us, and your t r ust w ill not be for got t en. On t he
- What clever behalf of Wonka Chocolat e, I would like t o
pr omot ional object t hank you all f r om t he bot t om of my hear t for
was found by your suppor t , t r ust , and cont inued business. I
Wonka's hope t hat you may cont inue t o enjoy our
cont est ant s?
scr umdiddlyumpt ious pr oduct s!
3 - Golden t icket s
2 -Willy Wonka Best Wishes,
1- Oompa Loompas
Willy Wonka

St ar ship Loompas:
Oompa Loompa Ret ur ns Safely t o Ear t h Af t er Spending Near ly a
Decade Float ing in Space
EVERYVILLE, UK? Af t er nine long year s, Jack t ake a peek at all t he st ar s and planet s, and I
Loompa Jr. has f inally r et ur ned home in a found out some t hings about t hem t oo. Did you
mir aculous t ur n of event s af t er a fact or y k now t hat Red Giant st ar s ar e made of r ed
mishap w it h t he t est ing of t he now popular licor ice? Or t hat t he Big Dipper is act ually f ull
Fizzy Lif t ing Dr ink . Loompa Jr., who says his of chocolat e milk? The Lit t le Dipper has
t ime in t he sky was f ull of magic and advent ur e, st r awber r y!?
is now cont ent t o be on t he gr ound once mor e, Accor ding t o Loompa Jr., he lived of f of celest ial
?for good t his t ime!? candies for all nine year s of his depar t ur e.
Fans of Wonk a might be familiar w it h t he ?Well, I never did bur p t he whole t ime, so I just
semi-fabled past of Mr. Loompa Jr., as t he f lew ar ound doing what I want ed and eat ing a
or iginal cir cumst ances of his disappear ance bit of ever yt hing. I t r ied
have been muddled int o legend over t ime. But hanging out on Mar s for
now we can get t he f ull st or y st r aight f r om t he "I?m happy a while, but I got pr et t y
hor se?s, or in t his case, Loompa?s, mout h. ?Mr. t o have bot h sick of cher r y pixie
Wonk a had t his new-fangled idea about a dr ink dust fair ly quick ly; I
t hat could make you f ly,? says Mr. Loompa Jr., feet on t he hopped ont o a malt ed
?but we made t he mist ake of t est ing it out side, gr ound.? milk met eor t o t r y
and I shot of f like a r ocket int o t he air.? somewher e else. I ended
up spending most of my t ime
Of cour se, t his ?dr ink? is now k now n t he wor ld
hopping along t he cot t on candy
over as Fizzy Lif t ing Dr ink ? a wonder f ul,
clouds on Venus. It?s f unny, t he only t ime I ever
bubbly concoct ion t hat lif t s t he consumer int o
t hought I might act ually be in danger is when a
t he air, r et ur ning t hem t o t he gr ound w it h a
big cook ie-cut t er comet almost hit me while I
hear t y belch. ?I r emember Mr. Wonk a shout ing
was f loat ing ar ound.?
at me ?Bur p, bur p you fool!?but I guess I had
never t old Mr. Wonka about my Ret r ogr ade Though he enjoyed his t ime away, Loompa Jr. is
Cr icophar yngeus Dysf unct ion.? RPD, as happy t o be back home again t o see all his
Loompa Jr. explained, par alyzes t he muscles f r iends and family, including Mr. Wonk a
r equir ed t o belch, especially in t imes of high himself, who has of fer ed Jack an exclusive
st r ess, causing Jack t o f loat of f like a posit ion as Int er galact ic Confect ioner y
mishandled balloon. Ambassador at his discr et ion. Loompa Jr. lef t
us w it h t his piece of infor mat ion; ?I?d love t o
However, Mr. Loompa Jr. claims t hat he had a
t ake some f r iends up t o see t he candy apple
wonder f ul t ime in ?t he gr eat big sky.? ?Oh yes, it
ast er oid belt someday, but I t hink for t he near
was r eally lovely, and much bet t er t han being
f ut ur e I?m happy t o have bot h feet on t he
shot out of a pepper mint cannon or what ever
gr ound.?
else Mr. Wonka want ed me t o do t hat day. I
f loat ed up t hr ough t he at mospher e and got t o

Mint y Mask Chew ing Gum
Int r oducing t he delicious new mint y sensat ion t hat 's blow ing up
t he nat ion -- Wonka's Mint y Mask Chew ing Gum! This gum is t he
next big cr aze t o hit t he sweet s mar ket . The cr isp, mint y,
mount ain air t ast e of t his gum w ill leave you feeling r ef r eshed.
Plus, t he mask is self-st er ilizing and, af t er chew ing all of t he f lavor
out of t his delicious br eat h-r ef r esher, you can blow a bubble and
t r ansfor m it int o a sweet , mint -gr een mask ! Keep all of t he vir uses
away w it h t his f un and mint y-f r esh mask !

?I t r ust Wonk a for all t he Sweet ener I

could possibly need.?
Pop diva and sacchar ine-sweet idol Ar iana Gr ande has of f icially
begun endor sing Wonk a Candy. Gr ande's 20 18 album, Sweet ener, goes
per fect ly w it h Wonk a?s new t ablet op sweet ener packet s, So-Sweet ies.
Gr ande insist s t hat ?no one does Sweet ener bet t er t han Wonk a.? Keep
an eye out for Sweet ener -t hemed pack aging on t his new pr oduct !

~~ Quar t er ly Review ~~
Financial Summar y consciousness.? Campaigns t o impr ove healt h
and r educe obesit y ar e det r iment al t o all
Wonk a Chocolat e has maint ained st eady
candy-pr oducer s, and our business is no
gr ow t h dur ing t his quar t er and has exhibit ed
except ion. As obesit y r at es have incr eased,
not able incr eases compar ed t o t he same
gover nment s and healt h or ganizat ions have
quar t er last year. Tot al net sales f inished at
incr eased t heir mar ket ing ef for t s t o pr omot e
$2.3 billion t his quar t er, r ef lect ing a 2%
healt hy eat ing and discour age consumpt ion of
incr ease f r om last quar t er and a 4%
unhealt hy foods. While t his mar ket ing does not
incr ease f r om t his same
dir ect ly t ar get any par t icular companies, t hese
quar t er last year. Net
Tot al net campaigns implicit ly damage Wonka
sales have maint ained
Chocolat e?s public image and sales. We have
a st eady t r aject or y sales
var ious solut ions t o help combat t his challenge,
acr oss all geogr aphic f inished at
but our most successf ul opt ion has been t o ally
r egions w it h no $2.3 billion our selves w it h t he or ganizat ions t hat ar e
abnor mal gr ow t h in
r esponsible for such public healt h campaigns.
any par t icular r egion. Of
In doing t his, we have been able t o maint ain a
all pr oduct s, t he or iginal
posit ive public image and show t he wor ld t hat
Wonk a Bar was t he best -selling pr oduct and
our pr oduct s need not be synonymous w it h
was r esponsible for 50 % of all net sales for t his
obesit y.
quar t er. The pr oduct w it h t he lowest sales t his
quar t er was, for obvious r easons, t he Goals and Object ives
Ever last ing Gobst opper. In addit ion t o t his Our ult imat e goal is t o incr ease our aver age
quar t er ?s sales incr ease, over all pr of it mar gin quar t er ly oper at ing pr of it by 50 % over t he next
has incr eased by 25% due t o t he ?Oompa f ive year s. This goal is at t ainable if we maint ain
Loompa Commer cial Dr iver ?s License our cur r ent t r aject or y. Ther efor e, our pr imar y
Pr ogr am.? This pr ogr am cer t if ies Oompa object ive is t o maint ain t he incr eases in sales
Loompas t o oper at e commer cial mot or vehicles and pr of it s t hat we have exper ienced over t he
for Wonk a Chocolat e?s shipping pur poses, past sever al year s. Incr easing sales w ill
allow ing us t o gr eat ly r educe cost s and r aise cer t ainly r equir e cont inued image cont r ol in
mar gins by keeping pr oduct t r anspor t at ion r egar ds t o public healt h. If we can st ay on t he
in-house. The f inal r esult of t hese incr eases in r ight side of t his movement , we w ill weat her
sales and pr of it mar gins is a t ot al net pr of it of t he st or m and maint ain consist ent incr eases in
$60 0 million for t he quar t er, r ef lect ing a 32% net sales. By maint aining our cur r ent st at e of
incr ease f r om t he same quar t er last year. oper at ions and adding var ious impr ovement s,
Challenges we ar e conf ident t hat we w ill meet our pr of it
The gr eat est challenge cur r ent ly facing Wonka
Chocolat e is an incr ease in ?healt h

St at ue t o be Er ect ed in Honor
of t he Golden Ticket
In honor of t he moment ous
occasion which not only saw t he
door s of Wonka Chocolat e open
for t he f ir st t ime, but also
mar ked t he unpr ecedent ed
t r ansit ion of t he fact or y t o
Char lie Bucket , a st at ue w ill be
er ect ed t his Sat ur day t o honor
t he legendar y ?Golden Ticket .?
The ent ir e wor ld was shocked
when Wonk a Chocolat e f ir st
announced it s int ent ions t o
open it s door s for t he f ir st t ime
Congr at ulat ions t o Jer emy Kaye for
in t he fact or y?s hist or y, and t he w inning t he comic cont est !
?Golden Ticket? quick ly
became t he Holy Gr ail of Thank f ully, Wonka's Ever last ing Gobst opper s t ast e much bet t er
cur ious candy lover s f r om all t han paint ed r ock s. You can f ind mor e of Jer emy's clever comics
age gr oups. Mor e signif icant ly, her e!
t he event mar ked t he t r ansfer
of t he fact or y over t o Char lie Impr ovement s in Fact or y Safet y
Bucket . Now, t he image of t he
The Wonka Candy Company is dedicat ed t o mak ing sur e our
Golden Ticket w ill lit er ally be
employees and pat r ons st ay safe and healt hy. Follow ing t he r ecent
set in st one as t he st at ue is
invest igat ion int o Wonk a?s safet y guidelines, management has made
er ect ed t his coming Sat ur day. sever al changes and would like t o infor m t he public about t hem.
Af t er some deliber at ions, management has decided t o open t he
The t went y-foot mar ble st at ue Fact or y t o t he public for int imat e guided t our s. All t our s w ill be in
w ill feat ur e Char lie Bucket gr oups of t en or fewer, in compliance w it h gover nment Covid-19
holding his hist or ic Golden r est r ict ions. In or der t o make t hese t our s possible, sever al
Ticket , and t he t icket it self w ill adjust ment s have been made. The pr eviously open-faced chocolat e
be cast in t went y-four k ar at r iver has been cover ed w it h glass, allow ing guest s t o view it f r om
gold. above as t hey walk over it . Employees ar e encour aged t o no longer
allow childr en t o t est exper iment al pr oduct s, no mat t er how
t empt ing it may be. Addit ionally, all lar ge fans have been r emoved
Follow ing t he unveiling f r om ant i-gr avit y candy t est ing ar eas. Gat es, guar d r ails, and ot her
cer emony t his Sat ur day, t he pr ot ect ive measur es have been inst alled in or der t o keep visit or s f r om
st at ue w ill be visible t o all in climbing on t he equipment .
f r ont of t he Wonka Chocolat e Bot h employees and visit or s should also cont inue w it h t he st andar d
Fact or y. PPE r equir ement s when on sit e. Management t hor oughly appr eciat es
your cooper at ion.

Willy's Fant ast ic Fan Ar t

Mikey says: "I love t he designs of Wonka pr oduct s! I'm a

digit al ar t ist , and using t he br ight color s and f un shapes of
Wonka candy helps me pr act ice my sk ills and have f un.
Her e, I was pr act icing w it h 3D designs. These candies ar e all
SUBMITTED my favor it e Wonka pr oduct s??Ever last ing Gobst opper s, a
Wonka Bar, a Scr umdidilyumpt ious bar, and a Fudge

BY: MIKEY F. Mallow. I want ed t o include t he Golden Ticket because it 's so

famous in t he Wonka Candy communit y. If I could have a
lifet ime supply of any candy, it would be Wonka Bar s!"

If you'd like a chance t o be feat ur ed like Mikey, be sur e t o email us your

ar t at w illynillyar t

Upcoming Event s
Nat ional Candymaker s
For t he f ir st t ime ever, t he
Wonka Candy Company w ill
The Employee of t he Mont h awar d goes t o? Dave be ?sending?a r epr esent at ive
Jingleheimer ! t o at t end and speak at t he
vir t ual weekend Nat ional
Dave was nominat ed by his co-wor ker s in addit ion t o Candymaker s Confer ence
Mar ch 26-28. Our ow n Bobby
r eceiving special at t ent ion f r om management for his Beans, Execut ive Manager of
init iat ive at wor k . Accor ding t o one of t he Oompa t he Gobst opper Depar t ment ,
Loompas who wor k s in his depar t ment , Dave has w ill ser ve on a panel of
candymaker s discussing
show n himself t o be ?ver y sympat het ic t o ot her s? in moder n ways of mak ing har d
r ecent mont hs. He cover ed t he shif t s of t hose who t ook candies. Management
encour ages all who ar e able t o
vacat ions immediat ely follow ing t he Fact or y?s at t end t he session t o do so.
invest igat ion and st ill managed t o have an Mor e det ails can be found
her e.
ext r aor dinar ily high out put . Sever al of his co-wor ker s
Tell your f r iends about
also ment ioned t hat Dave list ened closely t o t heir our new t our s!
complaint s and st r uggles, of fer ing t hought f ul and The Wonka Candy Fact or y is
car ing solut ions. now open t o t he public for
t our s! Have a f r iend who
Dave has been awar ded a week?s vacat ion t o visit his want s t o see t he fact or y?
Br ing t hem along and r eceive
w ife and t welve childr en in Loompaland. Well done, a f r ee Wonka Candy Bar !

At t he r ipe age of 10 6 and a half, our
beloved Joe Bucket , commonly k now n
Mor gan Lampman
as ?Gr andpa Joe,? has passed away.
Wr it er, Edit or , and Pr imar y Long-t ime wor ker s might k now him
as t he gr andfat her of fact or y
St even Economos co-ow ner Char lie Bucket , and his
guidance and w isdom helped Char lie w in Willy
Wr it er and Edit or Wonka?s cont est f r om all t hose year s ago.
Joe is sur vived by his son and daught er -in-law, Mr. and
Mr s. Walt er Bucket , as well as his dear gr andson,
Chloe Womble Char lie. He w ill join many loved ones in t he gr eat
Wr it er and Edit or beyond, including his w ife Josephine and dear f r iends
Geor ge and Geor gina, t he par ent s of Mr s. Bucket .

Noah Williams Gr andpa Joe was an icon and a sour ce of inspir at ion
Wr it er and Edit or
for many year s her e at Wonka, and he w ill be dear ly

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