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Section__________________________ Instructor__________________________ Score_________

Multiple Choice: Choose and write the letter of the correct answer .
1. What is NSTP to you, is it;
a. Reserve Officer Training Corps? (ROTC)
b. Citizens Welfare Training Service? (CWTS)
c. Literacy Training Service? (LTS)
d. All of the above

2. Republic Act 9163 establishes the;

d. LTS

3. NSTP is important to a college student like you?

a. To enhance defense preparedness
b. To enhance civic consciousness
c. To develop ethics of service and patriotism
d. All of the above

4.Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) is focused towards;

a. Defense
b. Literacy
c. Well-being
d. All of the above
5. Leadership is defined as a process of giving;
a. direction
b. guidance
c. headship
d. all of the above

6. A kind of leadership style leading his men by example.

a. Authoritarian Leadership
b. Paternalistic Leadership
c. Participative Leadership
d. Laisse-Fair Leadership

7. A stage of team development during which team members get to know each
other and familiarize themselves with their task.
a. Norming
b. Forming
c. Performing
d. Storming

8. It is an example of disaster management component.

a. Injury
b. Loss of life
c. Mitigation
d. Evacuation

9. A government agency that takes charge during the calamity and disaster.
a. Office of Civil Defense
b. Department of National Defense
c. National Disaster Coordinating Council
d. Department of Social Welfare and Development
10.The family is the “bedrock” of our society. This means that family should be
strong in:
a. moral value
b. spiritual value
c. faith
d. all of the above

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