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Zootopia: Super Animals

1. Judy Hopps is a bunny. Bunnies have great eyesight. Judy sees the city of Zootopia all around her.
2. Judy hears the smallest sounds. This helps her do her job.
3. Judy has strong legs. She can run fast and jump high. Her legs help her catch animals.
4. Nick Wilde is a fox. Foxes run fast.
5. Nick has a friend named Finnick.
6. Finnick is a fennec fox. Fennec foxes have big ears.
7. Their ears help keep them cool.
8. Fru Fru is a shrew. Shrews have a great sense of smell… and style.
9. Mr. Big is Fru Fru’s dad. He has good hearing. But sometimes he does not listen.
10. Flash is a sloth. To save energy, sloths move very, very slowly.
11. Mr. Manchas is a jaguar. Jaguars have very sharp teeth… for smiling.
12. Chief Bogo is a Cape buffalo. Cape buffaloes are very strong. Bobo is Judy’s boss.
13. Bellwether is a sheep. Sheep have excellent memories.
14. Bellwether uses her memory to help Nick and Judy solve a case.
15. Nick has great night vision. He can see in the dark.
16.Night vision helps Nick escape from dark places. He shows Judy which way to go.
17. Mayor Lionheart is a lion. Lions have loud roars. They can be heard across Zootopia.
18. A lion grows a big mane when he becomes a leader.
19. All the animals in Zootopia are supper.



fennec fox







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