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CYAF 805: Leadership in FCS Education

Exam #1 Essay Question #4

Directions: Answer the following question as one of your three choices For Exam #1. You can upload
this page to your desk top, type your answer directly on the page, save it as "Your Name, Essay #4"
and deposit it into the Assignment folder created for this essay. The grading rubric is included here as
well to hide you as you complete the essay.

Essay #4:
As you begin your new position as a leader of Family and Consumer Sciences professionals, you are
required to host workshops to train and educate your subordinates about leadership. Your task for this
essay will be to design a leadership workshop that you would be giving to the individuals working for
you as part of their professional development. Apply the information from Module #4 on leadership
theories, models, and styles within the design of your workshop. Use these guiding questions as you
write out your plan for your workshop:

1. Which of the leadership theories you read about within the module would you use within your
workshop plan? Justify how and why you would incorporate this within your plan.

The leadership theory I would use in this workshop is embracing the vision.
I would want to use developing relationship and teamwork as the theory for this workshop. Employees
spend much time in each other’s presence and as such good relationships become necessary. This will
improve teamwork because work well together when they can agree. Good relationship in the
workplace boost employees moral and make them happy and productive. Good relationship in the
work can boost retention rate because people will not leave an organization where they are happy. I
would incorporate this in the plan by having a resource person addressing the staff about developing
relationship and teamwork. This resource person will do activities with the staff that leads to building
relationships and strengthening teamwork.

2. What information would you use from the article on the models of leadership? Identify the
information you would use, how you would incorporate it into your workshop, and why you
feel it would fit into your plan.

I would use authenticity in the workshop because authenticity evokes a work culture where people feel
connected to their job which lead to loyalty for the organization. I would have a session where people
engage in crucial conversations. This will give them the opportunity to express their opinions in a
positive way using “I” statements so as not hurt any one’s feeling. People should have the opportunity
to be honest because this can lead to changes in the workplace.

3. The Northwestern University site included a variety of activities that could be used as tools
within your workshop. Which ones would you incorporate and why?

I would incorporate team development behaviors and diagnosing the need for team building. I want the
members of my team to see how important they are to the organization. These two exercises can help
them to understand the contributions and worth to the organization. We can use the results of the
exercises to make changes in the organization which lead to members functioning more effectively in
4. Identify how you would determine assess the success of the workshop. What type of
assessment would you use? How would you incorporate it into the workshop and what would
it include?

I will determine if the workshop was a success by the way the attendees responded during the session.
For example, did they enjoy themselves? Did they laugh or had smiles on their faces? I will create a
feedback form because it will tell me what the participants thought about the workshop and how I can
improve on it next time.

Mechanics: Minimum of 1 page, single-spaced in 12 font with 1" margins.

Rubric: This is the grading criteria for Essay #4.

Criteria: Superior Very Good Unsatisfactory Points
Leadership theories Leadership theories Leadership theories Leadership theories are not +3.5
to incorporate incorporated within the incorporated within the incorporated within the plan
identified within the plan are easily identified plan are somewhat or cannot be easily identified
workshop plan and thoroughly described easily identified and/or
thoroughly described
Justification of how Justification of how and Justification of how and Justification of how and why +3.5
and why the theories why the theories are why the theories are the theories are incorporated
are incorporated incorporated is clear and incorporated is in not clear or easy to
included easy to interpret somewhat clear and/or interpret
easy to interpret
Information about Information about the Information about the Information about the models +3.5
models of leadership models of leadership are models of leadership of leadership are not included
included within the included within the plan, are included within the within the plan, OR not
workshop plan clearly stated and easy to plan, somewhat clearly clearly stated and/or easy to
interpret stated and/or easy to interpret
How the model Information about how Information about how Information about how the +3.5
information would the model would be the model would be model would be incorporated
be incorporated and incorporated and why it incorporated and why it and why it would fit into the
why it would fit into would fit into the would fit into the workshop plan is either not
the workshop plan workshop plan is clearly workshop plan is stated or easy to interpret
stated and easy to somewhat clearly stated
interpret and/or easy to interpret
Activities from the Activities from the NWU Activities from the Activities from the NWU +3.5
Northwestern website are included and NWU website are website are not included or
University website easily identified included and somewhat easily identified
identified easily identified
Reason given for the The reason for the use of The reason for the use The reason for the use of the +3.5
use of the the NWU site is included of the NWU site is NWU site is either not
Northwestern and clearly identified included and somewhat included or not clearly
University site is clearly identified identified
Assessment The assessment and how The assessment and The assessment and how it +3.5
identified and how it it would be incorporated how it would be would be incorporated into
would be into the workshop is incorporated into the the workshop is either not
incorporated into the included and explained workshop is included, included or explained clearly
workshop clearly but only explained
somewhat clearly
Mechanics required: 12 font, one full page, 2 to three of the Only 1 of the mechanics +3.5
font size, single- single-spaced, 1” margins mechanics included included
spaced, page length,
Written in a Writing is extremely Writing is somewhat Writing is not as +3.5
professional professional, with no professional, with only professional, with quite a few
manner, spelling spelling or grammatical a few spelling or spelling and grammatical
and grammar errors grammatical errors errors
APA style used to APA style used to cite all APA style used most of APA style not used correctly +3.5
cite resources, resources in the correct the time with almost all and bibliography not
bibliography format with bibliography resources cited in the included or incorrect in
included included correct format with format
bibliography included
Total Points: +35

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