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Bus 240 Final Exam Instructions & Study Guide


You must bring a photo I.D., a Scantron form 882 and a #2 pencil.

Print out the blank study guide and hand write your notes on it.

The following pages will focus you on the general legal topics of the 75 questions that
will be on your final exam. You need to learn, understand, and take handwritten notes
on those topics to be prepared to apply legal concepts to answer questions on the final

To be successful on the final exam, students need to know the appropriate laws to
apply, understand the concepts associated with those laws, and be able to apply them
to a situation. The question types will be very similar to the “Brief Hypotheticals”
& “Adaptive Test Prep” questions found on Cengage. Students should create and take
practice finals exams on Cengage by using the Adaptive test prep to find the areas where
you may need more study.

One-word answers or naming "a law" would not be enough. Don't try to just to give a
definition for the study guide topic. Take notes on that TOPIC of law so you will be able
to answer a question on that topic of law because you understand it. Use the Lecture
Material and PowerPoints on Canvas as well as the textbook for sources.

Bring this Study Guide with your handwritten notes when you take the
on campus final exam.
No other printed materials are allowed! You may NOT type, copy or
paste anything onto this study guide
The comprehensive on-campus final is required---NO EXCEPTIONS!
You must pass the final exam on campus in order to pass the class.

The final exam will be 300 points total: The 75 multiple choice questions are taken
proportionally from each chapter in the order that they are covered in the book.
Bus 240 Final Exam Multiple Choice Study Guide

These are the 75 topics for the 75 multiple choice questions that will be on the final exam.
Print this Study Guide and fill in your notes in your own handwriting. You may bring it to help
you on the final exam. No typewritten notes are allowed.

1. Laws and government regulations affect business

2. Sources of law

3. Common law development

4. Final authority regarding the constitutionality of law

5. State court exercise jurisdiction over an out-of-state company

6. Appeals to the United States Supreme Court

7. Filing a complaint and serving a summons

8. Voir dire

9. Relevant evidence
10. Commerce clause

11. Bill of Rights

12. Procedural due process

13. Duty-based ethical reasoning

14. Utilitarian theory of ethics

15. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

16. Battery
17. Liability to injured.

18. Comparative negligence

19. Strict product liability

20. Product liability recovery

21. A company may be liable in product liability for

22. Trademark protection

23. Patent protection

24. Copyright protection

25. Cybersquatting

26. Typosquatting.

27. Monitoring employees’ electronic communications

28. Standards of proof

29. Robbery, Forgery, Larceny.

30. Bribery
31. The act of state doctrine, Principle of comity.

32. Application of U.S. antitrust laws Internationally

33. Doctrine of sovereign immunity, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

34. Offers under the common law

35. Enforceability of an agreement for release from liability

36. Capacity to contract

37. Delegation, Assignment, Third-party beneficiary contract.

38. Fr aud

39. Duress, Mistake, Undue influence.

40. Impossibility, Commercially impracticality.

41. Compensatory damages

42. UCC Article 2 covers

43. Contract clause that is perceived as grossly unfair

44. Merchants, Express warranty, Implied warranty, Disclaimers

45. The 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)

46. A new enterprise must meet legal requirements relating to

47. Partnership agreement

48. Partner liability

49. Limited liability company member liability

50. Limited liability partnership liability

51. Pass-through tax entities

52. Alien corporation, Close corporation, S corporation, Private corporation

53. Cumulative voting

54. Preemptive rights

55. Apparent authority, Express authority, Implied authority

56. Scope of employment

57. Termination of agency relationship

58. Employment-at-will doctrine, exception based on contract theory, exception based on public policy,
exception based on tort theory.

59. Workers’ compensation

60. Unemployment compensation

61. Employment discrimination

62. Disparate-impact discrimination, Disparate-treatment discrimination.

63. Americans with Disabilities Act

64. Violations of Federal Labor law

65. National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) rulings & appeals

66. When a union may strike

67. State regulation conflicts with a federal regulation

68. Arbitrary and Capricious

69. Administrative agencies warrantless searches

70. Sherman Act rule of reason

71. Per se violations of the Sherman Act

72. Monopoly power violations of Sherman Act.

73. Securities Act of 1933

74. Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

75. Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

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