MODUL 1 English

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A. Greetings
Hello, …/ Hi, …
Good morning/ afternoon/ evening.
Good/ Nice to see you again.
I’m glad/ happy/ pleased to see you.
How are you? - Fine, thanks. And you?
How have you been? - Very well. And you?
How are things? - Not too bad, thanks.
How is your girlfriend? - She’s fine.

Notes :

Good morning  before 12 midday

Good afternoon  after 12 midday
Good evening from 5 pm / 6 pm- midnight.
Good night: We say it: 1. to people when they are going to bed
2. to mean good-bye when leaving people in the evening

Formal Greeting Informal greeting

Arriving  Good morning / afternoon /  Hi / Hello
evening.  How are you?
 Hello (name), how are you?  What's up?
 Good day Sir / Madam  How are you doing?
Informal greeting Informal greeting
Departin  Good morning / afternoon /  Goodbye / Bye.
g evening.  See you (later).
 It was a pleasure seeing you.  Later (very informal)
 Goodbye.

It's nice to meet you. Hi.

It's a pleasure to meet you. Hi, there.
I'm very happy to meet you. Glad to meet you.
I'm pleased to meet you. Good to meet you.
I'm delighted to meet you. How are you?

B. Asking Condition (Menanyakan keadaan)

 How are you?
 How are you getting on?
 How’s life? Apa kabar?
 How’s everything with you?
 How are you doing?

C. Responses (Jawaban)
 I’m fine, thank you. (Baik, terimakasih)
 Pretty good. (Baik sekali)
 Just so so. (Biasa-biasa)
 Not bad. (Tidak buruk)
 Actually, I’m not feeling well today. (Sebenarnya, saya mearasa kurang enak badan hari ini)
 Wonderful, thank you. (Luar biasa, terimakasih)
 Never better. (Tidak pernah sebaik ini)

D. Introductions
1. Introducing oneself
Can/ May I introduce myself? My name’s Peter.
Let me introduce myself. My name’s … .
I’d like to introduce myself. I’m … .
I don’t think we’ve met. I’m … .

2. Introducing someone else

Can/ May I introduce a good friend of mine? This is … .
Have you met … ?
I’d like you to meet … .
I want you to meet … .

3. Introducing Yourself at Work

When you introduce yourself in any work situation, try

and be polite and professional. That is the following tips
to get good introducing yourself:

1. Start with greeting
2. Give your name and a little information that some people in the room may not know.
3. Give further information about your position and your task. Close your introduction.


 Good morning everyone. I am Sandra Kirana. I am Mr. John’s secretary now. If anyone has
any question about schedule of Mr. John, please contact me and I will handle your questions.
Thank you.
 Good morning everyone. I’m Arjuna as a new employee in this factory; I’m here to control the
quality of products. If anyone has questions about the quality of products please ask me. Then,
I will try to answer your questions. Thank you.

4. Introducing Yourself to Others

When you are meeting friends and

socializing you have lots of options of how to
introduce yourself because there are fewer rules
than when we are in the work place. This means
you can experiment more and have fun. How to
introduce you depends on the situation and how
many people are present.

 Dialogue
Rose and Jane are meeting in a restaurant.
Rose : Hi, Jane! How are you doing? (Smile, and shake hands if you haven’t seen them in a long
Jane : Hi, Rose! I’m great thanks. How are you? (We don’t normally start off by saying how ill or
depressed we are)

Rose : OK thanks. Can I get you a drink?

The next conversation depends on what you want to be asked by the speaker.

5. Introducing Other People

At this point it is time for them to greet each other, so whatever information you give
about your friend should be very short! After they have spoken their greetings, you can add
information about either one of them to help the conversation get going.

 Dialogue
Rina : Andre, I'd like you to meet someone.  This is Mario.     
Mario, this is Andre.  He is a staff of accounting of mine.
Andre : How do you do?

Mario : How do you do?

6. Asking Personal’s Identity

Name  What is your name? My name is ………………………………………

What is your full name? My full name is …….(nama lengkap)………

What is your nick name? My nick name is …..(nama panggilan)…….

Origin  Where are you from? I am from ……………………(asal)…………...

Where do you come from? I come from ……………(asal)……….…..

Address  Where do you live? I live in ……(daerah)

I live on ……(jalan)

I live at ……..(nomor, jalan, daerah)

Age  How old are you? I am …………..……..(umur)…………… years old.

Status  Are you married? Are you single? Yes, I am / No, I am not.

Job  What do you do? I am a …………….(profesi)…………..……………

What is your job? I am a ……………(profesi)……………………….

Phone  What is your phone number? My phone number is …(sebutkan)…….

0 = Zero; 1 = one; 2 = two; 3 = three; 4 = four; 5 = five; 6 = six; 7 = seven

8 = eight; 9 = nine

Hobby  What is your hobby? My hobby is ……….(hobi)…………………….

Example : reading, writing, fishing, etc.

E. Making Contact
Excuse me, are you Mrs … ? - Yes, that’s right.
Hello, you must be Mrs … .
You are Mr …, aren’t you?
Have we met?
How do you do? - How do you do?
Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you, too.
Please, call me … . - Then you must call me … .

F. Good-byes
Good bye/ Bye/ I’ll say good bye/ See you It’s been a very useful meeting/ nice
later/ See you soon. afternoon.
I must go now. Thanks for everything.
I (really) must be going. Thank you for (all) your help.
I must be off. Thank you for coming.
I’m afraid I’ve got to go. Have a good/ safe trip/ flight.
It’s getting (very/ rather) late. Have a good weekend.
I’ll miss my train. Enjoy the rest of your stay.
They’re calling my flight. It was nice meeting you.
I’ve got some things to prepare for … . I hope to see you again.
I’ve got a lot to do this afternoon. See you on the 13th.
I want to get away before the traffic gets too I look forward to our next meeting.
bad. I look forward to seeing you again.
I’ve enjoyed talking to you. I look forward to seeing you when you’re
It’s been (most) interesting talking to you. next in London.

An Introduction

Mira : How do you do? (Salam kenal)

Doni : How do you do? (Salam kenal)

Mira : I am Mira. May I know your name? (Nama saya Mira. Bolehkah saya tahu nama anda?)

Doni : I am Doni. (Nama saya Doni)

Mira : Where are you from Mr. Doni? (Dari mana Anda berasal?)

Doni : I am from Banjarmasin. Where do you live? (Saya berasal dari Banjarmasin. Anda tinggal


Mira : I live in Kumai. What are you? (Saya tinggal di Kumai. Apa pekerjaan Anda?)

Doni : I am a businessman. (Saya seorang pengusaha)

Mira : What is your hobby? (Apa kegemaran Anda?)

Doni : I like playing football. (Saya suka bermain sepak bola)

Mira : Nice to know you Mr. Doni. (Senang mengenal Anda Tuan Doni)

Doni : Nice to know you too Mira. (Senang mengenal Anda juga Mira)

Mira : Good bye. (Selamat tinggal)

Doni : Good bye. (Selamat tinggal)

Let me introduce myself

 Hi, my name’s ..................

 I’m from .................. (country)
 I live in .................. (city)
 I’m ... years old.
 My birthday is on ..................
 I’m a student at .......................
 My favourite subject is .......................
 My favourite sport is .......................
 There are ... people in my family.
 They are ...............................................
 My father is a ............... and my mother a ................
 I would like to be a .................. because .................
 My hobby is .......................
 In my free time, I also like ..............................
 I don’t like ..............................
 My favourite food is .......................
 My favourite drink is .......................
 My favourite day of the week is ............ because .....................
 My favourite month is ................. because ......................
 My favourite singer (or band) is .................
 I like ................. (movies).
 My favourite place is .................. . I like it because .................
 I (don’t) like travelling. I have been to ..................
 The most beautiful place in my country is ..................
 I study English because .................................

A. Fill the blanks with suitable answers!

Hi, I am ……………………………………………………………………

I am ……………………………………………………….…….years old.

I am from ………………………………………………….………………

I am a …………………………………………………….………………..

I live in/on/at ……...……………………………..………………..….now.

I am a………………………………………..……………………………..

I work at ………………………………….…....………………………….

My hobby is …………………………….…………………….…………..

Nice to know you, thank you.

B. Read this introduction and translate it in bahasa!

Good morning everybody. My name is Hendra Setiawan. I am from Surabaya. Here, I work as
an accounting staff at Antakusuma Company. Generally, I manage or give advice on finances for
clients or companies. I also handle duties such as making bills are paid on time and taxes are
deducted, and suggest methods of cutting costs. Thank you.


C. Speaking Activity

Make a conversation in group. Each group consists of two students. Then, try to introduce yourself
in front of your partner.


A. Read the text!

Text 1

Most people work in order to earn their living. They produce goods and services. Goods are
either produced on farms, like maize and milk, or in factories, like cars and paper.
Services are provided by such things as schools, hospitals, and shops. Some people provide
goods; some provide services. For example, in the same garage, a man may buy a car, or he may buy
some service which helps him to maintain his car.
The work which people do is called their economic activity. Economic activities make up the
economic system. The economic system is the sum-total of what people do and what they want.
The work which people undertake either provides what they need or provides them with money.
People buy essential commodities with money.

B. Answer some questions about the passage.

1. Why do most people work?

2. What do they produce?

3. Where are goods produced?

4. What do schools, hospitals and shops provide?

5. What two different things can a man buy in, for example, a garage?

6. What do we call the work which people do?

7. What is an economic system the sum-total of?

8. What two things can work provide for the worker?

9. What can people buy with money?

Text 2

Most people work to earn a living, and produce goods and services. Goods are either agricultural
(like maize and milk) or manufactured (like cars and paper). Services are such things as education,
medicine, and commerce. Some people provide goods; some provide services. Other people provide
both goods and services. For example, in the same garage a man may buy a car or some service which
helps him to maintain his car.
The work people do is called economic activity. All economic activities together make up the
economic system of a town, a city, a country or the world. Such an economic system is the sum-total of
what people do and what they want. The work people undertake either provides what they need or

provides the money with which they can buy essential commodities. Of course, most people hope to
earn enough money to buy commodities and services which are non-essential but which provide some
particular personal satisfaction, like toys for children, visits to the cinema and books.

C. Exercise!

Say whether these statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F), and if they are false say why.

1. ( ) Most people produce either goods or services.

2. ( ) Services are either agricultural or manufactured.

3. ( ) Education and medicine are provided by schools and hospitals.

4. ( ) Cars and paper are agricultural goods.

5. ( ) Paper is a non-agricultural commodity.

6. ( ) The work which people do is called an economic system.

7. ( ) A city has its own economic system.

8. ( ) Economic activity is the sum-total of what people do and want.

9. ( ) The work people undertake provides them with money, or with what they need.

10. ( ) Most people do not want to buy non-essential commodities and services.


Find the suitable words with the right definitions!

1. 2. 3.

Items such as land, buildings, Someone who uses good or The study of the manufacture,
tools, money, etc that are used in services. distribution, sale, and use of goods
the production of other goods and services.

4. 5. 6.

How much in the way of goods Materials that are produced for Jobs that people do for other
and services people want and are people to buy or things that can be people in return for pay.
able and willing to buy at a give seen and touched.

7. 8. 9.

Things in nature for which man The amount of money that a The amount of money that must
has found use. company makes after all the costs be spent to get a certain good or
of running the business have been services.

10. 11. 12.

A person who makes goods or The amount of a product that is Things that people would like to
provides services. available for people to purchase. have but can live without, such as

13. 14. 15.

Things that people must have in The things you give up when Making and providing goods and
order to survive, such as food. making a choice between two services for people to buy.

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16. 17. 18.

People with skills who do a job. Money paid to someone in Money that is paid to worker for
exchange for the use of that the amount of time that has been
person’s property. worked.

19. 20. 21.

When there are not enough goods A business owner. The person who hires someone
and services to satisfy the wants else to do work.
and needs of the people.

22. 23. 24.

A person who is hired by someone When people do the jobs that they Money that is paid on a loan by
else to do a job. are interested in and do best. the borrower for the use of that

25. 26. 27.

A general rise in the price level of Times when people are out of Shares of a business that can be
goods and services. work and business are doing bought and sold.

28. 29. 30.

Someone who puts money into a A contest between businesses or Different jobs needed in
business hoping to make a profit. people to get the most customers production are divided among
or the best price. various workers.

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Cost Goods Production

Competition Human Resources Rent

Consumer Investor Recession

Demand Inflation Specialization

Division of Labor Interest Supply

Employer Natural Resources Services

Employee Needs Stock

Capital Resources Opportunity Cost Scarcity

Entrepreneur Profit Wages or Salary

Economics Producer Wants

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Subject Pronouns Object Pronouns

I Me Subject is the person or thing doing the action.

(Orang atau sesuatu yang melakukan perbuatan)
You You

We Us Object is the person or thing receiving the action.

(Orang atau sesuatu yang dikenai perbuatan)
They Them

He Him Examples of Subject Pronoun:

I learn English.
She Her We study at
It It Antakusuma University.
You buy English book. They
go to school.

Examples of Object Pronoun:

She calls me. You hit him.
I like you. We see her.

Possessive Adjectives Possessive Pronouns

My Mine Possessive Adjective is always followed by its noun.

Your Yours (Possessive adjective selalu diikuti kata bendanya)

Our Ours Possessive Pronoun is never followed by its noun.

(Possessive pronoun tidak pernah diikuti oleh kata
Their Theirs
His His
Examples of possessive adjective:
Her Hers
It is my car.
Its - His
friend is Nadia.
Your book is new. Her mother fries fish.

Examples of possessive pronoun:

This book is mine. It is yours.
The money is ours. This watch is hers.

Jika ingin menyatakan kepemilikan orang, hewan, atau benda lain gunakan “Possession with s”.
a. In the singular, add ‘s
Example: Sinta’s book  Buku milik Sinta
Angel’s friend  Teman milik Angel
| 13
The dog’s food  Makanan milik Anjing
b. For plurals ending in s, just add ‘
Example: The boys’ mother
The ladies’ hats
c. For other plurals, add ‘s
Example: The children’s friends
The women’s cars


A noun is a word used to name a person, animal, place, thing, and abstract idea. The
underlined words in the following examples are all nouns.
I have a new car. The library is near the canteen.
Her company produces qualified products. Information is important.

Noun Plurals
Most nouns change their form to indicate number by adding “-s” or “-es” in the last position as
illustrates in the following sentences.
There is a beautiful girl. There are two beautiful girls.
I have one book. I have three books.
We need a box. We need five boxes.
I like eating a tomato everyday I like eating two tomatoes everyday.
Some words ending in “f” form the plural by deleting “f” and adding “ves” and words ending in “y”
form the plural by deleting the “y” and adding “ies”. See the following examples:
The harbor at Merak has one wharf.
There are several wharves in Tanjung Priok Harbor.
Jakarta is the biggest city in Indonesia.
Many cities in America are as big as Jakarta.

1. He has two…………….in Malaysia. (wife)
2. My family eats two………………….of bread everyday. (loaf)
3. Three………………….stole my motorcycle. (thief)
4. The students needs books and………………for their study. (pen)
5. I will give my children two funny……………….tomorrow. (story)
6. Four……………are enough for these books. (shelf)
7. My wife loves………………very much. (baby)
8. Indonesia needs………………………for building the nation. (hero)
9. I see three……………… (wolf)
10. Mandiri Bank opens two………………….in Magelang. (branch)

Concrete Nouns

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A concrete noun is a noun which names anything or anyone that we can perceive through our
physical senses: touch, sight, taste, hearing, or smell.
The boss gives the files to his secretary.
There is a dog in my room.

Abstract Nouns
An abstract noun is a noun which names anything which we cannot perceive through our five
physical senses.
Honesty is the best policy.
Your stupidity will destroy your life.

Countable Nouns
Countable nouns are easy to recognize. They are things that we can count.
For example: Pen  we can have one, two, three or more pens.
Dog, cat, animal, man, cup, plate, table, chair, bag, etc.

Uncountable Nouns
Uncountable nouns are substances, concepts, etc that we cannot divide into separate elements.
For example: Milk  We cannot count “milk”.
We can count “a bottle of milk”.

Music, art, love, happiness, advice, information, news, furniture, luggage, rice,
sugar, butter, water, electricity, gas, power, money, currency, etc.

Verbs are sometimes described as “action words”. This is partly true. Many verbs give the
idea of action, of “doing” something. For example, all words like run, fight, do, and work convey
action. Some verbs do not give the idea of action; they give the idea of existence of state, of “being”.
For example, verbs like be, exist, seem and belong all convey state.
a. Regular verbs

No Verb 1 Verb 2 Verb 3 Meaning


1. Produce Produced Produced Menghasilkan

2. Order

3. Serve

4. Provide

5. Study

6. Work

7. Explain
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8. Live

9. Listen

10. Look

11. Manage

12. Supply

13. Satisfy

14. Result

15. Plan

16. Control

17. Observe

18. Attract

19. Concern

20. Type

21. Mix

22. Need

23. Want

24. Sacrifice

25. Prepare

b. Irregular verbs

No Verb 1 Verb 2 Verb 3 Meaning


1. Buy

2. Sell

3. Give

4. See

5. Make

6. Drink

7. Eat

8. Bring

9. Take

10. Get

11. Find

12. Fell

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13. Fall

14. Sweep

15. Sleep

16. Stand

17. Drive

18. Run

19. Put

20. Cut

21. Lend

22. Pay

23. Rise

24. Teach

25. Think

An adjective is a word that tells us more about a noun. An adjective “qualifies” or “modifies”
a noun (a big dog). Adjectives can be used before a noun (I like Chinese food) or after certain verbs
(It is hard). We can often use two or more adjectives together (a beautiful young French lady).
Examples: tall, young, pretty, light, blue, new, white
The tall, young, pretty girl is wearing a light blue dress with her new white shoes.
NOT: …a light dress blue with her new shoes white.


1. Mr. Rahmat is a………………………………….man in my village. (dermawan)

2. This washing machine is very………………………………………. (canggih)
3. We need a……………………………..……….house for the family. (luas)
4. This bag is too…………………………………..…for my thin body. (berat)
5. A…………………………………… always speaks carefully. (bijak)
6. Anwar is a……………………………………….student in my class. (lucu)
7. You have made me………………………………..……………today. (senang)
8. Swimming in Parangtritis beach is………………………..………… (berbahaya)
9. It is not……………………………………….walking alone at night. (aman)
10. He always makes the class…………………………..…………….. (berisik)


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An adverb is a word that tells us more about a verb. An adverb “qualifies” or “modifies” a
verb (The man run quickly). But adverbs can also modify adjectives (Tara is really beautiful), or
even other adverbs (It works very well).

a. Adverbs of time
Adverbs of time answer the question “what time?” or “when?” They tell us when somebody does
For example:
I called her a few minute ago.
Let’s have a drink now.
She came to me yesterday.
I will go to Bandung tomorrow.

b. Adverbs of frequency
Adverbs of frequency answer the question “how often?” or “how frequently?” They tell us how
often somebody does something. Adverbs of frequency come before the main verb (except the
main verb “to be”)
For example: We usually go shopping on Saturday.
She is always late
Note: occasionally, sometimes, often, frequently and usually can also go at the beginning or end
of a sentence.
Sometimes they come and stay with us.

Always : …………… Ever : ……………

Often : …………… Never : ……………
Usually : …………… Rarely : ……………
Sometimes : …………… Occasionally : ……………
Seldom : …………… Every : ……………

c. Adverbs of place
Adverbs of place answer the question “where” They tell us where somebody does something.

For example: Many people live in Pangkalan Bun.

Everybody comes here.
Many children do not go to school.
They live in a beautiful small house.

d. Adverbs of degree
Adverbs of degree answer the question “How much?” or “what degree?” They tell us how much
somebody feels something. Adverbs of degree come before adjectives.

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He is too careless.
I feel so happy today.
The full moon is very beautiful.

Too : more than is needed (lebih dari yang diperlukan)
So : very, but it doesn’t express exactly how much. It shows that the speaker feels strongly about
something. (sangat yang tak terbayangkan)
very: means to a high degree (sangat, tapi masih terbayangkan)

e. Adverbs of manner
Adverbs of manner answer the question “how?” or “in what manner?” They tell us how somebody
does something. Most adverbs of manner are derived from adjectives and end in –ly.
For example: My father always speaks carefully.
Diponegoro fought against the Dutch bravely.
He can speak English well.



1. Manner – Place – Time (MPT)

Example: She slept deeply in the living room last night.

2. Place – Manner – Time (PMT)  After the verb of movement

The word "preposition" has a straightforward definition: a word placed before a noun or
pronoun to define its relationship with another word in the sentence. For the learner of English,
however, prepositions are anything but straightforward.

a. Preposition of Time
English Usage Example
 On  Days of the week  On Monday
 Date  On March 2017
 In  Months / Seasons  In August / in winter
 Time of the day  In the morning
 Year  In 2017
 After a certain period of time (when?)  In an hour
 At  For night  At night
 For weekend  At the weekend (BE)
 A certain point of time (when?)  At a half past nine (9.30)
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 Since  From a certain point of time (past till  Since 1980
 For  Over a certain point of time (past till  For 2 years
 Ago  A certain time in the past  2 years ago
 Before  Earlier than a certain point of time  Before 2004
 To  Telling the time  Ten to six (05.50)
 Past  Telling the time  Ten past six (06.10)
 To / Till /  Marking the beginning and end of a  From Monday to / till
Until period of time Friday
 Till / Until  In the sense of how long something is  He is on holiday till Friday.
going to last
 By  In the sense of at the least  I will be back by 6 o’clock.
 Up to a certain time  By 11 o’clock, I had read
five pages.

b. Prepositions of Place
English Usage Example
 In  Room, building, street, town, country  In the kitchen, In London
 Book. Paper, etc  In the book
 Car, taxi  In the car, in a taxi
 Picture, world  In the picture, in the world
 At  Meaning next to, by an object  At the door, at the station
 For table  At the table
 For events  At a concert, at the party
 Place where you are to do something  At the cinema, at school, at
typical (watch a film, study, work) work
 On  Attached  The picture on the wall
 For a place with a river  London lies on the Thames
 Being on a surface  On the table
 For a certain side (left, right)  On the left
 For a floor in a house  On the first floor
 For public transport  On the bus, on a plane
 For television, radio  On TV, on the radio
 By, next to,  Left or right of somebody or  Jane is standing by / next to/
beside something beside the car.
 Under  On the ground, lower than (or covered  The bag is under the table.
by) something else
 Below  Lower than something else but above  The fish are below the
ground surface.
 Over  Covered by something else  Put a jacket over your shirt
 Meaning more than  Over 16 years of age
 Getting to the other side (also across)  Walk over the bridge
 Overcoming an obstacle  Climb over the wall
 Above  Higher than something else, but not  A path above the lake
directly over it

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 Across  Getting to the other side (also over)  Walk across the bridge
 Getting to the other side  Swim across the lake
 Through  Something with limits on top, bottom,  Drive through the tunnel
and the sides
 To  Movement to person or building  Go to the cinema
 Movement to a place or country  Go to London
 For bed  Go to bed
 Into  Enter a room / a building  Go into the kitchen / the
 Towards  Movement in the direction of  Go 5 steps towards the
something (but not directly to it) house
 Onto  Movement to the top of something  Jump onto the table
 From  In the sense of where from  A flower from the garden
 Between  In or into the space separating two or  I sat down between John
more points, objects, people, etc and Diana.

c. Other important prepositions

English Usage Example
 From  Who gave it  A present from Jane
 Of  Who / What does it belong to  A page of the book
 What does it show  The picture of a palace
 By  Who made it  A book by Mark Twain
 On  Walking or riding on horseback  On foot, on horseback
 Entering a car / taxi  Get on the bus
 In  Entering a car / taxi  Get in the car
 Off  Leaving a public transport vehicle  Get off the train
 Out of  Leaving a car / taxi  Get out of the taxi
 By  Rise or fall of something  Prices have risen by 10
 Travelling (other than walking or  By car, by bus
 At  For age  She learned Russian at 45
 About  For topics, meaning what about  We were talking about you


a. Basic Conjunctions
Conjunctions join two parts of a sentence and help to show the connection between the two
parts of the sentence.

Conjunction Function Example

and Tells you more We went home and went straight to bed.

but Makes a contrast They are rich but they aren’t happy.

because Answer the question We went home because we were tired.

| 21

so Tells you the result We went home early, so we missed the end of the

when Answer the question We went home when Jane wanted to.

before, after Answers the question We went home before the concert ended.
what happened first?

although Tells you something We went home although we did not really want.

if Makes a condition We will go home if we are tired.

b. Other connecting words

The words in this table are useful for making connections between words and phrases.

Word Function Example

only Says something is He sleeps only three hours every night.

not very big or not
very much

even Says something is Even their 10-year-old son works in the shop.
surprising or

like Makes a comparison She looks like her dad.

than Used after a She works harder than he does.

adjective or adverb

also, too, as Say something is He works in the shop and she does too.
well extra

c. Subordinate Conjunction
Hubungan Subordinate Contoh Subordinate Conjunction dalam
Conjunction Complex Sentence
Time (Waktu)  After (setelah)  After I changed the APN, I unplugged my modem
 As (ketika, and waited for 5 minutes.
sementara)  Once they finish filling the questionnaire, I will
 As soon as (segera process the data.
setelah)  Anna found so much expired food when she was
 Before (sebelum) cleaning the kitchen.
 Once (Segera setelah)  Before she went to Jakarta, she got her flowers

 Since (Sejak) watered.

 Until / till (Sampai)  Since the boy bought a PS3, he forgot to study.
| 22
 When (Ketika)  The students focused on the test until the time was
 Whenever (Kapan over.
saja, sewaktu-waktu)  You can come to my house whenever you want.
 While (Ketika,  While I was studying in my room, I didn’t let
sementara) someone else disturb.
Place (Tempat)  Where (dimana)  Nobody knows where she lives now.
 Wherever  We should be polite and pleasant wherever we live.
Contrast  Although, even  She goes forward such a tank although many friends
(Pertentangan) though, though confront her ambition.
(meskipun)  Even though I’m annoyed, I try to think positively.
 Whereas (sebaliknya,  Even if Bima is not qualified enough to enter the top
sedangkan) university, he will try again next year.
 While (meskipun)  I like doing exercise whereas my brother likes
 Even if (kalaupun) sleeping.
Cause & Effect  As (Karena)  Since Yunika had free time during last holiday, she
(Sebab akibat)  Because (Karena) rearranged her house.
 Since (Karena)  Many animals died because the dry season was very

 So/So that (Sehingga) extreme.

 Palestine is in war, so many Palestinian children
have been killed.
Purpose (Tujuan)  In order that (agar)  She cooks by herself so that her family gets the best
 So that (agar) nutrition.
 He drove fast in order that he could arrive on time.
Condition  As long as (jika,  She will come to my party only if you accompany
(Syarat) dengan syarat) her.
 If (Jika, dengan  As long as you follow the traffic regulation, you
syarat) won’t be ticketed.
 Only if (hanya jika)  The party would be completely fun, providing the
 Otherwise (Jika woman were not angry with the poor waitress.
tidak)  Supposing you were accepted, what would you do?
 Or else (jika tidak)  Unless TV viewers gave her donations, she would
 Providing (that) (Jika, not be able to buy gold, rice field, and house.
dengan syarat)  If you do not sleep enough, you will be hard to
 Supposing study at school.
(asumsikan, anggap)  Do not forget to bring your boots otherwise your
 Unless (Jika tidak) feet will probably blister.
Manner (Cara)  As if (seperti)  I wonder how I learnt grammar ineffectively for
 As though (seperti) almost fifteen years.
 How (bagaimana)  We sometimes do not realize the way God helps us.

 The way (cara)  The man drove as if he was an F-1 racer.


An interjection is a word which is used to show a short sudden expression of emotion.

| 23

1. Simple Present Tense

Use the simple present to express the idea that an action is repeated or usual. The action can be
a habit, a hobby, a daily event, a scheduled event or something that often happens. It can also be
something a person often forgets or usually does not do.

a. Active Sentence

Nominal : Subject + is/am/are + Non Verb

Example : (+) You are my friend.

(-) You are not my friend.

(?) Are you my friend?

Yes, I am. No, I am not.

Verbal : Subject + Verb1+s/es + Object / Complement

Example : (+) You go to Untama. (+) She goes to Untama.

(-) You do not go to Untama. (-) She does not go to Untama.

(?) Do you go to Untama? (?) Does she go to Untama?

Yes, I do. No, I do not. Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.

| 24
Note : He / She/ It / singular subject must be followed by Verb+s/es
Verb + es for the verbs ended by o, x, ss, ch, sh, y (consonant).

Adverb of time : every morning, every day, once a week, twice a day, etc.
Adverb of frequency : always, generally, usually, often, sometimes, seldom,

b. Passive Sentence

Verbal : Subject + is/am/are + Verb3 + Object

Example: Fried rice is cooked by my mother.

These books are bought by me.

2. Simple Past Tense

Use the simple past to express the idea that an action started and finished at a specific time in
the past. Sometimes, the speaker may not actually mention the specific time, but they do have one
specific in mind.

a. Active Sentence

Nominal : Subject + was/were + Non Verb

Example : (+) You were my friend.

(-) You were not my friend.

(?) Were you my friend?

Yes, I was. No, I was not.

Verbal : Subject + Verb2 + Object / Complement

Example : (+) You went to Untama. (+) She went to Untama.

(-) You did not go to Untama. (-) She did not go to Untama.

(?) Did you go to Untama? (?) Did she go to Untama?

Yes, I did. No, I did not. Yes, she did. No, she didn’t.

Note : All subjects must be followed by Verb2

Adverb of time: yesterday, last week, last night, last month, last Sunday, two

days ago
| 25
b. Passive Sentence

Verbal : Subject + was/were + Verb3 + Object

Example: Fried rice was cooked by my mother yesterday.

These books were bought by me last week.

3. Simple Future Tense / Present Future Tense

a. Active Sentence

Nominal : Subject + will + be + Non Verb

Example : (+) You will be my friend.

(-) You will not be my friend. *will not = won’t

(?) Will you be my friend?

Yes, I will. No, I won’t.

Verbal : Subject + will + Verb1 + Object / Complement

Example: (+) You will go to Untama. (+) She will go to Untama.

(-) You will not go to Untama. (-) She will not go to Untama.

(?) Will you go to Untama? (?) Will she go to Untama?

Yes, I will. No, I will not. Yes, she will. No, she will not.

Note : After will must be followed by Verb1 for verbal sentence.

Adverb of time: tomorrow, tonight, next week, next Sunday, this weekend,

soon, later

I / We + shall + Verb1 + Object / Complement

b. Passive Sentence

Verbal : Subject + will + be + Verb3 + Object

Example: Fried rice will be cooked by my mother tomorrow.

These books will be bought by me tomorrow.

4. Present Continuous Tense

Use the present continuous with normal verbs to express the idea that something is happening
now, at this very moment. It can also be used to show that something is not happening now.

| 26
a. Active Sentence

Verbal : Subject + is/am/are + Verbing + Object / Complement

Example: (+) You are studying at Untama now.

(-) You are not studying at Untama now.

(?) Are you studying at Untama now?

Yes, I am. No, I am not.

b. Passive Sentence

Verbal : Subject + is/am/are + being + Verb3 + Object

Example: Fried rice is being cooked by my mother now.

These books are being bought by me at present.

Note : Adverb of time : now, right now, today, at present, this morning, at this

moment, etc.

There are some verbs cannot be used in present continuous tense such as like,

hate, love, want, agree, etc.

| 27

A. Writing Daily Activities (Using simple present tense)

| 28
| 29
My Daily Activities


B. Writing your experience (Using simple past tense)

My Holiday

| 30
C. Writing your plan (using present future tense)
1. I will ………………………………………………………………….tomorrow.

2. I will …………………………………………………………….…..on Sunday.

3. I will …………………………………………………………..…… week.

4. I will ……………………………………………………………… month.

5. I will ……………………………………………………..……… December.

6. I will ……………………………………………………………on my birthday.

7. I will ………………………………………………………….……….next year.

8. I will ………………………………………………………...tomorrow morning.

9. I will ………………………………………………………....on Saturday night.

10. I will …………………………………………..……….the day after tomorrow.


Translate this text!

The Science of Economics

The science of economics is based upon the facts of our everyday lives. Economists study our
everyday lives and the general life of our communities in order to understand the whole economic
system of which we are part. They try to describe the facts of the economy in which we live, and to
explain how it all works. The economist’s methods should of course be strictly objective and scientific.

We need food, clothes and shelter. We probably would not go to work if we could satisfy these
basic needs without working. But even when we have satisfied such basic needs, we may still want
other things. Our lives might be more enjoyable if we had such things as radios, books and toys for the
children. Human beings certainly have a wide and very complex range of wants. The science of
economics is concerned with all our material needs: it is concerned with the desire to have a radio as
well as the basic necessity of having enough food to eat.


| 31


A. Read the following text!

Different Economic Systems

Not all economic systems are the same. The economic system of the United States is very
different from the economic system of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The American system
is based on private enterprise. The Russian system is based on the principles of Karl Marx. Karl Marx
was a political economist who lived in the 19 th century. The American system is capitalistic, while the
Russian system is communistic.
The economic system of Britain is similar to the American system. Britain has an economic
system based on private enterprise and private supplies of capital. Property in Britain and the United
States can be owned by individual citizens. The economic freedom of the citizens of Britain and
America is not complete freedom. Citizens must obey the law, but otherwise they can use their time,
money and effort as they wish.

B. Exercise
1. Answer these questions, basing your answers on the text.
a. What does the economic system of the United States differ from?

b. What is the American system based on?

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c. What is the Russian system based on?

d. When did Karl Marx live?

e. What economic system is the British system similar to?

f. On what two things is the British system based?

g. Who can own property in the United States and Britain?

h. What must British and American citizens obey?

i. What three things can Britons and Americans use as they wish?

2. Make these sentences passive, as in the example!

Example: Most people produce goods and services.
 Goods and services are produced by most people.
a. Some people provide both goods and services.

b. Economists study the economic system.

c. That man owns the house.

d. They will provide shelter and clothes.

e. Economic changes affect our lives.

3. Complete these following sentences by choosing the suitable word in the box!

a. Marx and Keynes are two famous ………………………………………....

b. Those people are studying the science of ………………………………….

c. We sometimes call a person’s work as his …………………….…..activity.

d. People should be very …………………..………with the money they earn.

e. The economic system of a country is usually called the national ………….

f. The people in that town live very …………………………………………..


a. Economics c. Economically e. Economists

b. Economical d. Economy f. Economic

4. Complete these following sentences by choosing the suitable word in the box!

a. The company ………………………….. a new commodity every year.

b. The company’s newest ………………………is a special blue soap powder.

| 33
c. The ……………………of soap powders met last year to discuss prices.

d. That factory is not as ……………………………now as it was five years ago.

e. The ………………….of that factory has gone down over the last five years.

f. The manager of the factory has decided that they must increase their ……………

of packets of soap powder.


a. Product c. Production e. Producers

b. Productivity d. Productive f. Produces


A. Definition

1. A company profile can be used as a part of a business plan you develop to launch your business
or as a part of a business plan you provide a banker or investors to gain funding for your business.

2. A company profile is essentially a resume for your company that you use to establish your
credibility with the market you serve.

3. Your company profile helps potential customers to understand your business as well as to
understand your company’s approach, unique strengths, and experience.

4. Your company profile demonstrates your company’s ability to effectively meet customer

B. Important points you must take when you write your company profile

1. Include your company logo for marketing and branding purposes.

2. Mention the history of your company to leave a positive impact on your target market.

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3. Define the strength of your company to stand out from the competition.

4. Present all the information in an attractive manner with proper paragraphs and bullet points.

Provide brief details about some of your satisfied clients, if possible.

C. The content of company profile

Company profile is explaining about your company and products both corporate value and
product value.
1. Corporate value
a. History
b. Vision and Mission
c. Organization structure
2. Product value
a. Product e. People
b. Price f. Process
c. Promotion g. Physical evidence
d. Placement

D. Sales Planning Sheet

Use this form to prepare for selling your product!

1. What are some strengths and weaknesses of our product?

Strengths Weaknesses

………………………………… …………………………………

………………………………... …………………………………

2. What can we do or say to get the customer’s attention?


3. What useful information about our product can we share with customers?


4. What will we say to customers to get them to buy our product i.e. to “close” our sale?


| 35

Translate this following text into English!

Kebutuhan adalah keinginan akan barang dan jasa untuk dipenuhi dalam kehidupan manusia.
Contoh: Kebutuhan peralatan sekolah merupakan kebutuhan bagi seorang pelajar.

Kebutuhan manusia tidak terbatas. Hal ini memang sudah menjadi kodrat, bahkan manusia
tidak pernah merasa puas, setiap kebutuhan yang satu terpenuhi akan muncul kebutuhan lainnya untuk
dipenuhi manusia.

Kebutuhan secara umum dapat digolongkan menurut intensitasnya, sifatnya, waktu

pemenuhannya, dan subjeknya. Ada kebutuhan yang sifatnya begitu urgen untuk kehidupan manusia,
sampai-sampai dapat mengganggu kelangsungan hidup bila tidak terpenuhi. Ada pula kebutuhan akan
barang dan jasa yang melengkapi dan mempermudah kehidupan manusia.


| 36


Hello, my name is …. I am a student of Antakusuma University. I have an assignment to interview a

tourist who comes to Pangkalan Bun. If you don’t mind, I would like to interview you. Can I interview
you now?
1. What is your name?
2. Where are you from?
3. Where do you live? / What is your address?
4. How old are you?
5. What do you do?
6. With whom do you come to Indonesia?
7. Why do you come to Indonesia?
8. Why do you come to Pangkalan Bun?
9. Where do you stay here (What hotel)?
10. How long have you been staying in Pangkalan Bun?
11. Have you visited Tanjung Puting National Park? If yes, what do you think about it?
12. After visiting Pangkalan Bun, where will you travel?
13. What do you think about Indonesian people?
14. Who recommended you to visit Indonesia / here? / How do you know this place?
15. What places have you been visited in Indonesia?
16. How many countries have you visited? (in Asia especially) please mention it! Among those
countries, which one is your favorite country?
| 37
17. Could you tell me little bit about your country?

18. What is the popular tourism place in your country?

19. What do you like about your country?

20. What is the popular food from your country? Have you tried Indonesian food?

Would you like to take picture with me?

Thank you for your time. Nice to meet you.


Brown, Caroline & Pearson Brown. 2010. Grammar Secrets. Macmillan Education.
Bull, Victoria. 2011. Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Cherlents, De. 2011. Easy Grammar. Bandung: Ruang Kata Imprint Kawan Pustaka.
Echols, M & Hassan Shadily. An English-Indonesian Dictionary. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
Gartside, L. 1989. Modern Business Correspondence. London: Pitman Publishing.
McArthur, Tom. 1990. A Rapid Course in English for Students of Economics. Great Britain: Oxford
University Press.
Preparing a Business Profile. 2011. The State of Queensland, Department of Employment, Economic
Development and Innovation.
Rahardi, R. Kunjana & Agustina R S. 2007. Business & Secretarial English Gambits. Yogyakarta.
Pinus Book Publisher.
Rimkeeratikul, Sucharat. 2010. English for Economics. Thammasat: Thammasat University Press.
Walton, Richard. 2000. Advanced English C.A.E Grammar Practice. Essex: Pearson Education
Z, Yelvi Andri. 2010. Buku Pintar Grammar: untuk pemula. Jakarta: TransMedia Pustaka.

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