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Nama : Ade Novia Nur Rokhmah

NIM : D95218052


Surabaya, Indonesia

‘Diajeng’ in Javanese Language has a meaning ‘Beloved’. Diajeng Event Planner (EDP)
grew after Diajeng Make Up Artist growth with it’s success. The relation between this two
business is the owner are aunt and her niece, and the different is it grow together but managed by
different person. Eventhough DEP and DMUA has the intimate relation, but DEP would,t make
DMUA as it’s the only one Make Up Artist, as the purpose of us that we will buil the widest
connection with any brand in any sector.

A. DEP is an Event Organizer that will provide simplicity for customers to prepare their
events from the simplest things to the most complicated things. DEP supported by the
application that will ease the customers to have ou service.

B. DEP has two main office that has a gallery, the main office called ‘Istana Diajeng’ that
located in Surabaya and Malang. DEP also has branch offices that located in every city to
serve customers in the city, it called ‘Pendopo Diajeng’.

C. DEP is owned by Ade Novia. DEP has many division, such as an Owner, Executive
Director, Advisory and Consultant, Manager of Production, Manager of Personnel,
Manager of Finance, Manager of Quality Control, Manager of Marketing, Supervisor A
that concern in officer, and Supervisor B that concern in field service. And the division
who runs in the field such as Super Bridesmaid that will be the braidesmaid and
accompany and serve one and maximum two customers in the events. The workers who
will run the preparation are Srikandi (Sri) and Bregada (Breg). The sector that have been
our partner is Sultan Agung.
How the app and platform will be operated?
It will be like the other service provider app for the narrow illustration. we will
provide all the needs like decoration,catering, etc in it. And the customers will make
their plan with the app. The steps are:
(1) Sahabat Diajeng find us in the Social Media, fill the request form to make an
appointment, there will be a questions that asked about the simple description
about the event hat you want to have, then submit it (online)
(2) After you submited the form, there will be a nominal to pay. Then, complete the
payments and send the ref number
(3) The response for the appointment making will appear right after you completed
the payments. There will be an explanation about the next appointment to plan
your event, you can choose it online, or offline. We reccomend the offline
appointment so that you are available see our gallery and consult with the expert
(4) You will get the app and the platform with your own account on the appointment
(5) You can choose which package of service that you will use, such as the designer,
make up artists, catering, etc. We provide you by the wide connection of the
services. We will accompany you like your own bestfriend to make your plan
(6) After completing the planning proccess, you can submit that. SUPERB will
directly proceed your event and you are able to see the progress. The app provide
the access to see how thw progressof your order, example, you can see what is
SUPERB doing now with your invitation card, or has SUPERB booked the
building? Or has the designer begin to sew your gown?
(7) It will be eassier to monitor everything that you wantto know for your event.
And it will be more practical to make an apointment with SUPERB if you want
to check the progress directly because you know the target, schedule, and the
done-list which has provided by the app.
(8) Enjoy the prepare of your event by drinking a cup of tea or relaxing in your
backyard. No need more difficulty and wasting time to have a perfect event.
(9) You are free to evaluate, and we will have an evaluation via app every two
(10) After enjoying the simplicity of having an event with DWP, you can rate us and
give us a feedback. If you are statisfied, please tell your family and your friend
about how wonderful and unforgettable your event is!
D. I want to run this company because I want to change the expectation of people that to
have a preparation wedding is very complicated. I want to ease their process in preparing
their special events. I want to simplify and decrease their effort to have the events for
those who are very busy.

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