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BOGOTÁ, D.C., 1 DE MAYO, 2019

Case incident 2. Era of the disposable worker?

1. To what extent can individual business decisions (as a opposed to economic

forces) explain deterioration in working conditions for many workers?

Taking into account the context of individual business decisions, we can analyze

how workers tend to leave jobs as the reliability between them and the organization

is missing, nowadays it is common to see more companies just focused on obtaining

results, on this process there are many factors that affect in a huge way the

relationship between managers and employees. Several factors such as, taking

credit for others’ work, doesn’t show appreciation or give recognition to employees

for their results, unable to listen, answer to feedback and so on.

Those kind of issues are directly involved in the efficiency of the organization, a clear

example of this, is that the company can have many factories across the country and

even around the world, a lot of employees working on them as well, but if there are

no guarantees for the life quality or the work environment, this could lead a total

disaster, because the company is not having positive results, poor performance

could be reached at a certain point that would be difficult to overcome in the future.

Another aspect that is important here, is the way that training resources are being

invested on workers inside the company, most of global companies have self

awareness about the importance of using they tools for the correct preparation for

their employees, but some others are wasting them, not paying attention at the

consequences that this could have for them in short and long terms. Having said

that, the organization could be in a high attrition rate at stake, showing huge

weaknesses in the different tasks that it carries out, moreover the working conditions

for employees would be also affected, making their daily life a little bit tricky, taking

into account that an employee must deal with many factors not only at work, those
factors could be generating even more pressure that could trigger on a poor

performance when the employee is working.

Working conditions for many workers are determining everything in global markets,

one huge mistake that companies are having is the extension of working hours

without any incentives, one clear example for showing it, is day by day employees

are not just working on the office, at the time of arriving home they are still connected

to their job through their smartphones or computers, thing that it is totally unfair

because companies are taking advantage of this, at the point of causing an

excessive fatigue or stress that are leading the employees for a complete nightmare

without any extra remuneration or at least a recognition inside the company.

2. Do business organizations have a responsibility to ensure that employees have

secure jobs with good working conditions, or is their primary responsibility to

Nowadays the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is very important and

fundamental for the companies to operate, companies can be conscious of the kind

of impact they are having on all aspects of society including economic, social, and

environmental. The social aspect that is relationated with the good working

conditions is fundamental fort the company, the organizations have full responsibility

to provide their workers good working conditions, if working conditions are good, the

work environment will be good and the workers performance will be good, because

the good working conditions affects directly the workers performance. In the other

hand if the working conditions are bad, the work environment will be bad and the

workers performance decreases, negative aspects are contagious so it can have a

detrimental effect on the workplace and this is dangerous for the organizations

because bad working conditions can lead to the company developing its activities

badly and may fail, and the bad results costs money, and money is essential in the

survival of a company in the environment.

Another important aspect is the security of the work environment, the organization

have the responsibility to generate and create a safe work environment because if it

is not, it can have legal problems with workers, and this affects the image that the

public have of the company, and can lose credibility and confidence of the client -


For this reasons is necessary that the organization have the entire responsibility to

establish a good leader or a good manager that helps the company to generate a

good working conditions, good interactions and relations between all the workers, it

generates a good work environment and also good results in their activities.
3.What alternative measures of organization performance, besides share prices, do

you think might change the focus of business leaders?

Some alternative measures that could change the focus of business leaders today

would not only have a measure as biased as the measure of stock price, as

mentioned in the case, some business leaders are willing to do whatever it is just to

satisfy this measure, in this way and taking into account what is mentioned above, a

measure could be implemented that measures the satisfaction of all the workers who

work in the company and that this measure is considered as a standard quality, so
that in this way companies become much more aware and give the importance they

really deserve to workers, if this new measure is taken as an important quality

standard for all companies, the company would also generate many more benefits at

the same time that their workers are comfortable doing their jobs.

Apart from this, you can carry out surveys within the same company to all personal

questions with type: what is your level of satisfaction with the area of human

resources ?. In this way, it will be possible to know how the different areas that are

managed within the company are performing (human resources, financial, etc.) and

therefore make the changes that are necessary to achieve the best result and the

best performance.

Taking into account these two proposed measures, the approach of the current

business leaders of the different companies worldwide could be significantly

improved, since not only the economic aspect of the company would be taken into

account(without neglecting it, which is one of the most important, if not the most

important.) but also the aspect that plays an important role to generate many

benefits as in this case are all employees of the company. The surveys and the

creation of a quality standard of vital importance for the company will change the

focus of the business leader if or yes.

4.What do you think the likely impact of the growth of temporary employment

relationships will be for employee attitudes and behaviors? How would you develop a

measurement system to evaluate the impact of corporate downsizing and temporary

job assignments on employees?

One effective way for analysing the impact of up and downs, would be examining the

mentality of each employee of the company, looking forward to the different types of

attitudes and behaviors that employees are taking when they are facing issues inside

the company. It is not new that each employee would think about their own interests

first and would try to quit or avoid joining organizations with certain levels or

instability, in order to decrease that level of certain avoidance by employees, the

company must take a quick action for giving an accurate solution, this would show

self control and it is going to increase the reliability and reputation of the company

around the market.

In the other hand the impact of the growth of temporary employment relationships is

very important while the relations will be better, the environment in which they work

will be better and in this way the environment will be good and the performance and

motivation of the workers will increase generating better results, in the organization

activities. However, it should not be ignored in the employee, not in the temporal

sense, that, specifically, these employees feel satisfied with their work in the

company, in order to perform better in all areas of the company.

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