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Nama : Aicia Anatha Silva

Kelas : RMIK A

NPM : 201204003


Poor nutrition, known as kwashiorkor in the medical world, is a form of malnutrition. Malnutrition
itself can be understood as a mistake in nutrition. Mistakes can be either a lack or an excess of

Basically kwashiorkor can be interpreted as a condition where a person lacks intake containing
energy and protein. Though protein is needed by the body in the process of forming new cells. In
addition, this intake also helps the repair process of damaged cells.

Kwashiorkor mostly attacks children in developing countries - including Indonesia. The World Health
Organization (WHO) estimates that 54% of infant and under-five deaths are caused by malnutrition.
Even the risk of death for children with malnutrition is 13 times greater than that of normal children.

Complications due to malnutrition or kwashiorkor greatly affect the growth and development of
children. When complications occur, the child can experience slower stages of development than
normal children his age. In addition, children can also experience learning difficulties, are susceptible
to serious illness, various organ disorders, and death can occur.

Diagnosis of malnutrition or kwashiorkor can be done by examining the child's medical history. Lack
of nutritious food intake can be seen from the child's eating habits.In addition, the presence of
kwashiorkor symptoms and signs will help the doctor in diagnosing. To distinguish it from other
types of malnutrition such as marasmus, the doctor will determine whether the sufferer has
symptoms along with body swelling (edema).Sometimes, children with malnutrition or kwashiorkor
are also diagnosed with other diseases. The disease that is most often detected is an infectious
disease due to low immunity.Supporting examinations can be done. For example, laboratory tests to
appropriate radiology to diagnose these comorbid infections.

Symptoms of malnutrition or kwashiorkor that will appear are:

Pale, thin, flatulence, and lost muscle mass in all four limbs

The child looks often restless

There is a growth disorder including body weight and height

His hair becomes easily pulled out, looks dull, dry, and often changes color

There can also be changes in the skin, the skin becomes scaly, there are white and pink patches with
blackish edges

Children will also suffer from anemia due to lack of nutrients such as iron and vitamin B complex.
To overcome malnutrition or kwashiorkor, nutritional intake in the form of adequate calories and
protein is needed. However, providing these nutrients must be done gradually.In the early stages,
calorie intake should be given to meet energy needs without involving protein intake first. If the
calorie needs are fulfilled, then the intake of nisa protein can be started.Protein can be given from a
low level which is gradually increased. This is done so that the patient's gastrointestinal tract is not
surprised if he is immediately given a high calorie intake of high protein.Handling at home can be
done by fulfilling the balanced nutritional needs of the child. The food consumed must be complete,
containing carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals.

But remember to give it slowly and in control. For the initial stage, make sure you involve a doctor's
help in controlling the condition of the child with malnutrition or kwashiorkor you are caring for.To
prevent malnutrition or kwashiorkor in your child, provide food with a balanced nutrition. Get
enough carbohydrates, fats and protein.High-value sources of protein can be obtained from animal
products such as milk, cheese, meat, eggs, and fish. You can also take advantage of vegetable
protein obtained from green beans and soybeans.

The cause of malnutrition or kwashiorkor is because children do not get food with sufficient energy
and protein content. Generally this is often associated with a low level of the economy.That is why
cases of malnutrition or kwashiorkor are common in developing countries. Apart from the low level
of the economy, the lack of parental knowledge of the nutrients the child's body needs also affects
it.Basically, malnutrition or kwashiorkor is not a sudden disorder. This condition progresses slowly.
Because it is important to prevent children from experiencing this condition by providing adequate
nutritional food intake.

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