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FIRST SCENE (At the Travel Agency)

LUISA: Good afternoon, Sir.

TRAVEL AGENT (Mariana): Good afternoon, Miss. May I help you?

LUISA: Yes, I need information about flights to Switzerland.

TRAVEL AGENT (Mariana): Are you going on a pleasure or a business trip?

LUISA: We will visit a friend of my husband.

TRAVEL AGENT (Mariana): That sounds like fun. When Are you planning to travel?

LUISA: . On October 26th and I'll be back on November 15th.

TRAVEL AGENT (Mariana): Well, We have a special price with Easy-Air.

LUISA: Great! How much is the ticket?

TRAVEL AGENT (Mariana): Do you want a one way or a round trip ticket?

LUISA: Round trip.

TRAVEL AGENT (Mariana): That will be us 3'500.000

Luisa: It's perfect!

TRAVEL AGENT (Mariana): ) All right!

LUISA: Thanks!

SECOND SCENE (In the Airport)

MARIANA: Hey Luisa!!

LUISA: Hey Mariana!! How are you?

MARIANA: Fine, thanks and you?

LUISA: Very well, Where did you go on your last holiday?

MARIANA: I went to London. It was great! Where are you going?

LUISA: Oh, I'm going with my family to Switzerland to visit a friend of my husband.
How long did you stay there?

MARIANA: How delicious that you can travel with the beings you love.
I stayed for 8 nights. I arrived on wednesday morning and left the next Thursday.
Everything was organized through a travel agency.

LUISA: Did you visit the British Museum while you were there?

MARIANA: Yes, I did. It was amazing. All that old stuff!

LUISA: What’s your favorite thing about London?

MARIANA: A lot of things! I really like the diversity of the people. There’s also
an interesting mix of old and very modern buildings, restaurants, and ideas. Have
you ever been to London?

LUISA: Yes. I went a year ago with my husband and daughter.

MARIANA: What was your favorite thing about London?

LUISA:I really liked going to the theatre. London has some wonderful theatres!

MARIANA: You're right.

LUISA: Where did you stay?

MARIANA: I stayed in a hotel in the center, Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park.

LUISA: Surprising!! It must be very expensive.

MARIANA: Yes! I think it would be the first and last time that I enjoyed staying in
such a luxurious hotel. JAJAJAJAJAJA And where did you stay?

LUISA: At the house of a cousin of my husband. How was the weather?

MARIANA: Not bad, really. It rained a little bit but not much. And it wasn’t too
cold either.
Did you make any videos while you were there?

LUISA: Yes, of course I did! I couldn’t possibly just go on vacation and not make
videos… It’s the 21st Century! Here’s one about British Slang, and another about my
experience on the first day in London… (MOSTRAR VIDEO)

MARIANA: You didn't seem to waste time.

LUISA: Do you think you’ll go back to London someday?

MARIANA: Definitely! I’d like to go back. And you?

LUISA: It was a great experience, and I’d love to go back.

MARIANA: Oh my gosh I've already missed four buses back home :(

When you return I'll wait for you at my house to see Kdramas with fried chicken and

LUISA: I will be there dear friend, take good care of yourself!

MARIANA: Perfect! Oh thanks.Your too.

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