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1. Owls have large eyes and a flat face.

2. Owls have extremely sensitive ears
3. Owls are active at night (nocturnal).
4. Some owl species hunt fish
5. Owls have powerful talons (claws) which help them catch and kill prey
6. Owls can turn their heads as much as 270 degrees
7. Owls have super powered hearing
8. Many owl species have asymmetrical ears.
9. Owls are insanely good hunters
10 An owl's claws are sharp and curved
_H O R S E_

1. Horses can sleep both lying down and standing up

2. Horses can run shortly after birth
3. Domestic horses have a lifespan of around 25 years
4. Horses are herbivores (plant eaters)
5. Horses have bigger eyes than any other mammal that lives on land
6. Horses gallop at around 44 kph (27 mph).
7. Horses have around 205 bones in their skeleton
8. Because horse’s eyes are on the side of their head they are capable of
seeing nearly 360 degrees at one time
9. A male horse is called a stallion
10 A female horse is called a mare

1. Grasshoppers are an insect
2. Grasshoppers have two antennae
3. Grasshoppers have 6 legs
4. Grasshoppers have two pairs of wings
5. Grasshoppers grow to around 2 inches (5 cm)
6. Grasshoppers can jump about 25cm high and around 1 meter long
7. Grasshoppers are commonly eaten in African
8. Female are usually larger than males
9. There are around 11,000 known species of grasshopper found around the

10 Grasshopper can eat half its body weight in plants per day

1. Compared to other animals, dolphins are believed to be very intelligent.
2. Dolphins are carnivores (meat eaters)
3. Bottlenose dolphins are the most common and well known type of dolphin
4. Female dolphins are called cows
5. males are called bulls
6. young dolphins are called calves
7. Dolphins use a blowhole on top of their heads to breathe
8. Dolphins have excellent eyesight and hearing as well
9. Dolphins communicate with each other by clicking, whistling and other

10 Dolphins can be seen jumping out of the water, riding waves

1. The tiger is the biggest species of the cat family
2. Tigers can reach a length of up to 3.3 metres
3. Tigers can weigh as much as 300 kilograms
4. Many subspecies of the tiger are either endangered or already extinct
5. Tigers can easily jump over 5 metres in length
6. Tigers are good swimmers and can swim up to 6 kilometres
7. Tigers usually hunt alone at night time
8. Tigers are carnivores, eating only meat
9. The tiger has fairly stout teeth
10 The tiger has curved canines

1. gorillas live high in the mountains
2. An adult male gorilla is called a silverback
3. Young male gorillas usually leave their family group
4. Young female gorillas join a new group at about 8 years old.
5. Gorillas are herbivores
6. Adult gorillas can eat up to 30 kilograms of food each day
7. An adult gorilla is about 1 meter
8. A gorilla can live for 40 – 50 years
9. Gorillas are considered to be very intelligent animals
10 Some gorillas in captivity at a zoo have been taught to use sign

. language

1. Elephants are the largest land-living mammal in the world.
2. Both female and male African elephants have tusks
3. They use their tusks for digging and finding food
4. An adult elephant needs to drink around 210 litres of water a day
5. Elephants have large, thin ears
6. The elephant’s trunk is able to sense the size, shape and temperature of an object
7. Elephants can swim
8. Elephants are herbivores
9. Elephants can spend up to 16 hours days collecting leaves, twigs, bamboo and

10 There are two types of elephant, the Asian elephant and the African elephant

1. The wolf is the ancestor of all breeds of domestic dog
2. Wolves are excellent hunters
3. Most wolves weigh about 40 kilograms
4. Adult wolves have large feet
5. Wolves live and hunt in groups called a pack
6. A wolf can run at a speed of 65 kilometres per hour
7. Wolves have two layers of fur
8. The wolf catches small animals
9. Wolves have long legs
10 Wolf pups are born deaf and blind


1. A male giraffe can weigh 1.400 kilogram

2. A giraffe’s neck is 1.5 – 1.8 metres
3. A giraffe's habitat is usually found in African savannas,
grasslands or open woodlands
4. The distinctive spots that cover a giraffe’s fur act as a good
camouflage to protect the giraffe from predators
5. Male giraffes may have up to 3 additional horns.
6. Giraffes are ruminants
7. A female giraffe gives birth while standing up
8. Giraffes have bluish purple tongues
9. Giraffes have four stomachs
10 Giraffes have a fairly large ears

H O R S E_

H O R S E_

1. This fish has name gold fish
2. Gold fish has body shape is short and round
3. Gold fish has unique body shape
4. Gold fish has many fins
5. Gold fish breathe with gills
6. Gold fish has eyes widened and large
7. Gold fish has scales lined up
8. Gold fish has shiny scales
1. A butterfly is an insect
2. It has two wings
3. It has a big wings
4. It has a mustache
5. Butterflies have 3 pairs foot
6. Butterfly wing shape symmetrical
7. Butterflies have eyes located on the side
8. Butterfly comes from cocoons
9. Butterflies usually often perch on flower
10 Butterfly likes to suck honey


1. A butterfly is an insect
2. It has two wings
3. It has a big wings
4. It has a mustache
5. Butterflies have 3 pairs foot
6. Butterfly wing shape symmetrical
7. Butterflies have eyes located on the side
8. Butterfly comes from cocoons
9. Butterflies usually often perch on flower
10 Butterfly likes to suck honey


1. Body panda is a black and white

2. Panda look like a doll
3. Panda has two foots
4. Panda has two hands
5. There are black eyes patches and black ears
6. Panda’s furry is long and straight
7. Panda’s nose is big and the mouth as big as the nose
8. Panda as tall as a man
9. Panda have weigh over 100 kg


1. Turtles are scaly animals

2. Turtles do not have teeth
3. Turtles have short legs
4. It has a shell
5. It has a brown shell
6. It has a big eyes
7. It has four legs
8. It have foot green
9. Turtles have a slow motion
10. Turtles can hide the head, legs and tail into its shell

1. Giraffes are the tallest animals that live on land
2. Giraffes have short horns on the head
3. Giraffe has a long neck
4. Giraffes have big eyes
5. Giraffes have long tongues
6. Giraffes have a fairly large ears
7. Giraffe has a tail fringed
8. Giraffe has a mottled skin motif
9. Giraffes have front legs are longer than its hind legs
10 Giraffe eating leaves

1. It has a smooth fur
2. Brown fur color
3. It has two long ear
4. It has two funny teeth protruding
5. It has longer legs back and hind legs are bigger
6. It has a short tail
7. It has a little nose
8. It has a mustache
9. Rabbit eating carrot
10. It usually jump
1. It has a smooth fur
2. White fur color
3. It has two long ear
4. It has two funny teeth protruding
5. It has longer legs back and hind legs are bigger
6. It has a short tail
7. It has a little nose
8. It has a mustache
9. Rabbit eating carrot
10. It usually jump
1. It has a sharp teeth
2. It has soft fur..
3. White and gray fur color
4. It has four legs
5. It has two ears
6. It has a two eyes
7. It’s a cute cat
8. It has a long tail
9. Cat it like claw
1. It has a sharp teeth
2. It has soft fur
3. White and gray fur color
4. It has four legs
5. It has two ears
6. It has a two eyes
7. It’s a cute cat
8. It has a long tail
9. Cat it like claw
1. Tigers are the largest wild cats in the world
2. The tiger has a muscular body
3. The tiger has a tail that is about half the length of its body
4. The tiger has fairly stout teeth
5. The tiger has curved canines
7. Their heads, bodies, tails and limbs have narrow black,
brown or gray stripes
8. Tigers are carnivores, eating only meat.
9. Tigers are solitary hunters
10 Tigers like water. They are good swimmers and often cool
off in pools or streams.


1. Tigers are the largest wild cats in the world

2. The tiger has a muscular body
3. The tiger has a tail that is about half the length of its body
4. The tiger has fairly stout teeth
5. The tiger has curved canines
7. Their heads, bodies, tails and limbs have narrow black,
brown or gray stripes
8. Tigers are carnivores, eating only meat.
9. Tigers are solitary hunters
10 Tigers like water. They are good swimmers and often cool
off in pools or streams.


1. Tigers are the largest wild cats in the world

2. The tiger has a muscular body
3. The tiger has a tail that is about half the length of its body
4. The tiger has fairly stout teeth
5. The tiger has curved canines
7. Their heads, bodies, tails and limbs have narrow black,
brown or gray stripes
8. Tigers are carnivores, eating only meat.
9. Tigers are solitary hunters
10 Tigers like water. They are good swimmers and often cool
off in pools or streams.


1. There Are About 10,000 Known Bird Species

2. Birds Are the Only Feathered Animals
3. Birds Are the Only Feathered Animals
4. Birds Communicate Using Sound and Color
5. Most Bird Species Are Monogamous
7. Birds Have a Very High Metabolic Rate
8. Birds have hollow bones
9. Some birds can fly higher than Mount Everest
10 Some birds can sleep in the air
There Are About 10,000 Known Bird Species

There Are Two Main Bird Groups

Birds Are the Only Feathered Animals

Birds Communicate Using Sound and Color

Most Bird Species Are Monogamous

Some Birds Are Better Parents Than Others

Birds Have a Very High Metabolic Rate

Birds have hollow bones

Some birds can fly higher than Mount Everest.

Some birds can sleep in the air

 Tigers are the largest wild cats in the world. Adults can weigh up to 363kg – that’s about the same as
ten ten year olds! – and measure up to 3.3m!
 2) Tigers are carnivores, eating only meat. They mainly feed on large mammals such as deer, wild
pigs, antelope and buffalo.
 3) Tigers are solitary hunters, and generally search for food alone at night. They quietly stalk their
prey until they are close enough to pounce – then they kill their victim with a bite to the neck or back of
the head. Ouch!
 4) Unlike most members of the cat family, tigers like water. They are good swimmers and often cool
off in pools or streams.
 5) When a tiger wants to be heard, you’ll know about it, gang – because their roar can be heard as far
as three kilometres away.
 6) They may be big and heavy, but tigers are by no means slow movers. In fact, at full speed they can
reach up to 65km/h!

 7) These fierce felines have walked the earth for a long time. Fossil remains of tigers found in parts of
China are believed to be 2 million years old. Yikes!
 8) Every tiger in the world is unique – no two tigers have the same pattern of stripes.
 9) Today, there are five subspecies of tiger: Bengal, South
China, Indochinese, Sumatran and Siberian. Sadly, three subspecies of tiger have become extinct
– Caspian, Bali and Javan.
 10) Less than 100 years ago, tigers could be found throughout Asia. Sadly, hunting and habitat loss
have put populations at risk, and today their range has been reduced to around 7% of its former size.
That’s why we need to do all we can to protect these beautiful beasts!


1. The peacock is a medium sized bird

2. The body of the Peacock is bluish green in color
3. Peacock feather can form a fan
4. The body of the Peacock is long and slender
5. The tail can be up to 5 feet
6. Peacock has colorful pheasants
7. Peacock has two foots
8. Peacock has tail dangling
9. Peacock has a crest on the head

1. This fish has name clownfish
2. This fish has small size
3. Her body length 5 to 11 cm only
4. This fish has bright orange with white streaks
5. The combination of highly contrasting body colors
6. This fish has a paddle fin (fin side)
7. This fish has two eyes
8. This fish has two fin
9. This fish live in the seabed
10 Fish breathe with gills

1. His name is Nikita Willy
2. She is an actress and singer
3. She has a white skin
4. She has a long hair
5. She has brown hair
6. She has a good eyes
7. She has a sharp nose
8. She had thin lips
9. She has an oval face
10 She wear clothes purple

1. Turtles are scaly animals
2. Turtles do not have teeth
3. Turtles have short legs
4. It has a shell
5. It has a brown shell
6. It has a big eyes
7. It has four legs
8. It have foot green
9. Turtles have a slow motion
10 Turtles can hide the head, legs and tail into its shell

1. Giraffes are the tallest animals that live on land
2. Giraffes have short horns on the head
3. Giraffe has a long neck
4. Giraffes have big eyes
5. Giraffes have long tongues
6. Giraffes have a fairly large ears
7. Giraffe has a tail fringed
8. Giraffe has a mottled skin motif
9. Giraffes have front legs are longer than its hind legs
10 Giraffe Eating Leaves

1. It has a smooth fur
2. Gray fur color
3. It has two long ear
4. It has two funny teeth protruding
5. It has longer legs back and hind legs are bigger
6. It has a short tail
7. It has a little nose
8. It has a mustache
9. Rabbit eating carrot
10 It usually jump

1. It has a sharp teeth
2. It has soft fur
3. White and gray fur color
4. It has four legs
5. It has two ears
6. It has a two eyes
7. It’s a cute cat
8. It has a long tail
9. Cat it like claw
10 This cat wearing a ribbon

1. Her name is Prily Latuconsina
2. She is an actress
3. She has a good eyes
4. She has a sharp nose
5. She had red lips
6. She has a white skin
7. She has shoulder length hair
8. She has brown hair
9. She has an oval face
10 She wear clothes white

1. His name is Aliando
2. He is an actor
3. He has a white skin
4. He has black hair
5. He Has thick eyebrows
6. He has a sharp nose
7. His hand is on her chin
8. His hand wearing a bracelet
9. His finger wearing a ring
10 He wear clothes black

1. A butterfly is an insect
2. It has two wings
3. It has a big wings
4. It has a mustache
5. Butterflies have 3 pairs foot
6. Butterfly wing shape symmetrical
7. Butterflies have eyes located on the side
8. Butterfly comes from cocoons
9. Butterflies usually often perch on flower
10 Butterfly likes to suck honey

Kangaroos are large marsupials

muscular tails,
strong back legs,
large feet,
short fur and long,
pointed ears

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