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Is feminism: a womens only issue?

- Question: Feminism: a womens only issue?

- Example:

Non-monogamous relationships

- Question:
o Should our intimate relationships be monogamous?
▪ What does ‘open’ or ‘non-monogamous’ mean?
▪ What does monogamous mean?
▪ Should we be more open to non-monogamous relationships
▪ What do we mean by monogamous
▪ What do we mean by loyalty / trust / faithfulness?
o 1. What do we mean by monogamous?
o 2. What do we mean by (Example: loyalty trust faithfulness)
o 3. Define these factors?
o 4. Why and what is the purpose of these factors?
o 5. How and why did your decide

Time What Longtitude in min. Who

13.30 Energizer (also 10
observers) story telling 2
13.40 Presentation 15
- Film
- Roleplay

13.55 Coffee break 15

14.10 Divide groups 5
14.15 Ground rules: define 5
roles etc.
14.20 Energizer: trust fall 10
(Squat, meter between
first person and person
falling, tied hands)
14.30 Method practice 90
16.00 Reflection: neutrality 10
thinking (end of group in
16.10 Checkout (1 word): 5
plenary: closure.
16.15 Break 10
16.25 Feedback 45

Hard rules​:
- Time
- no debating / but dialogue emphasis
- We only provide structure
- Confidential: what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.
Soft rule:
- honest
- respectful of others
- share as much as you feel comfortable
- If you feel uncomfortable please let the facilitator know

Time Questions Do
10 Should our intimate Gr. Of 4: Give an answer to this question and an then
relationships be round of examples to each other in the group of
monogamous which the example should be relatable to the main
example given
(ground rule: don’t think too much)
5 Choose example: we would like to invite one of you to
explore more deeper why you say this?
What do we mean by Come up with different factors. Top 3 factors
What do you mean with Talk about meaning of these 3 factors. One at the
these factors? time.
Why and what is the Why whats talk about? Why was this important in the
purpose of these factors specific relationship
How or what made you What was your thinking process when you decided
decide this what and why the purpose was?
Can we only get these Start new conversation
factors in a monogamous
1 Should our intimate Quick instinctive roundoff:
relationships be Do we rephrase it? Do we have a new questions? Do
monogamous we say it in other terms?

Role playing:

- Example:

Is technical / mobile phoned addictive / taking over

Artificial Intelligence scary or cool


- Sticking to one example, possible? Can they draw in their own experiences evenif they
choose one example? Sounds like it is only applicable to one example if the group chooses
one example
- What is the role of sharing personal experiences as a facilitator? Shouldn’t we be neutral?
- What is the goal of this Socrates method? What is the final step in this method?
o Let the group explore.
- Props? Needed? Make people feel comfortable?
o Only chairs
o World café idea
- Dividing of the groups: any criteria?
o One man in every group
- How many questions can we ask? What is favorable? What kind of balance between their
own questions?
o Our questions are only a backup. (can be used as examples)
- How many questions is realistic and how long will you need to answer a question generally.
o See where it goes.

Just some quick minutes from today:

With regards to the example that will be chosen: Everybody will share their experiences
and then we ask them to let one person volunteer to deepen out their understanding and
values. Then the dialogue will start with that person as focus.

Facilitator sharing: Jan thought this was very good because then we set a standard for
the level of sharing.

Goal of the Socrates method: let the group explore the question at hand, per case. It is
nice to ask the main question again at the end but then not as a yes or no question but
more in regards of: We said this in the beginning we have talked a lot now, should we
change this wuestion? Rephrase it? Keep it? Do you want to ask a new question`? This
is up to the group.

Props: Would be nice to create a trusting atmosphere, so props are good!

Dividing of groups: one man in each group, rest is free. (1,2,1,2 method?)

How many questions do we ask: Is not time bound or up to us. We only keep the
questions there as a backup, or use as example. Primarly focus on letting the group ask

How many questions is realistic: Depends on group. We just guide where necessary, and
ask a question if the dialogues dies out or turns out to being a monologue. Otherwise it’s
the group leading the dialogue. To round off the conversation the facilitator keeps in mind
the time and (if the conversation is heated or very deep, say that we have to wrap up in
about 5 minutes) 5 minutes before the dialogue should end asks the main question
again: We said this in the beginning we have talked a lot now, should we change this
wuestion? Rephrase it? Keep it? Do you want to ask a new question`? This is up to the

Break and timings are fine, end at 16:15 is good! Then there is a break. And after the
break only feedback and facilitating group returns.

Presentation: 15 minutes is fine. Jan suggested some videos or roleplay where Socrates
dialogue is deomstrated by us. Would you guys agree? We looked up several videos
already and found a nice TEDx talk, its 18 minutes so maybe we should choose a few
minutes of what we want to show? ​

Check out: Jan suggested we do this plenary because we start plenary and in facilitation
you have to round it off together as well. So then after the reflection we ask them to
come to the classroom (C71) and there we say thank you for today, the sharing, and
hope they have a better understanding of the method and that we would like to check out
with everybody just saying 1 word of how they feel about this afternoons session.

Teacher: We decided with Jan that it would be best if he is only to be present with 1 of
the groups, so he doesn’t come in half way with the second group. We have to decide
where Jan stays, Cecilia and I propose he just stays with the group in the classroom, is
that ok for you guys?

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