1ST Monthly Examination in Organization and Management

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NAME: _________________________________ YEAR/SECTION: ________ SCORE:

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Write the letter of the correct answer before the number.
1. This is the basic management function dealing with direction setting.
a. Controlling c. Leading
b. Staffing d. Planning
2. He is the author of the Fourteen Principles of Management.
a. Edward Deming c. Henri Fayol
b. Peter Drucker d. Elton Mayo
3. Talent management falls under this management function.
a. Control c. Staffing
b. Planning d. Leading
4. This management function arranges things in the organization to come up with s structured
a. Controlling c. Leading
b. Organizing d. Planning
5. The management function which puts the company’s plans and programs into action for the
purpose of achieving company goals.
a. Controlling c. Leading
b. Organizing d. Planning
6. Exercising check and balance is the function of management dealing with this.
a. Control c. Staffing
b. Planning d. Leading
7. Why study management theory?
a. To explain the relationship between two or more observable facts
b. To provide a sound basis for predicting future events
c. To communicate efficiently
d. All of the above
8. His theory said that the only way to expand productivity was to raise the efficiency of
workers. Who is he?
a. Henri Fayol c. Frederick Taylor
b. Elton Mayo d. Edward Deming
9. Described an ideal type of organization called bureaucracy. And developed the theory of
authority structures and relations. Who is he?
a. Max Weber c. Frederick Taylor
b. Elton Mayo d. Henri Fayol
10. It is an art of knowing what to do and when to do and see that it is done in the best and
cheapest way.
a. Planning c. Organization
b. Management d. Leading
11. It determines the chain of command, the amount of authority, and status enjoyed by
managerial position.
a. Management c. Level of organization
b. Level of management d. Organization
12. Which of the following is a role of a top level of management?
a. Create and pursue new growth opportunities for the business
b. Attract and develop resources
c. Manage and continuous improvement within the unit
d. All of the above
13. The following are roles of a middle level of management except _______.
a. Develop individuals and support their activities
b. Link knowledge and skills across diverse units
c. Manage the tension between short time purpose and long term ambition
d. Manage and continuous improvement within the unit
14. It refers to the factors within the organization which may affect either positively or
negatively on the performance of the organization.
a. External business environment c. Environmental factors
b. Internal business environment d. Environmental scanning
15. In environmental scanning, it is a culture where people tend to one thing at a time.
a. Polychromic culture
b. Cultural intelligence
c. Monochronic culture
d. Polychronic culture
16. It is an organization designed for the purpose of achieving goals, giving service without
monetary gain.
a. Simple Business organization
b. Non-profit business organization
c. Divisional business organization
d. Profit business organization
17. A process of gathering, analysing and dispensing information for tactical or strategic
a. External business environment c. Environmental factor
b. Internal business environment d. Environmental scanning
18. The one who works with and through people by coordinating their work activities in order
to accomplish organizational goals.
a. Employee b. Managers c. Customer d. Competitors
19. This refers to people who pay money for product or services.
a. Suppliers c. Regulators
b. Customers d. Government
20. The models of theory x and theory y is also called ______.
a. Assumptions
b. Arguments
c. Paradigms
d. Performance

21-30. Choose the correct answer on the box being provided on the fourteen principles of
management. Write your answer before the number.

Fourteen Principles of Management

a. Division of work h. centralization
b. Authority and responsibility i. scalar chain
c. Discipline j. order
d. Unity of command k. equity
e. Unity of direction l. stability of tenure
f. Interest j. initiative
g. Remuneration k. espirit de corps

21. Union is strength.

22. Employees should not be removed in their position.
23. Being just and loyal to all concerns.
24. Keep everything in place.
25. Refers to the line of authority.
26. Concentration of authority at one place.
27. Fair and reasonable
28. Receives order from one superior.
29. Respect for authority.
30. Activities having common objective must be grouped together.


“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty

in their dreams.” __ Eleanor Roosevelt

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