Performance of Clinical Signs

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Performance of Clinical Signs in the Diagnosis of Dehydration in Children with Acute Gastroenteritis

ORIGINAL ARTICLE doi: 10.5455/medarh.2015.69.10-12

Med Arh. 2015 Feb; 69(1): 10-12

Received: October 15th 2014 | Accepted: December 11th 2014
© AVICENA 2015

Performance of Clinical Signs in the

Diagnosis of Dehydration in Children with
Acute Gastroenteritis
Teuta Hoxha1, Luan Xhelili2, Mehmedali Azemi1, Muharrem Avdiu1, Vlora Ismaili-Jaha1, Urata
Efendija-Beqa1, Violeta Grajcevci-Uka1
Pediatric Clinic, University Clinical Center of Kosova, Prishtina, Kosovo

Department of Pediatrics, University Hospital Centre “Mother Teresa”, Tirana, Albania

Corresponding author: Teuta Hoxha, MD. Pediatric Clinic, UCC of Kosova, Prishtina, Kosovo. E-mail:

Background: Acute evaluation and treatment of children presenting with dehydration represent one of the most common situation in
the pediatric emergency department. To identify dehydration in infants and children before treatment, a number of symptoms and clini-
cal signs have been evaluated. The aim of the study was to describe the performance of clinical signs in detecting dehydration in children.
Methods: Two hundred children aged 1 month to 5 year were involved in our prospective study. The clinical assessment consisted of
the ten clinical signs of dehydration, including those recommended by WHO (World Health Organization), heart rate, and capillary refill
time. Results: Two hundred patients with diarrhea were enrolled in the study. The mean age was 15.62±9.03 months and 57.5% were
male. Of these 121 had a fluid deficit of < 5%, 68 had a deficit of 5 to 9% and 11(5.5%) had a deficit of 10% or more. Patients classified as
having no or mild, moderate, and severe dehydration were found to have the following respective gains in percent weight at the end of
illness: 2.44±0.3, 6.05± 1.01 and, 10.66± 0.28, respectively. All clinical signs were found more frequently with increasing amounts of de-
hydration(p<0.001,One–way ANOVA). The median number of findings among subjects with no or mild dehydration (deficit <5%) was 3;
among those with moderate dehydration (deficit 5% to 9%) was 6.5 and among those with severe dehydration (deficit >10%) the median
was 9 (p<0.0001, Kruskal-Wallis test). Using stepwise linear regression and a p value of <0.05 for entry into the model, a four-variable
model including sunken eyes, skin elasticity, week radial pulse, and general appearance was derived. Conclusion: None of the 10 findings
studied, is sufficiently accurate to be used in isolation. When considered together, sunken eyes, decreased skin turgor, weak pulse and
general appearance provide the best explanatory power of the physical signs considered.
Key words: acute gastroenteritis, dehydration, clinical signs of dehydration.

1. BACKGROUND ings during dehydration represent desiccation of tissue,

Dehydration secondary to gastroenteritis remains a ma- the body’s compensatory reaction to maintain perfusion,
jor cause of morbidity and mortality (1). Acute evaluation or both (7). Hence, having accurate dehydration clinical
and treatment of children presenting with dehydration signs is essential to detect dehydration and to manage the
represent one of the most common situation in the pe- patient appropriately (8). A systematic review found that
diatric emergency department (2). Underestimating fluid the best individual examination signs for assessment of
deficit and not providing proper rehydration can lead to dehydration were prolonged capillary refill time, abnor-
acidosis, electrolyte disturbances, acute kidney injury, or mal skin turgor and abnormal respiratory pattern (4).
even death (3). Alternatively, overestimating fluid deficit Aim of the study: The goal of the study was to describe
can lead to unnecessary interventions, longer hospital the performance of clinical signs in detecting dehydration
stays, and increased adverse events in children (4, 5). in children.
In order to apply the most appropriate treatment for
dehydration in children with gastroenteritis, healthcare 2. MATERIAL AND METHODS
providers must first accurately assess the severity of de- Two hundred children aged 1 month to 5 year were in-
hydration (6). Comparing change in body weight from volved in our prospective study. A convenience sample
before and after rehydration is the standard method for of such patients, were seen during year 2012 and 2013 at
diagnosing dehydration (1). To identify dehydration in Pediatric Clinic. The chief complaint was diarrhea with
infants and children before treatment, a number of symp- or without vomiting. Because several conditions can alter
toms and clinical signs have been evaluated and compared the clinical signs, patient meeting the following criteria
with this standard method. Physical examination find- were excluded from the study: diarrhea of more than 7

10 Med Arh. 2015 Feb; 69(1): 10-12

Performance of Clinical Signs in the Diagnosis of Dehydration in Children with Acute Gastroenteritis

days duration, children with signs of malnu- Sign Score (n) Mean percent p
trition, history of cardiac or renal disease, and weight gain(±SD)
those who received treatment prior 24 hours
Eyes Normal (95) 2.83 (2.00) 0.001
at another health facility. The clinical assess- Skin elasticity Sunken (98) 4.95 (2.44) 0.001
ment was performed by one pediatrician in Quality of radial pulse Very sunken (7) 9.95 (1.95) 0.001
the presence of others two. In the event of dis- General condition
Quality of respiration
Pinch retracts immediately (81)
Pinch retracts slowly (112)
2.71 (1.98)
4.79 (2.47)
agreement the opinion of the majority (two of Tears Pinch retracts very slowly (>2 sec) (7) 9.73 (1.98) 0.001
three) was accepted. The clinical assessment Mucous membranes Normal (129) 3.21 (2.09) 0.001
Heart rate Thready or weak (67) 5.47 (2.69) 0.001
consisted of the ten clinical signs of dehydra- Capillary refill Feeble or impalpable (4) 10.78 (0.26) 0.001
tion, including those recommended by WHO Urine output Thirsty; alert; restless (76) 3.01 (2.26) 0.018
Lethargic or drowsy (117) 4.44 (2.35)
(World Health Organization), heart rate, and Limp; may be comatose (7) 10.81 (0.21)
capillary refill time (9). Capillary refill time Normal (142) 3.45 (2.32)
Deep (51) 5.47 (2.33)
was performed in e warm ambient tempera- Deep and rapid (7) 10.74 (0.32)
ture, and was measured in sternum of infants Present (168) 3.60 (2.32)
and on finger or arm held at level of the heart Decreased (28) 6.26 (2.66)
Absent (4) 10.90 (0.20)
in older children (it should be less than two Moist (40) 2.65 (1.97)
seconds) (7). Heart rate and respiratory pat- Dry (152) 4.18 (2.41)
Very dry (8) 10.45 (0.90)
tern were compared with age specific normal Normal (132) 3.26 (2.04)
values. For categorical variables, findings were Increased (68) 5.79 (3.02)
marked as normal, moderately abnormal, or Normal (106) 3.40 (2.27)
Delayed capillary refill (>2 sec) (94) 4.93 (2.91)
markedly abnormal unless the signs were re- Normal (88) 3.61 (2.71)
corded in dichotomous fashion as: heart rate, Reduced (112) 4.52 (2.62)

capillary refill time and urine output (none of Table 1. Individual signs of dehydration and their relationship to percent weight
the children were assigned to markedly ab- gain*. *One way Anova
normal findings). The initial assessment was performed less the signs were recorded in dichotomous fashion. All
before the any rehydration therapy. After admission clinical signs were found more frequently with increasing
children were weighed and they underwent rehydration amounts of dehydration (p<0.001, One-way ANOVA,
therapy according to the hospital protocols. Naked body urine output p<0.018). The median number of findings
weight was measured by nurses on the same scale daily, among subjects with no or mild dehydration (deficit <5%)
until discharge. Post-illness weight was defined as the was 3; among those with moderate dehydration (deficit
first weight with less than 1% of differences between two 5% to 9%) was 6.5 and among those with severe dehydra-
consecutive daily weight measurements, after diarrhea tion (deficit >10%) the median was 9 (p<0.0001, Krus-
and vomiting had disappeared. Clinically important de- kal-Wallis test). Multiple linear regression was then used
hydration was defined as a fluid deficit of 5% or greater. It to examine the ability of different subsets of clinical signs
was calculated as (post-illness weight–admission weight)/ to explain the variation in weight gained. Using step wise
(post-illness weight) x 100 for the “gold standard” meth- linear regression and a p value of ≤0.15 for entry into the
od (10). Data were analyzed by determining the mean model, a four-variable model including sunken eyes, skin
and standard deviation for each result. Non-parametric elasticity, week radial pulse, and general appearance was
comparisons (Kruskal-Wallis test) were performed for derived (Table 2).
the median number of findings among subjects with no
or mild, moderate and severe dehydration. Comparisons Clinical Finding Coefficient r partial P
across three categories of findings were performed using Sunken eyes 1.3864 0.318 <0.0001
One-way ANOVA. Multiple linear regression was used to Decreased skin elasticity 1.1426 0.258 0.0002
Week radial pulse 1.2153 0.262 0.0002
compare the explanatory ability of different sets of signs General appearance 0.6781 0.157 0.0275
of dehydration.
Table 2. Different subsets of clinical signs and variation in per-
cent weight gain* *Stepwise regression analysis; for entry p≤0.15
Two hundred patients were enrolled in the study. The 4. DISCUSSION
mean age was 15.62±9.03 months and 57.5% were male. Accurate assessment of hydration status is very import-
Of these 121 (60,5%) had a fluid deficit of <5%, 68 (34%) ant in the management of diarrhea in children. According
had a deficit of 5 to 9% and 11(5.5%) had a deficit of 10% to Colletti at al.clinical assessment of the degree of dehy-
or more. Patients classified as having no or mild, moder- dration done quickly and accurately in infants and young
ate, and severe dehydration were found to have the fol- children with gastroenteritis often determines patient
lowing respective gains in percent weight at the end of treatment and disposition (11). Several studies (3, 12-16)
illness: 2.44±0.3, 6.05±1.01 and, 10.66±0.28, respective- mostly from developed countries have tried to evaluate
ly(p<0.001, One-way ANOVA) (Figure 1). the validity of clinical signs in diagnosis of dehydration
With respect to the individual signs of dehydration ta- while such a study was never conducted in a developing
ble 1shows actual percent dehydration in patients with country of Kosovo. Our study shows that three commonly
varying degrees of these signs. Comparisons were gen- used categories of dehydration were associated with the
erally made across three categories of classification (nor- following mean percentage weight gain: mild dehydration
mal, moderately abnormal and markedly abnormal) un- 2.44%, moderate dehydration 6.05%, and severe dehydra-

Med Arh. 2015 Feb; 69(1): 10-12 11

Performance of Clinical Signs in the Diagnosis of Dehydration in Children with Acute Gastroenteritis

ual clinical signs have adequate sensitivity and specificity

for the prediction of dehydration. It showed that the most
useful individual signs for predicting 5% dehydration in
children are an abnormal capillary refill time, abnormal
skin turgor and abnormal respiratory pattern. Combina-
tions of examination signs perform markedly better than
any individual sign in predicting dehydration.

Clinical signs of dehydration among children with acute
diarrhea differ in their ability to distinguish among mild,
moderate, and severe dehydration. Of the 10 findings
studied, none is sufficiently accurate to be used in isola-
tion. When considered together, sunken eyes, decreased
skin turgor, weak pulse and general appearance provide
the best explanatory power of the physical signs consid-
Figure 1. Mean percent weight gain (+/-SD) after treatment ered.
With respect to the individual signs of dehydration table 1shows actual percent dehydration in
tion 10.66%. The median number of findings in subjects
with mildwith varying degrees
dehydration wasof3these signs.
while Comparisons
in those were generally made
with moderate across three OF INTEREST: NONE DECLARED.
and severeofdehydration
classification (normal,
were 6.5moderately abnormal and markedly
and 9 respectively. Eval- abnormal) unless the
uation of the
signs were individual
recorded signs offashion.
in dichotomous dehydration revealed
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12 Med Arh. 2015 Feb; 69(1): 10-12

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