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Describa en inglés el tipo de población a la que pretende proyectar el producto o servicio, de

acuerdo con el país ya seleccionado.


Lowland plain in the north, Middle Germany

REGION which is an area of plateaus in the center and a
mountainous region in the south.

INHABITANTS 83,02 millions (2019)
DENSITY 233 inhabitants by Km2

In the north, Germany has coasts on the access

to the Baltic Sea and the North Sea. To the
south it extends to the Alps. The highest
mountain is the Zugspitze (2,962 m), in
Bavaria. The lowest point in the country (3.54
m below sea level) is located in the town of
Neuendorf-¬Sachsenbande, in the Land of
Schleswig-Holstein. With 357,340 square
kilometers, Germany is the fourth largest
country in the European Union, after France,
Spain and Sweden. Almost a third of its total
area is covered with forests. Lakes, rivers and
other waters represent more than two percent of
the country's surface. The longest river is the
Rhine, which to the southwest marks the border
between Germany and France; further north are
the cities of Bonn, Cologne and Düsseldorf on
its shores. The Elbe, the second longest river in
the country, passes through Dresden,
Magdeburg and Hamburg, then empties into
the North Sea.

13.3% are young (10 608 878)

AGE 66.1% are adults (52 725 326)
20.6% are elderly (16 431 796)
50.5% are women (42 052 522)
DEMOGRAPHIC 49.5% are men (40 966 691)
CRITERIA 6.6% are married (5,500,000)
1.9% are single parents (1,600,000)
1.9% are mother head of household (1,500,000)
0.008% are same-sex couples (7,000)
FAMILY SIZE Above all, many young academics tend
to found families belatedly: first they want to
finish their studies and then pursue a career.
Therefore, mothers have the first child in
average at almost 30 years old and parents, at
35. That is also one reason for the low number
children per family. 
ENTRY 8.50 per hour; 52,000 euros per year 
 Among about 74% of adults aged 25
EDUCATION at age 64 have obtained a degree
upper secondary education.
The ethnicities available in Germany are:
Brazilian Germans; Germans - Swiss;
RACE Germans - Baltics, among other ethnic groups
in the
 Among the most sought-after occupations for
Germans are: (Doctors, engineers,
Scientists and experts in the IT sector,
qualified staff).
In 2017, German society was made up of:
23.76 million Catholics, 22.27 million
Protestants, 4.4 million Muslims, 100,000
Jews, 100,000 Buddhists.
 Germans 87.2%, Turks 1.8%, Poles 1%,
Syrians 1%, other 9% (2017 est.)
 0-14 years: 12.89% (men 5,302,850 / women
15-24 years: 9.81% (men 4,012,412 /
women 3,854,471)
25-54 years: 38.58% (men 15,553,328 /
women 15,370,417)
55-64 years: 15.74% (men 6,297,886 /
women 6,316,024)
65 years or older: 22.99% (male 8,148,873 /
women 10,277,538) (2020 est.)
 The middle class is one of the pillars of the
society, without it there is no social progress or
solidarity. 58 percent of the population
PSYCHOGRAPHI German is middle class, in 1997 the class
C CRITERIA average was 65%, but it is getting more and
more difficult to access the middle class
German society is characterized by being hard-
working and cultured.
German society is characterized by being frank,
direct, respectful of the rules, organized,
PERSONALITY punctual. Germans are people who have a great
green conscience, so to enter their market it is
important to comply with the three R's.

 German society is characterized by

ability of its citizens to
plan and organize. It is usually associated with
this people with the celebration of the rules and
the discipline, and the truth is that the Germans
These two qualities are deeply rooted and
take pride in it. It is because of this that
punctuality, neatness and order are
practically present in all areas,
making life in Germany very
VALUES pleasant.
It is a consumer with high purchasing power
sophisticated, concerned with good health and
quality of life. According to a report on the
food sector, published by German
Trade and Investment (GTAI), two-thirds of
German consumers see a relationship
FREQUENCY OF USE direct between nutrition and health 
They are loyal to brands that give them a good
treatment and benefit and good price without
clutch this
depends a lot on the positioning of the
CRITERIA Small users, large users and new
USAGE RATE users. 
Regular user, new user, user
THE PRODUCT  Positive.
As mentioned above, the
German market is a very demanding market,
EXPECTED BENEFITS where consumers look for products from
high quality at affordable prices, compliance
Of the brand. 
3. En base a la población descrita con anterioridad elabore una encuesta en inglés para ser
aplicada a esta población
Consumer survey.
Through your opinion it is intended to structure the "Colombian Panela" product, as well as its
commercialization and distribution to understand your requirements and needs regarding the
consumption of this sweetener.
 Have you ever eaten food from the country Colombia?
 Do you consume any kind of unprocessed natural sweetener?
 How often do you consume this sweetener?
 What motivates you to consume this product?
 What benefits do you get from consuming this sweetener?
 Do you think that by consuming this sweetener it helps the country's economy?
 Does the product have a fair price for you?
 Do you think this product will achieve the same success in other countries?
 Do you think that a sample of this product is enough to arouse their interest?

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