MAPEHSummative Test Q2 KEY

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Mangilag Norte, Candelaria, Quezon
S.Y. 2019-2020
Summative Test

Name: Teacher: Score:

Grade & Section: Date: Parent’s Signature:
Test I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Directions: Read and analyze the following statement/question. Choose the BEST letter of your
answer and write on the space provided.

____1. A Korean folk song used as a symbol of Korea and Korean culture. It evokes the feeling of the tears shed by Koreans and the
remembrance of sad stories specifically partings.
a. Sakura b. Moli hua c.Arirang d. Rasa Sayang
____2. This is one of the popular traditional songs of Japan that produces distinct characteristics used in the Asian style of making
melodies also known as the pentatonic scale.
a. Sakura b. Arirang c. Mo Li Hua d. Loi Loi Khratong
____3. Which Japanese instrument is called the “dragon flute”?
a. Shinobue b. Hichiriki c. Shakuhachi d. Ryuteki
____4. How is the Arirang song classified?
a. Parting Song b. Welcome Song c. Love Song d. Song for Spring
____5. A musical percussion instrument, such as Odaiko and Tsuzumi of Japan, usually consists of a hollow cylinder with a
membrane stretched across each end.
a. Idiophone b. Membranophone c. Aerophone d. Chordophone
____6. A percussion instrument, such as cymbal or xylophone, made of naturally sonorous material.
a. Idiophone b. Membranophone c. Aerophone d. Chordophone
____7. This is a traditional Korean six-string plucked zither with bridges and frets.
a. Kayagum b. Haegum c. Geomungo d. Changgo
____8. A musical instrument, such as flute and Nokan, that produces sound primarily by causing a body of air to vibrate.
a. Idiophone b. Membranophone c. Aerophone d. Chordophone
____9. This is a Chinese musical instrument having four-stringed lute with 30 frets and a pear-shaped body. It has extremely wide
dynamic range and remarkable expressive power.
a. Erhu b. Yueqin c.Sheng d. Pipa
____10. It is a traditional Chinese song with a beautifully gentle and lyrical melody which the lyrics is all about the custom of giving
Jasmine flower.
a. Sakura b. Mo Li Hua c. Noh d. Arirang
____11. Which Korean music category is traditionally associated with the lower class?
a. Tang-ak b. Sog-ak c.Chong-ak d. a-ak
____12. This instrument of Japan is an hourglass-shape instrument. It has two varieties, the smaller (kotsuzumi) and the larger
(otsuzumi). These instruments are used in both Noh and Kabuki performance.
a. Tsuzumi b. Odaiko c. Taiko d. Tsuridaiko
____13. This is known as a Chinese mouth organ. It consist of 12 to 36 bamboo pipes. The pipe has a different length and it has a
brass reed on the bottom and a hole that must be locked in order to make a sound.
a. Pipa b. Zheng c. Sheng d. Yunluo
____14. What do you call the traditional Chinese flute having a membrane over an extra hole to give the rattle effect?
a. Dizi b. Sheng c. Sho d. Hichiriki
____15. Which Japanese instrument is the counterpart of the Kayageum instrument of Korea?
a. Zheng b. Shamisen c. Geomungo d. Koto

____16. Which of the following is commonly a painting subjects or themes of Japan?
a. Landscapes b. Palaces c. Bamboo d.Scenes from everyday life
____17.It was regarded as the highest form of Chinese painting.
a. Portrait painting b. Landscape painting c. Calligraphy d. Logographs
____18. Which of the following is the most important feature in Korean Painting?
a. People and Animals b.Mountains and Water c. Figures and details d. Landscapes
____19. The art of “beautiful handwriting” with pen or brush with the use of ink, paint, or water color on paper, silk or any similar
a. Logograph b. Origami c. Calligraphy d. Yin-Yang
____20. It signifies uprightness and cool headedness while the latter indicates a just and noble character.
a. Lian Po b. Cao Cao c. Guan Ju d. Huang Pang
____21. It is used for young, handsome and virtuous characters. It has red lines drawn upwards from the two ends of the eyes and the
face is painted with white.
a. Suji Guma b. Nihon Guma c.Mukimi Guma d. Kabuki
____22. This was one of the greatest contributions of ancient China in the development of arts and was first invented by Cai Lun of
the Eastern Han Dynasty in China.
a. Silk b. Paper c. Ink d. Color
____23. What do you call the Japanese art of paper cutting?
a. Origami b. Hanjie c. Chuang Hua d. Kirie
____24. This is the usual roofs of East Asian temples and houses.
a. Sweeping Roofs b. Straight Inclined c. Multi-inclined d. Inclined
____25. Mr. Jayson P. De Alday, your MAPEH teacher, told you to make a greeting card using calligraphy. Which of the following
characteristics will you apply?
a. Use with brush dipped in black or colored ink b. Use of oil c. Use of brilliant colors
____26. It was often used as the medium to paint upon, but it was quite expensive than paper.
a. Silk b. Paper c. Illustration d. Cartolina
____27. He was a writer, art historian and critic in 5th century China established the Six Principles of
Chinese Painting.
a. Cai Lun b. Xie He c. James Naismith d. Confucius
____28. Which of the following characteristics best describe Korean painting?
a. Use of decorative and bright colors c.Subjects such as landscapes, facial features, Buddhist topics.
b. Most common theme describes the scenes from everyday life. d. Images frequently depicted a narrative
____29. Which of the following does not belong to the concepts of Chinese painting?
a. Heaven b. Humankind c. Earth d.None of the Above
____30. It is the Korean masks originated with religious meaning and has a rich history. It is used in funeral
services to help banish evil spirits and theatre plays.
a. Kabuki b. Suji Guma c. Tal d. Shamanistic Rites

Physical Education
__A__31. It is a series of tests done in order to determine your level of physical fitness.
a. Fitness Assessment b. Endurance Test c. Flexibility Test d. Cardiovascular Assessment Test
__B__32. It pertains to the greatest amount of force a muscle can employ against an opposing force.
a. Cardiovascular b. Muscular strength c. Muscular endurance d. Flexibility
__C__33. It pertains to the capability of circulatory system to supply oxygen to muscle for an extended period of time.
a. Cardiovascular b. Health related fitness c. Muscular endurance d. Flexibility
__D__34. It is the ability to move a body part through a full range of motion.
a. Cardiovascular b. Muscular strength c. Health related fitness d. Flexibility
__D__35. The following are the benefits of physical activity except:
a. It improves muscular and cardiorespiratory fitness. b. It improves bone and functional health.
c. It increases the risk of falls or vertebral fractures, and the fundamental to energy balance and weight control.
d. t lessens the risk of hypertension, coronary heart disease etc.
_C___36. FIIT stands for:
a. Frequency, Intensity, Type, Test b. Flexibility, Intensity, Type, Time
c. Frequency, Intensity, Type, Time d. Flexibility, Incapacity, Time
__B__37. It pertains to how hard the physical activity. It describes as low, moderate or vigorous.
a. Frequency b. Intensity c. Type D. Time
__A__38. It is planned, repetitive, and structured activities with aims to improve or enhance the component of physical
a. Physical Activity Program b. Physical Fitness Test c. Physical Activity Test d. Physical Fitness Program
__C_39. He introduced Volleyball as a sport on 1895.
a. Henry G. Morgan b. Willard G. Morgan c. William G. Morgan d. Albert G. Morgan
__B__40. It is an act of slamming the ball in downward motion across the net to the opponent’s court.
a. Blocking b. Spiking c. Setting d. Digging
__D__41. The following are the rules in playing volleyball except:
a. The official court measurement must be 18 meters by 9 meters.
b. The ball must be hit, not caught.
c. When the team wins the point, then they go to serve.
d. To start the game, the server may serve from the right service court behind the line.
__B__42. The use of it is to give the referee and players an aid to judge if the ball is in play or out of bound.
a. Net b. Antenna c. Court d. Ball
__A__43. It is the ability of the player to stop the opponent’s attack through standing or jumping at the front of the net.
a. Blocking b. Spiking c. Setting d. Digging
__A__44. Two types of service in volleyball.
a. upper hand service and lower hand service b. Flat service and Slice Service
c. Low service and High Service d. overhand service and underhand service
__D__45. Health related fitness components that can be gained from playing volleyball.
a. Flexibility b. Cardiovascular Endurance c. Muscular Strength and Endurance d. All of the above

__A__46. A social activity that involves two or more people generally assessing each other’s suitability for a potential
a. Dating b. Marriage c. Courtship d. Parenthood
__B__47. The following are the importance of dating except:
a. Forms affection and respect. b. Weakens the relationship.
c. Sets the foundation for marriage. d. Guides one to observe the other person’s character.
__C__48. A private or an informal matter between two people, or a formal arrangement with family approval
a. Dating b. Marriage c. Courtship d. Parenthood
__C__49. This stage of relationship gives one a chance and time to get to know better the character and background of
one’s future lifetime partner.
a. Dating b. Marriage c. Courtship d. Parenthood
__D__50. Factors that a couple needs to consider in choosing a lifetime partner.
a. Maturity and Fidelity b. Love and Commitment c. Economic Readiness and Character d. All of the above
__B__51. In this period most women start to look pregnant and begin to wear maternity clothes. The easiest part of
a. First Trimester b. Second Trimester c. Third Trimester d. Fourth Trimester
__D__52. The process that lasts from the time contractions start until the delivery of the child and the placenta.
a. Birth b. Morning Sickness c. Contraction d. Labor
__B__53. One of the father’s role during and after pregnancy.
a. Do exercises like walking, yoga, etc.
b. Should see to it that the necessary immunizations as scheduled are strictly followed.
c. Eat nutritious food
d. Avoid stressful activities.
__A__54. Kind of foods that can be given to a pregnant woman.
a. Energy – giving foods b. Dairy foods c. Junk Foods d. All of the above
__C__55. An importance procedure to find out if the baby has a congenital metabolic disorder that may lead to mental
retardation or even death if left untreated.
a. Breast Feeding b. Immunization c. New Born Screening d. Lactation
__B_56. An act promulgating a comprehensive policy and a national system for ensuring newborn screening.
a. Republic Act No. 9281 b. Republic Act No. 9288 c. Republic Act No. 9280 d. Republic Act No. 9289
__A__57. A national policy to encourage, protect, and support the practice of breastfeeding.
a. Republic Act No. 7600 b. Republic Act No. 7601 c. Republic Act No. 7602 d. Republic Act No. 7603
__A__58. The first thick yellowish fluid that comes out from second to the fifth day after delivery and should be given to
all newborns because of its high protein contents.
a. Colostrum b. Lactose b. Water c. Calcium
_A___59. The following are the responsibilities of parents to their children except:
a. Self Esteem b. Inculcating discipline c. Developing social competence d. Education
__A__60. To start a family is a very important decision that needs emotional, intellectual, social, physical, and ______
a. economic b. academic c. spiritual d. logical


Teacher’s Signature

Signature over printed name of the parents/guardian

Prepared by:

Hener D. Abu Ma. Ayessa L. Tolentino Clarise L. Medina Jayson P. De Alday

MAPEH Teacher MAPEH Teacher MAPEH Teacher MAPEH Teacher


Shirley C. Evangelista
MAPEH Coordinator

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