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Technical Paper

Jianzhuang Xiao* DOI: 10.1002/suco.201200037

Yuhui Fan
M.M Tawana

Residual compressive and flexural strength

of a recycled aggregate concrete following
elevated temperatures
A recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) with different replacement looked at the mechanical behaviour of recycled concrete
percentages of recycled coarse aggregates (RCAs) (i.e. 0, 30, 50, at elevated temperatures. The research undertaken by
70, 100 %) was investigated experimentally at elevated tempera- Teranishi et al. [5] indicated that the residual compressive
tures. The residual compressive strength as well as the residual strength of RAC was somewhat lower than that of NAC.
flexural strength of the RAC following elevated temperatures was However, no clear relationship was presented or estab-
studied and evaluated. A relationship between the residual com- lished between the RCAs replacement percentage and the
pressive flexural strength of RAC and the elevated temperature residual compressive strength. The interesting work com-
was proposed. Furthermore, the relationship between the resid- pleted by Hernández-Olivares and Barluenga [6] shows a
ual flexural strength and the compressive strength of the RAC reduction in the curvature of the specimens in fire and a
was compared and analysed. It was found that both the residual higher risk of explosive spalling when high-strength con-
compressive strength and the residual flexural strength of the
crete (HSC) is filled and mixed with recycled rubber. But
RAC decrease with a rise in temperature, and the effect of the
no results were given to express the relationship between
RCAs replacement percentage on the residual flexural strength
the residual mechanical properties and the elevated tem-
and the residual compressive strength of RAC was found to be
peratures after exposure to fire. Terro [7] investigated how
replacing fine and coarse aggregates with recycled glass af-
Keywords: recycled aggregate concrete (RAC), recycled coarse aggregates fects the properties of concrete at elevated temperatures.
(RCAs), residual compressive strength, residual flexural strength, elevated
He indicated that the compressive strength of concrete
made with recycled glass aggregate decreased by as much
as 20 % compared with its original value as temperatures
1 Introduction increased up to 700 °C.
On the other hand, the fire investigations into nor-
Rapid developments in the construction industry have led mal concrete (NC) [8], lightweight concrete (LWC) [9],
to a large amount of infrastructure demolition work. This high-strength concrete (HSC) [10], high-performance con-
demolition plus the construction of new buildings have crete (HPC) [11] and ultra-high-performance concrete
produced a great deal of construction and demolition (UHPC) [12] have revealed that obvious differences exist
waste. From the viewpoint of environmental conservation regarding the fire behaviour of these different kinds of
and effective utilization of resources, it is beneficial and concrete. In light of this, the fire performance of RAC has
necessary to recycle the waste concrete. The investigation to be examined in order to understand fully the properties
into recycling waste concrete was initiated in Russia by of this material.
Gluzhge [1]. Since then, a significant number of studies Motivated by the aforementioned facts, an experi-
have been carried out to focus on the recycling of waste mental investigation into the fire behaviour of an RAC was
concrete in various parts of the world. Previous studies carried out and the effect of elevated temperatures on the
mainly covered the processing of demolished concrete, residual compressive strength and the residual flexural
mix design, mechanical properties and durability aspects strength of the RAC with different RCAs replacement per-
[2, 3, 4]. Due to the higher water absorption, higher crush- centages was analysed. The tests in this investigation were
ing index and low density of recycled coarse aggregates performed at the Advanced Civil Engineering Material
(RCAs), the mechanical properties and the durability per- Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education in China at
formance of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) are proved Tongji University.
to be degraded compared with those of natural aggregate
concrete (NAC). However, only a few investigations have 2 Description of experiments
2.1 Materials

* Corresponding author: Portland cement conforming to 32.5 R according to Chi-

Submitted for review: 28 September 2012
nese standard GB175-1999 was adopted in this experimen-
Revised: 10 December 2012 tal investigation. The fine aggregates used were river sand
Accepted for publication: 19 January 2013 (siliceous). The siliceous coarse aggregates used were nat-

168 © 2013 Ernst & Sohn Verlag für Architektur und technische Wissenschaften GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin · Structural Concrete 14 (2013), No. 2
J. Xiao/Y. Fan/M. M. Tawana · Residual compressive and flexural strength of a recycled aggregate concrete following elevated temperatures

Table 1. Physical properties of natural coarse aggregates (NCAs) and recycled coarse aggregates (RCAs)

Coarse Grading Bulk Apparent Water Crush Needle-slice

aggregate density density absorption index content
[mm] [kg/m3] [kg/m3] [%] [%] [%]

Natural 5.0–31.5 1453 2820 0.40 4.04 4.8

Recycled 5.0–31.5 1290 2520 9.25 15.2 6.2

Table 2. Mix proportions of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) [kg/m3]

Mix No. RCAs replacement Cement Sand NCAs RCAs Mixing

percentage water

NC 0 430 555 1295 – 185

RAC-30 30 % 430 534 872 374 185
RAC-50 50 % 430 522 609 609 185
RAC-70 70 % 430 510 357 832 185
RAC-100 100 % 430 492 – 1149 185

ural coarse aggregates (NCAs) and recycled coarse aggre- termine the workability of the mix. The slump value of the
gates (RCAs). The latter were obtained from the demol- freshly mixed concrete was an average of about 30 mm.
ished concrete of the abandoned runway of an airport in For every RCAs replacement level, the mixtures were cast
Shanghai. Unfortunately, detailed information on the de- using four cube moulds measuring 150 × 150 × 150  mm
molished concrete, e.g. design strength, was unknown. Re- and five prism moulds measuring 100 × 100 × 400 mm,
cycled aggregates are crushed as follows: firstly, big blocks and compacted on a vibration table. They were demould-
of waste concrete were crushed into smaller pieces; sec- ed after 24  h and transferred to a moist-curing room
ondly, the smaller particles were screened. The particle (20 ± 2 °C, 95 % RH).
sizes, which in civil engineering are called „aggregates“,
use the same size regulations as stipulated in normal con- 3 Heating test
crete design codes, i.e. 0.5–5.0 mm for recycled fine aggre- 3.1 Test setup
gates and 5.0–31.5 mm for RCAs. The surfaces of recycled
aggregates are very rough when compared with natural ag- The heating test was undertaken in an unstressed condi-
gregates. Most recycled aggregates contain old mortar, tion in a DRX-36 electric furnace (Fig.  1) made by Ke-
and some recycled aggregates are actually made up entire- Cheng Industrial Furnace Equipment Factory, Shanghai.
ly of old mortar. The physical properties of the NCAs and After 28 days of curing, the RAC specimens were taken
the RCAs were tested and are listed in Table 1. out of the curing room and allowed to dry in ambient con-

2.2 Mix proportion

The ratio of mass of RCAs to mass of all coarse aggregates

is termed the replacement percentage of RCAs. Due to
their high water absorption, the RCAs used were pre-
soaked with additional water before mixing. The quantity
of water applied to pre-soak the RCAs was calculated ac-
cording to the saturated surface-dry condition. The wa-
ter/cement ratio was kept constant at 0.43. There were
five mixes: NC, RAC-30, RAC-50, RAC-70 and RAC-100,
which are shown and described in Table 2. In the case of
an RCAs replacement percentage of 0 %, the natural ag-
gregates were used to produce natural aggregate concrete
(NAC), which served as the reference concrete (control

2.3 Preparation of specimens

Preparation and mixing were conducted under laboratory

conditions. The sand, cement and coarse aggregates were
dry-mixed for about 2 min before water was added and fur-
ther mixed for 3–5 min before measuring the slump to de- Fig. 1. The furnace

Structural Concrete 14 (2013), No. 2 169

J. Xiao/Y. Fan/M. M. Tawana · Residual compressive and flexural strength of a recycled aggregate concrete following elevated temperatures

ditions (temperature about 25 °C and relative humidity el, it was kept constant for > 2 h (soaking period). Under
about 50 %) for at least 2 weeks until the day of the heat- this regime, the temperature on the surface of the cubes or
ing test. Eight different temperature levels (20, 200, 300, prisms can be considered to be the same as the central core
400, 500, 600, 700 and 800 °C) for cubes and five different of the specimen [14]. The furnace door was then opened
temperature levels (20, 200, 400, 600, and 800 °C) for and the specimens allowed to cool down to room tempera-
prisms were adopted in the heating test for every RAC ture within the furnace, which took about 12 h.
with a different RCAs replacement percentage. Therefore,
altogether 160 cubes and 125 prisms were heated in this 3.3 Visual observations
investigation. All surface changes on the specimens before
and after exposure to elevated temperature were observed Fig. 3 shows that fine cracks appeared on the surfaces of
and evaluated. the cube specimens at a temperature of 800 °C. However,
there were no obvious cracks with a temperature < 700 °C.
3.2 Heating regimes When the temperature was < 600 °C, no cracks ap-
peared on the prisms; at 600 °C the surfaces of the prisms
Both the cube and prism specimens were heated in accor- had already cracked, but there were still only a few cracks;
dance with the curve of ISO 834 [13]. The measured curve at 800 °C, cracks formed in the prism surface, and many of
of elevated temperature versus time is shown in Fig. 2, these cracks crossed the cross-section of the specimens.
where the corresponding curve of ISO 834 is also given for Fig. 4 shows some typical cracks that appeared on the
the comparison. After the temperature reached a target lev- prism surface after exposure to fire.
During the whole elevated temperature experiment,
1000 no explosive spalling was seen in any RAC. This may infer
that RAC behaves well when exposed to fire and has a
good resistance against explosive spalling.
Temperature (oC)

From the view point of surface colour, different

colours were observed on the heated recycled concrete af-
ter high temperatures. However, it was found that the
colour variation has no obvious relation with the RCAs re-
400 Test placement percentage. Taking the cubes, for example, the
ISO-834 variation in colour with a rising temperature can be iden-
200 tified in three main ranges: normal grey when the temper-
ature was below 300 °C, taupe when the temperature
0 ranged between 400 and 600 °C, and straw yellow when
0 50 100 150 200 the temperature exceeded 600 °C. The variation in RAC
Time (min) colour can be attributed to the change in texture and com-
position, expansion and crystal destruction of hydration
Fig. 2. Temperature-time curve of furnace products during heating and cooling.

a) NC b) RAC-30

c) RAC-50 d) RAC-70 e) RAC-100

Fig. 3. Surface characteristics of the cubes after being heated to 800 °C

170 Structural Concrete 14 (2013), No. 2

J. Xiao/Y. Fan/M. M. Tawana · Residual compressive and flexural strength of a recycled aggregate concrete following elevated temperatures

a) RC-30 prism after being heated to 600 oC b) RC-50 prism after being heated to 800 oC

Fig. 4. Surface characteristics of the prisms

4 Compression test and discussion strength of cubes after fire exposure, the residual-to-initial
4.1 Compression test ratio (i.e. the ratio of residual strength at elevated temper-
ature T °C to initial strength at 20 °C) of compressive
The compressive strength test for the heated cubes was strength with different RCAs replacement percentages and
completed on a YE-2000 machine with a loading rate of the Eurocodes [17] is shown in Fig.  5. Clearly, Fig. 5 re-
0.5–0.8 MPa/s. Average values (three specimens) of the veals that the residual compressive strength behaves dif-
residual compressive strength for RAC with the same ferently for concretes with different RCAs replacement
RCAs replacement percentage at the same elevated tem- percentages, which is described as follows: For NC speci-
perature were calculated and are given in Table 3. Rough- mens, there is a trough at 200 °C and a crest at 300 °C.
ly speaking, it can be seen from Table 3 that the residual When the elevated temperature is higher than 300 °C, the
compressive strength of RAC decreases with the increase curve drops continuously. The curve for RAC-30 speci-
in the RCAs replacement level for a certain elevated tem- mens changes slowly when the temperature ranges from
perature, whereas the residual compressive strength of 200 to 300 °C and from 500 to 600 °C, but drops nearly
RAC decreases with an increase in the exposure tempera- linearly when the temperature exceeds 600 °C. The curves
ture for the same RCAs replacement level. for RAC-50, RAC-70 and RAC-100 are somewhat similar to
However, it should be noted here that when the each other, i.e. there is a trough at 300 °C and then the
RCAs replacement percentage is 50 %, there are some ab- residual strength rises and forms a flat crest between 400
normal residual compressive strength values, especially in and 500 °C, followed by a sharp decrease. Generally, the
the temperature range 400–600 °C. At present, except for residual-to-initial ratio of compressive strength for con-
the knowledge that there is considerable scatter in the cretes with different RCAs replacement percentages ex-
compressive strength of recycled concrete with a 50 % hibits only a few differences when the temperature is <
RCAs replacement level at ambient temperature [15, 16], 300 °C. However, the residual-to-initial ratio of compres-
no further information has yet become available and this sive strength of RAC-50, RAC-70 and RAC-100 cubes is
phenomenon should be investigated further from the as- much higher than that of RAC-30 cubes when the temper-
pect of the microstructure of recycled concrete. ature rises from 400 to 700 °C.
For the residual compressive strength degradation of
4.2 Comparisons between concrete with different normal concrete after high temperatures, it has been
RCAs replacement percentages found by investigators such as Xiao and König [8] that

In order to evaluate the influence of the different RCAs re- 1.2

placement percentages on the residual compressive
Table 3. Mean values of the residual compressive strength of recycled
compressive strength
Relative residual

aggregate concrete (RAC) [MPa] 0.8

Temperature NC RAC-30 RAC-50 RAC-70 RAC-100 0.6 NC

[oC] RC-30
0.4 RC-50
20 38.2 39.6 37.9 33.3 33.3 RC-70
200 32.3 30.9 34.4 29.3 29.3 0.2 RC-100
300 34.6 30.5 26.0 24.5 28.4 EC2 [17]
400 30.5 28.4 31.8 30.1 31.0 0.0
500 25.1 23.0 34.0 29.7 32.5 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
600 22.4 23.5 33.4 27.9 27.0 Exposure temperature ( C)
700 17.4 14.8 24.9 18.7 17.9
Fig. 5. Comparison of the residual compressive strengths of RAC with
800 10.5 9.1 8.5 7.8 7.7
different RCAs replacement percentages

Structural Concrete 14 (2013), No. 2 171

J. Xiao/Y. Fan/M. M. Tawana · Residual compressive and flexural strength of a recycled aggregate concrete following elevated temperatures

when the temperature is < 300 °C, the concrete strength 4.4 Suggested modes for residual compressive strength
fluctuates with the strength at ambient temperature. The of RAC
residual compressive strength starts to drop when the ele-
vated temperature is > 300 °C. When the temperature ex- Based on the test results, the residual compressive
ceeds 400 °C, the residual compressive strength starts to strengths of RAC-50, RAC-70 and RAC-100 cubes are rela-
decrease drastically. At 800 °C it drops to < 20 % of its tively similar to each other, whereas that of RAC-30 shows
strength at ambient temperature. But for the RAC in this a distinctive difference. Therefore, the test data for the
investigation, the residual compressive strength shows a residual-to-initial ratio of RAC-50, RAC-70 and RAC-100
rise when the elevated temperature is > 300 °C. This rising were put together.
trend becomes stronger with the increase in the RCAs re- Using a method of least squares, the regress curves
placement percentage. Beyond 400 °C, when the RCAs re- are shown in Fig. 7 and the corresponding formulae can
placement percentage is 30 %, the residual compressive be written as follows:
strength of RAC is lower than that of normal concrete;
when the RCAs replacement percentage is ≥ 50 %, the RAC-30:
residual compressive strength of the RAC becomes higher T /f 20 = 1.018–0.088 (T/100) (R = 0.95) T < 300 °C
f cu (1a)
than the one for normal concrete. According to the pub-
lished literature that focuses on the mechanical behaviour T /f 20 = 0.93–0.059 (T/100) (R = 0.92) 300 °C ≤ T < 600 °C
fcu cu
of the RAC at ambient temperature, the RCAs replace- (1b)
ment percentage should be controlled at no greater than
30 % [3, 18]. This could not be confirmed considering the T /f 20 = 1.62–0.174 (T/100) (R = 0.99) 600 °C ≤ T < 800 °C
fcu cu
results of the investigations described in this paper. (1c)
RAC-50, RAC-70 and RAC-100:
4.3 Comparisons between concrete with different T /f 20 = 1.015–0.075 (T/100) (R = 0.98) T < 300 °C
f cu (2a)
kinds of aggregate
T /f 20 = 0.489+0.096 (T/100) (R = 0.94) 300 °C ≤ T < 500 °C
fcu cu
For a better understanding of the characteristics of the (2b)
residual compressive strength of RAC following elevated
temperatures, Fig. 6 summarizes the relationships between T /f 20 = 2.086–0.224 (T/100) (R = 0.97) 500 °C ≤ T ≤ 800 °C
fcu cu
the residual-to-initial ratio of compressive strength and the (2c)
elevated temperature for concretes with different types of
aggregate. Fig. 6 shows the recycled concrete with 100 % For simplicity, the authors further unify Eqs. (1) and (2) in-
RCAs replacement percentage, which is considered as being to Eq. (3) to estimate the relative residual compressive
representative of RAC due to the fact that other concretes strength of RAC with the RCAs replacement percentage
were all mixed with one kind of coarse aggregate. The ≥ 30 %. This curve associated with Eq. (3) is also plotted
results in Fig. 6 are taken from [17, 19], where SA, CA and in Fig. 6 for comparison.
LWA refer to siliceous aggregates, calcareous aggregates
and lightweight aggregates respectively. It can be seen from T /f 20 = 1.0 – (T – 20)/975 T ≤ 800 °C
f cu (3)
Fig. 6 that the residual compressive strength of the RAC is
lower than that of concrete with other coarse aggregates where
when the temperature is < 300 °C, but surpasses that of T
f cu residual compressive cube strength of RAC at an ele-
other concretes when the temperature ranges from 400 to vated temperature of T °C
700 °C. Accordingly, the relationship between the residual 20 compressive cube strength of RAC at 20 °C (ambient
compressive strength and the elevated temperature of other temperature)
concretes cannot be simply extended to the RAC. R value of correlation coefficient

Residual-to-initial ratio of

Residual-to-initial-ratio of

compressive strength

compressive strength

0.4 RAC-30
CEN:LWA Eq. (1)
CEB:SA RAC-50, 70, 100
0.2 CEB:LWA Eq. (2)
0.2 Eq. (3)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Exposure temperature (oC) Exposure temperature (oC)

Fig. 6. Comparison between concretes with different kinds of coarse aggregate Fig. 7. Regress for the test results of recycled aggregate concrete

172 Structural Concrete 14 (2013), No. 2

J. Xiao/Y. Fan/M. M. Tawana · Residual compressive and flexural strength of a recycled aggregate concrete following elevated temperatures

5 Flexure test and discussion strength of RC-50 continues to decrease with the change
5.1 Flexure test in temperature, and its rate of decrease is greater than that
of all the other replacement percentages. Overall, the
The flexural strength test on the prisms was carried out af- residual flexural strength of recycled concrete following
ter they were exposed to high temperatures. The test was elevated temperatures of 200–400 °C is relatively stable,
carried out by a YEW-300B testing machine, which has a above 400 °C it decreases substantially, and when it reach-
maximum load of 300 kN; the loading rate was 0.05– es 800 °C the residual flexural strength is almost zero. In
0.08 MPa/s. Data was acquired by LM-02 Smart Acquisi- comparison with the residual compressive strength follow-
tion Data Collection. The loading pattern is demonstrated ing elevated temperatures, the influence of the RCAs re-
in Fig. 8. The value for the test results should be obtained placement percentage on the residual flexural strength is
in line with the regulations in [20]. After taking off the val- not very significant.
ue at the failure point and ignoring all the values that ex-
ceed the average value by 15 %, take the average value of 5.3 Suggested modes for residual flexural strength of RAC
all the prisms at the same elevated temperature, see
Table 4. It can be concluded from Table 4 that the residual For convenience of use in engineering projects, and at the
flexural strength of RAC does not obviously vary with the same time in view of the RAC residual flexural strength at
increase in the RCAs replacement level under a certain el- elevated temperatures, the authors divided the recycled
evated temperature, whereas the residual flexural strength concrete residual flexural strength in this study into three
of RAC decreases as the exposure temperature rises for stages for preliminary regression. The regression curve is
the same RCAs replacement level. demonstrated by Fig. 10. The regression formulae are:

5.2 Comparisons between concrete with different f fT/f f20 = 1.058 – 0.0029T 20 °C ≤ T ≤ 200 °C (4a)
RCAs replacement percentages
f fT/f f20 = 0.53 – 0.00027T 200 °C ≤ T ≤ 400 °C (4b)
In order to evaluate the influence of the different RCAs re-
placement percentages on the residual flexural strength of f fT/f f20 = 1.117 – 0.00174T 400 °C ≤ T ≤ 600 °C (4c)
prisms after exposure to elevated temperatures, the resid-
ual-to-initial ratio of flexural strength with different RCAs
Residual-to-initial ratio of flexural strength

replacement percentages is shown in Fig. 9. It can be 1

clearly seen that the change in the residual flexural NC
strength of recycled concrete for different replacement 0.8 RC-30
percentages following high temperature exposure is al-
most the same: the change is very slow between 200 and 0.6
400 °C, very rapid above 400 °C. The residual flexural


0 200 400 600 800

Exposure temperature (oC)

Fig. 9. Comparison of the residual flexural strength of RAC with different
RCAs replacement percentages
h h h
Residual-to-initial ratio of flexural strength

Fig. 8. Loading sketch for the flexural strength
Table 4. Mean values of the residual flexural strength of recycled aggre-
gate concrete (RAC) [MPa]
0.4 RC-100

Temperature NC RAC-30 RAC-50 RAC-70 RAC-100 Eq.(4)


20 5.83 5.70 5.08 4.81 4.51 0

200 2.19 2.83 2.61 2.14 1.97 0 200 400 600 800

400 3.09 2.27 1.44 2.61 2.05 Exposure temperature (oC)

600 0.76 0.18 0.51 0.10 0.61
800 0 0 0 0 0 Fig. 10. Regress on the relationship between the residual flexural strength
and elevated temperatures

Structural Concrete 14 (2013), No. 2 173

J. Xiao/Y. Fan/M. M. Tawana · Residual compressive and flexural strength of a recycled aggregate concrete following elevated temperatures

Ratio of flexural strength to compressive 0.2 ever, RAC with a lower water/cement ratio should be
NC investigated in the future.
RC-30 2) The residual compressive strength of the RAC has an
obvious change from falling to rising when the temper-
ature is about 300 °C. Up to this variation a rising trend

0.1 occurs until 500 °C. Whereas the residual compressive

RC-100 strength of natural aggregate concrete (NAC) generally
exhibits a falling trend when the temperature is
0.05 > 400 °C.
3) When the replacement percentage of recycled coarse
aggregates (RCAs) is 30 %, the residual compressive
0 200 400 600 800
strength of RAC is lower than that of natural aggregate
concrete. But when the RCAs replacement percentage
Exposure temperature (oC)
is not less than 50 %, the residual compressive strength
Fig. 11. Ratios of the residual flexural to the compressive strength of RAC of RAC is higher than that of NAC on the whole. The
higher the RCAs replacement percentage, the clearer
the trend becomes.
4) Eqs. (1) and (2) are proposed to calculate the residual
where compressive strength of the RAC when the RCAs re-
f fT residual flexural strength of RAC at an elevated tem- placement percentage is 30 % and greater (i.e. 50, 70
perature of T °C and 100 %) respectively. For simplicity, Eq. (3) can be
f f20 flexural strength of RAC at 20 °C (ambient tempera- used to estimate the residual compressive strength of
ture) RAC at elevated temperatures, irrespective of the RCAs
replacement percentage.
6 Comparisons between residual compressive 5) The residual flexural strength of RAC gradually de-
and flexural strength of RAC creases on the whole following elevated temperatures.
Eq. (4) can be used to calculate and predict the residual
Based on the tests on the residual compressive strength flexural strength of RAC following elevated tempera-
and the residual flexural strength of RAC following elevat- tures. When compared with the residual compressive
ed temperatures, the ratio of the residual flexural strength strength at elevated temperatures, the effect of RCAs
to the residual compressive strength following elevated replacement percentage on the residual flexural
temperatures was analysed comparatively as shown in strength at elevated temperatures is not very signifi-
Fig. 11. cant.
It can be seen from Fig. 11 that at room temperature 6) At room temperature the ratio of the flexural strength
the ratios of the flexural to compressive strength of the to the compressive strength of RAC is 0.15, which is al-
RAC with different RCAs replacement percentages are all most the same as NAC. After exposure to elevated tem-
basically about 0.15, and they all show a downward trend peratures, the ratio of the residual flexural strength to
with an increase in the elevated temperature. The ratios of the residual compressive strength of RAC gradually de-
the RCAs replacement percentages 30, 70 and 100 % grad- creases as the elevated temperature increases.
ually decrease between 200 and 400 °C. When the RCAs
replacement percentage is 50 %, it shows a downward Acknowledgements
trend with an increase in temperature, and shows a much
greater decrease compared with the other replacement This work was sponsored by the National Natural Science
percentages. At 600 °C the ratio is already very small, and Foundation of China (51178340) and Chinese National
at 800 °C, since the RAC residual flexural strength is basi- 973 Plan (2012CB719703). This assistance is highly appre-
cally zero, the ratio is also zero. Generally, the ratio of ciated. The authors would like to thank Mr. Yunbiao
NAC’s flexural strength to compressive strength is be- Huang for his contribution to the test. Special thanks are
tween 0.1 and 0.2 [5], and the result of this study at room extended to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dehn of MFPA Leipzig/Univer-
temperature would be around 0.15, i.e. at room tempera- sity of Leipzig, Germany.
ture the relationship between recycled concrete’s flexural
strength and compressive strength is basically the same as References
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