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e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal, Volume 12, Issue 1, 2018, pages: 237–263, DOI 10.


Semantic Knowledge Management System to

Support Software Engineers: Implementation and
Static Evaluation through Interviews at Ericsson
Ali Demirsoy∗ , Kai Petersen∗∗

Borsa Istanbul
Fachbereich Wirtschaft, Department of Software Engineering, University of Applied Sciences Flensburg,
Blekinge Institute of Technology,

Background: In large-scale corporations in the software engineering context information overload
problems occur as stakeholders continuously produce useful information on process life-cycle issues,
matters related to specific products under development, etc. Information overload makes finding
relevant information (e.g., how did the company apply the requirements process for product X?)
challenging, which is in the primary focus of this paper.
Contribution: In this study the authors aimed at evaluating the ease of implementing a semantic
knowledge management system at Ericsson, including the essential components of such systems
(such as text processing, ontologies, semantic annotation and semantic search). Thereafter, feedback
on the usefulness of the system was collected from practitioners.
Method: A single case study was conducted at a development site of Ericsson AB in Sweden.
Results: It was found that semantic knowledge management systems are challenging to implement,
this refers in particular to the implementation and integration of ontologies. Specific ontologies for
structuring and filtering are essential, such as domain ontologies and ontologies distinct to the
Conclusion: To be readily adopted and transferable to practice, desired ontologies need to be
implemented and integrated into semantic knowledge management frameworks with ease, given
that the desired ontologies are dependent on organizations and domains.
Keywords: knowledge management, information overload, case study, semantic web

1. Introduction knowledge management, i.e. the process of acquir-

ing or creating knowledge, transforming it into
One of the main challenges for large-scale orga- a reusable form, and maintaining, finding and
nizations is the high number of stakeholders [1]. reusing it [3, 4]. Most of the current knowledge
They all provide/produce information and knowl- management systems use keyword-based search
edge and, as a result, increase the amount of models that rely on words’ lexical forms, rather
information. Besides, many stakeholders are not than the meanings of the words [5]. However,
known to others as organizations grow; thus, the these search mechanisms do not always satisfy
holders of specific pieces of knowledge are not the needs of users in terms of the precision of ob-
known. Therefore, a significant problem occurs tained results [6, 7]. In consequence, people who
related to the communication and coordination exchange information with each other face the
between these stakeholders [2]. A solution offer- problem of information overload due to the high
ing assistance in overcoming these problems is number of available documents and information
238 Ali Demirsoy, Kai Petersen

[8–11], i.e. more relevant information than one existing information by finding a relevant shared
can assimilate is available [12]. document and overcoming problems related to
“Semantic Information Retrieval”, also re- information overload [8, 25].
ferred to as “Semantic Search” [13], has been There is a lack of information how to im-
proposed to address the information overload plement and adopt semantic knowledge man-
issue. Semantic search refers to retrieving in- agement solutions in an organization with no
formation based on the interpretations of the previous experience. Semantic knowledge man-
meanings of words [6]. Traditionally, there are agement systems integrate different aspects (such
classical information-retrieval models [14] that as semantic annotation, querying, entity ranking,
are aimed to find the most relevant document for etc.) into an overall system. However, having an
a given query. The models estimate the relevance integrated solution also makes one less flexible
of documents and rank them via probabilistic as it is not so easy to simply exchange/expand
methods, such as the Bayes classifier model [15] ontologies as experienced in our study. Current
and the vector space model [16]. However, these research focuses on presenting final solutions and
models retrieve textual information based on the the ideas behind them but not the ways to make
words’ lexical forms, not their meanings. Hence, these solutions work [17, 26, 27]. Hence, there is
there is a problem of many irrelevant search a need to study the process of adopting semantic
outputs as a result of the ambiguity of words. systems as the experience gathered from here
A word can have more than one meaning, or would be valuable for similar adopters to un-
many words can describe the same meaning. In derstand the advantages, costs, and limitations
these cases, the results might be either irrelevant of these systems. Given the high amount of in-
or insufficient [5, 7, 17]. There are also statistical formation in documents, a more precise search
approaches such as classifying and clustering, possibility as well as a more natural way of an-
which are aimed to overcome these problems by notating information could be useful, which is
relying on the statistical occurrences of the words provided by semantic knowledge management
[18]. These methods have been successful in some systems. Though, for this to work, it must be
cases in increasing the hit rate during search- feasible to implement and also be perceived as
ing [19]. However, the semantic search goes one useful, which falls within the scope of this work.
step beyond these approaches by enabling com- Why to investigate a semantic ap-
plex queries and retrieving extracted knowledge proach as the information retrieval ap-
from the processed information sources. This proach? The semantic approach not only offers
way, users can search for meaningful queries in- solutions for achieving precision (number of rel-
stead of textual strings and, in addition to this, evant results compared to all retrieved results)
automated tasks can process information with and recall (number of relevant results compared
a certain level of understanding [17]. to the number of results that ideally should have
There have been several studies that apply been found), but also provides extracted knowl-
semantic technologies to the software engineering edge from the analysis of the contents of doc-
domain to conceptualize and organize the knowl- uments [28, 29]. Hence, it differs from all other
edge (e.g., [20–22]). These studies focused on models where the only aim is to retrieve the most
different artefacts of the software development relevant document. Here the objective is to re-
life-cycle (e.g., requirements and architectural trieve the necessary knowledge, not the document
assets). However, there are only a few examples or documents that contain this knowledge [28].
that aim at organizing the existing knowledge However, it can also be used to retrieve doc-
to enhance knowledge reuse within a knowledge uments based on the semantics of documents
management system, where users share docu- and can be integrated with ranking techniques
ments for the use of others [23,24]. These systems [7]. For this reason, the semantic web approach
(e.g., blogs, forums, document repositories) are seems to be one step ahead of the other models,
crucial to software engineers for utilizing the and the semantic search can be used to solve
Semantic Knowledge Management System to Support Software Engineers . . . 239

the current problems in information retrieval. text of an interview session. The evaluation
However, for machines to read, interpret and conducted was a static evaluation [34]. The
process the information one needs a syntacti- tatic evaluation allows to gather early feed-
cal model. Requirements on machine readability back in an exploratory fashion and to cap-
causes a limitation of the type of information ture essential issues and needed corrections
which can be modelled and extracted from doc- before further spreading and developing a so-
uments. The most important factor here is the lution. The evaluation provided valuable qual-
context and the content of the documents, and itative feedback on the potential of semantic
also the form of the desired information in the knowledge management systems and about
documents. Hence, to use semantic search for their strengths and weaknesses. This research
solving information overload, the needs of the presents a single case study [35] at the devel-
users concerning their information usage and the opment site of Ericsson.
content of the documents for their domain have The research comprises three phases. First,
to be investigated and analysed to see if it applies the authors focused on understanding the re-
to semantic information retrieval. For instance, search context. Second, they implemented a so-
using semantic technologies has been observed to lution for the semantic knowledge management
be very useful in such areas as biology, since the system and reflected on their experiences. Third,
modelled information in biology is very suitable they conducted a static evaluation [34] gathering
to represent ontologies [30]. qualitative feedback on the solution proposed to
The primary goal of this work is to under- identify the most crucial improvement sugges-
stand and evaluate the feasibility of the imple- tions.
mentation of semantic knowledge management The remainder of the article is structured as
systems. The study makes two contributions: follows. Section 2 presents related work. Section 3
– Contribution 1: After the investigation describes the research method. The results are pre-
of the context of the company, a semantic sented in Section 4. The conclusions in Section 5
knowledge management system was imple- provide the answers to our research questions.
mented, which highlighted the limitations of
such systems from a feasibility perspective.
Understanding the limitations is important as 2. Related work
these may hinder the adoption in industry [31].
There is a definite need for solutions whose First basic terms concerning data, knowledge,
practice can easily implement and integrate and information are presented. After that, inte-
into existing environments for a successful grated semantic knowledge management frame-
transfer to industry [32]. In the context of works are shown. The subsequent sections ex-
search-based software testing, Arcuri et al. [33] plain essential components (e.g., for information
highlighted that search-based software testing retrieval).
is not readily transferable if no engineering
efforts are taken; hence, to make it easy to 2.1. Data, knowledge, and information
integrate it and use with the existing systems
in practice, additional engineering efforts are Different definitions exist for data, informa-
required. The ease of integration into existing tion, and knowledge. According to Thierauf [36],
solutions was a key factor for the successful data constitutes raw facts and figures. Data
transfer of research results to industry. The becomes information through contextualization
ease also determines the degree of evaluation and categorization. Documented experience and
which in turn is dependent on the degree of know-how already represent knowledge. Hence,
the readiness of the solutions available. documents produced in companies, such as the
– Contribution 2: After that practitioners case company, may contain knowledge if they
assessed the system by using it in the con- provide an experience report or a process of how
240 Ali Demirsoy, Kai Petersen

to solve a problem, however, they may also carry be interested in, modify annotations of existing
only information (e.g., product requirements) or documents and also search for people that are
data (e.g., sales figures). interested in a certain area.
Knowledge and information manage-
2.2. Semantic knowledge management ment framework (KIM): KIM [27] is a plat-
frameworks form for semantic annotation and semantic
search over several kinds of information sources.
Knowledge management systems are composed It is used for information extraction from data
of various steps and corresponding tools. It re- pools based on an ontology and a knowledge
quires a systematic methodology and consider- base [27].
able amount of time and expertise to extract KIM comes with an upper-level ontology
and formalize knowledge from unstructured data called PROTON which has about 300 classes
and to develop a platform that can find, share and 100 properties in OWL Lite1 . This ontology
and manage information. Hence, the authors will covers most general concepts, such as names of
examine the research on knowledge management people, locations and organizations along with
platforms that provide all these functionalities numbers and dates. It also has the KIM World
together. Semantic knowledge management sys- Knowledge Base (WKB) which has about 200,000
tems introduce structure through ontologies, e.g. entity descriptions to provide background knowl-
enabling faceted search where there is a brows- edge for commonly known entities. KIM keeps
able classification, making the structure of infor- the ontologies and the knowledge bases in the
mation explicit to the end user. SESAME based Owlim2 RDF(S) repository.
OntoShare: OntoShare is an organizational Moreover, KIM uses the GATE framework
knowledge management system that promotes for information extraction processes and Lucene
sharing of information between people who from Apache as a retrieval engine [38]. Lucene has
have mutual concerns or interests [37]. It is an been adapted so that it allows indexing by entity
ontology-based tool that places the profiles of types and measure the relevance with respect to
the users at the centre of attention. That is, the entity types.
interests of each user are modelled by an ontology KIM not only provides full-automatic seman-
and this information is extracted from the activ- tic annotation, but also allows retrieving infor-
ities of a user. Every time the user shares some mation based on the metadata that has been
information, the system first performs a text created. This brings a new perspective to infor-
analysis in order to extract the theme of the mation retrieval, as the user is able to define
document, which will constitute a brief summary a “pattern search”. That is, a semantic query can
of the content. Then the system scans all other contain entities that are known or extracted be-
users’ profiles in order to look for a strong match fore, relations between the entities and attributes
between the content of the document and the of these entities [27]. This means the user can, for
users’ interests. When there is a relation which is example, find out the names of the organizations
strong enough, then the system emails the corre- in a specific location that have more than 100
sponding user to inform about the new document employees in one single query. In this case, an
shared. Moreover, the content of the document organization would be an entity, a location and
is also compared to the author’s interests in or- an employee number would be a relation and
der to add new interests if necessary. OntoShare that specific location and the number 100 would
provides many semantic search capabilities as be the attributes.
well as a keyword-based search supported seman- Semantic Wikis: Wikis are also a way used
tically by the concepts and user profiles. The by large organizations to share all kinds of in-
user can search for documents that they might formation and can be used for knowledge man-
OWL Lite:
Semantic Knowledge Management System to Support Software Engineers . . . 241

agement. A Wiki is a hypertext environment The latest approach is based on semantic ap-
that provides the collaborative editing possibil- proaches.
ities of Web pages. Wikis emphasize openness, Storing and querying semi-structured data:
ease-of-use and modification [39].There are some In order to utilize heterogeneous and incomplete
limitations of Wikis that prevent them from being information data research and practice aimed at
used as a knowledge management tool. Wikis do a semi structured format that is flexible and also
not provide structured access to data and do not appropriate for querying. Approaches for dealing
support knowledge reuse [40]. A semantic Wiki with semi-structured data are XML and RDF
provides annotation capabilities to create formal and their query languages XPath and XQuery for
descriptions, retrieval mechanisms for semantic XML and SPARQL for RDF. Especially XML
search, and semi-automatic meta-data extraction is widely used in a variety of environments for
system to simplify the annotation process. managing and sharing loosely structured data
Active: The project Active [41] aims to in- that are represented in a hierarchical manner
crease the productivity of knowledge sharing via [44]. Lately RDF has gained the attention of re-
prioritizing the information and knowledge deliv- searchers since it provides much more flexibility
ery through understanding the current context compared to XML by not enforcing a hierarchical
of a knowledge worker [42]. That is, a filtering structure, but supporting any kind of relations
mechanism provides the user only the information between data items.
that is contextually related to the user’s current Semantic Web technologies are the new gen-
task or project. The users are involved in creating eration of presenting and sharing data in various
and shaping their context of work via creating tags application areas. They started to be used in web
manually or automatically by their behaviours. platforms as well as tools that are in a way related
The idea is based on the fact that users are to managing and providing important data [3].
generally busy with several different tasks during The idea of a Semantic Web is to give informa-
the day and they constantly have to switch and tion a well-defined representation so that it will
concentrate on a different one. be available in a more meaningful, structured
and reusable way, which will enable humans and
2.3. Solutions to find relevant computers to work in cooperation to retrieve
information data from the Web [46].
In ontology-based Semantic Web applications,
To manage and store information sources in busi- information is presented at a semantic level with
ness organizations, it is a common practice to ontologies, independent of the data structure and
utilize document repository or knowledge man- implementation, with a set of concepts and rela-
agement tools that facilitate sharing, reusing and tionships between them [23]. This idea emerged
managing information between employees. The from the need to enable some tasks to automat-
problem with these tools is the difficulty of find- ically understand the concepts in order to find
ing relevant information once it is shared in the relevant information, combine and share it with
system. The research area of information retrieval different resources. The representation of infor-
covers the approaches in order to successfully find mation with ontologies provides a common for-
the document or the information that is being mat between different systems and applications
searched for. In the 1960s information retrieval in order to share, understand and use knowledge
was defined as “a field concerned with the struc- [47]. This common format is standardized by
ture, analysis, organization, storage, searching W3C with the Web Ontology Language (OWL),
and retrieval of information” [43]. Since then Resource Description Framework (RDF), etc.
the area evolved into many different techniques With the use of ontologies, a query is com-
and models in order to adapt to changing needs, posed of entities from the ontology and their
such as exact match models [44], vector space relations. This allows users to set the context of
models [45], and probabilistic approaches [18]. the input query. Moreover, usually in this kind of
242 Ali Demirsoy, Kai Petersen

data retrieval an external knowledge base is used neering knowledge. The most important among
to process the documents and the query. This them is the work done to create a software en-
knowledge base is used not only for text processing gineering ontology based on the Software Engi-
but also for solving the synonymy problem, as neering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) [53]. In
the synonyms of the words already exist in this SWEBOK a software engineering discipline is
database and are used during retrieval. Other than categorized into 10 knowledge areas. All these
solving these two main problems in information knowledge areas have their own processes and
retrieval, this method is also useful for extracting concepts. The proto-ontology, which was created
key knowledge from document sources. The query based on SWEBOK, conceptualized all infor-
results are not only listed as documents, but mation in over 4000 concepts along with 400
also pure knowledge that is extracted from these relations and 1200 facts [54].
documents. The information that is available in There are similar projects, such as Onto-
various documents and sources can be merged SWEBOK, which are designed based on the
and brought to the user according to the query. 2004 Guide to the Software Engineering Body of
Knowledge (SWEBOK) [55, 56]. However, none
2.4. Ontologies in software engineering of them is released or publicly available because
of unfinished projects due to the complexity, re-
Semantic Web technologies have been applied quired time and human resources [55].
to different processes of software engineering in Another attempt to create a software engi-
order to formalize information, improve access neering domain ontology is OntoGLOSE which is
from different physical locations, improve univer- a light-weight global ontology [57]. This project
sal information retrieval and allow checking and uses the Glossary of Software Engineering Termi-
pairing different concepts and information [48], nology published by the IEEE Computer Society
examples are ontologies for software processes [58]. The IEEE Glossary contains 1300 terms and
[49], requirements [50], software architecture [51] their definitions that are related to the software
and domains [52], and document ontologies [21]. engineering domain. The created ontology is
All these ontologies are being used to im- composed of 1521 classes where each class has
prove software development. Their aim is to help a unique meaning. Moreover, 329 relationships
software engineers to manage and understand between classes were extracted using the semantic
large amounts of information in a shorter period and linguistic analysis of the text in the glossary.
of time. Although there are good examples of As a result, OntoGLOSE is the only publicly avail-
the usage of these ontologies, the area is still able global ontology for the software engineering
evolving and the usage of semantic technologies domain. The ontology does not have hierarchical
in software engineering will increase in the com- classification; it rather forms a simple vocabulary
ing years with some improvements in Semantic and relationships among them that can be used
Web technologies. The drawbacks for now are for semantic annotation. The drawback of this
that constructing ontologies and implementing ontology is that it is based on the IEEE Glossary,
a Semantic Web enabled tool require a high in- which was built in 1980 and updated in 2002,
vestment of time. However, after the definition of which means that it is out-to-date considering the
ontologies, it is very flexible and easy to modify amount of advances in the last 10 years. Moreover,
it according to the changing needs of an orga- the fact that it does not have any hierarchy, it is
nization [37]. This also means that a dedicated not the ideal way to structure information.
person may be needed to maintain the semantic
systems and their ontologies. 2.5. Tools to support ontology-based
Although there are several studies that focus knowledge management systems
on developing ontologies related to software engi-
neering processes, there are only few attempts to There are numerous tools that are developed
build an ontology that covers all software engi- in the vision of the Semantic Web. Below an
Semantic Knowledge Management System to Support Software Engineers . . . 243

overview of the tools that might be related to 3. Method

developing a Semantic Knowledge Management
System is presented. This section illustrates the research method that
The first step for a KM system is knowledge was used based on the guidelines by Runeson
acquisition, and to acquire information from an and Höst [35]. In order collaborate with the in-
unstructured text, several frameworks that can dustry, it was essential to first conduct a qual-
process plain text and extract concepts are used. itative study to learn about the strengths and
GATE (General Architecture for Text Engineer- weaknesses of the solution (semantic knowledge
ing)3 is one of the most commonly used frame- management system), and obtain feedback from
works and has several plug-ins and integration practitioners in the context. This also allowed
capabilities [59]. It has many flexible language the practitioners to learn about the semantic
processing components that rely on finite state knowledge management system. The qualitative
algorithms and the Java Annotation Patterns information could also be useful later to explain
Engine (JAPE) language. It is widely used due the reasons for quantitative results. In this sense,
to its precision for entity recognition and suit- the study is of exploratory nature with a focus
ability for research as it is open source software. on qualitative data.
Moreover, it is commonly used in the semantic
world because it offers full support for ontology 3.1. Research questions
integration. It has been utilized in ontology-based
information extraction projects such as Multi- In this study the following research questions
flora, hTechSight and MIAKT [60]. were defined:
IBM produced the UIMA4 framework, which – RQ1 (Contribution 1): How to implement se-
is an enterprise semantic search tool, but it does mantic knowledge management systems, and
not provide full integration and support for on- which challenges and impediments are ob-
tologies [61]. Another tool is OpenNLP5 from served?
Apache, it supports many NLP tasks such as – RQ2 (Contribution 2): How useful is the se-
tokenization, segmentation, named entity recog- mantic knowledge management system per-
nition. However, it accomplishes these tasks via ceived by software engineering practitioners?
its built-in tools, not via any external ontology The research process is conducted in three
integration. phases (see Fig. 1). The detailed phases are de-
When it comes to Knowledge Representa- scribed in Section 3.3.
tion, there are many tools to create, manage
and edit ontologies. Protégé6 is one of the most 3.2. The case and unit of analysis
common open source ontology editors used by
developers, researchers and corporations. It pro- The case studied was a development site of Eric-
vides a user-friendly interface to build ontologies, sson AB located in Sweden. The company is one
knowledge-based tools and applications thanks of the leading telecommunication companies in
to its support for plug-in extensions. GATE also the world and develops software in telecommuni-
has integration support for the Protégé tool. cations and multimedia domain. The company
Uren, et. al [28] provide a comprehensive work products are used in more than 180 countries in
on the analysis of different annotation tools and the world. Currently the company has more than
frameworks, and offer a comparison of them. 100.000 employees.

Framework UIMA:
Framework OpenNLP:
244 Ali Demirsoy, Kai Petersen

Phase 3. Static evaluation

Phase 2. Integrate
Phase 1. (interviews) on prototype
semantic knowledge
Phases Understand the solution (KIM illustrating
research context semantic knowledge
system components
management capabilities)

Implementation User feedback (e.g.

Basic requirements
experiences (e.g. need usage scenarios
(e.g. need for
Outcomes for using an integrated derived from system
structure of
solution, lack of ease and capabilities, relevance
information, finding
support for working with of different ontology
knowledge holders)
ontologies) types)

Contributions/RQs -- Contribution 1/ RQ1 Contribution 2/ RQ2

Figure 1. Research process

As far as units of analysis are concerned, in- In order to elicit the requirements and issues,
ternal knowledge management systems and the three separate meeting sessions were conducted.
documentation they entail were defined as the The first two meetings were held with the indus-
unit of analysis. The case study design can be trial contact who was supporting this study in
classified as a single case holistic design [62]. Er- the organization. He was a system level manager
icsson uses a set of in-house knowledge manage- with over 20 years of experience. The meeting
ment tools. These were platforms where every- lasted an hour.
body can share all sorts of information. They For the third meeting, two experienced soft-
supported uploading documents and files; sharing ware managers from Ericsson, who were responsi-
blog posts and creating groups and discussion ble for innovation and had technical backgrounds
boards. in software engineering, were also invited. The
goal was to see what was available in the litera-
3.3. Data collection ture and discuss the applicability of the desired
solutions during the interview.
The study was divided into three phases, under- The following topics were discussed during
standing the challenges, implementation of the these meeting:
solution and its application in the company, and – Introduction of the company and the respon-
evaluation interviews. sible people to the student.
– Existing challenges related to finding infor-
3.3.1. Phase 1: Understanding the context of mation in the organization.
the organization – Deficiencies of current internal collaboration
At the beginning, interviews were held with two – Requirements of a new solution.
key stakeholders from the organization to iden- – Possible usage scenarios about accessing rele-
tify their needs and problems, they persons were vant information.
the key contact persons and gatekeepers. The The interviewer took notes during these in-
interviews were unstructured and were aimed terviews. Moreover, bi-weekly workshops were
to kick-off the project and achieve initial under- organized to discuss the findings, solution alter-
standing. That is, the purpose was to get to know natives and status updates with the industrial
the company, project, problems in information re- contact. Hence, the data collected from the initial
trieval, and responsible people. This was not a core meetings was validated in these workshops. These
part of the research (i.e. it is not reflected in the re- meetings were important due to the possibility
search questions), though contextual information to obtain constant feedback from problem own-
was highlighted as essential when interpreting ers and also analyse the impact of the solution
findings from case studies [35]. proposals on the company.
Semantic Knowledge Management System to Support Software Engineers . . . 245

3.3.2. Phase 2: Development of a simple relations between entities were defined. There
semantic knowledge management system were several platforms and ways to accomplish
this step. Since this step was both depended on
This phase required considerable time and ef- the NLP tool and the choice of ontology, it was
fort in comparison to the other activities. After crucial to choose a suitable system to integrate
choosing the solution strategy in the initial inter- and work efficiently.
views, an example system was created and ap- Semantic search (knowledge use): Once
plied to real world data to allow the participants the ontology was populated with the instances
to understand what the application of semantic and relations extracted from the text; the only
technologies means in their context. The idea step left was using a query language that was
was not to implement a complete system that created for the Semantic Web in order to retrieve
can replace the existing one, but rather to have relevant information. A query engine needed to
a prototype which was sufficient to evaluate the be chosen and should be supported by a graphical
usefulness of semantic systems in general. user interface. Users should be able to perform
Four different components to be supported search with semantic capabilities, navigate be-
by a complete semantic knowledge management tween sources according to their semantic rela-
system were defined and executed in this study. tions.
This section describes the components in general, The details of the implementation and expe-
while the details of the actual implementation riences made are presented in Section 4.2.
are provided in Section 4.2.
Text processing (knowledge acquisi- 3.3.3. Phase 3: Evaluation interviews
tion): The purpose of a semantic system was
to extract knowledge from sets of unstructured The final evaluation and analysis was done by
information. Hence, the first step was to anal- means of interviews with several company em-
yse and process these unstructured documents ployees. This phase provided information about
using the Natural Language Processing (NLP). current challenges, obstacles about accessing
The NLP technology has evolved to gain many information and possible improvements, sugges-
capabilities in order to process the syntax and tions and critique for the proposed new system.
semantics of a text. The system usefulness and users’ experience with
Ontology & knowledge base (knowl- the system with semantic capabilities were evalu-
edge representation): Ontology was one of the ated. This time interviews were semi-structured.
most important factors in information extraction The prepared questions constituted a checklist of
as it provides conceptualization to the content topics that should be covered during the interview.
of documents and was used for text processing. Selection of interviewees: Knowledgeable
The ontology must be suitable to the contents of practitioners should be chosen to conduct the
the information sources that are to be processed. interviews. Convenience sampling with diversity
Hence, there was a need to make a suitable on- in mind was applied [63]. The interviews were
tology choice depending on the context of the conducted with employees with experience rang-
domain. ing from 3 to 25 years and with diverse roles, such
Semantic annotation & ontology popu- as project manager, software architect, software
lation (knowledge acquisition) & represen- developer, R&D specialist, solution architect.
tation: When NLP tools parse the unstructured As a result, eight employees were interviewed
text, the entities found there should be anno- as can be seen in Table 1 below, which is believed
tated and mapped to the ontology. Therefore, to provide a sufficient amount of information to
the ontology could be populated with the ex- contribute to the literature and industry.
tracted knowledge in the RDF or OWL format. Interview guide: The interviews were re-
This was the most significant step in informa- lated to the usage of internal collaboration tools
tion extraction as it was the phase where the of the organization, such as frequency of use,
246 Ali Demirsoy, Kai Petersen

Table 1. Interviewees

Role Experience Responsibilities

Project Manager 10 years in Ericsson 20+ in total Project management, process
improvement, process management
Software Architect 12 years in Ericsson 15+ in total Software design, development, innovation
Senior Specialist R&D 20 years in Ericsson 25+ in total Next generational rating and charging,
information and business modeling
Solution Architect 7 years in Ericsson 10 years in total Charging and mediation
Software Developer 2 years in Ericsson 3+ in total Software customization center
Software Engineer 2 years in Ericsson 7 years in total Software customization center
Solution Architect 19 years in Ericsson 20+ in total Telecommunication services
Software Engineer 2 years in Ericsson 5 years in total Proof of concept integration,
Machine-to-machine applications

usage scenarios, satisfaction of the current ver- if they felt the need to talk to an expert and
sion and suggested improvements. Later, the if so how they found out who the expert or
new semantic knowledge management system responsible person was in that area, and so
was presented to the users, and they were asked on. These questions are based on the data
to explore the new system by using it. After they collected in the initial interviews.
had gained an idea about the system, similar – Presentation of the prototype of the new sys-
questions to the ones asked at the beginning tem: In this phase, an overview of the Se-
were repeated and their opinions were collected mantic Web technologies was given and the
and compared. The interview was structured as information about the usage and goals of the
follows and the detailed guide is presented in Semantic Knowledge Management Systems
Appendix A.: were presented. Then the new system was
– Warm up: First, the interviewer presented presented as a prototype and the function-
himself, the background of the project and the alities coming with the Semantic Web were
reason for making the interviews. Then the in- explained. The interviewees were allowed to
terviewee was asked general questions about browse in the system documents for a while
their role, experience and current projects. in order to make sure they were aware of
This part of the interview was conducted the differences with the existing traditional
mainly to build knowledge on the people and knowledge management systems.
situation. – Satisfaction and evaluation of the proposed
– Information related to the usage of collabo- system: The interviewees were asked to com-
ration tools and problems: It is important to pare this system with the existing one. They
know how and for which purposes people used were also requested to state whether they
the company’s tools during their daily work. would use this system more often and if it
This part was devoted to figure out how often would help them to make better decisions
they used the current systems, how satisfied or reach implicit knowledge more easily. The
they were with the system (KIM, see Section point of the question was to capture the in-
4.2.5) and what they would like to change terviewees’ attitude related to the evaluated
in these tools. Basically more usage scenar- system (KIM), as this was an important in-
ios, requirements and problems with finding dicator for adoption and the possibility for
information were elicited. a solution transfer from academia to indus-
– Implicit knowledge: It was important to learn try. The actual decision quality could not be
how the employees gathered knowledge when evaluated in this context.
they could not find what they looked for or – Recommendations: Finally the questions
when they were not satisfied with the findings about possible different options for creat-
they obtained. The authors tried to establish ing the Semantic Knowledge Management
Semantic Knowledge Management System to Support Software Engineers . . . 247

Systems were presented and the interviewees as a practitioner from the company was the
were asked about preferences related to on- gatekeeper who made the contact with in-
tologies. Also, suggestions of improvements terview candidates and helped build a trust
related to the proposed system were captured. relationship between the researcher and the
3.4. Data analysis – Correct Data: The correctness of the data
aggregated by the interviews refers to the
The qualitative data from the interviews was researcher’s interpretation of what the inter-
analysed using Thematic Coding Analysis (TAC). viewee actually said. To ensure this, all the
The authors followed the guidelines described by interviews were recorded after taking permis-
Robson [64] who describes TAC as a generic sion from the interviewee so that any mis-
approach to analyse qualitative data, highlight- understandings due to incomplete interview
ing its flexibility, ease of application, and effi- notes would not occur. Moreover, the interpre-
ciency. The process was based on open coding tations of the interview transcriptions were
and the identification of themes. The open coding sent back to the interviewees to obtain their
was done manually on papers using color-coding, validation feedback (member checking).
open codes belonging together were grouped dur- – Duration of the usage of the system: The
ing axial coding (referred to as themes). practitioners used the system but only for
a limited period of time. The practitioners
3.5. Validity threats know the existing system very well. Because
the interviewees used the system themselves,
We analysed the validity threats and mitigating they could, for example, understand its capa-
factors in our case study following the descrip- bility for different ways of searching (e.g. with
tions given by Yin [62]: regards to filtering specific entities that wpuld
Construct validity: Construct validity is con- show only then and were unambiguously iden-
cerned with the extent to which what was tified, see Section 4.2.5). Even though they
intended to be measured was actually mea- did not have long-term experience, it was
sured [35]. evident from their responses that they under-
– Selection of the Interviewees: The selection stood the concepts (and hence the opportuni-
process was managed with the help of prac- ties) clearly, evidenced by the very informed
titioners from the company. The selection feedback regarding Ontologies and Filtering
process was a combination of diversity and (Sec. 4.2.3).
convenience sampling. As far as convenience External validity: External validity is the abil-
sampling is concerned, the selection was made ity to generalize the findings in a way that they
based on the knowledge and availability of the will be interesting for other people representing
employees. There is a risk that practitioners other interest areas [35].
can choose people who support ideas similar A single case company has been investigated.
to theirs. The usage of diversity sampling The results of single case studies in comparison
mitigated this threat by selecting employ- to, for example, a survey have limited generaliz-
ees with more diverse roles and experiences. ability. However, the benefit are detailed explana-
At the end, the interviewee selection formed tions and a profound understanding of the situa-
quite a diverse and potentially useful list of tion that could be obtained. To reduce the effects
organization members. the authors interviewed employees from different
– Reactive Bias: This one refers to the risk organizational parts of the company. Moreover,
that the interviewees might be affected by the context of the case study was described in
the presence of the researcher and give biased detail (see Section 4.1), which allowed to map
answers that would influence the outcome of the findings to other large-scale organizations
the study. This threat was partially reduced that are involved in software development.
248 Ali Demirsoy, Kai Petersen

Reliability: Reliability refers to the issue of find- way and, hence, it is necessary to find ways of man-
ing the same results when the same study is repli- aging this large volume of unstructured data. It is
cated in the same setting [35]. The main threat to imperative to investigate how to overcome these
reliability are possible misunderstandings about problems. All the interviewees mentioned that the
the questions that were asked to interviewees, existing search facility does not satisfy existing
as they might have misunderstood the questions needs and so a more intelligent solution should be
and hence provide answers different from the found. In particular semantic knowledge manage-
intended ones. An attempt was made to reduce ment and ontologies allow to bring structure to the
this threat by keeping the questions as simple as information stored, which was one of the motiva-
possible. Open-ended questions were preferred tions for the company to participate in the study.
so that the participants were encouraged to talk The following challenges and needs of the or-
and express their opinions openly. ganization were raised during the initial meetings
Internal validity: Internal validity concerns the to understand the context:
validity of causal relations in explanatory case – The practitioners defined usage scenarios that
studies. It is related to the unconsidered fac- are common, in particular active search based
tors that might have an impact on the relation on queries, passive search, analysis of con-
[35]. The analysis of the usefulness of semantic tributors (users), and the analysis of trends.
knowledge management systems can be biased Overall, the practitioners identified scenarios
because of the employees’ opinions about the that are common and well understood in the
existing systems. For instance, if the existing knowledge management community.
system had a search engine that is as powerful as – Structure of information was a common issue,
the one Google applied to their documentation, which is not specific to the company. Bringing
the findings could potentially change. structure to information is well supported by
ontologies, making them interesting for the
company. Performance issues and formatting
4. Results were specific for the company and could be
easily improved.
First the research context is presented, it is fol- – The search engine used at the company is
lowed by the answers to the two research ques- perceived as a poor quality one.
tions. – Filtering of search results and complicated
structures have been highlighted, which is
4.1. Phase 1: Context also a good motivation for annotating docu-
ments and mapping them to an ontology in
A multinational large-scale organization like Er- the context of a semantic knowledge manage-
icsson has thousands of employees all around the ment system.
world and hundreds of projects running in paral- – A challenge was also finding an expert, which
lel. Considering the increasing amount of globally is recognized as a key challenge in literature,
distributed projects in the software engineering too [65].
domain, communication between team members In summary, the conclusion was that the search
is an essential part of software development. To should be improved, and that semantic knowl-
increase the efficiency in communication, enter- edge management systems could be a potentially
prises use knowledge management tools for en- useful solution.
abling employees to find and share knowledge
digitally. To share knowledge people used blogs, 4.2. Phase 2: Development of a Simple
Wikis, discussion boards, project contents and Semantic Knowledge Management
documents. Since all Ericsson employees, i.e. more System (RQ1)
than 100.000 people, use these tools; there are
large amounts of documents. All these documents This is the phase where it was necessary to make
and information are not stored in a structured a comprehensive research and spend time and
Semantic Knowledge Management System to Support Software Engineers . . . 249

effort on the development of a new knowledge the usage scenarios that are defined in the pre-
management system, which took a total of four vious section, one can say that the ontology
person months. One of the reasons for the effort should only be sufficient to cover the topics that
needed was the absence of information about organizational members can possibly share or
how to implement a semantic knowledge man- mention. Hence, the ontology should provide
agement system in the literature. Although the answers to such questions as people’s interests,
final solutions were presented in some studies, the expertise, projects, locations of projects and
way to implement them was barely mentioned. people.
For this reason, this section will illustrate the The second step in building an ontology is
steps to accomplish this goal and the results considering reusing existing ontologies instead of
gathered during the process. An important de- creating a new one [66].
tail about the following two sections is that, they There have been several studies about build-
are not necessarily sequential processes; ontology ing ontologies in software engineering. Most of
building was performed simultaneously when the these attempts focused on specific phases of soft-
development attempt was made. ware engineering, such as requirements, archi-
It is important to point out that the attempt tecture, implementation, testing, maintenance
to build the semantic knowledge management [20–22, 50, 67]. However, there are not many
system based on components was not successful projects that try to develop ontologies that fully
for the above mentioned reason. The best work- conceptualize all the knowledge in the field of
ing solution was to utilize an integrated solution software engineering. The major efforts to achieve
(KIM), which is described in Section 4.2.5. As this goal are aimed to adopt the SWEBOK Guide
KIM is easier to use, a transfer to the software as a formal ontology. Such an ontology would be
industry for knowledge management purposes is a good choice for the scope of this research as it
more likely. Thus, KIM is used in the subsequent would cover all the content and terminology in
steps of the study (i.e. Phase 3). The principle the software engineering domain. Unfortunately
architecture of semantic knowledge management these attempts have not yet been successful or
systems and how it relates to KIM is shown in completed due to its complexity and required
Figure 2. The details of the KIM platform are effort [54–56].
further elaborated in Popov et al. [27]. As a result, a decision was made to work
with the only successfully released global ontol-
4.2.1. Ontology building ogy OntoGLOSE, which is based on the IEEE’s
global terminology for software engineering [57].
The first step to build an ontology is determining Although there are certain drawbacks of this
the domain and the scope [66]. In this case, the ontology, such as the lack of coverage and the
domain are all kinds of knowledge that can be fact that it is outdated and primitive; utilizing
shared in Ericsson software projects. That is, this lightweight ontology would still be sufficient
the ontology should cover aspects from generic for the scope of this study to reach the current
software engineering domain to the company research goals.
domain. The latter can be considered as the
projects, characteristics of projects, employees 4.2.2. Text processing
and terms related to the telecommunication do-
main. However, in the scope of this work, the For processing an unstructured text, it was de-
focus will be more on the concepts that are di- cided to use GATE due to its common usage in
rectly related to software engineering. The spe- semantic web research and support for ontology
cific terminology of the company will be left based information extraction. GATE comes with
for future research. The usage purpose of this an information extraction system called ANNIE
ontology is to categorize all the necessary infor- (A Nearly-New Information Extraction System).
mation about software engineering that might Using ANNIE’s components such as tokenizer,
be shared in collaboration tools. Considering gazetteer and sentence splitter; one can extract
250 Ali Demirsoy, Kai Petersen

Component purposes Components

Information access
Browsing Searching
Tools supporting the user to
interact with the system

Component: e.g. KIM/Visual interface

Storage and update in the ontology Knowledge representation Ontology editor

Component: e.g. KIM Component: e.g. Protege
Natural language processing Acquisition
e.g. GATE (included in KIM) Doc
Doc Doc

Figure 2. Semantic Knowledge Management Architecture

generic information from the corpora of the un- support integration for each other and support
structured text. GATE can find the names of many other tools and extensions.
well-known organizations, names of people, loca- For this initial phase, a very simple ontology
tions, numbers, etc. that already covers some of the content of the
When GATE and ANNIE were applied to document was built and used for testing text pro-
some documents from the knowledge manage- cessing and annotation. Later Protégé was used
ment system of the company, it could be observed to manage the existing ontologies as described
that the recognized entities were not enough to in the previous section.
cover the content and the context of the techni-
cal documents that were used, such as domain 4.2.4. Semantic annotation
specific terms that were relevant for the practi- and ontology population
tioners, but not highlighted.
Hence, to extract the information related to A fully automatic semantic annotation tool is
software engineering, a suitable ontology should needed to apply it and evaluate directly on the
be integrated as a language resource and the corpus of the organization’s knowledge manage-
necessary changes to the processing resources of ment systems. Manual annotation tools require
GATE should be reflected. user intervention, so their usefulness cannot be
directly evaluated without manually populating
4.2.3. Ontology and knowledge base them with information.
Finally, the decision was to use GATE also
After understanding how to use GATE, the next for semantic annotation as it supports the au-
step was investigating how ontologies can be tomatic annotation of documents. Therefore, it
involved in text processing. The decision was was used to make an initial attempt to annotate
building a simple ontology in order to have an a company document with the built ontology. At
initial idea about the usage of ontologies. the end, GATE was used for NLP and semantic
In the process of building and managing on- annotation and Protégé was used for building
tologies, Protégé was selected as an ontology ontology.
editor for several reasons. First of all, Protégé After exploring the tool for a while and gain-
is an open source research project which is ex- ing the understanding of how it worked, it be-
tensively used in the academic world. Moreover, came clear that adapting the processing resources
the authors had previous experience in using this of GATE was not such an easy task and might re-
tool in another academic project. Finally and quire a lot of effort. First of all, building a knowl-
possibly most importantly, GATE and Protégé edge base, creating instances for each entity of
Semantic Knowledge Management System to Support Software Engineers . . . 251

the ontology, which would be sufficient for eval- requirements were analysed and compared with
uating the system during the case study could what KIM can offer and, in consequence, the
not be done manually within the time and re- following results were achieved:
sources provided by the company and the re- – KIM’s general ontology covers most of the
search project. Choosing an external knowledge aspects defined in the scope of the ontology
base and integrating it would also mean a need for the purpose of this study. There is no need
for a substantial amount of time,. Moreover, even for numerous changes in the ontology design
though the knowledge base can be integrated, such as classes and relations. It is possible to
the GATE annotation system should be modified integrate the OntoGLOSE domain ontology
so that it can recognize and instantiate the rela- and this will enable KIM to recognize domain
tions between entities. Based on the tutorials and specific concepts. There is no need for very
documentation of the framework, this requires ad- specific relations between classes as our usage
vanced NLP expertise and a considerable amount scenarios are only based on extracting who is
of research and effort. talking about what topic, either. As long as
In addition, after this step a query engine the topic is recognized, it would be sufficient
with a graphical user interface needs to be imple- to satisfy the specified requirements.
mented, which would require a significant amount – If the domain ontology is not enough to
of time as well. Considering the time constraint, cover all the aspects, as it does not have
a decision was made to make a mind switch and any concepts developed in the last 10 years
look for alternative solutions. The authors looked and many other concepts about the company
for integrated platforms that use GATE and also domain, the KIM knowledge base can be ex-
provide semantic search facilities with ontologies. tended with an external knowledge base. For
instance, KIM supports integrating KIM with
4.2.5. Integrated semantic knowledge DBpedia8 which is a structured knowledge
management platform (KIM – Knowledge base containing all Wikipedia entries. Con-
and Information Framework) sidering the fact that Wikipedia contains all
the terminology that we need for software
The decision to use the KIM platform (see Sec- engineering as well as the telecommunica-
tion 2) was made because it met the requirements tions domain, integrating DBpedia would be
of this study and the defined usage scenarios. a convenient solution.
Some reasons why the other platforms could not – KIM provides “Boolean Search” which is
be used encompassed the fact that OntoShare is a keyword-based search and corresponds to
not available online, Semantic Wiki and ACTIVE “Active Search” in defined usage scenarios.
cannot be applied to existing knowledge manage- Moreover, it provides “Structure” and “Pat-
ment systems, they need to be built as a new tern” search in order to search for the ex-
system. Moreover, they do not satisfy the initial tracted relations which can be used for the
requirements for solving search problems. KIM “Finding the Tribe” scenario. “Facet search”,
supports the fully-automatic semantic annota- which is a relational filtering mechanism, can
tion of documents and comes with an upper-level also be used for the same scenario. “Time-
ontology and a semantic search engine. KIM is line” search, which shows the popularity of
based on GATE for NLP purposes. It comes with selected entities over a period of time, can
an ontology named PROTON7 that covers the be used for the “Trends” scenario defined
most general concepts, such as named entities by the authors. On the other hand, KIM
(people, locations, organizations) and concrete also provides navigation between documents
domains (numbers, dates, etc.). However, a more according to their relations, which enables
specific ontology can be integrated with KIM “Passive Search”. The KIM search frame and
according to the needs of the domain. The stated the “Structure” search menu can be seen in
• KIM provides “Boolean Search” which is a keyword-based search and corresponds to “Active
Search” in the defined usage scenarios. Moreover, it provides “Structure” and “Pattern” search in
order to search for the extracted relations which can be used for the “Finding the Tribe” scenario.
“Facet search”, which is a relational filtering mechanism, can also be used to for the same
scenario. “Timeline” search, which shows the popularity of selected entities over a period of time,
can be used for “Trends” scenario that we have defined. On the other hand, KIM also provides
navigating between documents according to their relations, which enables “Passive Search”. The
252 search frame of KIM and the “Structure” search menu can be seen from the figure below: Ali Demirsoy, Kai Petersen

Figure  13:  Structure  Search  from  KIM  

Figure 3. Structure Search from KIM
First of all, we tried to integrate DBpedia with KIM. To be able to use the DBpedia instances, we need to
integrate DBpedia ontology with PROTON, which is the generic ontology of KIM. However, we cannot
take all the DBpedia ontology and map it to PROTON as it would cause too much complexity. Therefore,
we took Person, Organization and Abstract classes of DBpedia and mapped it to PROTON so that we will
have the names of all well know people, organizations and also abstract topics which contain the software
engineering related topics. Figure 14 represents a part of the PROTON ontology and its Person and
Organization classes.

Figure  14:  PROTON  Ontology  
However, due to poor documentation 4.lack
of expertise in ontology
the area, we could not manage to integrate
DBpedia to KIM knowledge base. Integrating DBpedia consists of many steps like mapping of ontologies,
adding statements for each entity in DBpedia, setting labels of each entity, setting up gazetteers for each
newly added class, adding Jape transducers and so on. Hence, the documentation for such complex tasks
Figure 3. KIM has the capability of detecting tain the software engineering related topics are
should be clear and detailed so that developers with no extensive experience can also accomplish.
persons in the text through the basic PRO- included. Figure 4 represents a part of the PRO-
Therefore, we decided to integrate the software engineering domain ontology OntoGLOSE. Although it
TON ontology. That would notis, if theallsame
be satisfying our needs,person TON
it would be a good startingontology and
point for a further studyits Person
to modify and and Organization
extend the coverage of it.
for example always appears in blog posts, classes.
After integrating this domain ontology, we figured that the system still does not recognize the entities in
discussions or other documents in relation However, due to poor documentation and the
this ontology. As a backup solution, we tried to manually integrate this ontology to the actual PROTON
ontology via
to a specific product, thenusing this
Ontology Editor.
couldSince OntoGLOSE
lack ofdoesavailable
not have any hierarchy,
external it wassupport
easy and expertise,
to manually copy its classes to the other ontology. However, we neglected the relations as they were not
be an interesting contact. This can be cap- it was not possible to successfully integrate DB-
interesting for this context. In the end, we still could not manage KIM to recognize these terms. The
company was consulted by e-mail, but due to the long delays in getting a reply from the support team,
tured as a semantic query
there were can exchanges
only 2 e-mail find relations pedia
with the company, which toenough
was not the toKIM knowledge base. Integrating
fix the problems.
between entities,Therefore,
such the assystem
was evaluated during the interviews as it is. The discussion board pagesmany
and topics, DBpedia consists of from one ofsteps, such as map-
the collaboration
hence supportingobservations
the “Tribe tools of Ericsson
scenario”. were downloaded manually and loaded to KIM as a corpus.
ping of ontologies, adding statements for each The
about the system are summarized in Table 10 below.
First of all, an attempt was made to integrate entity in DBpedia, setting labels of each entity,
DBpedia with KIM. To be able to use the DB- setting up gazetteers for each newly added class,
pedia instances, it was necessary to to integrate adding Jape transducers and so on. Hence, the
the DBpedia ontology with PROTON, which is documentation for such complex tasks should be
the generic ontology of KIM. However, the whole clear and detailed, so that developers with no
DBpedia ontology be mapped to PROTON as extensive experience can also accomplish them.
it would cause too much complexity. Therefore, Therefore, it was decided to integrate the soft-
Person, the Organization and Abstract classes of ware engineering domain ontology OntoGLOSE.
DBpedia were taken and mapped to PROTON, Although it did not satisfy all our needs, it was
so that the names of all well-known people, or- be a good starting point for a further study to
ganizations and also abstract topics which con- modify and extend its coverage.
Semantic Knowledge Management System to Support Software Engineers . . . 253

After integrating this domain ontology, it 4.3. Phase 3: Evaluation interviews

was established that the system still did not (RQ2)
to recognize the entities in this ontology. As
a backup solution, a manual integration of this In Phase 3 the reflections of the practitioners
ontology to the actual PROTON ontology was on the usefulness of KIM, the ontology and fil-
conducted via Protégé Ontology Editor. Since tering as well as possible improvements to the
OntoGLOSE does not have any hierarchy, it was knowledge-based system, are discussed.
easy to manually copy its classes to the other
ontology. However, the relations were neglected as 4.3.1. Usefulness of KIM
they were not interesting for this context. How-
ever, even after these steps were taken, KIM All of the interviews confirmed that the overall
still did not manage to recognize these terms. approach that comes with the semantic systems
The company was consulted by e-mail, but due seems very useful. Although they all remarked
to the long delays in getting a reply from the that their current search engine was totally in-
support team, there were only two e-mail ex- capable and the proposed one (the new one?)
changes with them, which was not enough to fix cannot even be compared to the existing one,
the problems. they pointed out some strong points of the se-
Therefore, the system was evaluated dur- mantic search.
ing the interviews as it was. The discussion Finding documents and faceted search:
board pages from one of Ericsson collaboration All of them found it useful to search for docu-
tools were downloaded manually and loaded to ments with their relation to people, topics and
KIM as a corpus. There was no quantitative authors. However, they suggested different ontol-
measure, though too much information was in ogy alternatives, which will be discussed in the
the system to easily search it. Thus, the cor- “Ontology and Filtering” section below.
pus was sufficient to evaluate the usefulness Two interviewees found “Faceted search” the
from an end-user perspective during the inter- most useful, as it starts broader and narrows
views as they could experience the main con- down based on the results of added filters. One
cepts of the semantic knowledge management of them stated that “I like the idea of refining
system. the search. Start broader and then based on
The key findings for RQ1 are presented below. the result, narrow it down. That’s a good way
Key findings and observations for RQ1: to search. Because that’s the way you search
i) It is time intensive to build a semantic knowl- normally, going from broader to specific.” One
edge management system, in particular set- interviewee indicated that being able to see all
ting up the ontology is a great challenge which the extracted information without even making
required the majority of the effort. a query is very useful because you can see be-
ii) Rather than integrating different parts of a se- forehand if it is worth your time looking into the
mantic knowledge management system, it is database.
recommended to use an integrated platform Finding eople and their position, roles
as it is easier and hence more likely trans- and locations: Most of the interviewees (6 of
ferable to industry. Thus, KIM was used in 7) also agreed on the usefulness of this system
Phase 3 of the study. about finding people, which was previously de-
iii) Different types of searches (in particular pat- fined in this study as “Finding the Tribe” in usage
tern making use of the ontology) are possible scenarios. One subject mentioned that they did
with KIM, hence making explicit use of on- not need this functionality because they knew
tologies. everybody he needed . Others stated that find-
iv) KIM does not allow to easily integrate on- ing experts and knowledgeable people was quite
tologies other than PROTON, which is a lim- a common scenario in Ericsson as there are ex-
itation. Beyond that KIM is easy to use. perts in almost every area and their knowledge
254 Ali Demirsoy, Kai Petersen

is indispensable. One of them added that, “Find- with software development, e.g. to enable con-
ing the right person was a common practice in tinuous releases. Also, information from and to
Ericsson. It is a large organization. Not everyone sales/customers is essential and becomes a part
knows everything but you can find an expert of guiding development and testing effort, as well
in almost every area. However, sometimes you as giving input to requirements engineering. In
don’t know who they are. You should be very particular, from the point of view lean software
active in forums, etc., but it needs spending time development perspective, it is important to take
on them regularly. So this facet search is very, an end to end perspective, from inception of an
very useful.” They all agreed that the correct idea to sales and deployment.
recognition of software engineering and telecom-
munication terms by the NLP tool is crucial 4.3.2. Ontology and filtering
for the success of this search engine. Two inter-
viewees indicated that extracting organizational Practitioners were generally excited about the
information about people’s position, roles and use of ontologies and making structural searches
locations would not be necessary or useful since with respect to the ontology. However, none of
this information is actually stored somewhere in them was directly interested in seeing a software
the company database. However, they would like engineering ontology with all the practices in the
to integrate this database, which is not directly domain. They stated that their search scenarios
accessible for employees, to this semantic system are more about terms in the Telecom domain.
so that they could utilize organizational data Ontology complexity and structure:
while searching. A practitioner mentioned his concerns about the
Extracting statistical data and decision use of ontologies as an ontology can become quite
making: Another point that the interviewees big and have a lot of branches, which makes it
mentioned was the statistical data that could be too complex. Repeated breaking down the infor-
gathered by means of this new system, which is mation to branches might make people lose track
similar to the “Trends” in usage scenarios. By and become confused. He stated that “Although
analysing what people talked about, a signifi- the usage of taxonomies is good for a human
cant amount of hidden data might be collected. brain to understand, people might easily get
For instance, people’s skills and interests can lost in it if it gets too large.” Hence, creating
be identified by processing the entries they are a complete ontology that has all the information
involved in. Furthermore, a summary of what structured in a certain domain would probably
people communicate about can be extracted with be too enigmatic and cause information overload
this system to make an organizational decision. problems. Another interviewee foresaw this and
Another example given by an interview subject suggested gaining the ability to search in the
was as follows: “If we have a lot of people working ontology as well. This can prevent people from
with GUI in a unit, or the majority of graphical getting lost in the branches of the ontological
people in Ericsson work in this city, maybe we structure.
should set up a centre there. This will mean Another point the practitioner mentioned was
that the statistics that we need are available the fact that there was no complete tree structure.
directly there. Even if people don’t update their This interviewee suggested keeping the ontology
profiles, they write documents so they will be rec- very general and focusing on the tagging system.
ognized anyway.” Another interviewee suggested Usefulness of the SWEBOK ontology:
that this kind of information about trends and When it comes to the choice of ontologies, in-
statistics could be useful for sales people who go terviewees were asked if they would like the see
to customers. The connection to software engi- knowledge areas based on SWEBOK in the on-
neering is not immediately evident. Though, in tology structure so that they could use them
the context of continuous integration, customer to extract and filter information. However, all
relations in the organization are tightly coupled of them stated that they did not really need
Semantic Knowledge Management System to Support Software Engineers . . . 255

that kind of queries and one subject stated that ticipants were slightly more specific and they
these knowledge areas and lifecycle phases were gave the following examples: Operation Support
not very clear when you used agile development. Systems (OSS), Business Support System (BSS),
They declared their own choice of ontology would Charging, Mediation, Service Delivery Platform,
be useful for them. Customer Relationship Management (CRM), etc.
Document type ontology: Document They suggested using eTOM9 (Enhanced Tele-
types and domains were the most desired on- com Operations Map) which is a guidebook that
tologies by the interviewees. Three subjects spec- defines the most common standards for business
ified that they would like to see the document processes in the telecommunications industry.
types in the ontology so that they could filter The interview subjects indicated that they
the documents according to type. All the inter- would like to have a combination of the domain,
viewees were asked to discuss their usage scenar- the document type and the organizational struc-
ios for these collaboration tools and the type ture of the company when they create a search
of documents they dealt with. For the docu- query. The organizational structure refers to the
ment types they gave the following examples: existing structure of the tools, which is based on
product description documents, project plan- location, region, unit, project, etc.
ning documents (requirements, user stories), de- Organization-specific ontology: Another
sign documents, business process modelling docu- subject proposed the Ericsson project manage-
ments, architectural documents, release packages, ment framework PROPS-C as an alternative to
CPI (customer product information) documents, the classical lifecycles defined in SWEBOK. This
operational documents, test reports, proposal, framework includes the business readiness, sales
pre-sales and after sales documents, installation and project management processes. They are all
documents, solution documents, interface descrip- composed of such phases as analysis, planning,
tion documents, user guides and so on. monitoring, execution, contract management, etc.
One interviewee mentioned problems related The interviewee suggested searching for docu-
to the document type by stating that “The prob- ments according to these defined phases.
lem with document types is that there is no The same subject proposed to have the Er-
common structure about where to place these icsson Product Catalogue domain in the ontol-
documents in the project repository. It can be ogy. He said that “There are products and ser-
anywhere.” Hence, the partcipants could not eas- vices such as network optimization and project
ily find a specific document for a certain project management. When I make a project some-
or product. One interviewee denoted that if the what related to a product in the catalogue do-
semantic system could recognize the type of the main, I do not enter this project as a prod-
document automatically by processing the con- uct because it is only a small part of it. Nor-
tent of the document, it would be a benefit for mally I put this document as a project under
them. my unit. If I don’t advertise this as a knowl-
Telecom domain ontology: Another com- edge object or something, nobody can find this
mon suggestion was a domain ontology based project. If I can relate this project to some
on telecom operations and services. Four inter- place in the product catalogue, then it will in-
viewees mentioned that when they searched for crease its possibility to be found.” This is im-
a term, the results came from all different do- portant because other people might have simi-
mains that were not interesting for them. When lar projects that are related to only some part
they were asked about what exactly they meant of the main products, however, the information
when they sais domain, one interviewee only about these projects ia lost in local repositories.
stated that he would like to see only the re- Hence, relations between projects and the prod-
sults from the network (technical) domain or ucts from the catalogue can be useful for finding
from the business domain. The other three par- documents.
256 Ali Demirsoy, Kai Petersen

4.3.3. Improvements for interviewee mentioned that people do not have

the knowledge-based system the patience to write proper tags so they do not
pay much attention. He says people should not
As far as the proposed semantic system is con- be forced to tag.
cerned, interviewees mainly made comments Three of the subjects proposed to have
about the content of the ontology as it shapes a closed solution for tags. One interviewee said
the search mechanism. However, they mentioned that “In the case of an open-ended solution, some-
some improvements that can be applied in the one will eventually tag in a different way and
system. it will be problematic.” The current system has
Search mechanisms: First of all, one intervie- a tag library and people can choose tags from
wee stated that they do not want to be locked there but they can also add any tag to the library
into a set of predefined queries when making without any supervision and control. The inter-
a structured search based on the entities and viewee found this system messy and not usable.
their relations in the ontology. He would prefer However, the interviewees opposed to the in-
to write a search sentence; the system should troduction of a fully automatic solution. That
semantically process it and, if it matches any of is, they want to be able to modify the tags of
the relations in the ontology, then results should documents even if they are not the authors and
be retrieved based on that, otherwise it should add new tags to the tag library. However, the tag
perform a standard search. library should be very wide and well controlled.
Another suggestion was the ability to search Hence, they prefer a semi-automatic tagging sys-
for entities that do not satisfy the relation speci- tem. This also applies to the semantic system
fied in the search pattern. For instance, searching proposed as the annotation and then the tagging
for people who talk or do not talk about a cer- is fully automatic. Moreover, one interviewee
tain topic should be available. He explained his suggested binding tags with entities in the ontol-
concern by stating that “For example if com- ogy which are able to search according to those
petitors in our knowledge base haven’t talked tags. Currently the semantic system uses the
about something, it means that we don’t have most frequent annotations as tags but it is not
any understanding about what they are doing. possible to modify them. Another interviewee
Because they must talk about it.” suggested having descriptions for tags. This is
Moreover, three interviewees suggested jump- possible when the annotations are used as tags
ing to similar documents based on the overall because recognized entities already have their
content of the document. The existing system descriptions.
only allows jumping between documents based Results presentation: Furthermore, some par-
on a single annotation inside the document. This ticipants suggested improvements in the repre-
suggestion was identified as “Passive Search” at sentation of the results. For example, one of the
the usage scenarios in the beginning of the case subjects wanted to see the tags or the summary
study. of the document directly in the search results so
Tagging: All the interviewees at some point men- that it can help them to choose the document
tioned tags and they pointed out the importance with the right context. Another practitioner pro-
of an intelligent tagging system. They indicated posed to have results collapsed according to the
that tags are very useful for understanding the ranking and organizational structure. In this way
context and content of a document and a search one can have traceable trees based on location,
engine should consider tags in a smart way in product, etc.
the search algorithm. However, they all agreed The key findings for research question RQ2
that tags in the current system were not used are stated below.
efficiently at all. One interviewee stated that Key findings and observations for RQ2:
people did not know the purpose of tags so they i) The ontologies related to software engineering
just wrote something or left it empty. Another were not of the main interest to practitioners.
Semantic Knowledge Management System to Support Software Engineers . . . 257

They were more interested in domain-specific components were implemented and an attempt
ontologies and document ontologies (recog- was made to integrate them. This was a con-
nizing a document type). siderable effort, and the use of an already inte-
ii) The practitioners were positive about the dif- grated solution (here KIM) was preferred. Still,
ferent search options in KIM, in particular the the difficulty of integrating and updating new
Facet search and the Structural search. Be- ontologies was high. It was found that practi-
ing able to see extracted information without tioners need tailored ontologies, which is a hin-
making a query is of great interest, however, drance for technology transfer. In general, the
it is not provided by traditional search tools. KIM system should reuse existing components
This also facilitates easy filtering, which was (e.g. GATE) and ontologies as much as possi-
important to them. ble. However, the difficulty was to actually work
iii) It is important to have simple ontologies to and integrate the components. Even with the
be still understandable. integrated solution, it was difficult to add and
iv) There should be a possibility to filter a search modify ontologies.
query by the domain, document type, and RQ2: How useful are semantic knowledge
organizational structure. management systems in finding relevant
v) The costs of implementation, migration, and knowledge in software engineering? The
maintenance have been raised as an impor- key part of a semantic knowledge management
tant factor. system is the ontology to be used, as the most
vi) In summary, the interview subjects denoted beneficial structure has to be found. So far, we
diverse opinions about the use of ontologies could not find any completed and released soft-
and what type of ontology they would like to ware engineering ontology that covers all the
see. However, the domain and documentation knowledge in the domain. Yet, the case study
seem to be most dominant ones. revealed that this was not necessarily needed.
It was found that the practitioners mostly need
a document ontology so that they can filter doc-
5. Conclusion uments by their type and content.
Moreover, when it comes to reusing knowl-
In this work, the main contribution was the edge, it was observed that the business domain
analysis of the usefulness and applicability of of the organization was equally if not more im-
ontology-based semantic information retrieval portant, the practitioners indicated that the in-
technologies in knowledge management sys- formation they reuse or search is often related
tems in the context of software engineering in to domain specific knowledge, solutions, prod-
large-scale organizations. To perform this analy- ucts, business processes, etc. Hence, the ontology
sis from all perspectives, we identified the exist- should cover these aspects so that they can filter
ing problems, available technology, useful aspects the documents accordingly. They proposed on-
and challenges that the organizations should be tologies that cover business process frameworks
aware of. The problems are related to the search for telecommunications (eTOM), organizational
engine and the structure of the existing tools, structure of the corporation, project management
the technology is able to process documents to framework of the organization (PROPS-C) and
extract the knowledge inside, useful aspects are the product catalogue of the company.
related to filtering out irrelevant documents and Overall, when looking at the initial require-
extracting people’s skills and interests, and the ments one may reason on their fulfilment.
challenge is the necessary effort to satisfy all – Structure of information: The need to struc-
the needs. The research questions asked can be ture information and making people aware
answered as follows. of this structure was highlighted as very im-
RQ1: How to implement semantic knowl- portant. A means to do this are ontologies.
edge management systems? First individual Given the difficulty of updating and adding
258 Ali Demirsoy, Kai Petersen

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262 Ali Demirsoy, Kai Petersen

Appendix A. Interview guide – How would you classify the types of infor-
mation you share?
A.1. Introduction – What kind of tool do you use for each
type of information?
– Present yourself 3. What kind of problems do you face about
– Ask about recording and confidentiality sharing or finding each type of information?
The subject of the research is Semantic-Web In which of these information types do you
based Enterprise Knowledge Management sys- think there is information overload and peo-
tem. The focus is on improving information re- ple spend too much time to access informa-
trieval capabilities in knowledge management tion?
systems. That is, we want to explore the benefits 4. How often do you use collaboration
of semantic search in enterprise environments. tools/information/documentation of Ericsson
What we mean by semantic search is using mean- (give examples)? (scale: daily, weekly) What
ingful, complex queries instead of traditional key- purposes do you use them for? What kind of
word based search platforms (e.g. Google) and information do you look for or do you share?
retrieving aggregated knowledge from different (possible scenarios). Do you easily accomplish
sources. The result set in the semantic search is your goals in these scenarios?
actually extracted knowledge instead of a set of 5. Can you give me example search scenarios
documents that contain the search string. The from your daily work? Do you find documents
reason why we would like to conduct interviews by browsing around? In which cases? Search
is to understand how Ericsson employees gather string examples?
implicit and explicit knowledge during their daily 6. How would you like to filter?
work and specify the role of internal collaboration – SWEBOK knowledge areas and practices,
tools in this process. That is, we want know if – Software lifecycle phases,
these tools can satisfy the needs of people to find – Document types,
out the existing knowledge. – Organizational structure (based on
The focus is on how you cope with problems projects, products),
related to information overload and finding in- – Domain.
formation. The data that we will collect in this 7. How would you evaluate your satisfaction
interview will be very important for understand- with the search facilities in these tools?
ing the problems about the current situation and WHY?
the usefulness of the proposed system to solve the 8. What do you suggest should be changed or
existing problems. We believe it will be a benefit improved when it comes to searching?
for the organization if we can reduce the time 9. What do you do if you cannot find the infor-
spent on finding relevant information and hence mation you are looking for in these tools?
reduce the redundancy of sharing information. 10. How often do you need go and talk to a per-
son with expertise or experience, in order
A.2. General questions about to gather knowledge (even if it is simply an
background and communication abbreviation that you don’t know the mean-
ing of). In what kind of situations does this
1. Could you please tell me about your roles happen? What kind of information?
and responsibilities? (also current projects, 11. How do you find the person to ask about
previous experiences, etc.) a given issue?
2. Can you tell me how you share information 12. When you need to ask a question, do you first
or documents in your projects with team perform a search if someone already shared
members and with other related departments, this information? If so, do you usually find it
units, etc.? or not?
Semantic Knowledge Management System to Support Software Engineers . . . 263

A.3. Demo and evaluation 6. Would you use it to find the related people
to ask your questions (to gain implicit knowl-
Present the semantic tool with its functionalities edge)?
and show search scenario examples based on the 7. Would you prefer to add tags manually for
loaded discussion forum pages within the system. every information you share for more accurate
Illustrate different search types (such as faceted results, or you would prefer it automatic like
search, browsing the ontology, filtering). this?
1. What do you think about the presented tool? 8. What about a software engineering ontology,
How would you rate its usefulness? Why? would you search based on software engineer-
2. How is the experience different from what ing processes, artefacts?
you are currently using? Why? 9. If you have to rate on a scale, what would you
3. Do you think the speed of finding information say about using a semantic system like this
can change with this technology? If so how in comparison with the existing systems you
much would it change if you had to rate them have? Would you prefer this version? Why?
on a scale? 10. Do you think we have missed anything im-
4. For which type of scenarios and information portant that we can mention? Do you have
types? anything else to add?
5. What improvements do you think can be

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