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The meaning of announcement

Announcementis a statement (official notice) in oral or written form that contains
something for everyone to know. However, not everyone who hears or reads the announcement
has an interest in the announcement. Announcements can be heard or read anywhere, such as
oral announcements at school or in public places, whereas written announcements can be read on
bulletin boards, in magazines, and in newspapers.


To: all employees

There will be a blackout each Saturday during this month. Consequently, we will use the
generator as the electric source. So, please do not use air conditioners on Saturdays.

Please don’t forget to turn off the lights, computers, printers during the break as

1. Where can you read the announcement?

A. At school
B. In a bank
C. In a company
D. In a library
E. In museum
Answer: C
2. According to the text, what should the employees turn off each Saturday?
A. Computers
B. Lamps
C. Printers
D. Air Conditioner
E. Handphone
Answer: D

11. What is Past Perfect Tense

The past perfect refers to a time earlier than before now. It is used to make it clear that one
eventhappened before another in the past. It does not matter which event is mentioned first -
the tense makes it clear which one happened first.
Formula Past Perfect Tense

Bentuk R u m u s P a s t P e r f e c t T e n s e C o n t o h K a l i m a t
(+) · S u b j e k +   h a d   +   v e r b 3· T h e y   h a d s t u d i e d
(-) · Subjek +  had + not + verb 3 · T h e y   h a d n o t s t u d i e d
(?) ·   H a d + s u b j e k +   v e r b 3 ?·   H a d   t h e y   s t u d i e d ?


1. We use the past perfect tense to talk about what happenedbefore a point in the past. It
looks back from a point in the past to further in the past.

I hadn’t known the bad news when I spoke to him.

2. The past perfect tense is often used when we report what peoplehad


He told me they had already paid the bill.

He said he believed that John had moved to Italy.
I thought we had already decided on a name for this product.

3. The past perfect tense is also used in unreal or hypothetical situations, as in the
following sentences:

If I had had enough money, I would have bought you a betterpresent. (but I didn’t have
enough money.)

I would have been very angry if you had laughed when I got the answer wrong. (but you
didn’t laugh, so I wasn’t angry.)

She wouldn’t have been able to finish, if you hadn’t helped her. (but you did help her and she
did finish.)

4. The Past Perfect Tense is also used with expressions such as “as if” and “as though”:

John looked as if he had done something terrible.

She looked as though she hadn’t slept all night.

Usually in Past Perfect Tense we use after, before, as soon as, until, when, while, etc, to make
past perfect tense.


She had studied math before you moved to England.

She had gone to Malang when I called her.


1. You had .... English before you moved to New York

a. Study
b. Studied
c. Studying
d. Student
e. Wil study

Jawaban : b. Studied
Karenadalam past perfect tense kata kerjadalambentukketiga.

2. We had ... to him for fifteen or twenty minutes.

a. Spoke
b. Speak
c. Speaks
d. Spoken
e. Is speak

Jawaban : d. Spoken
Karena kata kerja yang dipakaidalam past perfect tense adalah kata kerjaketiga.

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