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Movie It (Chapter 2)

It´s an American horror movie that was inspired by a book. The

person who wrote that book was Stephen King in 1986.
This movie has two parts. The first, when some children of a small
town decided to fight a devilish entity that disguises it self as a
This clown appears every twenty-seven years (27) and pretends to
kill all the children of that city. Them the second part (It 2), the clown
pennywise returns twenty-seven years later to torment children who
are already adults and who are away from each other.
For other hand my opinion of the actors of this movie it´s great, the
actor like is Jessica Chastain who plays the role of Beverly, James
that makes Bill and specially Bill Skarsgard that makes Pennywise
clown is amazing. In general, the actors look a lot like the children
who made the first movie.
Finally, I remember when I was watching the movie in some parts I
was scared and there were things I didn´t understand well but after
reading the book I understood better.

Name: Raúl Concepción Oliveros

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