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Learning activity 1

Evidence: My holiday trip

Select a place you would like to travel and consider a special celebration to take part
in there. Complete your agenda format including information about the celebration
and the place you are visiting. You can see an example in Introductory material
section 2. How to make arrangements and predictions. Then answer the questions
about your plans.

Friday Saturday Sunday

In the morning Visit Atomium. Would start the Take a walk
This impressive morning at the around the Louise
structure, dating famous brewery area. It is the
from the Delirium most luxurious
Universal Tremens, part of the city
Exhibition held in Guinness record and where you can
Brussels in 1958, to the largest find a large
variety of beers number of Art
in a local, with style buildings
more than 3,000

In the afternoon Then visit Laeken A journey back in

Royal Palace, time to a "Venice The Army
where the Belgian of the North", a Museum, whose
kings Matilde and magical medieval entrance is free,
Philip reside. enclave full of offers its visitors
canals and small access to the
bridges, in which fabulous views
we will discover from the top of
the romantic the Gate of the

In the evening And finally the The last route

Japanese art will be realized
museum by the strength On Sundays in
of Gerardo the Brussels is the day
Devil that to enjoy the
formed part of markets. One of
the wall of Ghent the most
in the Average interesting is the
Age, Flea Market,
located in the Jeu
de Balle square of
the popular
neighborhood of


1. Where are you going to

R/ To travel to Belgium

2. How long are you staying?

R/ In Belgium i will stay for a week

3. Who are you visiting?

I will not visit anyone, it's a trip to meet

4. What are you doing on Friday?

R/ On Friday respectively visit Atomium, Laeken Royal Palace and the Japanese

5. What are you doing on Saturday?

R/ On Saturday respective visit brewery Delirium Tremens, Venice of the North

6. What are you doing on Sunday?

R/ the Louise area, The Army Museum the Flea Market
7. When are you leaving?
R/ Properly regulated on a Saturday

8. When are you returning?

R/ I do not know when to return because I am interested in knowing the parts of the

9. How are you going to feel after your trip?

R/ After making my trip I would feel happy and grateful to God for allowing me to
fulfill my dreams

10. What memories are you going to keep?

R/ I remembered the whole journey without exception of anything that could
happen, because moments of realization are always present

When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform as

1. Click on the title of this evidence.

2. Click on Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make sure the
file is attached.
3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).
4. Click Enviar.

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning guide in
order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to develop them
and deliver them correctly.

Criterios de evaluación
Intercambia información acerca de intenciones y acuerdos haciendo uso de la
estructura y el vocabulario requeridos.

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