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Section I

Principles of Photosynthesis

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Mechanisms of Photosynthetic Oxygen
1 Evolution and Fundamental Hypotheses
of Photosynthesis
Yuzeir Zeinalov
Institute of Biophysics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences


I. Introduction
II. The Concept of Photosynthetic Unit
A. Fundamental Results
B. Problems and Hypotheses
C. Variation in the Number of Effectively Functioning Oxygen-Evolving (Reaction) Centers
III. The Concept of Two Photosystems
A. Experimental Grounds
B. Photosynthesis with Sole Photosystem
IV. Conclusion

It is generally believed that these two principal

concepts are completely proven and verified and the
Intensive investigations on the nature of photosyn- unsolved problems are connected with the elucidation
thetic light reactions during the first half of the 20th of the nature of participating components and their
century led to several important discoveries and obser- mutual relationship. This chapter deals with the
vations that were extremely complicated to explain basic experiments and results that have led to the
and resulted in the postulation of two fundamental concept of the PSU and to the postulation of
concepts: the concept of photosynthetic unit (PSU) the concept of photosystems in light-driven photosyn-
[1] and the concept of two photosystems [2]. According thetic reactions and shows that, at the time of their
to the first concept, in all photosynthesizing systems postulation, the existing results and observations were
(photosynthesizing bacteria, green unicellular algae, not sufficient.
and higher plants), the light-absorbing pigment
molecules are divided into two groups. Only one
highly specialized pair of chlorophyll molecules (reac-
tion center dimer) present among dozens of bacteria UNIT
and among hundreds of green photosynthesizing sys- A. FUNDAMENTAL RESULTS
tems could carry out the photochemical (charge separ-
ation) reaction, while the essential part of these There is a limited number of experimental data that
molecules only absorbs light quanta and transfers the scientists consider as crucial for the postulation of a
light energy to the reaction centers [1]. According to given concept. For the concept of the PSU, the fol-
the second concept, the light-induced linear electron lowing results and observations are significant:
transfer reaction of H2O to NADP is realized by the (1) The very high (maximum) quantum efficiency
serial operation of two different photosynthesizing of photosynthesis under limited light intensity condi-
systems [2]. tions, that is, when the probability for light quanta

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absorption of a chlorophyll molecule is about one A
quantum per hour.
This statement has been confirmed by investiga-
tions of the dependence of photosynthesis on light

Oxygen-evolution rate (a.u.)

(irradiance). It was shown in many experiments that
the photosynthetic response to very low light inten-
sities was linear (Figure 1.1, curve A). In a significant
number of experiments, the shape of light–response
curves had a logarithmic part (Figure 1.1, curve B)
with maximum slope (maximum quantum efficiency)
at the beginning of curves, that is, when the irradi-
ation was approaching zero. ‘‘S’’-shaped curves (Fig-
ure 1.1, curve C), which indicate that the quantum D C
efficiency under low light intensities tends toward
zero, were observed in a limited number of investiga- E
tions (for review of the early investigations, see [3]). ED
These ‘‘S’’-shaped curves obtained in green plants 0 45 90
Time (sec) Irradiance (a.u.)
were interpreted in favor of the assumption of the
existence of a ‘‘photic threshold’’ of photosynthesis. FIGURE 1.2 Oxygen induction curves recorded at different
However, this suggestion was not accepted and the irradiances after 3 min of dark adaptation (left) and the
results obtained by most researchers were in favor of respective ‘‘working points’’ on the ‘‘light curve’’ (right) in
the linear shape of the light curves of photosynthesis. Chlorella pyrenoidosa suspension with absorbance 0.05. In-
Under anaerobic conditions, Diner and Mauzerall [4] duction curves A, B, and C are recorded at 8  108 A/mm
also observed nonlinear dependence. After the postu- and curves D and E at 1.2  109 A/mm sensitivity of the
lation of the concept of the PSU, it was discovered polarograph (for details see text).
that the initial slope of the light curves below the light
compensation point was significantly higher, and
nearer to this point on the light curves an abrupt at different irradiances after 3 min of dark adaptation
change in the value of quantum efficiency of photo- of Scenedesmus acutus cell suspension. Curve A was
synthesis could be observed [5]. This observation is recorded at the maximum irradiance, I0 ¼ 135 W/m2,
called ‘‘Kok’s effect’’ and was explained by the corresponding to the oxygen-evolution rate close to
changes in the rate of dark respiration after irradi- saturation (Figure 1.2, right panel point A). Other
ation. curves were recorded at 0.76I0 (B), 0.46I0 (C), 0.19I0
(2) The absence of induction period in the process (D), and 0.056I0 (E). The induction curves indicate
of oxygen evolution or carbon dioxide reduction that the duration of the induction period decreased
under very low light intensity conditions was one of simultaneously with decrease in irradiance. Under the
the most serious arguments of the PSU concept (Fig- lowest irradiance, 0.056I0 (E), the rate of oxygen
ure 1.2). Five oxygen induction curves were recorded evolution reached its steady state immediately after
the light was switched on. This observation is in
agreement with the postulate that at low irradiances
photosynthesis starts before the absorption of the
four quanta needed for the evolution of one oxygen
Oxygen-evolution rate (a.u.)

(3) Oxygen flash yields depend on the dark inter-
B vals between the flashes. The dependence of the oxy-
gen flash yields on the spacing between the saturating
flashes was investigated for the first time by Emerson
and Arnold [1] with Warburg’s manometric appar-
atus. It was found that the average yields were max-
imal when intervals between the flashes were about
Light intensity (a.u.) 20 msec.
The dependence of oxygen yields produced by
FIGURE 1.1 Different shapes of photosynthetic ‘‘light separated flash groups (four saturating short flashes)
curves’’: A, linear; B, logarithmic; C, ‘‘S’’-shaped irradiance on the spacing between the flashes in groups and
dependence of photosynthesis. recorded after reaching steady-state yields is pre-

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Amplitudes of oxygen bursts (mV)

0.1msec 0.4msec 1msec 4msec 10msec 20msec 40msec 100msec 400msec 1000msec





6 9 12 15 6 9 12 15 6 9 12 15 6 9 12 15 6 9 12 15 6 9 12 15 6 9 12 15 6 9 12 15 6 9 12 15 6 9 12 15
Time (sec)

FIGURE 1.3 The steady-state oxygen yields (relative) of groups of four saturating flashes depending on the time between the
flashes in the groups in Scenedesmus obliquus suspension with absorbance 0.05 (100 mm3 sample volume). The groups of four
saturating flashes (4J, t1/2 ¼ 8 msec) are spaced 3 sec and after reaching the five steady-state several oxygen group yields
obtained at different spacing between the flashes are presented.

sented in Figure 1.3. It is clearly seen that ampli-

tudes of oxygen flash yields increase with increase in
spacing between flashes up to 10 to 20 msec, after

Oxygen flash yields (mV)

which the yields decrease. Results presented in Figure
1.3 confirm the turnover time of oxygen-evolving 7 8
centers (2  102 sec) estimated by Emerson and 550 12
Arnold [1]. 9 13 15
500 10
(4) When oxygen flash yields are maximal, the ratio 5
between oxygen molecules evolved per flash and the
number of chlorophyll molecules in the investigated 450 1 2 Dark level
suspensions is approximately constant and equal to
1O2/2500Chl. For the first time Emerson and Arnold 400
obtained this value in 1932. It was found that in Chlor-
0 5 10 15
ella pyrenoidosa suspensions with different chlorophyll Time (sec)
concentrations 4  104 M oxygen was evolved from
1 M chlorophyll after every flash.
FIGURE 1.4 Oxygen flash yields of isolated pea chloroplast
(5) Earlier studies [6–8] demonstrated that after induced by a series of 15 flashes (4 J, t1/2 ¼ 10 msec, spaced
approximately 5 min of dark adaptation of unicellu- 800 msec).
lar algae (e.g., Chlorella, Scenedesmus) or isolated
chloroplast suspensions, the oxygen yield of the first
saturating short (10 msec) flash is zero (Figure 1.4). light quanta energy and consequently at least four
(6) Oscillations in the oxygen flash yields photons are needed. For understanding and explain-
(Figure 1.4) with a period of four observed after 5 to ing the observed experimental results the following
6 min of dark incubation in algae or chloroplast principal questions arise:
suspensions [9].
At the time of the postulation of the PSU concept 1. Whether energy or photoproducts of the four
only the first four experimental observations were photons absorbed are summarized?
known. Observations 5 and 6 were obtained signifi- 2. Whether oxygen-evolving centers act independ-
cantly later and are considered as additional confirm- ently of each other or can exchange energy,
ations of the concept of the PSU. or whether the oxygen precursors (positive
charges) could migrate and cooperate in the
B. PROBLEMS AND HYPOTHESES surrounding medium?

Considering the general equation of photosynthesis, it It is well known that the average effective cross
is apparent that for the evolution of one oxygen section for light quanta absorption of a chloro-
molecule or for the reduction of one carbon dioxide phyll molecule in solution is approximately 0.2 
molecule to the level of carbohydrate, four electrons 1016 cm2. This means that under low irradiances,
should be transferred on account of the absorbed that is, 1013 to 1014hg cm2, the time needed for

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absorption of four quanta by separated chlorophyll both the absence of the prolonged induction period
molecules should be approximately 1 h. Under such and the high quantum efficiency under low light in-
conditions, if oxygen-evolving centers act independ- tensities. In good agreement with this assumption is
ently of each other, the evolution of photosynthetic observation 4, where after every saturating flash only
oxygen should start after a prolonged induction time. one oxygen molecule is produced from approximately
This is in contradiction with observation 2 and the 2500 chlorophyll molecules. This attractive hypoth-
results presented in Figure 1.2, which show that in esis was postulated by Emerson and Arnold in 1932
reality photosynthesis starts immediately without any and was accepted immediately. Since then this postu-
induction period. The flash experiments of Emerson late has been supported in many investigations and
and Arnold (observation 3) show that photosynthesis especially with the findings of observations 5 and 6.
decreases if the spacing between the flashes is higher However, a significant number of investigations have
than 0.02 sec (Figure 1.3). Therefore, at low irradi- shown discrepancies concerning the size and structure
ances, when the dark intervals between the quanta of the postulated PSUs [10–12]. This leads to a more
absorption are of the order of minutes, the effective- ticklish question: Are the above-considered basic ar-
ness of photosynthesis should be much lower or tend- guments sufficient for the postulation of the PSU
ing toward zero. This fact is in contradiction with concept? Careful analysis of these arguments shows
observation 1, which reflects that quantum efficiency that difficulties for a logical explanation of experi-
of photosynthesis is very high under low irradiance mental results arise from observations 3, 5, and 6,
conditions. Observation 3 as well as additional obser- that is, from the absence of oxygen burst or oxygen
vations 5 and 6 lead to the conclusion that oxygen- yield at the first flash given after several minutes of
evolving centers operate independently of each other dark incubation. These observations have led us to
(noncooperative mechanism). This means that every reject the presence of any cooperative mechanism in
oxygen-evolving center should accept four light the action of oxygen-evolving centers. The existence
quanta (photons) before evolving one oxygen mol- of a noncooperative mechanism of oxygen evolution
ecule. The results observed could be explained if we in photosynthesis has been confirmed by observations
assume that oxygen-evolving reaction centers are in a 5 and 6 as well as by numerous flash experiments.
state to conserve some of the oxygen precursors (e.g., Especially, the model of Kok et al. [13] or the Si-states
positive charges) for several minutes or even hours, model shows that the noncooperative mechanism
and upon subsequent illumination after absorption of could explain both the absence of oxygen flash yield
the first photons they could immediately start evolv- at the first saturating flash after prolonged dark incu-
ing oxygen. This assumption, however, is in contra- bation and the oscillations in oxygen flash yields with
diction with observations 3, 5, and 6. Hence, we a period of four.
should conclude that the oxygen precursors are un- In spite of this, a number of kinetic models have
stable in the dark and deactivate for about 100 sec. been proposed for the explanation of various compli-
If oxygen precursors are unstable in the dark, the cating phenomena of the oxygen flash yield oscilla-
observed results, that is, the absence of prolonged tions [14–16]. According to Lavorel [17,18], a special
induction time and high quantum efficiency of photo- kind of cooperative action exists in the functioning of
synthesis under low light intensities, could be Si-states. In addition, there are some experimental
explained by the assumption that even under limited results that cannot be explained by Kok’s model
light conditions the oxygen-evolving centers received (e.g., the linearity of the light curves under very low
photons for time intervals of about seconds or even irradiance conditions). Obviously, the existence of the
shorter. This assumption could be explained by an noncooperative mechanism of oxygen evolution does
additional speculation that hundreds of chlorophyll not exclude the participation and the existence of the
molecules are functionally or even structurally assem- cooperative mechanism. On the other hand, the ab-
bled around a given specialized chlorophyll molecule sence of oxygen flash yield after the first flash cannot
(named reaction center), which carries out the photo- be considered as a proof for the absence of the co-
chemical reaction and this center is supplied with the operative mechanism in oxygen evolution because of
photons absorbed by the assembled light-harvesting the following reasons:
(antenna) molecules. In this way, the effective cross
section of light quanta absorption of the reaction 1. The first flash is applied after prolonged dark
center molecule is increased 100-fold and even under incubation of algae or chloroplast suspensions
very low light intensity conditions reaction centers that leads to anaerobic conditions in cell and
received the needed four quanta for intervals 100 chloroplast volumes.
times shorter than the intervals of the separated 2. Since the functioning of the cooperative mech-
chlorophyll molecules. This assumption explains anism should be realized by diffusion of oxygen

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precursors produced in different oxygen- under these conditions the registered light curves have
evolving centers, the rate constant of the reac- low slopes and the quantum efficiency is low.
tions leading to oxygen evolution through the The following observations could be considered in
cooperative mechanism should be significantly favor of the cooperative mechanism:
lower than the rate constant of the noncoo-
perative mechanism. 1. In unicellular algal suspensions, prolonged (5 to
20 min) oxygen evolution is registered after
Consequently, it could be concluded that the ob- switching off the continuous irradiation.
servation of oxygen burst or oxygen production by the 2. Decay kinetics in oxygen flash yields are at least
first flash will be difficult and even impossible. More- biphasic, probably two different processes exist
over, if we consider observation 1, that is, the linearity that lead to oxygen production.
of light curves under low light intensity conditions, 3. One cannot explain the absence of the induc-
and observations 3 and 5, that is, the dependence of tion period under low irradiances without the
yields on dark intervals between the flashes and the participation of the cooperative mechanism.
absence of oxygen yield at the first flash, it is reason- 4. In some photosynthesizing systems (cyanobac-
able to conclude that these observations are mutually teria) one cannot register any oxygen flash
contradicting. If observations 3 and 5 reflect strictly yields, despite the fact that they can produce
the photosynthetic oxygen production upon flash ir- oxygen at a high rate under continuous irradi-
radiation, then even with structures like the postulated ation.
PSUs the light curves of photosynthesis (oxygen evo- 5. In our previous studies [19,20] we stressed that
lution) should have a nonlinear part under very low the noncooperative oxygen evolving mechan-
light intensity conditions. This means that independ- ism operates mainly in grana regions while the
ently of the existence of photosynthetic units the light cooperative mechanism is localized predomin-
curves of photosynthesis should be S-shaped if one antly in stroma thylakoids.
assumes that oxygen production is realized only
through the noncooperative mechanism and that the C. VARIATION IN THE NUMBER OF EFFECTIVELY
defined deactivation reactions exist. Thus, two possi- FUNCTIONING OXYGEN-EVOLVING (REACTION)
bilities could be considered:
1. The cooperative mechanism is functioning sim- If one assumes that a suspension of unicellular algae
ultaneously with the noncooperative mechan- (Chlorella, Scenedesmus, etc.) contains N0 reaction
ism. centers, then under very general assumptions it could
2. The light curves of photosynthesis exhibit a be shown [21] that the following relationship exists
nonlinear part at very low light intensity con- between the number of open reaction centers (N ) and
ditions. the rate of oxygen evolution (photosynthesis) (P):

The first assumption gives the explanation of the N ¼ N0  N0 P=Pmax (1:1)

basic arguments that have led to the postulation of
the concept of the PSU, that is, observations 1 to 3, where Pmax is the saturating (maximum) rate of
while observations 5 and 6 could be explained by the photosynthesis. Obviously, the N vs. P plot is a
functioning of the noncooperative mechanism. Obser- straight line (Figure 1.6, curve ‘‘c’’), crossing the or-
vation 4 will be reconsidered in Section II.C. If we dinate at N ¼ N0 and the abscissa at P ¼ Pmax.
accept the second possibility, we can explain the ‘‘red The experimental determination of the ratio be-
drop’’ and ‘‘enhancement’’ effects of Emerson, which tween total and open (unoperative) centers is rela-
are considered as basic observations of the concept of tively easy. According to the model of Kok et al.
two photosystems, without using this concept. Our [13], the oxygen-evolving centers exist in five different
investigations during the last 35 years have shown oxidized states: S0, S1þ, S22þ, S33þ, and S44þ. Every
that these two possibilities exist. This means that center that absorbs one photon will pass to the
despite the participation of cooperative and noncoo- next higher oxidized state. After reaching state S44þ
perative mechanisms of photosynthetic oxygen evolu- one oxygen molecule is produced, and the center
tion, the irradiance dependence of photosynthesis is returns to the initial S0 state. It is easy to understand
a nonlinear function, that is, the ‘‘light curves’’ are that independently of the oxidation state, every
‘‘S’’-shaped. Probably under low irradiance condi- center after absorption of four photons separated by
tions a significant part of the photosynthetically dark intervals equal to or longer than the turnover
evolved oxygen is consumed by dark respiration and time t of the reaction centers will evolve one oxygen

© 2005 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

molecule and attain its former state. Consequently, Figure 1.5. In contrast to our expectations, data show
the amplitudes of oxygen bursts produced by four that the amplitude of the oxygen bursts produced by
saturating flashes will reflect the number of centers the group of flashes in darkness (0) are very small and
in the unoperative (open) state. This means that if the after continuous background irradiation (1 to 4) a
flash groups are given in darkness (when all centers significant increase could be seen. On increasing the
are open) the amplitudes of bursts will reflect the total intensity of background irradiation (5 to 7) the ampli-
number of centers. tudes of oxygen bursts decrease and after reaching the
The results obtained with C. pyrenoidosa cells using saturated background irradiation (7) they are almost
excitation with groups of four saturating flashes (t1/2 invisible.
¼ 8 msec) spaced 20 msec from each other and with The relationship between the amplitudes and
7 sec dark intervals between the groups on the back- steady-state oxygen evolution is presented in Figure
ground of a gradually increasing continuous irradi- 1.6. Curve ‘‘a’’ is obtained by increasing the back-
ation with achromatic (white) light are shown in ground irradiation from zero to saturation level.
Curve ‘‘b’’ is drawn for the reverse direction, that is,
with gradually decreasing background irradiation.
7 Obviously, the difference between the two curves re-
flects an ‘‘hysteresis’’ effect and is more probably a
Oxygen yield per four flashes (a.u.)

6 consequence of the induction phenomenon in the

photosynthetic process. It should be pointed out
that the shapes of curves presented in Figure 1.6 are
dependent on the experimental duration and the pre-
4 ceding history of investigated alga suspensions.
Nevertheless, an inexplicable difference between the
straight line ‘‘c,’’ theoretically predicted on the basis
2 of the PSU concept, and curves ‘‘a’’ and ‘‘b’’ still
1 remains. The amplitudes of oxygen burst increase
under background irradiation. They reach their max-
imum at the level of the steady-state oxygen-evolution
Time (a.u.) rate, representing approximately one third of the
maximum value of the saturating level. Whenever
FIGURE 1.5 The amplitudes of oxygen yields (Chlorella flash groups are given under low irradiance the
pyrenoidosa) produced by four saturating flashes (4 J, t1/2 lower value of amplitudes reflects the existence of
¼ 10 msec) with 20 msec dark periods between the flashes the induction phenomenon. It is obvious that we
and 7 sec between the groups depending on the steady-state cannot estimate the exact number of reaction centers
oxygen evolution rate. The intensities of background light from amplitudes of oxygen yield under dark condi-
are: 0, 0; 1, 17.0; 2, 25.0; 3, 34.0; 4, 43.0; 5, 52; 6, 82.0; 7,
tions, that is, without background irradiation.
135 W/m2.

7 b
Number of unoperative reaction centers

FIGURE 1.6 The number of unoperative 3

(open) centers (Chlorella pyrenoidosa) de- a
pending on the oxygen evolution rate level: 2
(a) experimentally obtained results by in-
creasing the light intensity of background ir-
N 01 c
radiation from 0 to saturation level (O2 rate
from 0 to maximal [saturating-Pmax] rate);
(b) in the opposite direction; and (c) straight
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
line, predicted by the theory of the photosyn-
Oxygen-evolution rate Pm
thetic unit concept.

© 2005 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

preceding time of irradiation with saturating ‘‘white

Oxygen yield per four flashes (a.u.)

light.’’ This means that under saturating irradiance

Oxygen-evolution rates (a.u.)

conditions the essential parts of the reaction center
are in the inactivated (blocked) state. The results in
Figure 1.7 show that the initial amplitudes of four
flash-induced oxygen bursts are restored approxi-
mately 15 min after switching off the continuous sat-
urating irradiation (in the darkness).
It could be shown that the following relationship
Dark level exists between the number of operating reaction cen-
ters (Nc), the amperometric current on the polaro-
0 5 10 15 graph equipped with oxygen rate electrode (I ), the
Time (min) turnover time of reaction centers (t), and the electric
charge of an electron (e):
FIGURE 1.7 Variations in the oxygen bursts before, during,
and after the induction time of photosynthesis in Chlorella Nc ¼ It=e (1:2)
pyrenoidosa. The suspension was kept in darkness for 5 min
and the groups of four saturating flashes (20 msec spacing If one can accept the value of Emerson and Arnold [1]
between the flashes and 7 sec between the groups) were
for turnover time of the centers, 2  102 sec, and
switched on at the time indicated by ‘‘".’’ The saturated
white light (135 W/m2) was switched on at the time indicated
for the amperometric current of saturated oxygen-
by ‘‘0’’ and switched off at the time indicated by ‘‘#.’’ evolution rate in Figure 1.8, 1.32  105 A, the num-
ber of oxygen-evolving centers in the investigated
sample can be calculated as
The results presented in Figure 1.7 show the
changes in amplitudes of oxygen burst in C. pyrenoi- Nc ¼ It=e
dosa produced by groups of four saturating flashes
with 20 msec spacing between the flashes and 7 sec ¼ (1:32  105 A)(2  102 sec)=1:6
between each flash group before, during, and after  1019 C
the induction time of photosynthesis (irradiation
with saturated achromatic [white] light). These results ¼ 1:65  1012 (1:3)
demonstrate well the expressed variation in oxygen
yields from flash groups and reflect in fact the number
of open reaction centers (oxygen-evolving centers).
The results presented in Figure 1.8, where the 1.5
Oxygen yield per four flashes (a.u.)

oxygen bursts are produced by the same flash groups

Oxygen-evolution rate (Ax105)

Saturated oxygen-evolution rate

as in Figure 1.7, show that the effects of flash
groups on the background saturating ‘‘white light’’
were negligible. At time 0, the ‘‘white light’’ was 1.0
switched off and the rate of oxygen evolution de-
creased sharply to the level indicated by D, after D
which the process of oxygen evolution in the dark 0.5
connected with deactivation of Si states [22] or with
the deblocking of inactivated (blocked) states began.
Immediately after switching off the continuous
Dark level
saturating radiation the effect of flash groups was 0
very small and the amplitudes of oxygen yields in- 0 5 10 15 20
Time (min)
creased slowly in the dark up to 30 min. Conse-
quently, the increase of amplitude of oxygen group
yields in the dark (after switching off the background FIGURE 1.8 Oxygen bursts produced by groups of four
saturating (4 J, t1/2 ¼ 8 msec) flashes with 20 msec dark
radiation when all centers are in the open state)
periods between the flashes and 7 sec between the groups.
showed that the number of effectively working oxy- Suspension of Chlorella pyrenoidosa (4 mm3, 15 mg Chl. cm3
gen-evolving centers increased. This number was sig- was irradiated with saturating white light (135 W/m2) and at
nificantly low immediately after switching off the the time indicated as ‘‘0’’ the saturating light was switched
saturated background radiation and thus one might off. The groups of flashes were switched on at the time
assume that it had the same low value during the indicated by ‘‘"’’ (for details, see text).

© 2005 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

A comparison between the number of chlorophyll due to inactivation of the essential part of the
molecules (NChl) in the sample (4 mm3 with 15 mg reaction center.
Chl cm3, that is, 8.8  1014 chlorophyll molecules) 2. Under low light intensity conditions the oxygen
and the number of oxygen-evolving centers (Nc) leads flash yields are low as a consequence of the
to induction phenomenon.

P ¼ NChl =Nc ¼ 8:8  1014=1:65  1012 We found that after switching on the irradiation
¼ 533Chl=1RC (1:4) (during the induction time of photosynthesis), the
oxygen absorption reaction occurs connected with
If the number of chlorophyll molecules is calculated the oxidation of oxygen-evolving centers [23]. The
for one oxygen molecule evolved, the value obtained amount of oxygen absorbed during the induction
should be increased four times, that is, about 2130 time depends on the chlorophyll content and approxi-
for one oxygen molecule. Consequently, the value mately the same amount of oxygen is evolved after
obtained in such a way is in accordance with the switching off the light (in the darkness) (Figure 1.9,
value for the PSU of Emerson and Arnold [1]. Table 1.1).
From the results presented in Figure 1.7 and Figure On the other hand, according to Emerson and
1.8, it could be concluded that the number Nc, esti- Lewis [24] and McAlister [25], the amount of CO2
mated above, reflects only the number of effectively burst during the induction period is also of the order
working reaction centers under saturating irradiance of the amount of chlorophyll, which was explained by
conditions but not their total number. An approximate Franck and Herzfeld [26] as a result of the decompos-
idea about the total number of oxygen-evolving cen- ition of the ACO2 complex under light (A is the
ters could be obtained if we compare the amplitudes of primary acceptor of CO2 whose quantity is assumed
oxygen yields per four flashes (Figure 1.8) during the to be equal to the amount of chlorophyll). Thus, it
irradiation with saturating ‘‘white light’’ with those may be assumed that functioning of the oxygen-
obtained 20 min after switching off the light: Approxi- evolving centers may be presented as follows: in dark-
mately 200 to 400 times increase was registered after ness, all oxygen-evolving centers accept CO2 mol-
switching the light off. Keeping in mind that the ratio ecules or HCO 3 anions. This statement is in
between chlorophyll molecules and the operative reac- agreement with the results of Stemler [27,28]. At low
tion center under saturating irradiance conditions is of irradiance, every chlorophyll molecule works as a
the order of 500 one can conclude that the total num- part of the reaction center with low frequency de-
ber of reaction centers is practically equal to the pending on the frequency of the quanta absorbed.
number of chlorophyll molecules. This indicates that If the irradiance is sufficiently high, it leads to the
the usual procedures used for the estimation of the oxidation (blocking) of a significant part of oxygen-
number of PSUs have to be revised. There are mainly evolving centers, a process connected with oxygen
two reasons for this: consumption and leads to CO2 evolution from oxy-
gen-evolving centers during the induction time of
1. Under high light intensity or frequency of sat- photosynthesis. At saturating irradiance the number
urating flashes the oxygen flash yields are low of unoxidized oxygen-evolving (working) centers can

Saturated oxygen-evolution rate

Oxygen-evolution rate (a.u.)

FIGURE 1.9 Induction curve of photosyn- A

thesis at Chlorella pyrenoidosa, recorded
after 5 min dark incubation and after ir-
radiation with 135 W/m2 ‘‘white light’’:
‘‘"’’ — light on; ‘‘#’’ — light off. For details
see text. The number of oxygen molecules 1 min
absorbed during the induction time of
photosynthesis, calculated from the dashed
area ‘‘A’’ and evolved after switching off B
the irradiation in the dark (dashed area Dark level
‘‘B’’) are in order of the number of chloro-
phyll molecules in suspensions investi-
gated. Time

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the darkness. Reaction (b) reflects the light quanta
absorption by the chlorophyll molecule, which forms
The Ratio Between the Number of Oxygen
a complex with the primary electron acceptor (Z). In
Molecules Absorbed During the Induction Time of
reaction (c), charge separation is accomplished and
Photosynthesis and the Number of Chlorophyll
one electron is transferred from the chlorophyll mol-
Molecules in the Investigated Suspensions of
ecule to Z. Reaction (d) shows the electron transfer to
Scenedesmus Acutus and Chlorella Pyrenoidosa
a component P on the electron transport chain. The
Samples O2/Chl electron of the bicarbonate ion fills the missing elec-
tron in the chlorophyll molecule and the bicarbonate
Scenedesmus 1.1 ion is separated as a radical (reaction [e]). The recom-
Scenedesmus 0.9
bination of four bicarbonate radicals (reaction [f])
Scenedesmus 1.0
accumulated at a given reaction center (in flash ex-
Chlorella 0.9
Chlorella 0.8
periments or under high irradiation conditions) leads
to the evolution of one oxygen molecule, two mol-
ecules of water, and four molecules of CO2 — the so-
called noncooperative or Kok’s mechanism. Under
low irradiances or after switching off the light the
cooperation of four bicarbonate radicals, produced
decrease to approximately 1 : 500; thus, the number of in different reaction centers, leads to same reaction
oxygen molecules absorbed or CO2 molecules evolved — the so-called cooperative mechanism. The restored
during the induction time would be practically equal complex of the chlorophyll molecule and the primary
to the number of chlorophyll molecules in the inves- acceptor in reaction (e) and the obtained CO2 mol-
tigated photosynthesizing system. This assertion may ecules (reaction [f]) after hydration with the partici-
explain the observed dependence of induction time on pation of carboanhydrase (CA) (reaction [g]) are
radiation intensity. According to the explanation pre- involved in reaction (a) and the cycle could start
sented above, if the quanta arrive at oxygen-evolving again.
centers after prolonged intervals (longer than several Reaction (h) takes place after irradiation and the
seconds) the centers cannot reach the higher oxidized increased oxygen concentration during the induction
states, S3 or S4, and oxygen can be evolved by the time of photosynthesis is connected with the inactiva-
cooperation of oxygen precursors obtained in differ- tion (blocking) of the oxygen-evolving centers. These
ent centers, a mechanism considered previously processes lead to the liberation of bicarbonate rad-
[29,30]. In summary, the following reaction steps icals and after their recombination (reaction [i]) the
could be presumed: process of CO2 burst [24] is accomplished. In sum-
 mary, these two reactions lead to oxygen absorption
Chl  Z þ HCO
3 ! Chl  Z  HCO3 (a) and CO2 liberation. Apparently, if the reactions pre-
 sented above reflect the molecular events in oxygen-
Chl  Z  HCO 
3 þ hv ! Chl  Z  HCO3 (b) evolving centers the isotopic experiments with labeled
 oxygen will show water as the source of photosyn-
Chl  Z  HCO þ 
3 ! Chl  Z  HCO3 (c) thetic oxygen. Water is included as the ultimate
 source of electrons in reaction (g) during the hydra-
Chlþ  Z  HCO þ
3 þ P ! Chl  Z  HCO3 þ P

(d) tion of CO2.
. The above interpretation explains the results
Chlþ  Z  HCO
3 ! Chl  Z þ HCO3 (e) presented in Figure 1.2. Induction curves showed
that the duration of the induction period decreased
4HCO.3 ! 2H2 O þ 4CO2 þ O2 (f) simultaneously with decrease in irradiation, and
 under low intensity (0.056I0) the rate of oxygen evo-
H2 O þ CO2 þ CA ! H2 CO3 ! Hþ þ HCO3 (g) lution reached its steady state very quickly after the
light is switched on — reactions (h) and (i) cannot
4Chl  Z  HCO
3 þ 4O2 þ hv ! 4Chl be accomplished as the concentration of oxygen is
Zþ  O2 .
2 þ 4HCO3 low (low irradiation). However, under these condi-
tions, the ‘‘working point’’ of the photosynthetic
4HCO.3 ! 2H2 O þ 4CO2 þ O2 (i) process enters the initial nonlinear part of the curve
depicting dependence on irradiance (Figure 1.2,
During reaction (a), oxygen-evolving centers (i.e., all right), which is characterized by a very low quantum
chlorophyll molecules) capture bicarbonate ions in efficiency. Analysis of results from flash experiments

© 2005 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

[31,32] showed that the linear part of the irradiance to the proposal of various models. Regarding the
curve corresponds to oxygen evolution connected basic arguments for the postulation of a PSU one
with successive transitions of Si states from S0 to has to admit that the strongest point is the absence
S44þ, while the deactivating back reactions of the of oxygen after the first saturating flash. However, it
oxidized Si states take place in the region of the demands a very careful reconsideration: after pro-
initial nonlinear parts of irradiance curves. Thus, at longed darkness the first flash hits the cells or the
low irradiances when the absorption of four quanta chloroplasts in an anaerobic state; the rate constants
in the individual reaction centers needs a longer time of reactions leading to oxygen evolution through the
and the centers do not manage to pass over into the cooperative mechanism are significantly lower than
S44þ state, the oxygen evolution is mainly a result of those connected with a noncooperative mechan-
the deactivation of the oxidized Si states and the ism, since the functioning of a cooperative mechanism
cooperation of oxygen precursors (bicarbonate rad- requires diffusion of oxygen precursors between dif-
icals [HCO3 ]) produced from different reaction cen- ferent reaction centers. Photosynthetic systems are
ters. self-controlled and may attain a modified state after
The concept of the PSU is now more than a short saturating flash. This may be connected with
70 years old. During this period, our ideas about oxygen-consuming processes during the induction
the size and the arrangement of these structures period and further connected with self-regulating pro-
have often changed. The most difficult questions cesses that protect the living structure from oxidative
still remain: ‘‘Are the concepts of Emerson and damage. This statement is supported by the data of
Arnold [1] or of Gaffron and Wohl [33] sufficiently Boitchenko and Efimtcev [35], which prove that
sound to justify the present day model?’’ Or ‘‘Are under increased oxygen concentrations a significant
there other possibilities for the explanation of the part of oxygen-evolving (PSII) centers are inactivated
existing observations?’’ I suppose that if Emerson (blocked).
and Arnold [1] and Gaffron and Wohl [33] have Therefore, all three basic arguments about the
had in their possession the results presented in Fig- concept of the PSU could be explained by the exist-
ure 1.5–Figure 1.8, which show dramatic changes in ence of two different ways of oxygen evolution in
the number of oxygen-evolving centers during the photosynthesis and by the different degrees of inacti-
induction time, it could hardly be assumed that vation (blocking) of oxygen-evolving centers. In this
they would have postulated their hypothesis about respect the concept of the PSU should be accepted
the PSU. Unfortunately, all their experiments were as a dynamic system rather than as a structural or
performed with Warburg’s manometric apparatus. It statistical system.
will be useful to remember the words of Birgit Ven-
nesland [34] concerning the photosynthetic unit con-
. . . These are (having in view the hypotheses, NB)
mainly based on the assumption that a hundred or
more chlorophyll molecule operate as a unit to trans- The hypothesis of participation of two photochemical
mit the energy of the absorbed photons to appropri- systems in the light-driven reactions of photosynthesis
ate, hypothetical reaction centers. The flashing light
in green plants emerged after the discovery of Emer-
experiments on which this view is based are of dubi-
son’s second effect (the ‘‘enhancement’’ effect) and
ous significance, and the complexities and detail
in which the associated theories have been clothed was theoretically substantiated by Hill and Bendall
should not be confused with evidence. Freedom to [2] in 1960, who assumed that both photosystems
use a large number of assumptions makes it easy function consecutively. In the course of the following
to devise theories and to fit innumerable observations four decades, this hypothesis was supported by a
to them. The most valuable experimental facts are considerable number of experimental facts; that is,
those which restrict such flights of the imagination. the sites of the individual electron carriers were esti-
mated and, along general lines, were accepted by most
The results presented above show the complexity authors. However, as already pointed out, Emerson’s
and flexibility of the oxygen-evolving system of second effect and also the ‘‘red drop’’ of quantum
photosynthesis. They demonstrate that many of the efficiency, which are considered as headstones of this
experimental data obtained cannot be understood concept, could be explained without resorting to the
within the framework of the postulated PSU. Fur- hypothesis of two photosystems ensuing from the
thermore, there are many observations whose explan- nonlinearity of the light curves of photosynthesis
ations lead to serious contradictions, which have led at low light intensities or from the principle of

© 2005 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

nonadditiveness in the action of light [31]. On the second effect or the so-called ‘‘enhancement effect.’’
other hand, in the literature there is a great deal of As is well known, in 1956 Emerson [40] looked for
information that cannot be satisfactorily explained by an explanation of the red drop of quantum efficiency
the concept of two photosystems. This is the reason that was observed at wavelengths above 700 nm.
for the existence of several hypotheses about the se- During the experiments he observed that if short-
quence and the functioning of light reactions in wavelength light was added to the less efficient long-
photosynthesis [2,36–39]. wavelength light the efficiency of this light increased.
The existence of these hypotheses proves the dif- In other words, the effect of simultaneous action of
ficulties that different groups of investigators have in two light beams with different wavelengths is greater
interpreting experimental results. Despite the fact that than the sum of the effects of their independent
significant differences exist between these hypotheses action. The principal reason for including the two
they all contain at least two different photosystems photosystems in the light induced reactions of photo-
(PSI and PSII). synthesis is just to explain this nonadditive light ac-
The main experimental facts supporting the con- tion. This raises the question: Is it possible to explain
ception of two photosystems are the following: this effect with the operation of a single photosystem?
As discussed in Section I, the answer to this question
1. The quantum efficiency of photosynthesis — 8 would be positive if one assumes that the light curves
to 12 quanta are needed for the reduction of of photosynthesis are nonlinear at low light inten-
one molecule of CO2 or for the evolution of sities, that is, they are S-shaped.
one molecule of O2. A suspension of C. pyrenoidosa was irradiated
2. The red drop of quantum efficiency of photo- with two light beams (Figure 1.10), one of which is
synthesis [24]. 700 nm modulated (1 sec light/1 sec dark) and the sec-
3. The enhancement effect (Emerson’s second ond is background light with different wavelengths
effect) [40]. between 600 and 700 nm. The amplitude of the modu-
4. The spectral transient effects [41]. lated oxygen rate induced by the 700 nm beam
5. Myers’ and French’s effect [42,43]. changed after applying background radiation of dif-
6. Cytochrome f oxidation by light with 700 nm ferent wavelengths whose intensities were chosen in
wavelength and its reduction by light with at such a way as to give an equal oxygen-evolution rate
680 nm (or shorter wavelength). in the linear part of the ‘‘light curve.’’ The intensity of
7. The existence of alga mutants [44], one of the 700 nm modulated beam was kept constant. The
which (mutant no. 8) does not accomplish pho- amplitude of the modulated oxygen-evolution rate
tolysis of water and does not evolve oxygen
(does not show Hill activity) but has the ability
to reduce NADPþ and CO2, while the other 10 sec
(mutant no. 11) evolves O2 and posseses Hill
activity but is not able to reduce NADPþ and b
Oxygen-evolution rate (a.u.)

8. The existence of chloroplast fragments pos-
sessing different activities, that is, some ac-
complish the Hill activity while the others





reduce NADPþ.
Background wavelengths
9. The results of experiments with specific inhibi-
tors of electron transport such as CMU,
DCMU, hydroxylamine, and others.
10. Some results obtained by studying photopho- Dark level
sphorylation coupled with electron transport
in the light reactions of photosynthesis.
Besides the above-cited experimental facts, there
are many other results that are interpreted with the
FIGURE 1.10 Amplitudes of the modulated (0.5 Hz) oxy-
aid of the hypothesis of two photosystems, but pre- gen-evolution rate in Chlorella pyrenoidosa induced by a
sumably they could also be explained with the same 700 nm beam without background radiation (a) and after
level of acceptance by leaving out this concept. compensation of the initial nonlinear part of the ‘‘light
The most important experimental result that sug- curve’’ with background radiation of different wavelengths
gested the idea for two photosystems was Emerson’s between 600 and 700 nm (b).

© 2005 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

remained constant (in the limit of experimental errors) 1 min
in all investigated spectral regions (600 to 700 nm). If
Emerson’s second effect exists as a separate appear- I 650(1)

Oxygen-evolution rate (a.u.)

ance we should not obtain any enhancement in the
case of addition of 700 nm background radiation to
the 700 nm modulated beam. But this was not ob- I650(2)
served: the enhancement did not depend on the wave- V650(2)
length of the background radiation but on its intensity
and on the obtained oxygen-evolution rate. The equal
degree of enhancement with 700 nm and other wave-
lengths showed that Emerson’s second effect is only a
particular case of the principle of nonadditive action I650(2) Dark level
of radiation in photosynthesis [31] and that it does not I650(1)
exist even as a second-order effect. Obviously, this Time
suggestion is in sharp contradiction with the accepted
concepts and literature data. Mann and Myers [45] FIGURE 1.11 ‘‘Enhancement effect’’ in Chlorella pyrenoi-
even obtained a negative enhancement effect in the dosa obtained by means of two monochromatic light beams
case of superposition of two beams of the same wave- of the same wavelength (650 nm): ", turning on; #, switching
length. Such a ‘‘negative enhancement’’ (attenuation) off the light beams.
exists in different regions of Emerson’s second effect
action spectra. According to Heath [46], there is no
reasonable explanation for this negative effect. Our
efforts to find such attenuation after having observed 3 sec
the conditions ensuing from the nonlinearity of the
‘‘light curves’’ were unsuccessful. Probably both ab-
Oxygen-evolution rate (a.u.)

sence of enhancement in the case of superposition of

two beams of same wavelength and observation of
attenuation in different regions of Emerson’s second
effect action spectra are consequences of reaching sat-
uration with radiant energy. A correct compensation I1 I1 I2 I1 I2
of the initial nonlinear part of the ‘‘light curves’’ is
impossible not only in suspensions with high absorb-
ance (>0.5) but also in suspensions with very low
absorbance because of the nonhomogeneous distribu- Dark level
tion of pigments in them (in the cell and the chloro-
plast volumes). When one tries to compensate the Time
lowest sublayer in suspensions or in chloroplasts of
higher absorbance, the oxygen-evolving centers situ-
FIGURE 1.12 The effect of two monochromatic 650 nm
ated in the surface sublayers always reach the region of light beams depending on their positions on the suspension
saturation with radiant energy. Due to the difference layer of Chlorella pyrenoidosa (for details see the text).
in the wavelengths of exciting radiation the distribu-
tion of absorbed light quanta in various sublayers of
suspension or of chloroplast volumes is also different. the modulated beam is used and the obtained modu-
This means that the action of light with different ab- lated oxygen-evolution rate (designated by ‘‘A’’) is
sorption coefficients will be different even after equal- seen on the ‘‘zero’’ dashed line. In the middle part
ization of their summary effects. of the figure the continuous light beam I2 is switched
The graph in Figure 1.11 clearly shows the ap- on but is focused on different regions with respect to
pearance of the effect of enhancement after excitation the modulated beam (I1). It is seen that the continu-
of photosynthesis by two continuous monochromatic ous oxygen-evolution rate increases; however, the
rays with the same wavelength (650 nm). amplitudes ‘‘B’’ of the modulated oxygen-evolution
Figure 1.12 represents an original protocol from rate remain unchanged. In the right part of the
the experiment in which two monochromatic 650 nm figure both beams are directed on one and the same
light beams are focused on the suspension layer of surface of the suspension and a significant increase
C. pyrenoidosa. One of the beams, I1, is modulated in the amplitudes of the oxygen evolution rate is
and the other, I2, is continuous. In the left part only observed.

© 2005 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

The results presented lead to the conclusion that hancement effect. Obviously, the effect of irradiance
the ‘‘enhancement effect’’ depends on the ‘‘working on photosynthesis is nonadditive not only for the
point’’ of the oxygen-evolving system on the light beams with different wavelengths (Emerson’s en-
curve or on some feature belonging to cell or chloro- hancement effect) but also for the beams with the
plast structure, but not on the concentration of oxy- same wavelength. This statement was confirmed by
gen in the surrounding volume. The changes of Warner and Berry [47] and Milin and Sivash [48]. As
oxygen-evolving amplitudes obtained after irradi- pointed out earlier this effect is considered as a ‘‘cru-
ation with modulated light beams before switching cial experiment’’ for the assumption that the electrons
on the background irradiation, during the induction from water to NADP are transferred through two
time (after switching on the background irradiation consecutive photoacts.
[arrow ‘‘a’’]), and in darkness (after switching off the
continuous irradiation [arrow ‘‘d’’]) are presented in
Figure 1.13. The wavelength of the two light beams
is 650 nm. Arrow ‘‘b’’ indicates switching off and Figure 1.14 presents a tentative diagram of electron
arrow ‘‘c’’ switching on the modulated irradiation. It transport light reactions of photosynthesis in
is seen that the amplitudes of the modulated oxygen- green plants by a single photosystem on the basis
evolution rate do not reach their maximum immedi- of the existing diagrams of Hill and Bendall and
ately after the induction of the photosynthetic pro- Arnon’s group (cf. Hall and Evans [49]). The best
cess. The amplitudes increase simultaneously with known electron carriers according to their corre-
increase in the continuous oxygen-evolution rate. sponding redox potentials are arranged in three
After switching off the continuous irradiation the groups. The group of electron carriers at the reduc-
amplitudes do not reach their initial value and during tion side of the photosystem, consisting of the pri-
a certain dark period they decrease continuously. mary acceptor of that photosystem Z (FRS; Fe-S),
A comparison of the enhancement values (ap- feredoxine (FD), and flavoprotein (fp), is determined
proximately 5 to 10) obtained in our experiments
with those in Emerson’s second effect investigations
(approximately 1.2 to 2.2) shows that the effect pro-
P* Phe Artificial e-acceptors
voked by nonlinearity of the irradiance curves is NADP
much stronger that that observed for Emerson’s en-

2500 b DCMU PQ
d HOQNO Cytb559[L.P.]
Oxygen-evolution rate (mV)

c hn P
Z Cl− HCO−3
1000 PC O2

500 Tris

0 FIGURE 1.14 A tentative model of photosynthetic electron
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 transport with only one photosystem. P, oxygen-evolving
Time (sec) (reaction) center; P*, excited state of P; Phe, pheophytin;
FRS, ferredoxin reducing substance; Fe-S, bound iron sulfur
FIGURE 1.13 Dependence of the amplitude of the modu- protein; FD, ferredoxin; NADP, nicotinamide adenine di-
lated (0.5 sec light/0.5 sec dark) oxygen evolution in Scene- nucleotide phosphate; DCMU, 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,
desmus obliquus during the induction time of photosynthesis. 1-dimethylurea; HOQNO, 2-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline-N-
The two light beams have the same wavelength (650 nm) and oxide; PQ, plastoquinone pool; Cyth, cytochromes; DCIP,
allow 10 and 6 mmol/m2/s irradiances for modulated and 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol; DCIPH2, reduced form of
continuous beams, respectively. The continuous light is DCIP; PC, plastocyanin; FeCy, potassium ferricyanide;
switch on (arrow ‘‘a’’) and switch off (arrow ‘‘d.’’) Arrows NH2OH, hydroxylamine; DPC, 1,5-diphenylcarbazide;
‘‘b’’ and ‘‘c’’ show switching off and switching on of the DBMIB, 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquin-
modulated light beam, respectively. one (for detail see the text).

© 2005 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

with the highest degree of significance. This group of number of the electrons participating in the
electron carriers has the highest negative redox poten- cyclic and noncyclic pathways.
tial and is closely connected with the reduction of 4. Depending on the sites of action of the various
NADPþ. Besides this, it is known that FD partici- inhibitors, they will lead to different effects. It
pates also in the process of cyclic photophosphoryla- is possible that some of these substances may
tion, and on this account it is assumed that at this have nonspecific action as well. Certainly, the
point the electron transport chain branches off to- final effect of the action of individual inhibitors
ward the cyclic electron transport or the group of will depend also on the corresponding sequence
electron carriers consisting of cytochrome b563, cyto- of the electron carriers in the various groups.
chrome b559(L.P.), and probably plastoquinone (PQ). 5. As shown in our earlier work [30] the spectral-
The group of electron carriers consisting of plasto- transient effect of Blinks [41] and Myers and
cyanine (PC), cytochrome b559(H.P.), and cytochrome French [42] could be considered as a result of
f shows a tendency toward oxidation upon illumin- the superposition of the induction-type transi-
ation and is probably situated at the donor part of the ent phenomenon observed during oxygen
electron-transport chain. It is possible that some of evolution. As a consequence of different
the carriers of this group take part in the cyclic elec- permeabilities of the pigmented sections in
tron transport. chloroplasts for light beams with different
The figure also shows the possible sites of photo- wavelengths a change occurs in the frequency
phosphorylation at the cyclic electron transport, the of turning of the functioning reaction centers
expected sites of action of best known inhibitors of and this leads to the difference in oxygen in-
the individual reactions, and the artificial electron duction curves. The same interpretation will be
donors and acceptors. With the exception of the nat- valid also for the so-called ‘‘State 1–State 2’’
ural electron acceptor in the reducing part of the phenomenon. There is no doubt that these ef-
photosystem the electron carriers and the reactions fects as well as data obtained upon investiga-
taking place in this part are relatively well known. All tion of photophosphorylation cannot be
electron carriers shown in the figure are at their re- considered as irrefutable arguments for the ser-
spective places in the cyclic transport according to ial operation of the two photosystems in the
Hill and Bendall [2] and Knaff and Arnon [36]. Of light reactions of photosynthesis.
course, many details in both structural and functional
aspects should be clarified after a profound analysis
of the existing literature data. IV. CONCLUSION
Figure 1.14, indicating the functioning of the elec-
tron transport reactions of photosynthesis in green In every field of science the relevant and correct
plants, could explain the following experimental facts: choice of the basic principles or postulates has de-
cisive action on its future progress and development.
1. Emerson’s effects, the red drop and the en- In photosynthesis, there are still many principal ques-
hancement, are explained by the principle of tions concerning the light reactions of photosynthesis
the nonadditiveness in the action of light dur- that remain unanswered. If the ‘‘enhancement effect’’
ing photosynthesis. is a consequence of the nonlinearity of the irradiance
2. The existence of mutant forms algae (no. 8 of curves under low irradiances, then the idea about the
Bishop) and also of different fragments from two consecutive photoacts in bringing the electron
chloroplasts (light fragments), which cannot from the primary electron donor to NADP loses its
evolve oxygen, could be explained with dam- crucial evidence. However, if the electrons are trans-
ages of electron-transport chain in the oxida- ferred in only one photoact then a problem from the
tive part (Z, Cythf, Cyth559[H.P.], PC, different energetic point of view arises. According to Bolton
kinds of polypeptides), and for mutant no. 11 [50,51], if the photosynthetic process is affected by
and for heavy chloroplast fragments with de- one photosystem only (using only four photons),
structions in the reduction side (Phe, Fe-S, Fd) then the fraction of photon energy («) at lmax (the
[44]. maximum wavelength at which photosynthesis could
3. The qualitatively different behaviors of the be affected) should reach 0.73. This value is approxi-
photosynthesizing system toward light of wave- mately equal or even higher than the theoretically
lengths over and below 700 nm is probably due calculated thermodynamic limit. As a consequence,
to the unequal number of absorbed quanta; it is postulated that the quantum requirement of
hence, depending on the degree of reduction photosynthesis cannot be less than 8 to 12 quanta
of NADPþ, a change occurs in the relative per oxygen molecule evolved. However, as pointed

© 2005 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

out by Brown and Frenkel [52], the experimental the energy for electron removal from bicarbonate ions
determination of the minimum quantum requirement is twice lower [55] than from water molecules and the
of Chlorella photosynthesis has become one of the electrons could be transferred with a single photosys-
most strenuously contested problems in all of biology tem (with one photon energy) then Nature will use
and thus before the acceptance of the idea about the electrons from bicarbonate ions and will not create a
two photosystems there was no real agreement on the second photosystem.
value of the quantum efficiency. According to Bell Interpreting the sense of Warburg’s statement that
[53], an analysis of the available literature data ‘‘in a perfect nature photosynthesis is perfect too,’’ we
allowed the drawing of histograms in which from can state that Nature is built with maximum simpli-
nine studies, four reported quantum requirement city and at minimum expense.
less then eight or even seven quanta. I believe that it There is no need to point out that the postulate of
is possible that this contradiction can be overcome if two photosystems originates from the initial results
one accepts the idea of Warburg [54], Metzner [55], obtained during the investigation of mechanisms of
and Stemler [28,56] that HCO 3 is almost certainly the photosynthetic light reactions and in particular from
immediate source of photosynthetically evolved oxy- the results of oxygen evolution. All the other results
gen. In this case, the energy of one quantum with concerning the structural aspects of the photosyn-
wavelength of even 700 to 730 nm will be sufficient. thetic machinery, especially the polypeptide compos-
Obviously, if the bicarbonate ions and CO2 partici- ition of thylakoid membranes and the ‘‘water-
pate only as catalysts (reaction steps [a] to [i] in Sec- oxidizing’’ system, the existence of heavy and light
tion II.C), the experiments with labeled oxygen fragments cannot be considered as evidence here. In
cannot be considered as evidence in support of the our previous works [20,64], we hypothesized that a
statement that PSII receives its lost electrons directly close relationship exists between the grana and
from water. The only conclusion that could be drawn stroma localized PSII (PSIIa and PSIIb centers) and
from these experiments is that the photosynthetic the participation of two different mechanisms for
oxygen comes from water, but this does not mean oxygen evolution. Obviously, during the process of
that water is the immediate electron source to the the development of the photosynthetic apparatus the
reaction centers of photosynthesis [55]. It seems that entire electron transport system cannot be con-
we have no decisive experiments to prove the nature structed simultaneously. Consequently, in every
of the electron donor of the reaction centers of photo- given time we could find different sorts of particles
synthesis. It is, therefore, necessary to undertake similar to the observed heavy or light particles pos-
a thorough study of the arguments considered in sessing different functional properties [65]. Moreover,
favor of the participation of H2O and against the the different kinds of photosystems (PSIIa, PSIIb,
participation of HCO 3 ions as an immediate electron PSIg, and PSIs centers) should not be on any account
source in the process of photosynthesis. Consider- considered as artifacts and nonexisting. The main
ing this statement the estimated values of the quan- problem is what is the real function of these structures
tum requirement, 5–6–9 quanta per oxygen [57–61], and whether the electron transfer from water (the
which are lower than the estimated theoretical min- electrons after all are coming from water) to NADP
imum quantum requirements (maximum efficiency) is accomplished with the participation of two con-
of photosynthesis (10 quanta per oxygen), predicted secutive photoacts or with a single one.
by the Z-scheme [62,63] seem entirely correct. Keep- In conclusion, it should be stressed that the rejec-
ing in mind that the entire photosynthetic process tion of the ‘‘generally accepted’’ hypotheses with
contains a significant number of very complicated more than 40 years of history is a very complicated,
biochemical steps, it is not possible to understand difficult, and painful process and needs the cooper-
how every photon is used with almost 100% effective- ation and efforts of many investigators in this field.
ness without any losses even while believing that Na- The aim of this work is only to show that there are
ture is built absolutely perfectly. The other strange serious difficulties concerning the explanation of
fact is that in many experiments (including Emer- existing experimental data supporting the concepts
son’s) on action spectra of photosynthesis it is of the PSU and the generally accepted ‘‘Z’’ scheme
shown that oxygen evolution could be observed even of photosynthesis based on the assumption of two
at wavelengths around 720 to 730 nm where only photosystems operating in series [2] but also to em-
photosystem I should be active. Obviously, these re- phasize the alternative pathways and mechanisms
sults are in sharp disagreement with the concept of explaining the basic principles of photosynthetic pro-
two photosystems and consequently with the assump- cesses. I hope that the young scientists in the 21th
tion that the oxygen-evolving reaction centers receive century will reconsider more carefully the basic argu-
their lost electrons immediately from water. Thus, if ments of these two hypotheses and speed up the

© 2005 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

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