A Lesson Plan On Student Learning About World Literature

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A Lesson Plan on Student Learning about World Literature

Quarter: 1st quarter Date: JULY

Year and Section: Grade 10- MWSP Time: 1:45- 2:45 PM

Time Frame: 1 Hour Teacher: JENELYN B. OROZCO

Learning Competency: EN10LC-Ia-11.1:

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the period, students should be able to:
a. Know the easy steps of being a good listener.
b. Share an experience about a situation in life wherein they will be able to appreciate the importance of listening.
c. Write a brief realizations of an experience about a situation in life wherein they will be able to appreciate the
importance of listening.

II. Subject Matter:

 Topic: Building Relationship through Listening
 Reference: Grade 10 Language in Literature, pg. 25-27
 Materials: Grade 10 book, pen and paper
 Skills: Speaking Skills
III. Teaching Procedures/Strategies
A. Preparatory Activities

1. Prayer
2. Energizer
3. Classroom Management
4. Attendance
B. Developmental Activities
1. Review
2. Lesson Proper

a. Activity
Students will share their experience in the class about a situation in their life on how to maintain or
building relationship with peers.

b. Analysis
What realization did you have?
How would you become a good listener?

c. Abstraction
Hearing becomes listening only when you pay attention to what is said and follow it very closely.
 Easy steps on being a good listener:
1. Pay attention
2. Be receptive
3. Check your understanding
4. Be an explorer
5. Show interest
6. Be patient
7. Get out of a rut
d. Application
 Students will Write a brief realizations of an experience about a situation in life wherein they will
be able to appreciate the importance of listening.
IV. Evaluation

 On a ¼ sheet of paper enumerate the 7 easy steps on being a good listener.

V. Assignment
 Identify features of persuasive texts.

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