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Republic of the Philippines

Quirino State University

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Entrepreneurship

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

a. enumerate the steps in making bar graph;

b. construct a bar graph to represent data; and

c. value the advantage of using of bar graph in presenting data.

II.Subject Matter
Topic: Bar Graph; Common tool for monitoring and supervising data

Reference: Competency Based Curriculum, Fourth Year

Materials: Laptop, LED TV, Tarpapel

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A.Preliminary Activities
A. Preliminaries
a. Greetings
b. Prayer
c. Checking of attendance
d. Presentation of objectives

Do you know the 7 seven dwarfs in
Snow White? Yes ma’am.

They are here with us today. 6 of them

are making up a team. Take a look on
the characters that I have distributed
earlier and see which team are you in.

Now, we will going to a have a simple

group activity. I will give each team an
activity sheet and some square cut
papers. All you have to do is to paste
them on the squares according to their
colors and required numbers on the
right side of the sheet.

I will give you 5 minutes to finish the

task and the first team to finish will
receive 10 points from Doc and 5
points for the rest. That will be pasted
on the score board and will be graded
as your total group performance for
today. Don’t forget to write the names
of your members at the back of the
sheet because I will base your
attendance there later.

Team Happy, stay at the first column

and team Grumpy at their back. Team
Sneezy at the middle column and team
Sleepy at their back. Team Dopey at
the third column and Team Bashful at
the back. Go to your respective groups
in the count of ten.

Your five minutes starts now.

C. Lesson Proper

Look at your finished works. What have you

just did are examples of bar graph which will be
our topic today.

But before that, take a look at the

representations on the board. We have there
representation A and B. Both, are gathered data
of a production of a bakery, representing the
bread preference of the buyers.

Now, I have set of questions inside these

envelopes with corresponding points each. If
you volunteered to answer, points will be added
on your team.

Who wants to pick and try to answer?

Remember class, this is opinionated.

Yes Ruby, For 5 points. If you’re trying to look for the best
and least preferred breads, which representation
will you choose? Why?

Representation A. Because it is easier to find for

the best and least. You just need to look for the
tallest and shortest bar on the graph.
You can now pick a five points sticker on Doc’s
jar and paste on your team.

For 5 points. If you we’re to choose, which

Who wants to answer now the second question? representation will you use when you present?

Representation A. Because it is easier to see the

differences each data and easier to understand.

Very well said!

One way of presenting data you gathered on

your business is through a bar graph. Today,
we’ll going to learn how to create a bar graph.

Bar Graph is a chart or graph that presents

categorical data with rectangular bars with
heights or lengths proportional to the values that
they represent.
Let us define bar graph first.
Kindly read Charity.

Thank you. The bars can be plotted

horizontally or vertically, showing

Kindly read the continuation, Angelo.

It will help you to visualize the relationships

among different categories of factors affecting
your business such as financial data, sales,
Thank you. It is used to compare two or more projections and trends.
groups. In making bar graphs, we have some
steps to be followed.

We have here a data of expected production per

month of a student-based enterprise as our basis
on the graph that we will going to create.

Who wants to read the first step? And try to do

on the board? For 5 points.
Yes Baby Claire.

Step 1, Draw vertical and horizontal axes.

The one axis shows the specific categories being
compared and the other one represents a
Very Good! measured value.
Get a sticker on Doc’s jar and paste on your

How about the second step? Kindly read and try

to continue the drawing on the board.

Very good! Create a scale on the vertical axis to measure the

Assuming that the horizontal axis represents the frequencies of the variable.
sale and the vertical axis represents the buyer or
the customer.
Who wants now to do the third one?
Yes Kimberly.

Very Good! Note the nominal scale (different qualities

Receive a point from Doc’s jar. variable)

And for the last step?

Nice one!
Draw a rectangle for each quality of the variable
Get a sticker on Doc’s jar and paste on your

D. Enrichment Activity
Did you understand our lesson class?

That’s great. Now, on the same group, I will

give another activity sheet where in you will
create a bar graph using the data written at the
back of your activity sheet. I will only give you
5 minutes to do the task and I will give each
group a minute to present your outputs in front.

Listen class for I will read to you the rubrics of

the activity.

Do you have any questions class? None ma’am.

That’s nice.

What are again the steps in making a bar graph?

Step 1, Draw vertical and horizontal axes.

Step 2, Create a scale on the vertical axis to
measure the frequencies of the variable.
Step 3,Note the nominal scale (different qualities
Step 4,Draw a rectangle for each quality of the
Very Good.
Now, assuming that you have a business, what
do you think is the advantage of using bar
graphs in presenting your gathered data?
To represent data clearly and easier to
To see the changes or differences of every data
to another in just a glance.

Create a bar graph from the data.
JANUARY P180,000
MARCH P200,000
APRIL P160,000
MAY P140,000
JUNE P100, 000
JULY P90,000
AUGUST P120,000
OCTOBER P110,000

Have an advance research on the other tools for monitoring and supervising business operations.
Refer on your modules.


CRITERIA (20 points) (10 points) (5 points)

CONTENT AND All the answers are The answers are Some answers are
PRESENTATION correct and well correct but not so well wrong but well
presented. presented. presented.

TIME The group finished The group finished The group finished
MANAGEMENT the task ahead of the task on time. the task late.

PARTICIPATION All the group Some of the group Only few of the group
AND BEHAVIOR members have members have have participated and
participated and well participated and noisy.
behaved. behaved.

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