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Everything Everything(Book Report)

The book call ‘Everything Everything’ written by Nicole Yoon. It is a fiction and a romance

book which takes place in LA. It was published on September 1, 2015.

The characters are Madeline Whittier or Maddy, Olly Bright, Dr. Pauline Whittier, and Carla .

Maddy is a 18 years old girl who’s the narrator of this novel and has Severe Combined

Immunodeficiency(SCI) that forces her to live in a germ-free environment. She is not allowed to

go outside for any particular reason because she might get allergen which will make her sick.

She has brown eyes, and a dark brown curly hair and she’s half African and Japanese. Olly is a

new family move next door to Maddy’s house, he’s tall, lean and always wearing black clothes.

He’s white with a pale honey tan and bjs face is starkly angular. Olly catches Maddy eyes and

they started to fell in love with each other after they become closer. Dr.Pauline Whittier is

Maddy’s mother and they are so close that they are like sisters to each other. Carla is Maddy’s

nurse, she’s a kind and a patient nurse who has taken care of Maddy for 15 years.

The story is about an eighteen years old girl Maddy who’s suffering from SCID that prevent

her from leaving her house and interacting with other people. Out of all the people Pauline, Carla

and Carla’s daughter Rosa are allowed in the home. Her life start to changes after Olly, a new

neighbour moves beside Maddy’s house. They shares a look when Maddy looks out at he

window and they socialize each other online for few weeks and eventually growing very fond of

eachother. Maddy convince Carla to secretly let Olly visit her inside the house since she knows

that her mother won’t approve it, so Carla secretly arranges the time for Olly and Maddy to meet
without Pauline knowing but Carla makes them promise to stay on different sides of the room

from each other.

Later Pauline finds out that Maddy and Olly has been seeing each other so she fires Carla for

allowing Owen into the house and she forbids them from seeing each other. But that doesn’t stop

Maddy from seeing Olly so she buys two plane tickets to Hawaii, and convinces Olly to travel

there with her. In Hawaii, they share a romantic experience together until she got rush to the

hospital because of her disease which almost cause her to death. Soon she breaks off contact

with Olly since she doesn't want to make another mistake over love again.

But then the doctor from Hawaii calls Maddy that she does not have SCID, it’s just an

underdeveloped immune system from due to living in filtered air her whole life, so she looks

through her mother records and cannot find anything that indicates that she has SCID. She later

realizes that her mom has been lying to her the whole time so she runs away from home and

stays with Carla and Rosa. Pauline later tells her that after Maddy's father and brother died in a

car crash, Maddy was all she had left so she wanted to keep her safe.

At last Maddy contact Olly again and meet with him to start their relationship new again.

Overall I would recommend you to read this book because it has a beautiful writing,

astonishing story and would made you wanna keep on reading the whole book without stopping.

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