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IS0 303 3 I 8515103 028523 025

ISO 3903:1993(E)


1 Scope 1

2 Normative references 1

3 Deflnltlons . 1

4 Classlflcatlon ............................................................................... 2
4.1 Serles . .. .. .. . 2

4.2 Types ,.......................................................................... 2

4.3 Models 2
4.4 Nominal sizes ················································----· 2
4.5 Survey of types, models and sizes ··············· ..··············· 2
5 Technical requirements .............................................................. IS

5.1 General ...................................................................................... e

5.2 Dimenslons ................................................................................ 6
5.3 Glass retalning frame .............................................................. 9

5.4 Glass .................................................................. , 10


6.5 Glazing ..................................................................................... 12

5.6 Fasteners (closing devices and hinges) ················••"·· 12
5.7 Gaskets for glassholder and glass-retaining frame 13

6.8 Fixing device ........................................................................... 13

& Materlals .................................................................................... 13

6.1 Main frame, glassholder and glass-retaining frame 13

8.2 Closing device and hinge pin ................................................ 14

7 Testing ........................................................................................ 15

7.1 Watertightness test ................................................................. 15

7.2 Mechanical strength test ··························--······ 15

7.3 FIre-reslstance test , 15

0 1s0 1993
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International Organlzatlon tor Standardization
Case Postale 66 • CH-1211 Gen~ve 20 • Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland


Copyright by the International Organization For Slondordizolion

fr on 0'3 14.33.01 2003
I5o 303 3 551103 052852 TL]

Is0 3903:1993(E)

74 Test for heated windows ····························· 15

8 Marking , 15

8.1 Regular rectangular windows (series N) .............................. 15

8.2 Rectangular windows for fire-resistant constructions (serles

P) 18

8.3 Heated rectangular windows (serles H) ............................... 18

9 Deslgnatlon ................................. ,

9.1 Elements for designation .......................................................

9.2 Examples ···························

10 Positioning ···················••o,·
11 Installation ................................................................................


A Maximum allowable pressure for rectangular windows with standardized dimensions

B Maximum allowable pressure for rectangular windows with

deviating dimensions


Copyright by the lnternotionol Organizotion For Standardizolion

Hi Jon 03 14:3302 200.3
IS0 303 93 B5103 052BS5 T8

IO 3903:1993(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a
worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member
bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally
carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body
Interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee.
International organizations, govern• mental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely
with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all
matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees
are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
Inter• national Standard requires approval by at least 75% of the
member bodies casting a vote.
International Standard ISO 3903 was prepared by Technical Committee
Iso/TC 8, Shipbuilding and marine structures, Sub-Committee SC 8,
Windows and side scuttles.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first
(ISO 3903:1977), of which it constitutes a technical
Annexes A and B form an integral part of this International

Copyright by the lntemotional Orgonizotion For Standordization
ii Jon 03 14:33:04 2003
IS0 303 3 1 851103 052852L 83


Shipbuilding and marine structures - Ships'

ordinary rectangular windows

1 Scope ISO 2010:1983, Slotted raised countersunk head

screws (common head style) -- Product grado A.
This International Standard specifies the classl•
ficatlon of ordinary rectangular windows for ships ISO 3254:1989, Shipbuilding and marine
(series, types and models), and gives the dimen• structures
sions for Interchangeability and construction, ma• - Toughened safety glass panes for
terlals, tests, marking and deslgnation of these rectangular
windows. windows
NOTE 1 This International Standard is based on the
ex• perlence of ships' window and glass ISO 3434:1992, Shipbuilding and marine
manufacturers, shlpbuilders and authorities who apply to structures
ships the Regu• latlons of the International Convention - Heated glass panes for ships'
for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS 1974), with rectangular windows.
Amendments, 1981, and of the International Convention
on Load Lines, 1960.
ISO 3902:1990, Shipbuilding and marine
2 Normative -- Gaskets for rectangular windows and
references side scuttles.

The following standards contain provlslons 1SO 5779:1987, Shipbuilding -- Ordinary

which, through reference In this text, constitute rectangular windows -- Positioning.
provlslons of this International Standard. At the
time of publl• cation, the editions Indicated were ISO 5797-4:1989, Shipbuilding and marine
valid. All stan• dards are subject to revision, structures
and parties to agreements based on this - Windows and side scuttles for fire-resistant
International Standard are encouraged to con•
structions -- Specifications -- Part 1: "B" class
investigate the possibility of ap• plying the most dlvl•
recent editions of the standards In• dlcated below. sions.
Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of
currently valid International Standards. I80 6345:1990, Shipbuilding and marine
ISO 261:1973, ISO general purpose metric screw --- Windows and slde scuttles ---
threads --- General plan. Vocabulary.
ISO 614:1989, Shipbuilding and marine structures -• ISO 7045:1983, Cross-recessed pan head screws -•
Toughened safety glass panes for rectangular win• Product grade A.
dows and side scuttles -- Punch method of non•
destructive strength testing. IS0 7046-2:1990, Cross-recessed countersunk flat
head screws (common head style) -Grade A -•
ISO 1207:1992, Slotted cheese head screws -- Part 2: Steel of property class 8.8, stainless steel
Prod• and non-ferrous metals.
uct grade
A. ISO 7047:1983, Cross-recessed raised countersunk
head screws (common head style) --- Product grade
1SO 1580:1083, Slotted pan head screws -- Product A.
grade A.
ISO 2009:1983, Slotted countersunk flat head
(common head style) --- Product grade
A. 3 Definitions
For the purposes of this Internatlonal Standard,
the definitions given in ISO 6345 apply.

Copyright by the International Orqonizotion For Standardization

fri Jon 03 14:33:06 2003
I50 303 53 I 8515103 D52&52? 770

ISO 3903:1993(E)

4 Classlflcatlon NOTE 3 Modifications of the construction of glassholder

or main frame are to be observed; tee 5.1.2.
Rectangular windows shall be classified by series,
types, models and nominal sizes In accordance 4.2 Types
4.1 to 4.4 respectively. Ships' ordinary rectangular windows may be of two
NOTE 2 A survey of standardlzed rectangular windows
ls given In 4.5 and table Type E: Heavy-type rectangular window;
Type F: Light-type rectangular window.
Further classlficatlon characteristics are the
terlal classes (see 0.1 and table 13), 4.3 Models
Models shall be designated according to the follow•
Ing principal characteristics:
4.1 Serles opening or non-opening model;

opening direction of glassholder;

4.1.1 Regular series
(N) type of fastening.
The various combinations of these, which are in
Rectangular windows of the regular series shall ac•
contain a toughened safety glass pano that meets cordance with the definitions In ISO 6345, are lald
the requirements of I80 3254. down in table 1.

4.4 Nominal slzes

4.1.2 Fire-resistant serles
(P) The nominal size ls defined by the clear light di•
mension for width w, and height h, of the
Rectangular windows of the fire-reslstant series rectangular window, In mllllmetres, and Is Identified
shall be provided for installation in "A"") or "B" by a code number: see table 2.
class dlvlslons, containing a glass pane that meets
the requirements of IS0 5797-4. 4.5 Survey of types, models and
Modifications to the construction and Installation of
the glassholder and main frame, as well as ad• A survey is given in table 3 for all rectangular win•
ditlonal testing and marking, shall be In accordance dows standardized In this International Standard. It
with I80 5797-1. applies to window series N (regular), P ((ire•
resistant) and H (heated).
The Illustrations given In table 3 do not define the
4.1.3 Heated series (H) construction; they are simplified examples for infor•
mation only.
Rectangular windows of the heated series shall
contain a heated glass pane In accordance with
ISO 3434.

1) "A" class divisions will form the subject of a future part 2, IS0 5797-2.

Copyright by the lnternotional Orgonization For Standardization
fr Jon 03 14:33:08 2003
1SO 3103 3 485103 0526528 L0?7

ISO 3903:1993(E)

Table 1 -- Principal characterlstlcs of models

Opening or Fastening Model
Opening direction
non-opening bolted (B) welded (W)

(L) - w ILW
right-hand B - IRB
Inwards (R)
(I) - w IRW

B - TB
opening () - w llW


(L) - w OLW

outwards B - ORB
(0) right-hand
(R) - W ORW


(T) - w OlW

- - W NOW

Table 2 -- Nominal slzes

Nominal slze
Code No.
w, x h,
Illustratlon mm x mm

1 300 425
2 355 x 600
3 400 580 ¥
4 450 630

5 500 x 710 -
6 580 x 800

7 900 x 630
8 1 000 x 710 ~
9 1 100 x 800

Copyright by the internotionol Orgonizotion For Standardization

Fri Jan 03 14:33:10 200.5
Io 303 13 m 85103 052use 53

ISO 3903:1993(E)

Table 3 -- Survey of rectangular windows

Nominal slzes by
Type Model code No. Illustration
(see 4.3)
(see 4.2) (see 4.4) (shown are bolted windows)
bolted welded

Inwards opening slde-hinged windows


1 to 6


Inwards opening top-hinged windows


E 4to 8
. ---}---· .
F 4to 9 I

Copyright by the Internotiono! Orgonizotion For

Standardizotion ii Jon 03 14.33:12 2003
I$0 303 3 N 85103 0528530 2LS

ISO 3903:1993(E)

Type Model Nominal slzes by Illustratlon

code No,
(see, 13)
(see 4.2) (see 4.4)
bolted I welded
(shown are bolted windows)

Outwards opening slde-hinged windows


1 to 8



Outwards opening top-hinged windows


E 4 to 8



F 4to 9


Copyright by the International Organization For Standardization

fii Jon 03 14:33:14 2003
IS0 303 3 851D3 0526531 TL

ISO 3903:1993(E)

Nominal sizes by
'Type Model code No. lluvtratlon

(see 4.2) (seei4"3)

(see 4.4) (shown are bolted windows)
bolted welded

Non·opening windows

- ~ I
d.q.+ d..
1to 8
I l I

. -·-+-·-· -j#~ .
- I
F NOW 1 to 9
l ' '!-- -•
I..d.. ~h.

5 Technical requirements 5.2 DImenslons

5.1 General
Rectangular windows of all series, types, models 5.2.1 Main dimensions
and nominal slzes shall be manufactured to the re•
qulrements (dimensions, materials, etc.) given in The main dimensions of rectangular windows shall
this International Standard. They shall be be as given in figure 1 and tables 4 and 5. The cor•
capable of meeting the test requirements relation between nominal sizes and types and
specified in clause 7. mod• els shall be as given In table 3.
5,1.1 Rectangular windows for fire·resistant NOTE 4 Figure1 does not define the construction of
constructions any series, type. model or size of rectangular window;
it is given for the indication of standardized dimensions
In addition, for rectangular windows for fire- only. The illustration shows an inwards opening side-
resistant constructions, the glassholder and the hinged rectangular window.
main frame shall be made of a material that keeps
Its mechan• ical characteristics at the
temperatures given In ISO 5797-4.
5.2.2 Corner radll
They shall be designed so that temperature gradi•
ents do not cause stresses In the glass which could The baslc radius is the corner radius r, of the
result in rupture. clear light size (see table 4).
5.1.2 Heated rectangular windows The values of the other radil shall be as
For heated rectangular windows, deviations in
the design of glassholder or main frame based on - spigot outside corner radius and welding-In main
the thickness of the heated glass pane (see 10 frame outside corner radius:r,=r +- 24 mm;
3434) and the electrical connection shall be taken
Into consideration. -- flange outside corner radius: r=r, + 85
mm max.

Copyright by the International 0rganizolion For Standardization

Fri Jon 03 14:33:16 2003
I5o 3 03 3 8 51703 0520532 038

1SO 3903:1993(E)

i .
·--lI 5 t+ . ! 5
£ F
T I.l -· &'

- I
a) Bolted model b} Welded model

1) For the spigot height (dimenslon c), see 5.2.3 und table 6.

Flgure 1 -- Main dimensions of rectangular window

Table 4 -- Main dimenslons and number of

fasteners DImenslons In millimetres
Nominal slze
w h, w, h, & r,D ners?)

1) For corner radii and r,, see 5.2.2.
2) Th o number of fasteners Includes only closing devices and hinges with round holes: 809 5.6,

Copyright by the Internotionol Orgonizotion For Standordizotion

Hi Jon 03 14.33:17 2003
1$o 303 3 I 8 510 3 0528533 T7 m

ISO 3903:1993(E)

5.2.3 Height of spigot 5.2.4 Glass recess

The recommended nominal heights of the main The dimensions of the glass recess (w, h, r, and
frame spigot, which should be preferred for all e) in the glassholder of opening rectangular
types, models and nominal sizes of rectangular windows and In the main frame of non-opening
windows, are glven In table 8. rectangular windows shall be as given in figure 2
and table 7.

Table 5 -- Glass thickness

Dimensions In millimetres
Rectangular window Glass thickness, t,

Serles Type Code No. of window

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

E 10 10 12 12 15 15 19 19 .
Regular') F 8 8 8 8 10 10 12 12 15
See ISO 5797-1
Fire-reslstant F

See I$0 3434
Heated F

1) In special cases, a greater glass thickness shall be used for obscured glass panes; see 5.5.3 and table 10.

Table 6 -- Helght of spigot (dimenslon c)

• turing Actual height
Model helght

mm mm

; 16

The actual re•

qulrod delivery

spigot may be
agreed when or•
dering the rec•
tangular window.
Welded 30

Copyright by the lnlernotionol Organization For Slondardizotion

fr Jan 03 14:33:18 200.3
IS0 303 3 85103 052853 900 m
1sO 3903:1993(E)

Nominal sze (wax h,)

Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill

Ill Ill Ill

Glazing material

Figure 2 --- Glass recess

Table 7 -- Glass recess

Dimenslons In millimetres

Nominal slze
w, h,
Code No. , xh r e
min. min.

1 300 x 425 321 446 60

2 355 x 500 376 521 60
3 400 x 560 421 581 80
This dimension ls left to
4 450 x 630 471 651 110 the manufacturer's dis•
5 500 x 710 521 73f 110 crotlon. It depends on
560 800 581 821 110 the thickness of the
glass pane and on the
glazing material used.
7 900 3 630 921 651 110
8 1 000 x 710 1 021 731 110
9 1 100 800 1 121 821 110

5.3 Glass retaining frame facturer's discretion. Such screws shall have the
following characteristics:
The use of a glass retaining frame for fixing the
glass pane In the glassholder or In the main thread: MO
frame ls optlonal.
length: 16
5.3.1 DImenslons
material: Marine corrosion-resistant copper alloy
If a glass retaining frame is used, the minimum dl• (for windows of copper alloy); stainless steel (for
menslons shall be as glven in figure 3. windows of aluminlum alloy or steel).

5.3,2 Screws for glass retaining frames 5.3.3 Glazing screw pltch

To fasten the glass retaining frame, slotted or The screw pitch shall be as follows:
cross recessed screws in accordance with ISO
1207, Is0 1580, ISO 2009, ISO 2010, 1SO 7045, 150 for type E windows; 75 mm max.;
70468-2 or I80 7047 should be used, at the window
manu• for type F windows: 100 mm max.

Copyright by the International Orqonizotion For

Standordizolion ii Jon 03 14:33:20 2003
I50 303 3 RN 85103 052853$ B?7 m
ISO 3903:1993(E)

5.4 Glass shipbuilder shall declde for which fire-resistance

panes class the rectangular window Is suitable [coo foot•
note 2)].
5.41 Panes for regular rectangular Glass panes are standardized for rectangular win•
windows dows for fire-resistance classes B-0 and B-15:
(series N) see ISO 5797-1.

Clear or obscured toughened safety glass panes 5.4.3 Panes for heated rectangular
in accordance with ISO 3254 shall be used: windows
appropriate codes are given in table 8. (series H)
Correlation of glass thickness with types and Glass panes In accordance with ISO 3434 (type A
nom• inal sizes shall be as given in table 5, with or B) shall be used. Depending on the application
the pe• cullarity for obscured glass panes given in con• ditlons (electrical supply, power loading and
5.5.3. kind of overheating protection device), the
shipbuilder shall decide what kind of glass pane Is
6.4.2 Panos for rectangular windows to be fitted to the rectangular window by the
for fire-resistant constructions (series P) window manufacturer.

Glass panes In accordance with ISO 5797-1 shall Applicable heated glass panes are listed In table
be 9.
used. Depending on the application conditions,

Dimensions In millimetres

25 Moninal rize (w; x h)

a) For_usa_wIth cindricat head screws



b} For us wth counter sunk hsd


Figure 3 -- Glass retaining frame

Table 8 -- Finish of glass pane

KInd of finish Code

clear yf

obscured Y2

Copyright by the lnlernotionol Organization For Stondordizotion
fr Jon 05 14:33.22 2003
Io 303 3 85103 052B53L 783

ISO 3903:1993(E)

Table 9 -- Codes for rectangular windows with heated glass pano

Electrical supply (current rating system) Minimum powerloading

Voltage Frequency
protectlon device'l 7 "t 17
V Hz Code

G 7G01 12G 01 17G 01

24 -
s 7S 01 12$ 01 17 01
G 7G 02 12G 02 17G 02
d.c. 110 -
s 7 02 129 02 17$ 02
G 7G 03 12G 03 17G 03
220 -
s 7S 03 12$ 03 17s 03
G 7G 11 12G 11 17G 11
s 7S 11 12s 11 17S 11
G 7G 12 12G 12 17G 12
s 7$ 12 125 12 17s 12
a.c. single-
phase G 7G 13 12G 13 17G 13
s 7S 13 123 13 178 13
G 7G 14 12G 14 17G 14
s 7S 14 12 14 17S 14

G 7G 31 12G 31 17G 31
s 7S 31 12$ 31 17S 31
G 7G 32 12G 32 17G 32
s 79 32 12$ 32 17S 32

G 7G 33 12G 33 17G 33
s 7S 33 12S 33 17S 33
G 7G 34 12G 34 17G 34
s 7S 34 129 34 17$ 34

a.c. three- G 7G 35 12G 35 17G 35

phase 50
s 7S 35 12$ 35 17S 35
G 7G 36 12G 38 17G 38
s 7$ 36 123 38 17 36

G 7G 37 12G 37 17G 37

s 7 37 12s 37 17s 37
17G 38
G 7G 38 12G 38
s 7S 38 129 38 17S 38

1) G means Group regulation, S means Single regulatlon (see ISO 3434:\992, subclause 5.4).
2) If a hlgher power loading Is required tor navigation In polar regions, the window manufacturer or the heated glass pane
manufac- turer shall be consulted.


Copyright by the International Orgonizotion For Stondordizotion

ii Jon 03 14:33:23 200.3
Io 303 3 85103 052853?7 LT

ISO 3903:1993(E)

5.5 Glazing Mounting position B

5.5.1 Glazing materlal When, In special cases, an obscured toughened

safety glass pane Is positioned with the obscured
An appropriate glazing material, resistant to sea surface facing inwards, a greater glass thickness
water and ultraviolet light, shall be used. than that specified in table 5 shall be used.
These greater thicknesses shall be as glven In
5.5.2 Mounting of glass table 10.
When glazing, It ls essential that the glass pane
is centrallzed In the glassholder or in the main
frame so that there Is the same clearance all 5.6 Fasteners (closing devices and hinges)
The necessity of using speclal packings for the
mounting of special glass panes for rectangular 5.6.1 Number of
windows for fire-resistant constructions (serles P) fasteners
or heated windows (serles H) depends on the con•
struction of the glassholder, and on the composition a) The minimum number of fasteners comprising
and edge protection (If any) of these glass panes. closing devices and hinges with round holes for
glassholders of type E and F opening
5.5.3 Pecullarity for obscured glass rectangular windows shall be as given in table 4.
b) The total number of the fasteners and their
Mounting position A con• structlon shall be such that the window
meets the strength and watertightness
In general, obscured glass panes are positioned requirements In clause 7.
with the obscured surface facing outwards. For this
positioning, the glass thicknesses given in table 5 NOTE5 If the hole for the hinge of the glassholder is
apply. It shall be noted, however, that the glass oval, the hinge is not regarded as a fastener.
pane becomes transparent when wet.

Table 10 -- Thickness of obscured glass panes

when obscured surface ls facing Inwards
Dimensions In millimetres

Nominal slze
Glass thickness for type of
rectangular window:
Code F
No. w,x h, E

1 300 x 425 15 12
2 355 x 500 15 12
3 400 x 560 19 12
4 450 X 830 19 12
5 500 710 - 15
6 560 x 800 .« 15

7 900 x 830 . 19
1 000x710
1 100 x 800
-- 19


Copyright by the International Organization For Standardization

Fri Jon 03 14:33:26 2003
IS0 303 13 85103 0528538 55L m
1$0 3903:1993(E)

5,6.2 Closing device 5.8 Fixing device

a) At least two closing devices (for example All sidewards opening rectangular windows shall
screw-In bolts or swIngbolts with nuts) shall be be provided with a fitted fixing device (for example
provided. a hook). This fixing device ls part of the window to
be delivered.
b) In the case of outwards-opening windows, an
approprlate screw-locking device shall be pro•
vlded to ensure that, when open, the closing de• 6 Materlals
vice does not strike the glass pane.
6.1 Main frame, glassholder and
c) If a closing device is composed of a swingbolt, glass-retaining frame
swingbolt nut and swingbolt hinge pin, these
component parts shall have main dimensions as The main components of a rectangular window
given In table 11. (main frame, glassholder and glass-retaining frame)
shall be manufactured from the materlals given in
5.6.3 table 13. These materials shall be marine corrosion•
Hinges resistant and shall have the minimum mechanical
properties glvon in table 14,
The number of hinges (at least two) depends on the
kind of window (type, model, size and constructlon). The values for the minimum tensile strength and
For all kinds of opening rectangular windows, It Is minimum elongation given In table 14 are valid for
recommended to use hinge pins with a diameter In the types of windows Indicated. However, the ma•
accordance with table 11. terial used should comply with any relevant national

Table 11 -- Diameter of bolts and pins The material class code numbers given In table 13,
Dimenslons In millimetres which are for indicating the materlal In the deslg•
nation of the rectangular windows, are combinations
Thread of Dlameter of hinge pin for of the material code numbers, given In table 12,
swingbolt and nut
In accordance for the main frame, the glassholder and the glass•
awlngbolt glassholder
wIth ISO 261 retaining frame, In that order.

M2O 12 12 Table 12 -- Materlal code numbers

code Materlal
5.7 Gaskets for glassholder and number
glass-retaining frame
Copper material (for example brass,
To ensure watertightness between the glassholder 1 gun metal)
and main frame, gaskets shall be used.
Ferrous material (for example mlld steel,
5.7.1 Type of gasket 2 cast steel, iron)

The gaskets shall be or type A, B or C In 3

Aluminium material (cast or wrought al•
accordance with ISO 3902, at the manufacturer's loy)
No components (for example
0 glassholders for non-opening windows)
5.7.2 Fixing of gaskets

The gaskets shall be secured In the grooves of the

glassholder by means of a suitable adhesive.


Copyright by the lnternolionol Orgonizotion For Stondordizotion

fri Jon 03 14.33:30 200.3
Io 303 3 m 85103 D52&s3 2 m

IS 3903:1993(E)

Table 13 -- Matorla! classes

Model of Method of Material

rectangular fastening Material class
window window code number
Main frame Glassholder Glass-retaining frame
111 brass!
333 aluminium alloy'

211 mild steel brass!)

221 mild steel brass!)


222 mild steel

233 mild steel aluminlum alloy'

aluminium alloy (only

333 wrought or extruded) aluminium alloy'

101 brass' - brass!

303 aluminium alloy' - aluminium alloy'

201 mild steel - brass!

202 mlld steel - mild steel
203 mild steel - aluminium alloy'

aluminium alloy (only
wrought or extruded) - aluminium alloy'

1) The use of cast or wrought alloy is optional.

6.2 Closing device and hinge

Table 14 -- Tenslle strength and elongatlon for pin
main components
Bolts, pins and nuts of the closing device and
Minimum tenslle strength elongatlon
hinge pins for the glassholder shall be
Type of
window manufactured from materials having the following
N[mm° %
a) resistant to corrosion;
E 180 10
b) no effect on the corrosion resistance of other
F 140 3 parts;

c) minimum mechanical properties as given in

ble 15.


Copyright by the Internationol Organization For

Slondordizolion fri Jon 05 14:33:33 2003
Io 303 3 H6503 052850 )

Is0 3903:1993(E)

Table 15 - Tenslle strength and elongation for closing devices

Hinge pin screw-in bolt, or swingbolt and
swingbolt pin Nut

Type of window Minimum Minimum

Minimum tenslle strength elongation Minimum tenalle strength elongation

N[mm" % N[mm' %

E 350 15 250 14
F 250 14 180 8
The values for the minimum tensile strength and type E windows: 75 kPa;
minimum elongation given In table 15 are valid for
the types of windows indicated. However, the ma• type F windows: 35 kPa.
terlal used should comply with any relevant national
7.2.2 The manufacturer shall, at the request of the
For aluminium alloy windows, the bolts (screw-in purchaser, provide guarantees that the metallic
bolt or swingbolt) of the closing device and the materlals used in the construction of the window
hinge pin of the glassholder shall be made of non• conform wlth the strength requirements as laid
corrodible steel, stainless steel or such alloys as are down In tables 14 and 15.
not likely to cause corrosion of windows or pins.
7.2.3 Mechanical testing of the materials shall be
7 Testing carried out In accordance with the mechanical test
requirements of any relevant natlonal standards.
7.1 Watertightness test
7.3 Fire-resistance test
Maximum allowable pressures for rectangular win•
dows with standardized dimensions and with devl• Windows for fire-resistant constructions (series P)
ating dimensions are given in annexes A and B shall have been subjected to prototype testing for
respectively. fire-resistance (see ISO 5797-4).

7.1.1 Board tost 7.4 Test for heated windows

To ensure that the rectangular window and packing Heated windows shall have been subjected to the
are watertight when fitted, a hose test shall be car• electrical testing described In IO 3434:1992,
ried out by the shipbuilder to the satisfaction of the clause 5.
owner's or surveyor's representative.
The test shall consist of hosing the rectangular win• 8 Marking
dow by means of at least 12,5 mm nominal size
hose held not more than 1,5 m from the window Windows conforming to this International Standard
and with a water pressure of at least 250 kPa. shall be marked as indicated In 8.1 to 8.2.2.

7.1.2 Shop test 8.1 Regular rectangular windows (series N)

An equivalent hydraulic test shall be carried out by
the manufacturer before despatch by means of 8.1.1 Marking of body
batch tests (approximately 10 % of the delivery
a) The main frame or some other metalllc main
batch, with a minimum of one window), at a test
pressure of 25 kPa. component part shall be marked with the letter
for the type (E or F).
7.2 Mechanical strength test b) Further marking Indications are optional, for
7.2.1 A prototype window shall be subjected to a ample:
mochanlcal strength test by a suitable test method,
applying a load equivalent to the following press• nominal slze;
material class;


Copyright by the International Organization for Standardization

fri Jan 03 14.33:37 2003
IS0 303 3 RN 8 51103 052851 00

1SO 3903:1993(E)

manufacturer's name or trade-mark; 2) number of this International Standard:

1$0 3903;
number of this International Standard.3
3) series (code letter), as specified in 4.1;
8.1.2 Marking of glass 4) type (code letter), as specified In 4.2;
pane 5) nominal size, as specified in table 2;
6) height of spigot, as specified in 5.2.3;
The glass pane shall be marked In accordance
with 7) model (code), as specified in table 1;
ISO 614. 8) material class of window (code number), as
specified In table 13.

8.2 Rectangular windows for fire-resistant b) additional elements for designation of regular
constructions (serles P) windows with safety glass panes (serles N)

9) finish of glass pane (code), as specified in

8.2.1 Marking of 5.4.1.
c) additional elements for designation of windows
The Indications given In 8.1.1 apply. In addition, for fire-resistant constructions (series P)
fire-resistant windows shall be marked on the inside
of the glassholder with the following indications: 9) fire-resistance class of window, as specified
in 5.4.2.
fire-resistance class (B-0 or B-15; see 5.4.2);
d) additional elements for designation of windows
number of the test report. with heated glass panes

8.2.2 Marking of glass 9) electrical requirements for testing (code),

as specified In 5.4.3 and table 9.

The flre-resistant glass pane shall be marked in ac•

cordance with ISO 5797-1. 9.2 Examples

8.3 Heated rectangular windows (serles H) 9.2.1 Example for regular rectangular windows (N)

8.3.1 Marking of A rectangular window in accordance with this Inter•

body national Standard of regular series (N), heavy type
E, of nominal size 450 mm x 630 mm (window No.
The indications given In 8.1.1 apply. 4),
with height of spigot c = 16 mm, side-hinged
8.3.2 Marking of glass left-hand opening bolted model (1LB), materlal
pane class
111, with glass pane of plate glass and glass finish
The glass pane shall be marked in accordance with clear (Y1) Is designated as follows:
ISO 3434:1092, clause
7. Window ISO 3903-N-E416-1LB-.111.Y1

9.2.2 Example for rectangular windows for

flre-resistant constructions (P)
A rectangular window In accordance with this Inter•
For ordering and reference purposes, rectangular natlonal Standard of fire-resistant series (P), heavy
windows conforming to this International Standard type E, of nominal size 450 mm x 630 mm (window
shall be designated In accordance with 9.1 to 9.2.3. No. 4), with height of spigot c = 18 mm, side-
inwards left-hand opening bolted model (/LB), ma•
9.1 Elements for deslgnatlon terlal class 111, for fire-resistance class B-15 ls
designated as follows:
The following basic elements and additional el•
ements for the different series of windows (depend• Window IS0 3903-P-E416-1LB-111-B15
Ing on the type of window glass pane) shall be used,
In the order given:

a) basic elements

1) denomination (abbreviated): window;

2) Admissible only in connection with the manufacturer's name or trade-mark.


Copyright by the Internotional 0rgonizotion For Standardization

fr Jon 03 14:53:39 2003
1S0 303 3 IN 65103 052852 TB?

ISO 3903:1993(E)

9.2.3 Example for heated rectangular windows

10 Positioning
Rectangular windows shall be posltloned in accord•
ance with ISO
A heated rectangular window in accordance with
this International Standard of heated serles (H),
heavy type E, of nominal size 450 mm x 630 mm 11 lnstallatlon
(window No. 4), with height of spigot c = 16 mm,
side-hinged inwards left-hand opening bolted For Installation, the relevant national rules and
model regulatlons apply, If any.
(1LB), made of material according to class 111,
fitted out with a heated glass pane for power The dimensions of the precut hole in the shell plate
loading should be as glven in table 16.
12 W/dm with overheating protection device with
group regulatlon and powered by a single- For windows which are designed for welding-In, the
phase precut hole should be smaller than that Indicated In
220 V 60 Hz a.c. supply (code 12G 14) is table 16, In order to keep the gap between the cut
designated as follows: and the main frame as small as possible.

Window ISO 3903-H-E416-1LB-111-12G14

Table 16 -- Precut hole

Dimenslons in millimetres
Nominal slze Wg h, r,
No. w;x h,

300 x 425 352 477 76

2 355 x 500 407 552 78

3 400 x 560 452 612 78

4 450 630 502 682 126

5 500 x 710 552 762 128

6 580 800 612 852 126

7 900 x 630 952 682 126

8 1 000 X 710 1 052 782 126

9 1 100 x 800 1 152 852 126


Copyright by the Internotionol Organization For Slondordizotion

ii Jon 03 14:33:42 2003
I$50 303 3 IN 85103 052853 13

ISO 3903:1993(E)

Annex A

Maximum allowable pressure for rectangular windows with standardized


The maximum allowable pressure p to which rectangular windows in accordance with this International Stan•
dard of regular series N (glazed with toughened safety glass panes according to ISO 3254), fire-resistant
serles P (glazed with glass panes according to IO 5797-1), and heated series H (glazed with glass panes
according to ISO 3434), may be subjected is glven In table A.1.
Table A.1 -- Maximum allowable pressure

Rectangular window Maximum allowable

Nominal slze Glass thlcknens!)
Type No.
mm x mm mm kPa

1 300 x 425 10 99
2 355 x 500 10 71
3 400 560 12 80
E 4 450 x 630 12 63
5 500 x 710 15 80
6 560 x 800 15 84

7 900 x 630 19 81
8 1 000 x 710 19 84

1 300 x 425 8 63
2 355 x 500 8 45
3 400 x 580 8 36
4 450 x 630 8 28
F 5 500 x 710 10 36
Light 6 580 x 800 10 28

7 900 x 630 12 32
8 1 000 x 710 12 25
9 1 100 x 800 15 31

1) The glass thickness applles to glass panes of regular windows (series N) and to the main glass pane of windows
for fire-resistant constructions (serleas P) or heated windows (series H). In special cases, a greater glass thickness
shall be used for obscured glass panes: see 5.5.3.


Copyright by the International Organization For Standardization

Fri Jon 03 14:33:43 2003
IS0 303 3 IN 85103 05285 85T

Is0 3903:1993(E)

Annex B

Maximum allowable pressure for rectangular windows with deviating


Where one or both dimensions (width w,

or height h,) of a window are different from those glven in table 2, the
maximum allowable pressure, p, in kllopascals, shall be determined using the following equation:
40 000¢
P' pi?

t Is the nominal thickness of the glass pane, In mllllmetres;
[ is the factor obtained from the graph in figure B.1;
b Is the minor dimension of the window, In millimetres.


0,7 '--""'-
L La


0,# L4


0 2 3 4 5
large dlmenslon )
Window size ratlo ( gm@llmanslan

Figure B.1 -- Curve for determination of factor ~ based on window size ratio


Copyright by the International Organization For Standardization

ii Jon 03 14:33:45 2003
IS0 3103 3 INN 8503 052855 7L

I80 3903:1993(E)

UDC 629.12.011.83
Descriptors: shipbuilding, rectangular windows, classification, dimensions, specifications, designatlon.

Price based on 19 pages

Copyright by the Internotional Organization For Standardization

Fri Jon 03 14:33:47 2003

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