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A Relation is a relationship between sets of

A Function is a relation between sets that
values. In math, the relation is between the x-
associates to every element of a first set
values and y-values of ordered pairs. The set of
exactly one element of the second set. Typical all x-values is called the domain, and the set of
examples are functions from integers to integers all y-values is called the range.
or from the real numbers to real numbers.

 y= x 2+1 Relations can be represented

This one is a function, given an as a table, a mapping or a
x, there is only one way to graph. In a table the x-values
square it and then add 1 to the and y-values are listed in
result. So, no matter what the separate columns. Each row
value of x you put into the represents an ordered pair:
equation, there is only one
possible value of y
 Another example: o a
m n
a g
x f( i e
x n
2 1
4 - 2
Rule: For every element
in x, there exist a Rule: For every element
corresponding single in x, there exist a
element of y. corresponding different
element in y.
Ordered pair: [ (1,6) , (-3,2) , (5,0) ,(-1,
-5) ,(4,2) ] Domain: [-3, -1, 1, 4, 5 ]
Range: [-5 , 0 , 2 , 6 ]

Rule: For every element Rule: For every element

in x, there exist a in x, there exist a
corresponding different corresponding single
element in y. element of y.

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