Example of Detailed Lesson Plan

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Republic of the Philippines

Tarlac State University

Lucinda Campus, Tarlac City
Tel. No. (045) 982-6062; fax No. 9045) 982-0110
Re-Accredited Level III by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities of the Philippines

A Detailed Lesson Plan

in English 8
(The Tale of Ch’unhyang)
Korean Folktale

Prepared by:


Student Teacher, BSED 4-D1

Checked by: Noted by:


Cooperating Teacher Head Teacher III

Prepared for:


A Detailed Lesson Plan for Grade-8 Students

Class Profile: A 40 student Grade 8 class, 18 boys and 22 girls, of whom are average to
intermediate level in English Proficiency. They’re expected to communicate and to write using
English language with some grammatical lapses.

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. identify the characters in the story “The Tale of Ch’unhyang” by arranging cut
pieces of pictures;
b. sequence the event of the story by arranging the parts of a plot in a graphic
c. enhance their reading comprehension by unlocking difficult words thru the use of
dictionary; and
d. appreciate the moral of the story by learning the theme of the story and relate to
real experience.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: The Tale of Ch’unhyang
b. Reference/s: Learning module for English-Grade 8
c. Materials: Power point presentation
Video presentation
Activity enhancement materials (cut images)
III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities

a. Prayer

Let us all stand as we ask for the

grace and guidance of our Lord.
(A student will lead the prayer.)
b. Greeting

Good morning class!

Good morning, sir.
How is everyone today?
Our day starts well, sir.
Good to hear that from you!

c. Checking of Attendance

Do we have absentees for today’s

discussion, class secretary?
None, sir.
d. Review

Before we proceed to our

discussion for today, let’s first
have a short review
of our previous discussion.
What did we discuss yesterday
Sir, it is about the elements of a short story.
Would you please enumerate
them again? The elements of a story are, characters,
setting, plot, conflict, point of view and
Ok. Very good. theme.
What is a character in a short
Character is a person, or sometimes even
animals, who takes part in the action of a
short story.
That’s definitely correct. What
about setting?
The setting of a short story is the time and
place in which it happens.
Could you now explain to the
class the meaning of plot?
A plot is a series of events and character
action that relate to the central conflict.
What are the parts of plot?
The basic parts of plot are exposition, rising
action, climax, falling action and
Who could define conflict?
The conflict is struggle between two people
in a short story.
What about the theme, the last
element of a short story?
The theme is the central idea or belief in a
short story.
Excellent class! Do you still have
questions regarding our previous
None sir!
Alright, if none, let me now check
your assignments.
Group leaders, please collect the
notebooks of your group (The group leaders will collect all the
members and pass them forward. assignments of their classmates.)

B. Presentation of the Lesson

a. Motivation

You may now sit to your

respective groups, because this
time around we will be having
our group activity. Each group
will be given a picture which is
cut into pieces all you have to do
is to fix the pieces into their
proper places. That picture will
serve as your group’s name. Once
you’re done you have to
introduce the name of your group
in a Korean language and paste
your work on the board. Is that
Yes, sir!
Are you ready?
Your timer start’s now!
(The students will be given enough time to
arrange all the cut pieces and paste it on the
These pictures are the characters
of the story from your reading
assignment that we will be
discussing this morning. Could
you please read their names! (Yi MongYong, Ch’unYhang, Wolmae and

b. Unlocking difficulties

Before we proceed to our lesson
let us first have this activity to
unlock the difficult terms or find
the meaning of unfamiliar words CANGUE
you encountered while reading
the story.
You have to arrange the jumbled
letters to reveal the words. After
wards we will discuss the
meaning of every word.

C. Lesson Proper
So now we will be talking about our
topic for this morning. It is the “Tale
of Ch’unhyang”. The tale of
Chunhyang is one of the best known
love stories and folktales of Korea.

I have here a picture and a roll of

summary of the parts in the story,
one representative from the group
will come here in front and determine
the sequence of the story and paste
the picture to our graph to know the
plot of the story. Is that clear?
Yes sir!
Later I will ask each group on which
these pictures tells the exposition,
rising action, climax, falling action
and ending of the story. (The students will arrange the pictures and
even text that tells the sequence or plot of
the story.)
Rising action Falling

Exposition Denoument

Like any other literature, the Tale of

Chunhyang also reflects its society.
Although the author is unknown, it is
conclude that every nation was
involved. The common people might
get relate from the main characters
whose get over the difference of
social standings and punish the
greedy lord. Also keeping female’s
integrity is the traditional Korean’s
conservative moral.

Now, do you have questions or

clarifications regarding our today’s
None sir
Good! so I assume that you all
understand the lesson that we have
discussed this morning.
Yes, sir!
D. Application/Synthesis

To expand your knowledge about the

Tale of Chunhyang, let us have
another group activity. We will have
the same groups and a representative
from the group will come here in
front to present your output.

(The task will be flashed on the


Group 1 will describe the character of

Yi Mong Yong.

Group 2 will describe the character of


Group 3 will describe the character of

Wolmae (Chunhyang’s mother)

Group 4 will describe the character of

Pyon (the wicked magistrate)

Write your descriptions on the side of

photo of the characters.
Relate each characters attitude to the
attitude of the Koreans and Filipinos.
I will be giving you five minutes to
collaborate with your classmates.
Afterwards, the representative from
each group will discuss their answer
in class.

Are we clear on that?

Yes, sir!
You may now start.

Time’s up! Let’s now start with

group 4, then Group 3 and so on.
(The first group will present their work here
in front to be followed by the other groups
until everybody is done.)
Let’s give everyone five claps and
three hoorays for a job well done!

E. Generalization

It seems like you really understood

our topic for today!

Did you enjoy your activities?

Yes, sir!
Good to hear that! Now let me ask
you this question, do you have the
same personality, attitude,
perspective or even physical
attributes of the main characters in
our story?

What do you like about him/her?

(The answer of the students may vary.)
What is the theme of the story?
Possible answer:
Faithfulness of a woman to her husband.
Chunhyang, who keeps her integrity until
the end.
Social mobility amid a Confucian class
system, punishment of the corrupt,
Although it’s tempting to view humanity’s deep desire for pure, everlasting
Chunhyang as a simple love story, love, and feminine resistance to male
as it was a “bestseller” in its day, lechery.
Tale of Chunhyang can be seen as
literary projection of desires among
Joseon people for social and political
change: a love story with hidden
themes of subversion or
IV. Evaluation


Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space before the number.
______ 1. Who is the young handsome guy who fell in love to a beautiful
a. Yi Mong Yong
b. Pyong Pyong
c. Ju Mong
d. Lee Min Ho
______ 2. Who is the lovely maiden who is known in their village for having
exemplary beauty.
a. Pyong Yang
b. Ch’unHyang
c. Chun Sai
d. Kesha Won
______ 3. What is the English interpretation of the name “Ch’unHyang”.
a. Spring blossom
b. Spring fragrance
c. Cherry Blossom
d. All of the above
______ 4. She is the mother of Ch’unHyang, a former Kisaeng.
a. Plum Nun
b. Wei Xu
c. Wolmae
d. Xu lan
______ 5. This is the English name of the mother of Ch’unHyang.
a. Blue moon
b. Moon Plum
c. Midnight blue
d. All of the above
Identify the following:
_________________ 1. He is the wicked magistrate who take over the
position of Yi Mong Yong’s father, and wanted
Ch’unHyang to be his wife.
_________________ 2. He is the servant of Yi Mong Yong.
_________________ 3. She is the servant of Ch’unHyang.
_________________ 4. This is where Yi Mong yong and Ch’unHyang said
their tearful good byes.
_________________ 5. The place where the Tale of Ch’unHyang took place.

V. Assignment

For your assignment:

1. Choose your favourite character from our story. Describe him/her by writing
down his/her physical attributes or characteristics. Explain why did you
choose his/her character.

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