4 ProphetPBUH

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7 : 157 “So it is those who believe in him, honour him, help
him, and follow the light which is sent down with him,- it is they who
will prosper."

Place of Prophet (PBUH)

1. Mercy for the Worlds
Surah 21 : 107
107. We did not send you except as mercy to mankind.

2. Allah (SWT) has exalted his fame
Surah 94 :4

4. And raised for you your reputation?

 Mentioned many times in the holy Quran alongside Allah (SWT

 In the call for prayers
 Won admiration of non Muslim scholars
3. Best character traits
Surah 68 :4
4. And you are of a great moral character.
4. Station of Praise and Glory (Muqam e Mahmud)
Surah 17 : 79

79. And keep vigil with it during parts of the night, as

an extra prayer. Perhaps your Lord will raise you to a
laudable position.
5. Slight disrespect could cause loss of all good deeds
Surah 49 : 2

2. O you who believe! Do not raise your voices above the

voice of the Prophet, and do not speak loudly to him, as
you speak loudly to one another, lest your works be in
vain with-out you realizing.

6. Utmost love for him is part of a believers faith
Surah 33 : 6
6. The Prophet is closer To the Believers than Their own selves, And his wives are

Their mothers. Blood-relations Among each other have Closer personal ties, In the
Decree of God, Than (the Brotherhood of) Believers and Muhājirs : Nevertheless do ye

What is just to your Closest friends : such is The writing in the Decree (Of God).

Leader of the children of Adam (AS) on the Day of Judgment
8. Allah (SWT) sends His blessings on him and so do the Angels
Surah 33 : 56

56. God and His Angels Send blessings on the Prophet : O ye that believe ! Send ye

blessings on him, And salute him With all respect.

Our duties- Obey him (PBUH) and Follow him.

1. Beautiful pattern (of conduct to follow)
Surah 33 : 21
2. To attain Allah’s love
Surah 3 : 31
3. He who obeys him (PBUH), obeys Allah
Surah 4 : 80
4. Best companions
Surah 4 : 69
5. Cannot exercise options when his decision is there
Surah 33 : 36
6. When he declares something forbidden
Surah 9 : 29
7. All relations and attractions come second to obeying and following him
Surah 9 : 24
8. For rule on earth
Surah 24 : 56
9. Believers ordered to take or leave according to the Prophet’s decision
Surah 59 : 7
To be amongst believers ones desires should be subject to his (PBUH)

Missions of Prophet (PBUH)
1. To take out humanity from the darkness (of wrong beliefs) to the 
light (of the true faith)
Surah 65 : 10 and 11
Surahs 2: 151, 3: 164, 62 : 2
a. He recited verses (of Holy Quran) before the people
b. Made them pure and clean
c. Taught them the Book
d. Taught them the Wisdom
From Surah 7 : 157
e. Ordered people for that which was right
f. Forbade them that which was wrong
g. Made clean and pure things lawful
h. Prohibited unclean and foul things
i. Removed burden and fetters (of false beliefs, rituals and
From Surah 33 : 45 and 46
j. Sent as a Witness
k. A Bearer of Glad Tidings
l. A Warner
m. One who Invites to Allah by His permission
n. A Lamp spreading Light
2. To establish Justice
Surah 42 : 15
Surah 57 : 25

3. His mission was Universal
Surah 34 : 28
Surah 7 : 158
Surah 22: 49
Surah 3 : 110
Surah 22 : 78

4. To Proclaim the Religion of Truth over all other religions
Surah 9 : 33
Surah 48 : 28
Surah 61 : 9

5. Last of the Prophets
Surah 33 : 40


1- Practices pertaining to jahiliya rejected (customs related to

paganism, idol worship or immoral and inhuman masculine attitudes
and practices)
2- Sanctity of human life, of private property and honour
3- Usury unlawful
4- End to the practice of avenging murder
5- Intercalation of months was condemned.
6- Equality of humans. Discrimination on the basis of social status,
wealth, race or colour was declared void.
7- Sanctity of wedlock was affirmed. Promiscuity was wholly rejected.
8- Purity of descent and genealogy was declared sacrosanct- whoever
claims a descent he knows not to be his or hers, shall be cursed by
Allah SWT.
9- Emphasis was laid on observance of inheritance laws.
10- There was the basic call of worshipping Allah SWT alone
without associating any partners with Him.
11- Warning against Satan, who may make sinful deeds appear
small in someone’s sight.
12- Emphasis was laid upon the kind treatment to women. Both
men and women should take care of each other’s rights and
13- Slaves were to be treated like fellow human beings. They were to
be provided same food and clothing as one used for himself.
14- The eternal value of following the Quran and Sunnah was
15- No one can be held responsible for a crime committed by
someone else.
16- Muslim society should be a disciplined society. People in
command should be obeyed with sincerity, if they do not go against
the book of Allah SWT.
17- For social fraternity – all debts must be paid, all borrowed
property must be returned, gifts should be reciprocated and a surety
must make good the loss as assured. He who has any trust with him,
he must return it to its owner when demanded.
18- Obligatory worships to be performed as instructed.
19- No transgression in religion.
20- Last such meeting – Last Prophet – Last Ummah.

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