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The preparation stage includes a series of activities that are done before data
collection and data processing stages. The activities in this phase are done to ensure
efficiency in both time and work. These include:

1. Researching and reviewing literature with relevant materials to obtain a better

understanding on jetty construction and to help determine proper plans.
2. Determining requirements of the data that will be used in the project.
3. Collecting data on relevant agencies that can be used as sources.
4. Completing administrative requirements to collect data.
5. Surveying the location in order to get a general picture of the location’s condition.
The preparations above must be done carefully to avoid repetitive work that
may cause data collection in the next stage to be non-optimal.


Data is collected from the start of planning until the construction design
stage. The methods of data collection used are as follows:

4.2.1. Literary Works

A method used to obtain data by collecting, identifying, and sorting through

literature that includes written data as well as suitable methods of work performed.

4.2.2. Observation

A method used to obtain data by searching through information obtained

online to learn about the conditions of the location as well as the environment of the
surrounding location.

4.2.3. Interview

A method used to obtain data through direct interviews with relevant

agencies, managers, and/or other sources with expertise related to the problem.

Based on the methods above, the data that have been collected fall into the
category of secondary sources. Secondary sources are data obtained through
methods such as contacting agencies related to project planning. In the planning of
Jetty Construction in Brunei Darussalam, the secondary sources needed include:
▪ Project location data
▪ Topographical map data and situation
▪ Soil data
▪ Tidal, wind, and wave data
▪ The number and types of ships docked


In this stage, the data obtained through the secondary sources are processed
and sorted through. The processed data includes:

4.3.1. Wind Data

Wind data allows for the wind direction and speed to be identified.
Afterwards, the data is processed in order to obtain the percentages of wind
occurrence. A wind rose is then developed to describe wind speed, wind occurrence,

and the direction of the dominant wind. Since there is more than one dominant wind
data obtained, the data with the most influence on planning will be used. The wind
data obtained can be used further to consider the placement of breakwaters, shipping
routes, and calculation of jetty construction.

4.3.2. Hydro-Oceanography Data

Consists of wave and tidal data obtained from authorized agencies in Brunei
Darussalam. Wave Data

There are two methods to find out the wave height:
a. Through the wave data obtained from authorized agencies in Brunei Darussalam
is daily data from the last 3-5 years. From that data, the wave direction and
height are known. The data is then processed to get the percentage of wave
occurrences. Afterwards, the wave rose is developed, which describes the
direction and height of the wave, the percentage of occurrence, and the direction
of the dominant wave. Since there is more than one dominant wave data
obtained, the data with the most influence on planning will be used.
b. Through the wave data obtained from fetch calculation based on the direction of
the dominant wind.

The wave height can be used for planning the elevation of the jetty and in
calculating the construction of breakwaters.
4 Tidal Data

Tidal data is important in jetty planning. The highest and lowest water level
elevation can influence the planning stages, especially when determining the
elevation of the jetty. From the tidal data, the highest water level (HWL), the mean
water level (MWL), and the lowest water level (LWL) can be obtained. The water
level elevation data that is obtained can be used as a reference in determining the
height of the jetty elevation and for planning the elevation of shipping routes, the
elevation of buildings and jetty facilities, the placement of breakwaters, and the
calculations for the construction of jetty facilities.

4.3.3. Soil Data

Soil data is needed for planning the foundation or the lower structures of the
jetty, particularly by looking at the conus value in soil test, which is used to
calculate the bearing capacity of the foundation against resistance and strength of the
material. This is so that loading, reinforcement, and the dimensions of the jetty’s
lower structures can be planned thoroughly.

4.3.4. Amount and Types of Ships Docked

This data is used to determine the length of the jetty and the need for
planning future jetty dimensions, in hopes that the use of the jetty can be optimized.

4.3.5. Topographic Data

The topographic map is used for planning the layout of the jetty.


After obtaining and analyzing the data, the next step is to make a jetty layout
at Brunei Darussalam Port in the form of a situation map and floor plan.
Layout planning is very important in order to know the exact locations of
constructions such as the breakwaters and supporting facilities that are needed in this
jetty planning. By knowing the locations of those constructions, the dimensions,
sizes, and shapes of the buildings can be planned accordingly to the existing land
and available budget.
Once the layout planning stage is complete, the next step is the planning
stage of the buildings at the jetty.


Building planning at this jetty includes planning the construction of jetty and

4.5.1. Jetty

The following section describes the method of structural calculation for the jetty
and the trestle that will be constructed. The calculation includes problems related to:
▪ Foundation system
▪ Vertical load
▪ Horizontal load General
For the jetty planning, the data used as a basis for determining alternatives for
construction systems is considered against factors like the most beneficial arrangement
for the cost of construction and the age or durability of the construction.
The loads that are acting on the constructions above the jetty are as follows:
▪ Load of jetty construction
▪ Live load above the jetty

▪ Active mooring and berthing loads

▪ Load from earthquake
▪ Load due to weather occurrences (mainly wind, although load and waves can also be a

Design criteria.
▪ Ship weight
▪ Ship type
▪ Full load draft
▪ Ship length
▪ Ship width
▪ Depth Design
▪ Berthing velocity

Calculations of upper and lower structures of the jetty and trestle are carried out
using the SAP 2000 software program.

Block System Assumptions

Blocks lengthwise and crosswise are assumed to be continuous blocks that are
supported by a few hinges that are supported by steel rod piles.

Plate System Assumptions

1. Precast Plate
Precast plates in the initial conditions are assumed to be blocks on top of two
supporting points with the load only being its own load. The wet plates are casted in
place, and after casting the composite with the plate is placed, it is assumed to be a block
above two supports.

2. Plates casted in site

Plates that are casted in site are assumed to be regular plates that are elastically
pinched on the 4 sides.

Pile System Assumptions

Pile systems are assumed as a pile group loaded by the horizontal forces on the X
direction (earthquake directions are lengthwise and ship collision are horizontal) and on
the Y direction (ship collision and earthquakes that are transverse) as well as Z direction
(vertical dead load and live load).

Horizontal loads that applies to the jetty is assumed to be planted by slanted and
upright piles (the upright piles are in accordance to the force capacity that is allowed
horizontally), and thus it is only calculated for the vertical loads. Foundation System

Taking into account the location of the project, the subsoil structure, and the ease
of transportation to the project site, the suitable material chosen for the foundation is
steel piles.
The location of the jetty is at a sea depth of -10,00 m LWS and a tidal difference
of around 2.00m, along with a topsoil composed of silt sand and soft silt, causing a long
bend of the pile. To anticipate fractures due to said bending moments, the steel pipe piles
that are most resilient to horizontal forces are used instead of the concrete pipe.
Aside from that, for ease of the erection and connection that is caused by the
depth of hard soil that is relatively deep -more than -30,00 m LWS- that becomes a main
factor in the use of steel pipe piles.
The foundation system analysis is calculated based on a 3-dimensional pottal
analysis. After the axial force and the maximum tension force are known, the strength of
the pile used and the ultimate bearing capacity are analyzed against those forces.
1. Determining the Location of Pile Clamp
The location of the pile clamp on the soil base depends on :
- Pile Strength (EI)
- Soil Strength, which is the horizontal modulus of subgrade reaction (kh)
Location of the pile clamp, or what is more commonly called a Virtual fixed point (I/ )
calculated with the formula as follows :


Where: Kh = 0,15 x N (kg/cm)

N = SPT grade
D = Pile diameter (cm)
EI = Pile strength (kg/cm2)

2. Bearing Capacity of the Pile Stake

a. Bearing capacity due to axial loading

On the sandy soil, it is calculated as :

Ru = 30 Nap +
Where :
Ru = Pile bearing capacity (tonne)
Ap = Area of the end of the pile (cm2)
As = Luas keliling tiang (cm2)
N’ = Grade – N average of the pile planted in the soil
N = Grade - N Soil at the end of the pile

N is calculated from the following :


N1 = Grade – N at the pile ends

N2 = Grade – N average from the pile end to the 4D above it
D = Pile diameter

On the clay, bearing capacity of the pile is calculated as such :

Ru = 8CpAp + CaAs

Ru = Pile bearing capacity (tonne)
Ap = Area of the end of the pile (cm2)
As = circle area of the pile (cm2)
Cp = Cohesion at the pile ends (t/m2)
Ca = Average adhesion on the pile that is planted inside the soil (t/m 2)
Ca = Cp  If Cp < 10 (t/m2)
Ca = 10 (t/m2)  If Cp ≥ 10 (t/m2)

b. Bearing capacity against tension loads


On sandy soil, bearing capacity of the pile is obtained by the following formula :

While the clay is as follows.

Ru = CaAs

c. Safety factor
1) Normal conditions
- Bearing capacity due to axial loading, SF = 2,5
- Bearing capacity due to tension loading, SF = 3
2) Temporary conditions
- Bearing capacity due to axial loading, SF = 1,5
- Bearing capacity due to tension loading, SF = 2,5

3. Calendering Pile Installation

Calendering Pile Installation is calculated to determine the Final Set grade of the
erection during execution. The equalities that is used is the dynamic equalities for the
type of Diesel Hammer pile tool which is as follows :

Qult = Ultimate bearing strength (tonne)
Wr = Ram Mass (tonne)
Wp = Pile stake mass (tonne)
H = Ram fall distance (cm)
S = Final Set (cm)
K = Elastic Rebound (cm)
10 Vertical Loading

Vertical loading is determined by taking a few basic assumptions. These
assumptions are determined by the design criteria that has been set during Stage I. Some
loading points that needs to be considered are;

1. Dead Load:
- Reinforced concrete = 2,40 t/m3
- Regular concrete = 2,30 t/m3
- Sand (saturated) = 1,80 t/m3
-Rubble/broken rocks (Effective mass under water) = 1,00 t/m3
- Steel = 7,85 t/m3

2. Live Load:
- Distributed Load = 2,00 t/m3
- Distributed Load (earthquake conditions) = 1,50 t/m3
- Distributed Load (dynamic) = 0,50 t/m3
- Distributed Load (dynamic, earthquake conditions) = 0,25 t/m3
- Radial Load = T-20 Horizontal Load

Ship Collision Energy
Impact energy by the ship during docking can be calculated by the equalities as follows:

Ef = x Ce x Cm x Cs x Cc

Where :
Ef = impact energy by ship (tonne.m)
DT = displacement tonnage by ship (tonne)
V = docking velocity (m/s)
g = gravitational acceleration (9,8 m/dt2)
Ce = eccentricity factor (for jetty Ce = 0.5)
Cm = virtual mass factor
Cs = softness factor = 1,0
Cc = berth configuration factor = 1,0 (open pile structure)

● Displacement Tonnage from the cargo ship that is docking is calculated from the formula
→ log (GT) = 0.541 (DWT)

● Virtual Mass Factor

Cm = 1 + x
Cb = coefficient block ( = Ws/LppxBxdxWo))
d = maximal draft of ship (m)
B = ship width (m)
Lpp = perpendicular length of ship (m)
Wo = specific mass (density) of sea water = 1,03 t/m3

Example of the scale of the collision energy by the ship is 2.000DWT,

5.000DWT and 10.000DWT against the jetty that can be seen in Table C-06- 1 as

Table C-06- 1 Example Calculation of Collision Energy Due to Jetty


Selecting a fender that is used in the jetty is determined by the type of ship that will be
docked. Ship mass will determine the horizontal energy that will be translated to the
jetty. An example calculation can be seen in Table C-06- 2, as follows.

Table C-06- 2 Example Calculation for Fender Selection

Fender that will be used is 2 x LMD 600H x 2000 L CL1 with the energy from deflection
being 52,5% the maximum energy that can be absorbed = 44.80 tm, reaction against the
jetty = 180.0 tonne.


Tension force of the bollard is taken from the Standard Design criteria for Port in
Indonesia 1984, which is in accordance to Table C-06- 3 shown below.

Table C-06- 3 Bollard List for Various Types of Ships

Tractive Force on Bollard Tractive Force on
Gross Tonnage (tonne) Bitt
200 - 500 15 10
501 - 1000 25 15
1001 - 2000 35 15
2001 - 3000 35 25
3001 - 5000 50 35
5001 - 10000 70 50(25)

Earthquake Factor
Earthquake coefficient refers to Uniform Building Code (UBC) 1985, which is as shown
in Table C-06- 4, as follows.

Table C-06- 4 Earthquake Coefficient for Various Structures

No. Items I CS K

1. Building/Construction Structure 1.5 0.14 1

2. Steel Structure 1.5 0.14 1
3. Reinforced Concrete Structure 1.5 0.14 1
4. Jetty and Trestle 1.5 0.14 0.8

Based on the shear strength, it has to be calculated with the formula V=µ W, where m =
ZIKCS and W is the mass of the structure and the permanent tooling. Grade from Z for
zone 5 is 0.2, thus µ (for jetty and trestle) = 0.2 x 1.5 x 0.8 x 0.14 = 0.03.
Reduction factor from the distributed live load is taken as 50 %. Aside from that,
earthquake load is calculated from the equalities below.
Hg = µ × W
W = DL + 50 % LL

Wind Factor

Ha = ka x Va x Aw

Where :
Ha = Force from wind
ka = Coefficient dependent on the direction of wind
Va = Wind velocity
Aw = Projection area of the plane blown under the water surface
Wave factor

Pd = Ad x ks x 2,86 Va2
Pf = Af x kt x Va2

Where :
Pd = Dynamic force on a vertical direction
Pf = Friction force on the area of the ship submerged in water
Ad = Vertical projection area
Af = Surface area of the ship that is under the water surface
Ks.kt = Constant
Va = Current velocity

4.5.2. Breakwater

The jetty planning also includes the planning of breakwater in terms of the
type of breakwater, the materials that will be used for its construction, and
calculating the proper dimensions of the breakwater.


After the dimension, size, and shape of the buildings are determined, along
with the placements of said buildings and the materials that will be used, the next
stage is to develop the construction drawing. The objective of the drawing is to
facilitate the implementation of jetty construction as well as other buildings in the
project site. The drawings must be made as correctly and detailed as possible, and in
accordance with the determined locations, dimensions, sizes, and shapes of the
building. This is to ensure that the drawings can be easily understood by the builders
and other personnel as well.


After planning the constructions and obtaining the proper dimensions, sizes,
and shapes, as well as the materials needed for said constructions, the next stage is
to prepare the technical and administrative requirements. These are implemented as
rules in construction so that the building is constructed in accordance with the plan
that has been developed previously.


After making the technical and administrative requirements, the next stage is
to develop a budget plan to properly plan out the cost needed for the project.


After the budget plan is set, the next stage includes making Network
Planning (NP) and Time Schedule, as well as a workforce diagram to plan the
number of days and labor needed to complete the constructions on the jetty.

Jetty Planning Preparation

Data Collection
Location map and Bathimetri
Soil data
Tidal, wind, and wave data
Amount and types of ship

o Data Analysis

Analysis Results

Layout Planning

Jetty, Foundation, Fender & Bolder, Breakwater

Check Design N
Construction Drawing

Work Plan and Requirements

Budget Plan
Time Schedule; Network Planning; S Curve
Man-Power Planning


4.1. Work Plan on Port Development Planning

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