Kendama Kentei Trick List: 3 Class Bronze Medal 2 Class Silver Medal 1 Class Gold Medal Kendama Medal Challenge

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Kendama Kentei Trick List

Tricks Self-
Level Class
1 2 3 4 5 Check

3rd Class
Easy big cup, Easy big cup, Tama drop
Bronze Easy big cup Lazy spike
Squat Walk 5 steps big cup catch

Kendama 2nd Class

Tama drop Hanging,
Medal Silver Scooping airplane Lazy lighthouse Easy big cup, Hop
base cup catch Two hand catch
Challenge Medal

1st Class
Easy big cup, Hanging, Easy big cup,
Gold Takoyaki Easy candle, Squat
Hopscotch x 2 One hand catch Hop x 3

Moshikame Pull up spike

3rd Class Big cup Small cup Base cup
x5 (Spin or No spin)

Small cup, Moshikame

Basic 2nd Class Baseball Easy big cup, Spike
Big cup x10

1st Class Frying pan, Spike Around the block Trapeze
Around Japan

Moshikame x10 or Lighthouse,

3rd Class more, Spike
Swing spike Around the World Stuntplane
Falling in

Advanced 2nd Class Bird, Spike Around Europe Earth turn Downspike Jumping stick

1 turn lighthouse, Big cup, Kenflip big Lighthouse flip,
1st Class Tradespike cup, Spike
1 turn airplane
Falling in
Base cup,

Juggle big cup,

3rd Class Gunslinger spike
Lunar, Flip in Turntable, Spike Around USA

Kenflip Lighthouse,
Expert 2nd Class 2 turn airplane Stilt, Flip in Spacewalk
Falling in

Handlestall, Swirl to airplane Spacewalk swap 1 turn lunar,

1st Class 1 turn spike (Ken grip start) spike Falling in
Juggle spike

2 turn lighthouse,
3rd Class Sweets special 2 turn swap spike Stilt, Downspike
Stuntplane fasthand
Double whirlwind

Double lighthouse Bird, Nod off/on

Master nd flip, Inward double over the valley, Lightning drop
2 Class Around Denmark Juggle kenflip spike
2021 lighthouse flip, Nod off/on, swap spike
Falling in 1 turn spike

Inward lunar, Flip Handlestall, Earth

Mooncircle Tap juggle Kenflip juggle kenflip
1st Class 1.5 toss in downspike
cushion tap inward turn handlestall,
juggle spike
lunar, Falling in 1 turn spike

Start each level at 3rd Class. Each trick must be cleared in order.
The player must clear each trick within 5 attempts.

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