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Common Symptoms You Can Address 

By Participating in Fourth Chakra Healings

• Being overly defensive The main meanings or functions associated with the
• Feeling closed down heart chakra are:
• Jealousy; fear of intimacy • Love for oneself and others.
• Codependency, relying on other’s approval and • Relating and relationships.
attention • Compassion, empathy.
• Trying to please at all cost • Forgiveness, acceptance.
• Always putting oneself in the role of the savior • Transformation, change.
or the rescuer; or on the contrary, falling into vic- • Ability to grieve and reach peace.
timization • Compassionate discernment.
• Excessive isolation, being reclusive and antiso- • Center of awareness, integration of insights.
• Holding grudges, not being able to forgive When the heart chakra is open, you may feel being
deeply connected to the harmonious exchange of en-
At the physical level, it can manifest as: ergy and with all that is around you, as well as having
a deep appreciation of beauty. However, when there’s
• Respiratory ailments, such as lung infection and a blockage in the heart chakra, you may experience
bronchitis. difficulties in relating to others, such as excessive
• Circulatory and heart-related issues. jealousy, codependency, or being closed down and
withdrawn. Physically, an imbalanced heart chakra
When the energy in your fourth chakra is blocked or will manifest in your body as heart palpitations, chest
hindered, you may experience what is sometimes re- pain, poor circulation, heart conditions, high/low
ferred to as heart chakra pain. blood pressure, and difficulty breathing.

The heart chakra, known in Sanskrit as Anahata, is The heart chakra can become imbalanced as a re-
the fourth chakra and is located in the center of the sult of life experiences that have a strong emotional
chest. The energy center is not located where our charge, physical ailments, or significant changes in
actual heart organ lies; rather, the heart chakra is in your environment. It may manifest as a blockage in
the center of the chest area. It is the primary chakra the energy flow or, on the contrary, a tendency to be-
associated with the element air, and its energy is as- come overactive or have an excess of energy.
sociated with the breath and its movements, as well
as the idea of spaciousness and connection with all Signs your heart chakra may be blocked include feel-
things. Also, it is associated with the color green, and ings of shyness and loneliness. If you cannot forgive
in higher energy frequencies, it can turn to pink. or a tendency to lack empathy, then you may be lead-
ing with your head more often than your heart. Chakra Healing Course

Flip that the opposite way and an overpowering chakra healer. Especially love for yourself. Keeping this in-
can include feelings of codependency, and looking tention will help open your heart.
outward for acceptance or fulfillment. Intense jealou-
sy or harsh judgment of others is also a red flag. Simple ideas to balance the heart chakra
If you fall into the blocked category, figuring out how
to rebalance your chakras boils down to repressed To get started, try out these few simple practices:
emotions. Whether it’s a traumatic event stemming
from childhood that you can’t even remember, or a • Work with the breath to balance your energy;
grudge you’re holding so tightly from last week. observe it, play with it with breathing exercises.
When you repress your feelings, your heart chakra’s • Cultivate your appreciation for beauty, whether
balance gets out of whack. it’s in nature, people, or the arts.
• Practice self-care and love your body; try a bath
Try to set these three intentions to extinguish your re- with rose essential oil. 
pressed emotions, whether you’re consciously aware • Cultivate self-compassion and acceptance, espe-
of them or not: cially with regards to your emotions and body.
• Engage in activities that feed your heart.
1. Be open with your emotions any way you want! • Focus on receiving if you are naturally inclined to
be a giver, and on giving if you’re more inclined
Whether you write them down or scream out to receive all the time.
loud, you need to let them out. Be extremely • Reflect on old wounds inherited from family
honest and open with every word; don’t hold relationships and come to terms with them com-
anything back. Write coming from the heart — passionately; practice forgiveness deep within
it’s always painful, but it’s part of the healing your heart.
process. Even if you have no intention of anyone • Express your gratitude. You can be grateful for
else reading what you write, it’s so helpful to put the presence of other people in your life or sim-
your feelings into words so that you can become ply for good things that make your life easier and
comfortable, aware, and at peace with it. happier.
2. Stop clinging to your feelings. Aromatherapy for the Fourth Chakra

You get what you give. Live in the present mo- Aromatherapy is another useful tool for fourth chakra
ment. Dwelling in the past loves, or past prob- balancing. To heal the fourth chakra, consider using
lems only bring you down, and if you stress about floral essential oils, including;
the future, then we aren’t living fully. Like most • Rose 
things in life, it’s easier said than done. Do your- • Geranium
self a favor and consciously work on this one! • Neroli 
• Ylang ylang
3. Practice the art of acceptance. • Jasmine 
• Bergamot
A good rule of thumb is, “If you can’t change it,
forget it.” Why stress about something or some- Fourth Chakra Healing Foods
one you have no control over? It’s a waste of  
time and energy. Instead, focus on what you can Just as each chakra has its own vibrational frequency,
control. That’s what will bring you contentment color, and function, so too are their foods that help
and happiness. Set your daily intention to going bolster individual chakra function. When concentrat-
with the flow and letting it be. ing on the fourth chakra, consider adding naturally
green-colored foods such as:
Try incorporating these three reminders into your dai- • Spinach 
ly life, and always remember that love is the greatest • Zucchini
• Kale 
• Broccoli Chakra Healing Course
• Avocado
• Cucumbers
• Asparagus
• Peas
• Beans
• Brussels sprouts
• Kiwi fruit 
• Green apples 
• Green grapes
• Limes

Green super foods: spirulina, chlorella, wheatgrass,

barley grass, matcha powder, and
green tea are all another source for healing the fourth

Herbs: coriander, mint, oregano, parsley, thyme, rose-

mary, tarragon, basil, and sage are another source of

Fourth Chakra Healing Stones

• Emerald 
• Green Aventurine
• Jade
• Malachite 
• Green Calcite 
• Chrysoprase
• Green and Pink Tourmaline 
• Pink Quartz 
• Kunzite Chakra Healing Course

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