1.01 One Author: Author, A. (Year) - Title (Edition Number) - Publisher

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1.01  One author

Author, A. (Year). Title (Edition Number). Publisher.

Siirtola (2007) Tips:
(Siirtola, 2007) • If there is more than one publisher, make
(Siirtola, 2007, p. 16) sure to include both in the reference and
separate them with a semi-colon (“;”).
• If the book has a DOI, you can also include
Example: this at the end of the reference.
As stated in Siirtola (2007, p. 16) … • If the book is a first edition, you should not
include the edition number.

Reference List:
Siirtola, H. (2007). Interactive visualization of multidimensional data. Tampere
University Press.


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