1.04 Organisation As Author: Organisation. (Year) - Title (Edition Number) - Publisher

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1.04  Organisation as author

Organisation. (Year). Title (Edition Number). Publisher.

American Psychological Association (APA, 2019). Tips:
(American Psychological Association [APA], 2019) • If the organisation name is very long, you
APA (2019) can abbreviate it. To do this, write the
name out once in full followed by the
(APA, 2019)
abbreviation in brackets (see examples).
After that you can use the abbreviated
name in your writing.
• You must always write out the organisation
The American Psychological Association (APA, 2019, p. 101), states that … name in full in the reference list.
• If there are two organizational authors do
not place a comma between their names.
Reference List: • You don’t need to include the publisher
American Psychological Association. (2019). Publication manual of the American in this example, as the author and the
Psychological Association (7th ed.). publisher are the same.
• If there is more than one publisher, make
sure to include both in the reference and
separate them with a semi-colon (“;”).
• If the book has a DOI, this can be included
at the end of the reference.
• If the book is a first edition, you should not
include the edition number.


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