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The Impact of Pandemic Emergence


How Will It Affect

The Future


Barangay Baybay Carigara, Leyte


Nery Joy Ochea

June Danzell Maruto

Razel Colibao

Krystel Jane Morillo

Karyl Colarte

Joana Marie Salonoy

Chapter I



The Covid-19 pandemic has submerged us all in the tsunami-like economies of the

Cloud. There is an intensification of the allegro rhythm of adaptation to the Internet of

Things (Davies, Beauchamp, Davies, and Price 2019).

Education both reflects what is now and anticipates what is next, recoding private and

public responses to crises, Žižek (2020, p. 117) suggests in this regard that “values and

beliefs should not be simply ignored: they play an important role and should be treated

as a specific mode of assemblage”. As such, education is (post)human and has its

(over) determination by beliefs and values, themselves encoded in technology.

This study is intended for the residents of Barangay Baybay Carigara, Leyte. It aims to

know on what is the impact of pandemic emergence on the residents of Barangay

Baybay and how will it affect specifically on their studies.

The covid-19 pandemic has drastically changed everything, in terms of living. In the last

nine months, measures like social distancing, proper handwashing, wearing of masks,

working from home, and studying at home by means of modular and via online had

affected our daily lives. Every barangay, not just Baybay, had followed these safety
measures to prevent the spread of the virus. Lockdowns, community quarantines took

place, affecting not only jobs, but also education.

Having the thought of hardships in this new normal of studying, we researchers want to

know how this affects the other residents of Barangay Baybay.

To conduct this research, the researchers will have to consider the number of

population included in the study. The research questionnaires should be objective and

not subjective to avoid bias from the participants involved in the study. We will use

reasoning to gradually narrow down the approach from being too generic to be being

specific. Striving to make the sample/participants as representatives of the target

population will also take place. This involves careful planning and using an effective

selection process. By conducting this research, we are looking forward on knowing what

is the impact of pandemic emergence and how will it affect the future education of

Barangay Baybay Carigara, Leyte.


The shutdown of schools, compounded by the associated public health and economic

crises, poses major challenges to our students and their teachers. Our public education

system was not built, nor prepared, to cope with a situation like this—we lack the

structures to sustain effective teaching and learning during the shutdown and to

provide the safety net supports that many children receive in school. While we do not

know the exact impacts, we do know that children’s academic performance is

deteriorating during the pandemic, along with their progress on other developmental

skills. We also know that, given the various ways in which the crisis has widened

existing socioeconomic disparities and how these disparities affect learning and

educational outcomes, educational inequities are growing (Rothstein 2004; Putnam

2015; Reardon 2011; García and Weiss 2017).

This study will examine the impact of pandemic emergence and how will it affect the

future education, specifically from elementary to college respondents of Barangay

Baybay Carigara, Leyte.

Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the impact of pandemic emergence to the future education of the

residents of Barangay Baybay Carigara, Leyte?

2. What could be the residents’ future education if pandemic continues?

3. What could happen to the future education of Barangay Baybay if the following

were calculated;

3.1 Gender;

3.2 Age bracket; and

3.3 Family income rate?


Pandemic has big impact on the future of education, since the implementation of new

normal strategy of education is somehow difficult for students, who depend on home
learning system and online class. This doesn't affect students only, but also teachers

and parents. With income rate considered in the study, there could be a chance that

this variable has also big impact on education. Gender and age bracket may depend.


This study will focus on the impact of pandemic emergence in Barangay Baybay

Carigara, Leyte; the effects of it on the educational status of the students, specifically

respondents from elementary to college. This research will be designed to know how

they were able to handle these situations, resulted by pandemic in the present days and

the future. Also, to be aware and know how will the residents react in dealing with the

possibilities of this pandemic.


The findings which will this study reveal, may give beneficiaries to certain groups with

the following;

Students. This study may give benefits to the students to give guidance on what will be

the impact of pandemic emergence and how will it affect the future education of

Barangay Baybay Carigara, Leyte.

Future Researchers. The findings of this study will serbe as source of information in

gathering data about the impact of pandemic emergence and how will it affect the

future education of Barangay Baybay Carigara, Leyte.

Residents of the Barangay. This may give benefits to the residents to have them know

what will be the impact of pandemic emergence and how will it affect future education.

This may also be a good source to be guided on the steps for the coming future.

Teacher. This will give knowledge to the teacher about the research on impact of

pandemic emergence and how will it affect the future education of Barangay Baybay

Carigara, Leyte.
Chapter II


I. RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES said that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world. Due to

the nature of the virus, particularly how it is transmitted, it has altered human

behaviours, relations and lifestyles, and had profound impacts on the economic, political

and cultural landscapes of societies across the world. It has likewise exacerbated

poverty, discrimination and inequalities in many parts of the world, not only through

how COVID-19 appears to be affecting poorer communities more than the rich, but also

as a consequence of the measures taken by states to control the spread of the virus,

primarily by curtailing freedom of movement through the imposition of community

quarantine, lockdowns and curfews in many parts of the world.

While the country is fighting the challenge brought about by the coronavirus disease

2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and the

Department of Education (DepEd) adopt and implement the flexible model of blended

learning despite many oppositions. As the classes resumed, unceasing students’

concerns and teachers’ outcry were in the limelight —exposing the disadvantages that

these learning solutions are posing, according to

In the Philippine educational system alone, enrollment for elementary and high school

plunges by seven million (DepEd, 2020; Jorge, 2020). While this still leaves 74.6

percent out of the 27.7 million students in public and private schools, the remaining

25.4 percent is still a huge drop in the ocean.

This pandemic has drastically changed the education landscape and revealed old and

new challenges such as the digital divide (Altbach and De Wit, 2020; HESB, 2020) — a

term coined for lack of appropriate gadgets, internet inaccessibility, teachers’ “learning

by doing set-up,” and other hybrid online opportunities. From the initial data, around

6.9 million Filipino underprivileged learners experience unstable mobile and internet

connections, while 6.8 million cite no gadget at all (as cited by Mateo, 2020).

Madeline (2020) opined that school closures due to coronavirus has posed new

problems like how to make the transition to online and at-home learning, and how to

cater for those who rely on school for food and housing security.

Wikipedia said that school closures impact not only students, teachers, and families.[5]

but have far-reaching economic and societal consequences.[6][7][8] School closures in

response to the pandemic have shed light on various social and economic issues,

including student debt,[9] digital learning,[8][10][11] food insecurity,[12] and

homelessness,[13][14] as well as access to childcare,[15] health care,[16] housing,[17]

internet,[18] and disability services.[19] The impact was more severe for disadvantaged
children and their families, causing interrupted learning, compromised nutrition,

childcare problems, and consequent economic cost to families who could not work.[20]


To curb the spread of COVID-19, most governments have opted to employ quarantine

protocols and temporarily shut down their educational institutions. As a consequence,

more than a billion learners have been affected worldwide. Among this number are over

28 million Filipino learners across academic levels who have to stay at home and

comply with the Philippine government’s quarantine measures (UNESCO, 2020).

According to, through its field offices and teachers, the DepEd

sought to find out which among the range of off-school pedagogical modes best suited

students depending on their location in the archipelago, it found out that most parents

prefer the modular learning modality for their children over other options. This, based

on the initial results of the Learner Enrollment and Survey Form (LESF), which showed

that 8.8 million parents preferred modular, over the 3.9 million who voted for blended

learning, which is a combination of different modalities: module, television and radio or

radio with online.

The pandemic worsened the quality of Philippine education system that was already

problematic before the global health crisis set in, according to youth group Samahan ng

Progresibong Kabataan.
The pandemic would have given the government a chance to use technology to reboot

the country’s education system, but it highlighted serious problems instead, including

slow internet connectivity, as mentioned by


Theoritical framework of this research will focus on transformative learning theory. As

wikipedia says, transformative learning is the expansion of consciousness through the

transformation of basic worldview and specific capacities of the self; transformative

learning is facilitated through consciously directed processes such as appreciatively

accessing and receiving the symbolic contents of the unconscious and critically

analyzing underlying premises.[2] According to Jack Mezirow’s transformative learning

theory, learning begins with an experience that leads to what is called a disorienting

dilemma (aka, cognitive dissonance, or the discomfort that comes from realizing your

current understanding of the world does not fit with current evidence). The unexpected,

unplanned, and sudden shift to online learning caused by COVID-19 has certainly been

an experience that has led to cognitive dissonance as our assumptions about education

have been challenged and stark inequities in our system have been exacerbated.

How will it affect the future

The Impact of Pandemic Education
Emergence And How Will It
Affect The Future FRAMEWORK:
of Baybay Carigara, Leyte
Pandemic Emergence
Figure 1: A schema that shows the conceptual flow of the study.

In this study, the researchers are expecting to find the result of the data about the

study; the impact of pandemic to the future education of Baybay Carigara, Leyte.

Pandemic could have a big impact on the future of education, since the strategies

implemented are a bit challenging, not only to students and teachers, but also to



The future education of Barangay Baybay Carigara, Leyte will be easy even there is

presence of presence of pandemic.


Word Conceptual definition Operational definition

Age a particular stage in a particular stage that starts

someone's life from 0 year-old till 100 more

years old of a person.

Crisis a time of intense difficulty, a time of intense difficulty,

trouble, or danger trouble, or danger that ranges

almost 20% in Barangay Baybay

Carigara, Leyte
COVID-19 is an infectious disease an infectious disease caused by

caused by a newly a newly discovered coronavirus,

discovered coronavirus which affected Barangay Baybay

by atleast 0.05%.
Gender refers to the refers to atleast 12- 25 year-old

characteristics of women, women, men, girls or boys who

men, girls and boys that are residents of Barangay

are socially constructed Baybay whom the researchers

interviewed for the study.

Home learning is an activity that a child is is an activity that a child is

asked to complete outside asked to complete outside of

of the school day, either the school day, either on their

on their own or with an own or with an adult, which is

adult. being implemented almost 65%

in Barangay Baybay.
Income money received, especially money received, especially on a

on a regular basis, for regular basis, for work or

work or through through investments that affects

investments. 39% of the studies of residents

of Barangay Baybay.
Lockdowns is a restriction policy for restriction policy for people or

people or community to community to stay where they

stay where they are, are, that somehow affected

usually due to specific 23% of the residents of Baybay,

risks to themselves or to though it was not implemented

others if they can move in Carigara.

and interact freely.
Online class a form of education where a form of education where

students use their home students use their home

computers through the computers through the internet,

internet. which ranges up to 13% used in

Baybay Carigara, Leyte.

Pandemic an outbreak of a pandemic an outbreak of a pandemic that

disease. affected the 91% population of

Barangay Baybay Carigara,

Poverty is a state or condition in a state or condition in which a

which a person or petson or community lacks the

community lacks the fnancial resources, that

financial resources and somehow ranges up to 0.06% if

essentials for a minimum Baybay Carigara, Leyte will be

standard of living. computed tpgether with the

overall poverty percentage of

the country.
Quarantine protocols defined as separating and separation and restriction of

restricting the movement movements of people who are

of people who are exposted or potentially exposed

exposed or are potentially to a contagious disease,

exposed to a contagious somehow being followed atleast

disease. 10% in Barangay BayBay

Carigara, Leyte.
Residents people who live people who live somewhere

somewhere permanently permanently or on a long-term

or on a long-term basis. basis, including the people in

Baybay Carigara that ranges

30.22% population of the whole


Chapter III


Research design is a plan, a roadmap and blueprint strategy of investigation conceived

so as to obtain answers to research questions (Kothari, 2004).

The researchers will use Descriptive Research Design in this study, since it aims to

describe the status of the identified variables. It will provide the systematic information

about a phenomenon, which is the impact of pandemic emergence to the future

education of Barangay Baybay Carigara, Leyte.

Descriptive research seeks to describe the current status of an identified variable. These

research projects are designed to provide systematic information about a phenomenon.

The researchers do not usually begin with hypothesis, but is likely to develop one after

collecting data.


The researchers selected the residents of Barangay Baybay to be the respondents of

the study. The researchers had came up with 30 respondents, having 6 colleges, 7

senior highs, 5 junior highs , 5 elementaries, 4 parents and 3 teachers.


The study will be conducted in Barangay Baybay Carigara, Leyte This place is being

chosen for the researcher's easiness of accessibility to have the study conducted. The
participants included in this research are residents of Barangay Baybay that are

students, parents, and teachers.


Sampling is a process or technique of choosing of sub-group from a population to

participate in the study; it is the process of selecting a number of individuals for a study

in such a way that the individuals selected represent the large group from which they

were selected, (Ogula, 2005).

Stratified Sampling is the sampling technique that suits in this study, since the

researchers need to subdivide the respondents, depending on the income range, age

bracket, and gender groupings.

Subdivision of family income range, age bracket, and gender groupings, are needed in

the research study. Through these factors, the researchers will be able to quantify the

impact of pandemic to the future education of those learners, considering income

range, age bracet, and gender groupings during the pandemic. These factorsvwill serve

as determinants since it's through this, they will be able to group the response from

each respondents.

Stratified sampling is a form of probabiliy sampling. To stratify means to clarify or to

separate people into groups according to some characteristics such as position, rank,

income, education, sex or ethnic background. These separate groupings are referred to

as subsets or sub-groups.

According to Zait, D (2006), the research instrument is defined by the technical artifice

through which a work is done or a research is being initiated. This has usually an actual

physical size and is adopted for in a way in order to get the research or action done, to

facilitate its execution. Thus, the instrument is the materialization of a method (e.g.,

the questionnaire is the instrument for surveys, the interviews guide is the instrument

for semi-structured interview, observation guide is the instrument for the observation

method, etc.).

Questionnaires and interviews are the research instruments that are approciate in this


Questionnaires and Interviews are appropriate fo this study, sincs there is presence of

pandemic. With this method of gathering data, there is full security for the researchers

to stay safe, even if the action for research procedurw is taken.

The members of the group will depend on the topic to develop the instruments. They

will have to consider the important informations needed to be gathered, and make it in

a form of questions. Next, the leader will review the made questionnaires to check for

errora such as sensitivity, inappropriateness, or informal use of words that may offend

the respondents. Lastly, if all were checked, prepare the questionnaires.


Of the overall population of Barangay Baybay Carigara, Leyte, which is 51, 345, the

researchers will need to get 30 respondents to stand as representatives in the study.

The process is by means of an interview by administiring a questionnaire written in

English, and will be translated to the local language if necessary.


Through online, questionnaires will be distributed to the respondents of Barangay

Baybay. It can either be mailed or through messenger messaging. It should not be

posted publicly to avoid any sensitive comments and unwanted reactions from the

media. Another process is by means of via phone calls, wherein an assigned researcher

can interview the other respondents. He or she can jot down or record the information

needed in the study. After successfully done, they will now proceed to transcription and

translation. Lastly, proceed to the next process.


The researchers will have to conduct an interview and gather the information needed,

by means of groupings the answers based on the response of the respondents. This will
have to follow the appropriate statistical treatment for the researchers to determine the

results of the study.


The researchers will have to use TWO WAY ANOVA, since they are going to compare

two or more groups included in the study. The student respondents will be grouped,

depending on their level (elementary, junior high, senior high, and college) having

income rate, age bracket and gender identity considered.

The formula of two-way ANOVA is,

1 − P(F ≤ fj)

In this method of two-way Anova, P-value is Analysis of a variance table.

The degrees of freedom for the F statistic that you use to calculate the p-value depend

on the term that is in the test.

When you test a term, the denominator degrees of freedom are always the degrees of

freedom for error. The degrees of freedom for error depend on whether the interaction

term is in the model or not.

 With no interaction in the model, DF Error = (n − 1) − (a − 1) − (b − 1)

 With the interaction in the model, DF Error = (n − 1) − (a − 1) − (b − 1) − (a −

1)( b − 1)
When you test a term, the numerator degrees of freedom depend on the term.

 For F(A), the degrees of freedom for the numerator are a − 1

 For F(B), the degrees of freedom for the numerator are b − 1

 For F(AB), the degrees of freedom for the numerator are (a − 1)(b − 1)

For the lack-of-fit test, the degrees of freedom follow:

 Denominator DF = n − c

 Numerator DF = c – p


1 − P(F ≤ fj)


Term Description

a number of levels in factor A

b number of levels in factor B

n total number of observations

c number of unique combinations of factor levels

p number of terms in the model

P(F ≤ f cumulative distribution function for the F distribution

j )

fj f statistic for the test


1. Albatch, De Wit and HESB (2020).



2. Carigara (2015).


3. Davies, Beauchamp, Davies and Price (2019).

4. DepEd (2020), Jorge (2020).


5. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education (2021).education

6. Jack Mezirow (2020, August 31).UTF-8



7. Kothari (2004).

8. Madeline (2020).



9. Mateo (2020).

10. Ogula (2005). › journal › Se...PDF

Web results

International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 4 No. 9

11. Rothstein (2004), Putnam (2015), Reardon (2011), García and Weiss (2017).



12.The Philippines

COVID-19 and Its Impact on Higher Education in the Philippines (2020 June 4).


13. The challenge of education in the new normal. (2020, June 19).


14. Transformative learning.

15. UNESCO (2020).

16. Zait, D. (2006).


17. Zizek (2020).

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