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Propeller Installation and Certification Considerations For Small Aircraft

Author(s): Brian E. Meyer

Source: SAE Transactions, Vol. 109, Section 1: JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE (2000), pp. 35-44
Published by: SAE International
Stable URL:
Accessed: 02-02-2021 12:29 UTC

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Propeller Installation and Certification Considerations

For Small Aircraft

Brian E. Meyer
Hartzell Propeller Ine
Copyright 2000 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.

ABSTRACT discussed. Single- and multi-engine

aircraft powered by piston or turbine
A number of considerations must be engines will also be addressed.
addressed to properly install a propeller
on an aircraft. These considerations DISCUSSION
consist of a number of technical and
regulatory requirements. Propeller There are many reasons to change the
installations vary in complexity propeller on an aircraft. Improvements
depending on the number and type of in noise levels, performance, vibration
engines and propeller-related systems characteristics, and increased ground
involved. Addressing the technical and clearance are just some of the reasons
regulatory requirements with prior FAA why aircraft manufacturers and aircraft
agreement will maximize the efficiency modification companies pursue new
of the propeller installation development propeller installations. With much of the
and approval process. General Aviation fleet at 20 to 50 years
of age, the replacement of obsolete
INTRODUCTION propeller models is also a stimulus for
new propeller installations on aging GA
Recently there has been a resurgence aircraft.
of small aircraft development programs
in the U.S. Many of these aircraft are In any propeller installation project there
propeller-driven using either are a number of technical issues and
reciprocating or gas turbine engines. certification requirements which must be
There are a number of new and addressed. These include
amended Type Certificates being issued considerations such as performance,
to aircraft manufacturers along with a weight, noise, diameter limitations,
large number of modifiers pursuing blade angle settings and de-ice systems
Supplemental Type Certificates (STCs). to name a few. Certification of the
Some of these Type Certificate changes installation also requires compliance
and STCs involve the installation of new with a number of regulatory criteria to
propellers. This paper presents an assure safety.
overview of propeller installation and
certification considerations for small The Federal Aviation Regulations
aircraft certified under FAR Part 23. govern aircraft certification in the U.S.,
Constant-speed, feathering, and and there are several sections that
reversing propeller installations will be


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pertain to propeller installations. These Sinale Piston-Engine Aircraft
sections are:
One of the earliest tasks in any propeller
FAR Part 21, Certification procedures installation is to identify a suitable blade
design. Aerodynamic analysis is
FAR Part 23, Airworthiness standards performed by the propeller manufacturer
for small aircraft at key performance points in the flight
envelope, based on customer input.
FAR Part 35, Airworthiness standards Diameter, weight, vibration
for propellers characteristics, noise, and other
propeller attributes are considered, after
FAR Part 36, Noise standards which a propeller recommendation is
made to the customer. Often an existing
Agreement on the methods of blade design will be appropriate;
compliance with the applicable occasionally a new blade design will be
regulations should be reached in the required.
earliest stages of the program with the
responsible FAA office. Preparation of Once the blade design is selected, the
certification plans and FAR compliance proper hub must be selected for the
checklists, along with the use of FAA aircraft/engine combination. Since all
Designated Engineering certificated engines use standardized
Representatives (DERs) will greatly mounting flange designs, selection of
improve the efficiency of the certification the proper propeller hub for a given
effort. engine is a straight-forward matter.
However there are a variety of hub
The propeller assembly used in any extension lengths and spinner models
certified installation must be type- available to fit a given aircraft cowling.
certificated as a separate device under
FAR Part 35. This certification requires Most spinners are produced by the
that the propeller meet a number of propeller company, however on
strength and durability criteria. occasion an aircraft company chooses
Certification also requires that such to produce their own. New aircraft
items as maintenance and installation cowlings are often designed around an
documents exist. The propeller existing spinner model since there are
certification is obtained by the propeller usually a number of production spinner
manufacturer and made available to the designs that are suitable.
aircraft manufacturer or modifier.
Positive clearance must exist between
Once the propeller is certified, the the cowl and spinner to prevent rubbing.
aircraft must be certified to allow Such clearance should allow for normal
installation of the propeller. The engine motions during start-up and
following discussion illustrates some of shut-down and provide a margin for
the technical and regulatory normal service deterioration. Many
considerations, beginning with the programs have required modification or
simplest case, that of the single-piston- substitution of a spinner due to some
engine airplane. Discussion of more unforeseen fit problem; it is best to
complex installations will build upon this verify proper fit of the propeller/
section. spinner/cowling as early as possible in
the program.


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Depending on the landing gear
configuration of the aircraft, certification
regulations also require a minimum
clearance of 7 or 9 inches between the
propeller blade tip and the ground. In
addition, positive clearance must exist
between the blade tips and the ground
with the critical landing gear strut and
tire completely deflated. This
requirement becomes the limiting factor
Figure 1 : Constant-Speed Propeller Cross-section
for propeller diameter in many
Conversely, the blades will move to a
Airframe strength requirements must
lower angle (increased RPM) if oil
pressure is reduced or lost. Mechanical
also be addressed with a new propeller
stops limit both the maximum and
installation. Typically the engine mount
and forward fuselage strength must be minimum blade angles. Proper setting of
reviewed. The complexity of the
the low blade angle allows maximum
structural substantiation will depend on engine power to be produced during
the weight (and inertia) difference takeoff, but minimizes over-speeding of
the engine and propeller in the event of
between the original propeller and the
a propeller governor failure.
propeller to be certified. In some cases
the weight change is considered
negligible between propeller models and The minimum blade angle setting is
airframe structural loads are determined during ground operation
with the aircraft static, minimum wind,
the governor inactive, and the engine at
Once the proper propeller hardware has full power. A number of engine runs are
made at different blade angles, and a
been identified and fit-checked, testing
plot of blade angle versus static RPM
on the aircraft can begin. Typically, one
of the first tests to be performed is the
can be generated, as shown in figure 2.
determination of the minimum blade From such data a blade angle setting
can be selected which limits static RPM
angle setting. Except for some aerobatic
aircraft, the constant-speed propeller on
to a maximum of 103% of the engine
rating, per the FAR requirements. A
a single-piston-engine aircraft will
blade angle that limits maximum static
require oil pressure from the governor to
increase pitch (reduce RPM). A typical
RPM between the range of 98 to 100%
propeller cross-section is shown in is considered to be ideal. Having the
maximum RPM set slightly below
figure 1 . The propeller assembly
maximum rated RPM reduces transient
contains a hydraulic piston/cylinder
RPM overshoots during rapid power
arrangement that provides the actuation
application at takeoff or during a
force to change the blade angle. The oil
governor failure. The engine will develop
pressure in the propeller cylinder is
rated RPM early in the takeoff ground
balanced with spring force and blade
roll due to the reduced aerodynamic
twisting moments generated by
loading on the propeller blades as
centrifugal forces.
forward airspeed increases.


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are 20 to 40 years old, this method has
the advantage of canceling out
performance variations due to service
deterioration of the engine or airframe.
For maximum accuracy this method
requires careful consideration of the
weather to obtain as similar atmospheric
conditions as possible. Data corrections
are then applied to compensate for
small variations in weight, temperature
and power as described in Reference 5.

General aircraft controllability

characteristics are sometimes
investigated, though in most single
piston-engine installations, a propeller
change causes no appreciable
difference in aircraft handling.
Figure 2. Typical Blade Angle vs. Static RPM

The maximum blade angle setting is

Flight testing often begins with an
also verified during flight testing. A dive
investigation of aircraft performance.
up to the never-exceed-airspeed
The performance flight test
(redline) is performed to verify that the
requirements for this category of
high pitch mechanical stop which limits
airplane with a new propeller generally
the maximum blade angle is properly
include, takeoff, climb rate and cruise
set to allow the governor to maintain
speed performance.
RPM. If the high pitch stop is set too
low, the propeller will reach the stop and
The flight test plan must be approved by
begin to over-speed with increasing
the FAA before testing begins. Aircraft
airspeed since it can no longer be
preparation tasks (calibrations,
controlled by the governor.
inspections, etc.) are also specified by
the FAA in the Type Inspection
Noise tests may also performed as part
Authorization (TIA) document. Most of
of the flight testing. The test methods
the specific performance tests,
and equipment required for these tests
techniques and data reduction methods
are specified in FAR Part 36. In certain
are addressed in References 5 and 6,
and will not be discussed here. cases, a finding of "no acoustical
change" may be granted for this class of
airplane if certain parameters are
In many modifier programs, a back-to-
addressed. These parameters include
back method is used to verify
power, climb rate, blade count, blade tip
performance. This method entails
thickness and blade planform
baseline flights with.the propeller characteristics.
installation which is already certified,
then repeating the same test plan with
Proper engine cooling must also be
the new propeller to verify that the new
verified with a new propeller installed.
propeller meets or exceeds baseline
Cylinder head temperature variations
aircraft performance. Since many of
sometimes occur with propeller changes
these programs use test aircraft which
due to differences in aerodynamic blade


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loading (and radial velocity profile)
between propellers. Normally all Unless test data for a similar
cylinder heads are instrumented with engine/propeller combination exists, a
thermocouples and temperatures are vibration survey is performed by the
measured during climb conditions. propeller manufacturer using a propeller
Typical cylinder head data are shown in instrumented with strain gages. The
figure 3. The cylinder head temperature airplane is flown throughout the flight
data are corrected to reflect operation envelope and the vibratory stresses are
during a 100 degree Fahrenheit "hot measured at various flight conditions.
day". These temperatures are then These data are compared to allowable
compared with the engine certification stress levels determined during the
limits. Generally engine oil and propeller manufacturers fatigue tests,
accessory temperatures are insensitive and if the stresses are below the
to propeller changes if the oil cooler allowable values, the propeller is eligible
installation, baffling, blast tubes and so for an unlimited fatigue life designation.
on are unchanged. Typical vibratory stress data are shown
in figure 4.

Figure 3. Typical Cooling Data

Probably the most important criterion to Figure 4 Typical Propeller Stress Data

be met on a piston-engine airplane is

the engine/propeller vibration Occasionally it is not practical to design
compatibility. All reciprocating engines a blade which avoids all resonant
produce vibratory torque during frequencies. In these situations placards
operation and this vibration is and additional instrument markings are
transmitted to and absorbed by the required to alert pilots to avoid operating
propeller. Tailoring of the blade natural the propeller in a resonant condition.
frequencies is required to avoid The placard and additional instrument
engine/propeller resonant conditions markings become part of the aircraft
from occurring within the normal flight operating limitations which are listed in
envelope. Such resonant conditions the Airplane Flight Manual, or in the
could lead to fatigue damage and case of a STC, the Airplane Flight
eventual structural failure of the Manual Supplement (AFMS).


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All propeller changes require the
preparation and approval of an Airplane
Flight Manual revision, or a supplement
in the case of a STC, under FAR Part
23. In addition, preparation and
approval of installation instructions for
the propeller installation are required.

Multi-Enqine Aircraft with Piston


In addition to the considerations

discussed for single-engine aircraft,
there are several other issues that must Figure 5: Feathering Propeller Cross-section

be addressed with a multi-engine

aircraft. Multi-engine aircraft generally moves through an angle range of 70 to
utilize propellers which allow the blades 75 degrees, additional blade/spinner
clearances must be checked.
to feather (align with the air stream) in
the event of an engine failure. This
reduces propeller drag to a minimum For a feathering propeller installation,
during a critical flight situation and two blade angle settings must be
improves aircraft climb performance and
(1) The minimum (low) blade angle,
A feathering propeller requires oil (2) Feather (maximum) angle
pressure to decrease pitch, therefore
this type of propeller will feather if The proper low-pitch blade angle may
engine oil pressure is lost. This be verified by performing a static run-up.
characteristic is the opposite of the non- A feathering propeller is fail-safe with
feathering propeller operation found on regard to over-speeding since a loss of
most single-engine airplanes. A typical oil pressure will increase blade angle
and reduce RPM. However the low
feathering propeller cross-section for a
piston-engine aircraft is shown in figure blade angle must still be checked to
5. A start-lock is also required within verify that the engine can produce rated
the propeller to hold the blades at a RPM at the particular low-angle setting.
relatively low angle to minimize the
aerodynamic loads during engine The initial feather angle is estimated
starting. analytically by the propeller designer
however flight verification is performed
In addition to the clearance to ensure that the propeller does not
requirements for a singler-engine windmill during single-engine flight near
airplane, a 1 inch minimum radial the best single-engine-rate-of-climb
clearance is required between the blade airspeed (Vyse).
tips and the fuselage for a multi-engine
airplane. Also, since a typical feathering Compared to a single-engine airplane,
there are at least two additional
propeller blade has counterweights and
performance and control issues for a
multi-engine airplane that must be
investigated. These are one-engine-


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inoperative climb performance, and the
minimum control airspeed (V^.). Again,
methods of compliance will not be
covered here, but are described in
reference 5.

Some multi-engine aircraft with piston

engines have propeller de-ice and
synchronizing equipment installed. This
equipment will be discussed in a later

Single-T urbine-Enaine Aircraft

Figure 6: Turbine Propeller Cross-section
The use of a turbine engine introduces
several other considerations into a
propeller installation. Propellers used on The reverse and feather angle limits are
turbine engines usually have feathering set using mechanical stops within the
and reversing features. A cross-section propeller. Initial settings are determined
of a typical turbine propeller is shown in by analysis and verified during flight
figure 6. If oil pressure in the propeller testing. Aircraft controllability during
is reduced, the blades will go to high landing sometimes determines reverse
pitch due to spring and counterweight angle setting, while the feather angle is
forces, similar to the feathering normally set to prevent windmilling of
propellers on a multi-piston-engine the propeller near the aircraft best-glide
airplane. airspeed.

If the engine is a free-turbine type, i.e. In a reversing propeller control system

Pratt & Whitney PT6 series with the flight-idle blade angle separates the
separate gas generator and power "governing mode" from the "beta mode".
turbines, the propeller will go to the In the governing mode the propeller is
feather position during engine controlled by the governor through the
shutdown. If a single-shaft engine is cockpit propeller RPM control and
used, i.e. Honeywell ( formerly Allied- functions exactly like a constant-speed
Signal) TPE 331 series with propeller found on a piston-engine
mechanically connected gas generator aircraft. However, when the propeller
and power turbines, a start-lock is control is set at maximum RPM and the
required to hold the blades at a low power lever is retarded past a detent on
angle to minimize the starter load. the power lever quadrant the propeller
will enter "beta" mode (figure 7). In beta
Three blade angle settings must be mode the propeller blade angle is
determined for a typical turboprop directly controlled by the power lever
and RPM is controlled by a fuel
(1) Reverse (minimum angle),
The flight-idle blade angle is normally
(2) Flight-idle determined during fight testing to give

(3) Feather (maximum angle)


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the desired descent rate at idle power the blades, the beta pressure is highest
on landing approach. If the descent rate at low airspeeds and decreases with
increasing airspeed as shown in figure
8. At low airspeed, the pressure should
not exceed the relief valve setting of the
governor, otherwise full propeller RPM
will not be achieved. At high airspeeds
beta pressure must be sufficient to
provide a control margin for the
propeller to prevent unstable operation
and RPM fluctuations.

Figure 7. Turbine Propeller Control Modes

is lower than desired, the flight-idle

blade angle can be reduced to increase
the propeller drag and increase the
Figure 8:Turboprop Control Pressure
descent rate. Conversely, if the descent vs. Airspeed
rate is higher than desired, the flight-idle
blade angle can be raised to reduce While the majority of propeller stresses
propeller drag and reduce the glide-path in a piston engine installation come from
angle. engine crankshaft, turbine engines have
very low vibration levels. However,
Aircraft control characteristics are
vibratory stresses are still present in the
sometimes affected with a turboprop.
propeller due to the aerodynamic
Depending on the flight idle blade angle flowfield that the propeller is immersed
the propeller disc drag can cause in. For a given aircraft configuration,
buffeting and reduced dynamic pressure nearly all combinations of weight and
in the tail that can affect aircraft
airspeed produce a one-per-revolution
handling. The control characteristics of vibration due the angle of the airflow as
the propeller itself must also be it enters the propeller disk. The stress
investigated. level is proportional to the product of the
dynamic pressure and the inflow angle
A "beta pressure" survey is typically
(angle between the propeller shaft and
performed on all turbine installations to
the relative wind) as shown in figure 9.
verify that sufficient propeller control
Therefore a vibration survey is generally
(oil) pressure is available to the required to investigate vibratory stress
propeller throughout the flight envelope. levels in the propeller.
For a propeller with counterweights on


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inertia and the engine mounts have
relatively light structure. In one early
turboprop airplane, a whirl flutter mode
was experienced which caused airframe
structural failure; therefore all turboprop
installations must address this issue.

Performance flight testing requirements

are similar to single-piston-engine
airplanes. However data reduction is
considered to be simpler with a turbine
engine since calibrated torque and RPM
instruments are available and shaft
power can be directly determined from
cockpit instrumentation.

Multi-Turbine-Enaine Aircraft

Multi-turbine-engine installation
requirements are largely a combination
of the multi-piston-engine and single-
Figure 9. Typical Vibratory Blade Stress - Turboprop turbine-engine requirements. Since
turbine propellers generally incorporate
Many turbine engines use propellers feathering features, the same type of
with four or more blades. Such propeller may be used with single- or
propellers are subject to "reactionless multi-engine turbine aircraft.
mode" vibration. This vibration mode
may be understood by visualizing a There are additional handling qualities
four-blade propeller in which adjacent and performance issues due to the
blades are flapping in opposite relatively higher power of the turboprop
directions. Such a mode is reactionless and the influence of the propeller
since there is no net force on the slipstreams on the wings. Stall speeds
propeller shaft, however internal for a number of configurations and
propeller stresses can be high enough power settings, and acceptable trim,
to cause a catastrophic propeller failure. stall, and dynamic control
characteristics are some of the items to
This vibration mode typically occurs
near engine idle RPM and requires a be investigated.
restriction on the propeller tachometer.
Most multi-turbine-engine aircraft also
An additional structural issue for a feature two additional propeller-related
turboprop installation is the whirl flutter systems. These are propeller de-ice and
mode in which the tip of the propeller synchronizing/synchrophasing systems.
spinner describes an elliptical path in a While early aircraft propeller de-ice
vertical plane. Due to the higher power systems used a liquid with a low
and lower vibration levels of a turbine freezing point (alcohol or glycol) to
engine relative to a piston engine, the prevent ice accumulations from
propeller used in a typical turbine adhering to the blade surface, most
newer installations use electro-thermal
installation has a higher moment of
"boots" which have resistance heating


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elements in them. The boots extend out early FAA agreement on a certification
to the blade radial location where plan, then following the plan, will
approximately 2,000 g's exist on the maximize the efficiency of the
blade. Outboard of the boots the g-field development and certification effort.
is so great that the ice naturally sheds
from the blade surface. REFERENCES

The magnitude of the de-ice system 1) FAR 21, Code of Federal

certification effort depends on whether Regulations (14 CFR), U.S.
or not "flight into known icing" approval Government Printing Office,
is being sought. If "flight into known Washington, D.C.
icing conditions" is prohibited by the
aircraft operating limitations, there are 2) FAR 23, Code of Federal
no requirements that the system must Regulations (14 CFR), U.S.
protect against a given icing envelope. Government Printing Office,
However, fit and function requirements, Washington, D.C.
electrical loads, and other equipment
requirements must still be addressed. 3) FAR 35, Code of Federal
Approval for flight into known icing Regulations (14 CFR), U.S.
conditions requires compliance with the Government Printing Office,
FAR Part 25 Appendix C envelope. Washington, D.C.
Some combination of test and analysis
is required depending on similarity to a 4) FAR 36, Code of Federal
previously tested and certified Regulations (14 CFR), U.S.
installation. Government Printing Office,
Washington, D.C.
Sychronizing or syncrophasing
equipment is usually installed on multi 5) FAA Advisory Circular 23-8A, Flight
engine aircraft to improve cabin comfort Test Guide for Certification of
by reducing noise and vibration. These Normal, Utility, and Acrobatic
systems match RPM between engines Category Airplanes, U.S.
in the case of a synchronizer, and RPM Department of Transportation,
and phase angles of the propellers in Federal Aviation Administration,
the case of a synchrophaser. Since 10/20/87.
these systems have limited authority
they are not essential to flight safety and 6) FAA Advisory Circular 23-1 5, Small
functional testing is sufficient to verify Airplane Certification Compliance
that the system operates properly. Program, U.S. Department of
Transportation, Federal Aviation
CONCLUSIONS Administration, 1/2/97.

The development and certification of a

new propeller installation requires
completion of a number of technical and
regulatory tasks to produce a safe and
efficient aircraft. The magnitude of the
effort depends on the complexity of the
aircraft, the powerplant type, and the
number of related systems. Receiving

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