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Ujian : □ Ujian Akhir Semester Program Studi : □

Teknik Informatika (S-1)

Manajemen Informatika
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Jenis Ujian : o Close Book
Dosen : Suparni, S. Pd., M. Pd. Waktu Pengerjaan : 60 menit

1. There are three basic of computer, please mention it!

2. Remake the following sentences using ”enough”!
a. The printer is quite good. It can print the character well.
b. That man is very stronge. He can remove the machine.
c. The secretary is very diligent. She can finish the job on time.
3. Mention some the types of Narrative!
4. Mention some expression to responding surprise!
5. Write the formula of :
a. Positive Degree
b. Comparative Degree
c. Superlative Degree
6. Mention some expression compliment of character!
7. Mention some method of writing a draft!
8. Mention some method of polishing an article
9. Make a dialogue using asking and giving opinion!
10. Make a dialogue using expression of apologizing

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