HER-2/neu Expression in Paget Disease of The Vulva and The Female Breast

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Gynecologic Oncology 95 (2004) 336 – 340


HER-2/neu expression in Paget disease of the vulva and the female breast
O. Brummera,*, H.-E. Stegnerb, G. Bfhmera, H. Kqhnlea, K.-U. Petrya
Department of Gynecologic Oncology, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, 22763, Germany
Department of Gynecologic Histopathology, Universitätsklinik Hamburg Eppendorf, 22763 Hamburg, Germany
Received 30 January 2004


Objectives. Paget disease of the vulva is a rare lesion that accounts for b1% of vulva neoplasms. A 12% prevalence of invasive Paget
carcinoma and a 4% prevalence of associated adenocarcinomas are described. Furthermore, a high recurrence rate of 30% after surgical
therapy is observed. This study aims to search for therapeutic strategies for recurrent Paget disease, which are less mutilating and less
aggressive than reexcision, x-ray therapy, or chemotherapy. Trastuzumab (Herceptink) is a recombinant monoclonal antibody against HER-
2/neu, approved by the U.S. FDA for the treatment of patients with HER-2/neu-positive metastatic breast carcinomas. The results of recent
studies indicate that HER-2/neu oncoprotein may play a role in the pathogenesis of extramammary Paget disease.
Methods. Using HercepTestk, we analyzed HER-2/neu overexpression in seven noninvasive Paget lesions, two invasive lesions, and one
Paget disease of the vulva with underlying adenocarcinoma. In addition, we investigated five mammary Paget diseases.
Results. Overexpression of HER-2/neu oncoprotein labeling exclusively the membranes of Paget cells was demonstrated in 8 out of 10
cases. One noninvasive and one with underlying adenocarcinoma stained negatively. Overexpression of HER-2/neu was demonstrated in all
five cases of mammary Paget disease.
Conclusion. Using HercepTestk as a standardized detection system, overexpression of HER-2/neu can be demonstrated in a majority of
both noninvasive and invasive Paget disease of the vulva. The use of Trastuzumab should be considered for the treatment of patients with
recurrent Paget disease of the vulva with overexpression of HER-2/neu.
D 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Introduction development, the cells of the stratum germinativum give rise

to the skin appendages including the apocrine glands and the
Paget disease of the vulva is a rare lesion that accounts for overlying mature squamous epithelium [3]. Also, the
b1% of vulva neoplasms [1]. It is a manifestation of mammary gland is an apocrine differentiated skin append-
extramammary Paget disease. Mammary Paget disease was age. The appearance of apocrine differentiated Paget cells as
originally described as a breast lesion with associated a neoplasm of the nipple as well as a disease of the vulva
underlying invasive ductal adenocarcinoma. According to evidences this embryological kinship. A 12% prevalence of
the location, it is classified as mammary or extramammary invasive vulva Paget disease and a 4% prevalence of
disease [2]. Although controversy still exists as to the true associated vulva adenocarcinoma are described [1]. There
nature of vulvar Paget disease, the majority of lesions appear is also an association with other malignancy in 20% of the
to be an intraepithelial form of malignancy of apocrine origin cases [2]. After surgical treatment, which appears to be the
involving the skin and its appendages. Paget disease of the established primary therapy, 30% of the patients experience
vulva is an epidermal neoplasm. During embryological local recurrences within 8 years [1,4]. In excising the lesion,
it is important to recognize that the lesion frequently extends
beyond the clinically apparent borders. Due to the high
* Corresponding author. Allgemeines Krankenhaus Hamburg Altona,
Gyn7kologie und Geburtshilfe, Paul-Ehrlich-Str. 1, 22763 Hamburg,
recurrence rate, different therapeutic options like reexcision,
Germany. Fax: +49 40 8822 4707. chemotherapy (5-FU), and x-ray therapy have been dis-
E-mail address: oliver.brummer@gmx.de (O. Brummer). cussed. Since these are burdening therapies for a noninvasive
0090-8258/$ - see front matter D 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
O. Brummer et al. / Gynecologic Oncology 95 (2004) 336–340 337

disease, it is crucial to search for therapeutic strategies with protein expression. The sections were deparaffinized in
higher tolerability. xylene and rehydrated through graded ethanols to distilled
HER-2/neu, also known as c-erbB-2, is a transmembrane water. The sections were immersed in 958C preheated Dako
receptor with overexpression in 25–30% of primary breast Epitope Retrieval Solution (10 mM citrate buffer, pH 6).
carcinomas [5,6]. HER-2/neu receptor protein has tyrosine Following this procedure, the slides were heated at 958C for
kinase activity [7,8]. Prior studies demonstrate a 95% 40 min. After a 20-min cool-down period at room temper-
positivity for HER-2/neu in Paget disease of the nipple with ature, the sections were washed with Dako Wash Buffer, a
underlying intraductal and invasive carcinomas [9]. It has procedure that followed every subsequent incubation.
been demonstrated that HER-2/neu overexpression in breast Endogenous peroxidase was blocked with Dako Blocking
carcinomas is associated with poor patient prognosis and Buffer for 5 min at room temperature. The slides were
aggressive disease potential [6,10–13]. Similar results could incubated with primary polyclonal rabbit antihuman HER-2/
be found in the majority of extramammary vulva Paget neu antibody, supplied in the kit, for 30 min at room
disease [14–17]. temperature. Bound primary antibody was labeled by
Trastuzumab (Herceptink, Gentech, South San Fran- incubating the slides with Dako Visualization Reagent
cisco L.A.) is a recombinant monoclonal antibody against (horseradish peroxidase-labeled dextran polymer conjugated
HER-2/neu for the treatment of patients with metastatic to affinity-purified goat antirabbit immunoglobulins in Tris-
breast carcinoma, with overexpression of HER-2/neu. Initial HCl) for 30 min. Color development was achieved with 3,3-
clinical trials with Trastuzumab suggest a prolongation of diaminobenzidine (DAB) for 10 min. The sections were
survival for patients with advanced metastatic breast cancer counterstained with hematoxylin. To confirm validation of
[18]. The U.S. FDA approved the usefulness of a stand- the staining, control cell slides, provided in the kit and
ardized diagnostic kit for detection of HER-2/neu over- consisting of three pelleted, formalin-fixed, paraffin-embed-
expression. This test is an immunohistochemical staining ded human breast cell lines with known HER-2/neu positivity
system for semiquantitative evaluation of HER-2/neu (MDA-231: 0; MDA-175: 1+; SK-BR-3: 3+), were stained
expression. The standardized results of the HercepTestk simultaneously. The negative controls underwent a similar
correspond with the therapeutic effect of Trastuzumab staining procedure with the exclusion of primary antibody.
against breast cancer [19,20].
It is the objective of this study to evaluate the HER-2/neu
expression status in Paget disease of the vulva using the
HercepTestk as a standardized detection system. For a
possible new indication for Herceptink treatment, it is
crucial to demonstrate a HER-2/neu overexpression in Paget
disease of the vulva.

Materials and methods

Paraffin blocks from 15 cases (n = 15) with Paget disease

were chosen from the archive of the Department of
Pathology/University of Hanover.
Seven patients were diagnosed by the histopathologist
with noninvasive and two patients with invasive Paget
disease of the vulva. One patient showed noninvasive Paget
disease of the vulva with underlying adenocarcinoma. It is a
small group but a rare disease. These 10 cases represent all
patients with this diagnosis in our Colposcopy Clinic from
1996 to 2002.
Five patients were chosen with Paget disease of the nipple,
three of them with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and two of
them with invasive carcinoma. Sections of 5-Am thickness
were cut and transferred onto slides, previously coated with
aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APES) (Sigma, Gillingham,
UK). The 15 patients were diagnosed, treated, and observed
by the Department of Gynecologic Oncology, University of
HercepTestk was performed in accordance with the Fig. 1. Noninvasive Paget disease of the vulva, HE staining. Paget cells in
manufacturer’s guidelines for evaluation of HER-2/neu the basal layers. Magnification 240.
338 O. Brummer et al. / Gynecologic Oncology 95 (2004) 336–340

Fig. 3. Paget disease of the vulva with underlying adenocarcinoma with

negative HercepTest immunostaining in the area of adenocarcinoma.
Magnification 240.

Following the U.S. FDA-approved scoring guidelines for

breast carcinomas, only membrane staining intensity and
pattern were evaluated using the 0 to 3+ scale as illustrated
in the HercepTestk kit scoring guidelines (0 for no staining
at all or membrane staining in less than 10% of the tumor
cells; 1+ for only partial, weak staining of the cell
membrane of more than 10% of the tumor cells; 2+ for
moderate staining of the complete cell membrane in more
than 10% of the tumor cells; 3+ for intense staining of the
complete membrane in more than 10% of the tumor cells).
Fig. 2. HercepTest immunostaining of noninvasive Paget disease of the
In accordance with the HercepTestk kit guide, HER-2/neu
vulva. 3+ Staining exclusively in the membranes of Paget cells, whereas overexpression was assessed as negative for scores of 0 and
normal epithelial is negative. Same case and same area as Fig. 1. 1+ and positive for scores of 2+ and 3+.
Magnification 240.

This antibody was replaced by a normal rabbit serum (Dako Results

Negative Control Reagent). The antibody used in Hercep-
Testk did not exhibit cross-reactivity to HER-3 and HER-4 Noninvasive Paget disease of the vulva
in Western blot analysis (manufacturer’s instructions).
Using HercepTestk and the U.S. FDA-approved
Table 1
scoring system, overexpression of HER-2/neu was dem-
HER-2/neu expression in Paget disease of the vulva and the female breast onstrated in six out of seven cases: five cases with 3+, one
Patient Diagnosis HercepTestk score
1 IEP 3+
2 IEP 3+
3 IEP 3+
4 IEP 3+
5 IEP 3+
6 IEP 2+
7 IEP 1+
8 IP 3+
9 IP 3+
10 PA 1+/
11 PDN 3+
12 PDN 3+
13 PDN + DCIS 3+
14 PDN + DCIS + IC 3+
15 PDN + DCIS + IC 2+
Abbreviations: IEP, intraepithelial Paget disease; IP, invasive Paget disease;
PA, Paget disease and adenocarcinoma; PDN, Paget disease of the nipple; Fig. 4. Paget disease of the nipple with underlying DCIS, HE staining.
DCIS, ductal carcinoma in situ; IC, invasive breast carcinoma. Magnification 120.
O. Brummer et al. / Gynecologic Oncology 95 (2004) 336–340 339

The extent of histologically demonstrated disease is far

greater than the visible lesion because the lesion tends to be
multicentric and diffuse in origin [23,25]. Several authors
have shown that positive margins after surgery do not
correlate with recurrent disease [4,23,25,26]. The consensus
regarding treatment is that wide local excision is adequate for
lesions without invasive growth. Woodruff [27] recommen-
ded that excision of the underlying tissue should be deep
enough to include the skin appendages to rule out invasive
growth in the subepithelial glands. The high recurrence rate
of about 30%, even after extensive local excision, represents
a therapeutic dilemma. The adequate management of patients
with extensive lesions or recurrent disease is still far from
Fig. 5. HercepTest, Paget disease of the nipple with underlying DCIS,
being fully resolved. Morbidity from repeated surgery,
strong immunostaining (3+) in DCIS. Same case and same area as Fig. 4. especially in elderly women, can be high. Only a few reports
Magnification 120. discuss the use of radiotherapy [28,29]. A dose higher than
50 Gy is recommended, with the well-known side effects of
vulvar radiotherapy [30]. There are also some studies
case with 2+. Staining was visible exclusively in the reporting on chemoradiotherapy for invasive and noninva-
membranes of Paget cells, whereas normal epithelium was sive Paget disease [31–33]. HER-2/neu overexpression has
negative (Figs. 1 and 2). Case number 7 showed a 1+ been demonstrated in mammary Paget disease in several
score (Table 1). studies [9,34], but rarely investigated in Paget disease of the
vulva. HER-2/neu oncoprotein expression may play a role in
Invasive Paget carcinoma promoting the intraepithelial spread of adenocarcinoma cells
Two cases of invasive Paget carcinoma showed clear Trastuzumab-based combination therapy has been pro-
membrane signals, scoring 3+ in all Paget cells (invasive as ven effective of the treatment for patients with metastatic
well as intraepithelial tumor areas). Normal epithelium breast carcinomas with overexpression of HER-2/neu. The
stained negatively. U.S. FDA has approved HercepTest as a standardized
diagnostic kit to detect HER-2/neu overexpression. HER-2/
Paget disease of the vulva and underlying adenocarcinoma neu targeted immunotherapy in our department requires
either HER-2/neu protein overexpression in case of 3+
The adenocarcinoma stained negatively for HER-2/neu staining or HER-2/neu gene amplification by FISH analysis
(Fig. 3). The tumor areas with intraepithelial Paget cells in case of 2+ staining. The therapeutic effect of Trastuzumab
were rare in the investigated sections and stained 1+. against breast carcinoma is reflected by the results obtained
with HercepTest.
Paget disease of the nipple The present study evaluates HER-2/neu overexpression
status in Paget disease of the vulva. Overexpression in eight
Three cases with underlying DCIS showed intensive out of ten cases (80%) could be demonstrated. Two of them
staining with 3+ in Paget disease as well as in DCIS (Figs. 4 were invasive Paget carcinomas. One case of noninvasive
and 5). One case, with underlying invasive carcinoma, Paget disease and one case of underlying adenocarcinoma
stained 3+, the other one stained 2+ in Paget disease and stained negatively. Five investigated cases of mammary
invasive carcinoma. Paget disease showed strong expression. Staining, exclu-
sively in Paget cells, was observed in all cases. In
conclusion, based on the experience in HER-2/neu-positive
Discussion metastatic breast carcinoma, Trastuzumab therapy should be
considered as a possible new therapeutic strategy in selected
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Paget disease of the vulva are misdiagnosed, because with overexpression of HER-2/neu.
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steroid creams and antifungal or antibiotic agents are usually
the first therapies. The average interval from symptom onset References
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