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MANAGERIAL FINANCE Marketable securities - Short-term debt

instruments, such as U.S. Treasury bills,

DEFINITION OF TERMS: commercial paper, and negotiable certificates
of deposit issued by government, business, and
CHAPTER 2 – THE FINANCIAL MARKET ENVIRONMENT financial institutions, respectively.
FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Eurocurrency market - International equivalent
of the domestic money market.
Financial institution - An intermediary that channels the
savings of individuals, businesses, and governments into Capital market - A market that enables suppliers and
loans or investments. demanders of long-term funds to make transactions.
Major Financial Institutions Key Securities Traded: Bonds and Stocks
Commercial banks - Institutions that provide savers Bond - Long-term debt instrument used by business and
with a secure place to invest their funds and that offer government to raise large sums of money, generally
loans to individual and business borrowers. from a diverse group of lenders.
Investment banks - Institutions that assist companies in Preferred stock - A special form of ownership having a
raising capital, advise firms on major transactions such fixed periodic dividend that must be paid prior to
as mergers or financial restructurings, and engage in payment of any dividends to common stockholders.
trading and market making activities.
Broker Markets and Dealer Markets
Glass-Steagall Act - An act of Congress in 1933
that created the federal deposit insurance Broker market - The securities exchanges on which the
program and separated the activities of two sides of a transaction, the buyer and seller, are
commercial and investment banks. brought together to trade securities.

Shadow banking system - A group of institutions that Securities exchanges - Organizations that
engage in lending activities, much like traditional banks, provide the marketplace in which firms can
but do not accept deposits and therefore are not raise funds through the sale of new securities
subject to the same regulations as traditional banks. and purchasers can resell securities.

FINANCIAL MARKETS Dealer market - The market in which the buyer and
seller are not brought together directly but instead have
Financial markets - Forums in which suppliers of funds their orders executed by securities dealers that “make
and demanders of funds can transact business directly. markets” in the given security.
Private placement - The sale of a new security directly Market makers - Securities dealers who “make
to an investor or group of investors. markets” by offering to buy or sell certain
securities at stated prices.
Public offering - The sale of either bonds or stocks to
the general public. Bid price - The highest price offered to purchase
a security.
Primary market - Financial market in which securities
are initially issued; the only market in which the issuer is Ask price - The lowest price at which a security
directly involved in the transaction. is offered for sale.
Secondary market - Financial market in which International Capital Markets
preowned securities (those that are not new issues) are
traded. Eurobond market - The market in which corporations
and governments typically issue bonds denominated in
2 KEY FINANCIAL MARKETS dollars and sell them to investors located outside the
United States.
Money market - A financial relationship created
between suppliers and demanders of short-term funds.
International equity market - A market that allows
corporations to sell blocks of shares to investors in a
number of different countries simultaneously.

The Role of Capital Markets

Efficient market - A market that allocates funds to their

most productive uses as a result of competition among
wealth-maximizing investors and that determines and
publicizes prices that are believed to be close to their
true value.



Securitization - The process of pooling mortgages or

other types of loans and then selling claims or securities
against that pool in the secondary market.

Mortgage-backed securities - Securities that represent

claims on the cash flows generated by a pool of



Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) - An

agency created by the Glass-Steagall Act that provides
insurance for deposits at banks and monitors banks to
ensure their safety and soundness.

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act - An act that allows business

combinations (that is, mergers) between commercial
banks, investment banks, and insurance companies, and
thus permits these institutions to compete in markets
that prior regulations prohibited them from entering.



Securities Act of 1933 - An act that regulates the sale of

securities to the public via the primary market.

Securities Exchange Act of 1934 - An act that regulates

the trading of securities such as stocks and bonds in the
secondary market.

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) - The

primary government agency responsible for enforcing
federal securities laws.
SUMMARY: primary securities traded in the money market. The
Eurocurrency market is the international equivalent of
In contrast, the capital market is the forum in
Chapter 2 described why financial institutions and which savers and borrowers interact on a long-term
markets are an integral part of managerial finance. basis. Firms issue either debt (bonds) or equity (stock)
Companies cannot get started or survive without raising securities in the capital market. Once issued, these
capital, and financial institutions and markets give firms securities trade on secondary markets that are either
access to the money they need to grow. As we have broker markets or dealer markets. An important
seen in recent years, however, financial markets can be function of the capital market is to determine the
quite turbulent, and when large financial institutions get underlying value of the securities issued by businesses.
into trouble, access to capital is reduced and firms In an efficient market, the price of a security is an
throughout the economy suffer as a result. Taxes are an unbiased estimate of its true value.
important part of this story as well because the rules
governing how business income is taxed shape the LG4. Explain the root causes of the 2008 financial crisis
incentives of firms to make new investments. and recession.

REVIEW OF LEARNING GOALS The financial crisis was caused by several factors related
to investments in real estate. Financial institutions
LG1. Understand the role that financial institutions lowered their standards for lending to prospective
play in managerial finance. homeowners, and institutions also invested heavily in
mortgage-backed securities. When home prices fell and
Financial institutions bring net suppliers of funds and mortgage delinquencies rose, the value of the
net demanders together to help translate the savings of mortgage-backed securities held by banks plummeted,
individuals, businesses, and governments into loans and causing some banks to fail and many others to restrict
other types of investments. The net suppliers of funds the flow of credit to business. That in turn contributed
are generally individuals or households who save more to a severe recession in the United States and abroad.
money than they borrow. Businesses and governments
are generally net demanders of funds, meaning that LG5. Understand the major regulations and regulatory
they borrow more money than they save. bodies that affect financial institutions and markets.

LG2. Contrast the functions of financial institutions and The Glass-Steagall Act created the FDIC and imposed a
financial markets. separation between commercial and investment banks.
The act was designed to limit the risks that banks could
Both financial institutions and financial markets help take and to protect depositors. More recently, the
businesses raise the money that they need to fund new Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act essentially repealed the
investments for growth. Financial institutions collect the elements of GlassSteagall pertaining to the separation
savings of individuals and channel those funds to of commercial and investment banks. After the recent
borrowers such as businesses and governments. financial crisis, much debate has occurred regarding the
Financial markets provide a forum in which savers and proper regulation of large financial institutions.
borrowers can transact business directly. Businesses
and governments issue debt and equity securities The Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities
directly to the public in the primary market. Subsequent Exchange Act of 1934 are the major pieces of legislation
trading of these securities between investors occurs in shaping the regulation of financial markets. The 1933
the secondary market. act focuses on regulating the sale of securities in the
primary market, whereas the 1934 act deals with
LG3. Describe the differences between the capital regulations governing transactions in the secondary
markets and the money markets. market. The 1934 act also created the Securities and
Exchange Commission, the primary body responsible for
In the money market, savers who want a temporary
enforcing federal securities laws.
place to deposit funds where they can earn interest
interact with borrowers who have a short term need for LG6. Discuss business taxes and their importance in
funds. Marketable securities including Treasury bills, financial decisions.
commercial paper, and other instruments are the
Corporate income is subject to corporate taxes.
Corporate tax rates apply to both ordinary income (after
deduction of allowable expenses) and capital gains. The
average tax rate paid by a corporation ranges from 15
to 35 percent. Corporate taxpayers can reduce their
taxes through certain provisions in the tax code:
dividend income exclusions and tax-deductible
expenses. A capital gain occurs when an asset is sold for
more than its initial purchase price; gains are added to
ordinary corporate income and taxed at regular
corporate tax rates.

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