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unit- warehouse- quantity - value- date - type- item - item list - unit - item id

select inv.intUnitID, wear.strWareHoseName, list.intItemID,

list.strItemName, list.strItemType, inv.numTransactionQty,
unit.strUoM, inv.monTransactionValue,cast (inv.dteTransactionDate as date) date
from tblInventory as inv
inner join tblWearHouse as wear on inv.intWHID = wear.intWHID
inner join tblUnitOfMeasurement as unit on inv.intUnitID = unit.intUoM
inner join tblItemlist as list on inv.intItemID = list.intItemID

where inv.dteTransDate between '2021-01-01' and '2021-01-31' and wear.intUnitID =



tbl inventory,warehaouse,


purchase order item-item name -po id- po value- po quanity- suplier - suplier

select p.intPOID, list.intItemID ,pd.numQty, pd.monAmount, list.strItemName,

s.strSupplierName, s.strOrgAddress
from tblPurchaseOrderMain as p
inner join tblItemlist as list on p.intUnitID = list.intUnitID
inner join tblPurchaseOrderShipmentItemDetail as pd on p.intPOID = pd.intPOID
inner join tblSupplier as s on p.intSupplierID = s.intSupplierID
where p.dtePODate between '2021-01-01' and '2021-01-31'


select cus.intCustid, cus.strCountry, c.strName, c.strPhone from tblAGCustomerInfo

as cus
inner join [ERP_SAD].[dbo].[tblCustomer] as c on cus.intCustid = c.intCusID;

create database intern53

create table tblCourseProfile

intCourseID int not null identity(1,1),
strCourseName varchar(250) not null,
intCourseCategoryId int not null,
strCourseDescription varchar(500) null,
strCourseCategoryName varchar(255) null,
intSubCategoryId int not null,
strSubCategoryName varchar(255) null,
strCreatedBy varchar(200) not null,
isActive bit not null,
dteSaverEntryDate datetime not null,
dteLastEntryDate datetime not null,

primary key (intCourseId)

INSERT INTO tblCourseProfile
(strCourseName, intCourseCategoryId, strCourseDescription,
strCourseCategoryName, intSubCategoryId,
strSubCategoryName, strCreatedBy, isActive )
('Java', 1, 'Java from beinging to mid level', 'Development', 3, 'Programming
Languages', 'Ibrahim', 1)

select * from tblCourseProfile

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