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TCVN 4474-1987

Internal drainage – Design standard


Group H

Internal drainage - Design standard

This standard shall be replaced for TCXD19:1964 “Internal drainage - Design standard”.
This applied standard is aimed to design internal drainage for houses, facilities, manufacturing
and auxiliary houses of industrial factories, new or renovated construction agricultural-forestry

Note: On designing internal drainage, not only regulations in this standard but other currently relevant standards
shall be complied with.

1. General regulations

1.1 Internal drainage is designed to make storm water in the gutter escape to external
Internal drainage includes: sanitary ware (“collecting funnel”, wash-hand basin,
washing tub, chamber-pot, etc.), drainage feeder pipe, riser, water-exhausting pipe,
valve, lock, …, internal drainage pipelines.
Internal drainage also has local cleaning works if necessary.

1.2 Depending on components of wastewater, topographical, hydrographical, geological

conditions, underground water level, construction size, combination of present and
future, internal drainage can be organized so as to be suitable to external construction

In case that the project is not in the area of external drainage or cleaning works, then
should design local cleaning works.

The selection of local cleaning works is specified in the standard “Urban drainage.
Design standard”.

2. Drainage standard and flow of wastewater calculation

2.1 Standard of wastewater shall be in accordance with standard of water usage, regulation
in the standard “Internal supply. Design standard”.

Standard of industrial wastewater shall be in accordance with requirements of

production technology.

1. Drainage coefficient does not regulate hour of wastewater calculated in accordance with standard
“Urban drainage. Design standard”.
2. Drainage coefficient does not regulate hour of industrial wastewater calculated in accordance with
requirements of production technology

2.2 Circulation of wastewater calculated in 1 second of each sanitary device, diameter and
slope of drainage branch pipe from sanitary device shall be applied in accordance with
Table 1.
Table 1
Type of sanitary equipment Flow of wastewater Diameter of drainage Minimum slope
(l/s) pipe (mm) of pipeline
- Wastewater basin 0.33 50 0.025
- Water closet with drain pot (linked directly 1.5 – 1.6 100 -
with riser)
- Water closet with drain pot (linked with
0.8 – 0.9 100 0.02
layer horizontal pipe with branch pipe of
more than 1.5m long)
- Water closet with drain tap (without drain 1.2 – 1.4 100 0.02
0.05 50 0.02
- Urinal
0.3 50 0.02
- Urinal with automatic drainage
0.07 40-50 0.02
- Wash basin (without button)
0.67 50 0.025
- Single sink
1 50 0.025
- Double sink
5 100 0.02
- Wash-hand basin
1.1 50 0.02
- Bathtub
0.2 50 0.025
- Shower
0.15 50 0.02
- Bidet
0.07 50 0.02
- Tap

3. Internal drainage
3.1 Depending on characteristics and dirtiness of wastewater, shall design drainage system
for wastewater as follows:
a) Wastewater drainage
b) Industrial water drainage (can include one or more systems depending on
wastewater components)
c) Combined wastewater drainage: for exhausting wastewater and industrial
wastewater if cleaning overall)
d) Roof storm water drainage

3.2 Design separate drainage of industrial wastewater for discharging various types of
wastewater in components, erosion, temperature, cleaning feature, chemical wastewater
can make reaction resulting in poison or explosion when mixing in other types of
wastewater. Neutralize wastewater before discharging into urban drainage network
(wastewater of gride workshop, heat processing workshop, etc.)

1. Selecting materials for pipelines should be based on wastewater characteristics
2. When temperature of industrial wastewater is over 40 0C, there should be a cooling method before
discharging into urban drainage system.

4. Wastewater collecting instrument

4.1 Pipelines, pipe linking accessories, sanitary equipments, assembling parts and materials
used for forming internal drainage must meet requirements in this standard and other
currently relevant standards.

4.2 Wastewater collecting funnel must be made from durable, water-proofing, wastewater’s
chemical unaffected materials.
Sanitary equipments must be ensured to be tight, available, durable and safe operation,
smooth surface and easy to clean.
Note: Wastewater collecting funnel is made from non enamel cast iron, and should paint a rust resistant
cover for both sides prior to construct.

4.3 Internal side of cast iron sanitary equipments (bath room, wash-hand basin, wastewater
basin, etc.) must be enameled and external side must be painted water-absorbing cover
or enameled.

- Surface of steel sanitary equipments (excluding stainless steel) must be enameled in

both sides.
- Internal and external side of porcelain and pottery sanitary equipments (wash-face
basin, wash-hang basin, siphon, etc.) must be enameled.
- Internal and external side of brick or concrete sanitary equipments (wash-hand
basin, bathtub, etc.) must be enameled or coloured in cement.
- Sanitary instruments and technical equipments of clinic and kindergarten must meet
requirements of medical sanitation
Note: Not utilize granite and cement water closet to collect wastewater, shit.

4.4 Sanitary equipments and collecting instruments of industrial and domestic wastewater
linking with internal drainage pipeline with siphon pipes must be set under equipments
or in equipment’s composition. Installing hanging chamber pot should use siphon with
catheter. Installing bathtub should use siphon shown on the floor. Installing wash-face
basin should use bottle-neck siphon.

1. It is allowable to install a siphon pipe with catheter of 50mm diameter for a group of not more than 6
wash-face basins in a room or a group of wash-hand basins and other sanitary equipments which
wastewater has not much large sediments leading to obstruction in pipelines, but not more than 4
basins (equipments)
Not install a siphon linking with 2 wash-face basins …. in 2 sides of partition (dividing wall) of 2
different walls.
2. When installing bottle-neck siphon pipes for drainage pipelines from wash-face basin to branch
pipes, it is unnecessary to install checked pipes on that drainage pipeline.
3. When installing siphon pipes with catheter in branch pipeline of less than 2.5m, it is unnecessary to
install checked pipes on that drainage pipeline.
4. Depending on contamination of industrial wastewater, then should install a common siphon pipe for
a group of wastewater collecting equipments.
5. It is allowable to uninstall siphons for industrial wastewater collecting equipments which is not
contaminated during manufacture or
4.5 Type and number of necessary sanitary equipments to equip for every project must be in
accordance with design standard of using construction materials specified for that

4.6 Type and number of industrial wastewater collecting equipments are specified by
technological design.

4.7 Use sanitary equipments which drainage branch pipes link from sanitary equipment to
riser shown on the floor.

5. Network of internal drainage pipelines

5.1 Network of internal wastewater and storm water drainage must utilize cast-iron drainage
pipe, flexible pipe, cement-asbestos pipe or 2-side glazed terra-cotta pipe
Internal industrial wastewater drainage must utilize horizontal pipes, 2-side glazed terra-
cotta pipe, concrete pipe, cement-asbestos pipe, glass pipe, flexible pipe and steel pipe.
Selecting materials of pipe must be based on ingredients and temperature of required
wastewater for durability of material and specified design standard of using construction
1. Drainage pipes from wash-hand basin to risers can utilize steel pipes or galvanized steel pipe
2. Porcelain pipelines and accessories shall be in accordance with TCVN 3706-83 used for discharging
wastewater and storm water inside low-standard houses.

5.2 Internal drainage pipelines can be installed in 2 ways:

Opened: in basement, technical floor, toilet, workshop, auxiliary house and linked with
load-resistant structure of the house (wall, pillar, ceiling, truss, etc.)
Closed: installed in floor structure, under floor, (in the ground, trench), block, panel,
cylinder box, etc. but must be ensured to be able to replace and repair pipelines,
accessories easily and well water-proof.

5.3 Not install drainage pipes in the following places:

a) In the ceiling, wall and floor, bedroom, kindergarten, sick-room, clinic, lunch
room, office room, meeting room, audience room, library, lecture hall, transformer
station, automatically controlling station, ventilation chamber and high-standard
sanitary manufacturers.
b) In the ceiling (opened or closed): kitchen, public facilities, sales area, storage of
food and precious goods, art decorating room, moistureless factory, manufacturing
room of materials and precious goods.
Note: Industrial and domestic wastewater drainage network in the shop, restaurant, cafeteria in other
type of house must have private exhausting pipe.

5.4 Risers must be installed nearby water closet, far from passing-by place, bedroom, sitting
room, lobby, etc. If installing risers in the corner of load-resistant wall, it is ensured
connection between risers and projects’ structure.

5.5 If have any aesthetical requirement for the project then should design technical floors of
cylinder box to install drainage pipelines. The technical floors must have checked gate
of 600x600mm. Cylinder box has cleared gate of minimum 200x200mm. The cover of
cleared gate is installed coincidental with checked gate of risers.

5.6 Industrial and domestic wastewater drainage with toxic gas must be ventilated through
risers. Air ventilation pipe must be installed higher than roof 0.7m (applied for houses
of more than 1 level).

Note: In exception cases, sanitary equipments (water closet, wash-hand basin) of boiler station and heat
supply in basement can be linked directly with external drainage through separate drainage pipelines
without installing ventilation pipe in the roof.

5.7 Regulations of vertical ventilation pipe and checked well in industrial wastewater
drainage with toxic and explosive gas must be in accordance with safety technical
guidelines of separate construction design in the industry.

5.8 Not connect vertical ventilation pipe of wastewater drainage pipelines with air
ventilation and chimney of the house.
1. Ventilation pipe of riser in the roof must be installed far from windows and balcony at least 4m (in
horizontal direct)
2. If flat roof is used for traveling, then ventilation pipe must be installed higher than the roof at least
3m from roof’s surface to pipe’s top. Ventilation pipe must have rain sheltering cover.

5.9 It is possible to use a common ventilation pipe for some drainage risers which diameter
of ventilation pipe for a group of risers must be equal to the maximum diameter of riser
plus 50mm.

5.10 In case that flow of wastewater in drainage risers exceeds allowable flow in Table 8, a
secondary ventilation pipe should be installed.

5.11 It is possible to connect drainage pipe with secondary ventilation pipe with a connection
point in each level. Diameter of ventilation pipelines depends on diameter of drainage
pipe as shown in Table 2.

Table 2


Diameter of drainage risers 50 75 100 150

Diameter of ventilation pipes is not less than 40 50 75 100

5.12 For drainage branch pipelines for more than 6 water closets, an auxiliary ventilation
pipeline with diameter of 40mm should be installed and connected with the biggest
point of branch pipe regardless of level.

5.13 Auxiliary ventilation pipelines must be connected with drainage pipelines in accordance
with conditions as follows:

a) If auxiliary ventilation pipelines have only one level then should connect them with
drainage risers. The connection place must be higher than upper edge of sanitary
equipments or checked pipe of upper edge and connected with branch of cross T in
the direction of flowing water into risers.

b) If having auxiliary ventilation pipelines in some levels (in the same direction) then
should connect auxiliary ventilation pipelines together and with drainage risers as
shown in point (a) of this item.

c) Horizontal parts of auxiliary ventilation pipe should be installed higher than edge
of sanitary equipment and their slope is not less than 0.01 in the direction up to
drainage pipelines.

5.14 It is impossible to install cross T square pipes in the branch pipelines of industrial and
domestic wastewater drainage network with high level dirtiness.

5.15 In internal industrial and domestic wastewater drainage pipelines, checked pipes or
cleared pipes should be installed.
If not having horizontal branch pipe section in the risers, then should install checked
pipes in the lowest and highest level. In case of having horizontal branch pipe section in
the risers, levels in this section should be installed checked pipe. Center of checked
pipe’s mouth should be higher than floor surface 1m and edge of connecting sanitary
equipment at least 0.15m.
For houses of more than 5 floors, checked pipe of risers should be installed at least one
pipe per 3 floors.
When drainage branch pipe sections for 3 or more than 3 sanitary equipments below
which sanitary equipments have not checked pipes, cleared pipes should be installed in
the head of flowing water direction of branch pipes.
In converting direction places of branch pipelines with converting angle of more than
300, they should be installed cleared pipes or checked pipes.
In horizontally straight pipe sections, checked pipes or cleared pipes should be installed
as specified in Table 3.
1. It should replace checked pipes in branch pipe sections hanging in the roof with cleared pipes whose
mouth must be higher than or equal to floor surface of upper level but suitable to utilizing
characteristics of the room.
2. In wastewater drainage network in the shops, restaurants, cafeterias, it should not install checked
pipes and cleared pipes. Risers of this drainage system from the upper must be installed in the tight
box and floor.
3. When connecting horizontal pipe sections of drainage network with 3 water closets, 6 wash-face
basins or other sanitary equipments without checked pipes, the head of horizontal pipe section
should be installed cleared pipes.
4. Cleared pipes must have bell mouths with diameter of 50mm.
5. Cleared pipes and checked pipes should be installed in easy-managing places.
6. In storm water drainage risers, checked pipes must be installed in the lowest level. When installing S
pipes in the risers, checked pipes should be installed in S pipes.
7. In horizontal drainage pipelines, checked pipes must be installed in a circular or square well with
diameter or side of at least 0.7m length.
The bottom of well must have slope in the direction of checked pipe’s flange and not less than 0.05.
Table 3
Distance between checked pipes and cleared pipes
depends on wastewater’s characteristics
Industrial Wastewater, Industrial Type of
Pipe’s diameter wastewater shit, urine, wastewater with equipments for
(mm) without industrial unsolved clearance
dirtiness wastewater with substances
the same
From 50 – 75 13 12 10 Checked pipes
From 50 – 75 10 8 6 Cleared pipes
From 100 – 150 20 15 12 Checked pipes
From 100 – 150 15 10 8 Cleared pipes
200 25 20 15 Checked pipes

5.16 In storm water and non-dirty industrial wastewater drainage pipelines, it is possible to
install checked well inside industrial house.
Checked well in internal industrial wastewater drainage network should be located in
the following places: turning point of pipelines, connecting point of branch pipes, in
straight pipelines if they are non-dirty industrial wastewater, distance of installing wells
are not more than 40mm, and not more than 30mm if they are dirty industrial
In drainage pipelines of domestic and industrial wastewater with bad odour and toxic
gas, it is impossible to install checked well inside the house.
Note: In special cases, if not implementing regulations in Item 5.16 then should have agreement of
utilizing party and install tightly checked well in the lobby and under the staircases.

5.17 Drainage pipelines installed easily damaged places due to hitting should be protected in
cylinder box or panel (which should be placed in the basement, corner).

5.18 It is impossible to set the edge of sanitary equipment in the basement lower than the
nearest surface of well’s cover.

1. It is possible to install sanitary equipments in case of having workers regularly in the basement
2. In any case, sanitary equipment should be installed drainage siphon.

5.19 In exhausting pipelines connecting with external drainage network, manhole should be
installed. Internal diameter of manhole is calculated as follows:

- For pipes with diameter of 200mm and depth of installing pipes to 2m, internal
diameter of manhole is 700mm.

- For pipes with diameter of over 200mm and depth of installing pipes to 2m,
internal diameter of manhole is 1000mm.
5.20 The maximum length of discharge pipelines from risers or cleared pipes to the center of
manhole is identified in Table 4.

Table 4

Diameter of pipe (mm) Maximum length of discharge pipes (m)

50 and 75 6
100 and more than 100 8
Note: When length of discharge pipes is larger than one identified in table 4, additional
manhole should be installed.

5.21 The length of discharge pipelines from external wall edge of the house to the center of
well should not be less than:

- 3m in non-subsided area
- 5m in subsided area

5.22 In the houses with unused basement or technical floor of at least 0.6m height, it is
possible to install a common drainage pipeline for the building running to gable with the
condition of shortening the length of external drainage pipeline.

Diameter of common drainage pipeline and internal drainage pipelines is identified in

accordance with hydraulic calculation.

5.23 Discharge pipeline connecting with common drainage pipelines and external wastewater
drainage pipeline should create an angle of not less than 90 0 (calculated in the direction
flow water). If external pipelines are installed deeply then should create stair well:
- Opened:
- Closed:

5.24 Diameter of internal drainage pipelines connecting with external drainage is not less
than diameter of the largest riser connecting with this pipe.

5.25 Drainage pipe through wall of foundation or basement should leave holes of at least
0.4m height and distance between the top of pipe and the top of hole is not less than

After installing pipes then should conceal wall hole of flexible clay mixed with
macadam or broken brick, or stuff tightly oiled jute string.

5.26 When underground water level is higher than the top of drainage pipe, drainage pipe
section through underground wall must be put into steel or cast iron pipes and tattooed
by oiled jute string.

6. Calculation of pipeline hydraulic power

6.1 Calculated wastewater flow in the house and public houses must be identified according
to the following formula:

q = qc + qdc (1)
In which:

q – Calculated wastewater flow (l/s)

qc – Calculated flow of internal supply identified according to the standard “Internal

drainage. Design standard”

qdc – Wastewater flow of sanitary equipment with the largest flow calculated according
to Table 1 of this standard.

6.2 Calculated wastewater flow for suppliers and rooms in industrial factories are identified
in accordance with the following formula:

q t .n. p
q (2)
In which:
q - Calculated wastewater flow (l/s)
qt - Calculated wastewater flow of the same type of sanitary equipment (l/s)
n - Number of the same type of sanitary equipment
p - Simultaneous operation percentage of sanitary equipments

6.3 Industrial wastewater flow shall be specified by technological design requirements.

6.4 Simultaneous operation percentage of sanitary equipments in manufacturing places and

houses of industrial factories depends on the number of used sanitary equipments
calculated according to Table 5.

6.5 Calculated flow of horizontal drainage pipe section should comply to “Hydraulic
calculation of drainage network and Diuker pipe” and formula of Academician
Table 5
Quantity of sanitary equipments
Type of sanitary equipments
1 3 6 10 20 40 60 100 200
Types of washing basin, shower 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Hanging urinal with automatic 100 100 60 40 15 10 10 10 10
cleaning machine
Hanging urinal with discharge tap 100 70 50 40 35 30 30 25 25
Water closet with discharge tap or pot 100 30 25 20 15 10 10 10 5

1. When identifying wastewater flow in the factories, it should not consider wastewater flow from woman
2. Simultaneous operation percentage of wash-hand basin and other wastewater collecting equipments
not included in Table 5 shall be calculated in accordance with technological design.

6.6 Calculation of allowed maximum thickness of wastewater drainage pipelines is

calculated as shown in Table 6.

Table 6

Pipe’s diameter (mm) Maximum thickness Slope

Standard Minimum
50 0.5 of pipe’s diameter 0.035 0.025
75 0.5 of pipe’s diameter 0.03 0.02
100 0.5 of pipe’s diameter 0.02 0.012
125 0.5 of pipe’s diameter 0.015 0.01
150 0.6 of pipe’s diameter 0.01 0.007
200 0.6 of pipe’s diameter 0.008 0.005
1. Pipelines with diameter of 50mm draining from bathtub has allowed thickness of 0.8
2. Drainage pipes from wash-face basin to allowed common siphon has its slope of 0.01

6.7 The allowed minimum slope and maximum thickness of storm water and industrial
wastewater drainage pipelines is calculated as shown in Table 7.

Table 7

Pipe’s Drainage pipelines of non-dirty Drainage pipelines of dirty industrial

diameter industrial wastewater and storm water wastewater
(mm) Maximum thickness Minimum slope Maximum thickness Minimum slope
50 0.8 of pipe’s diameter 0.02 0.5 of pipe’s diameter 0.02
75 0.8 of pipe’s diameter 0.015 0.5 of pipe’s diameter 0.02
100 0.8 of pipe’s diameter 0.008 0.7 of pipe’s diameter 0.012
125 0.8 of pipe’s diameter 0.006 0.7 of pipe’s diameter 0.01
150 0.8 of pipe’s diameter 0.005 0.7 of pipe’s diameter 0.007
200 0.8 of pipe’s diameter 0.005 0.7 of pipe’s diameter 0.005

1. For pipe of 200mm diameter, minimum slope is specified according to the minimum
automatically cleaning speed of wastewater in design thickness as identified in standard
“Urban drainage. Design standard”
2. Maximum slope of drainage pipelines is not more than 0.15 (except branch pipeline of 1.5m
length connected from sanitary equipment)
3. Size and trench slope should be specified with the condition of ensuring automatically
cleaning speed of wastewater. Trench thickness is not more than 0.8m of trench height.
Trench width is not less than 0.2m.
Trench width is specified in accordance with composition and hydraulic calculation but when
trench height is more than 0.5m, its width is not less than 0.7m.

6.8 Drainage risers must have the same diameter according to pipe height. Riser’s diameter
is specified based on wastewater flow and angle created by branch pipe connected with
risers in the same level as shown in Table 8.

Table 8

Allowed wastewater flow (l/s)

Riser’s diameter (mm)
900 600 450
50 (75) 0.65 0.81 1.30
100 3.80 4.75 7.50
125 6.50 8.10 13.00
150 10.10 12.60 21.00
1. Selected riser’s diameter is not less than maximum diameter of branch pipes connected
with risers.
2. When installing single water closet in lower floor of high rise building, diameter of
allowed ventilation riser is calculated equal to 50mm.

6.9 Internal drainage risers must be designed with the minimum diameter of 75mm. In case
of draining urine and shit, the minimum diameter of risers is 100mm.

7. Drainage pump station

7.1 In case that wastewater drainage in the house, public house and manufacturing place can
not discharge into external drainage, is should design drainage pump station.

7.2 Power supply for drainage pump station should be designed with 2 power sources. In
case of not designing these 2 power sources, then should install a standby exhaust pipe.
Exhaust pipe can lead wastewater into lakes, ponds, or storm water drainage network.

7.3 Selecting location of constructing pump station and installing standby exhaust pipe
should be obtained an agreement with local authority and master plan managing
department of province and city level.

Design of pump station, retaining tank, screening bar must comply with regulations in
the standard “Urban drainage. Design standard”.

7.4 Capacity of wastewater retaining tank with pump machine must be calculated with
maximum flow. For automatic pump, it should be calculated with the condition of
operating not more than 6 times per hour. In other cases, capacity of retaining tank is
specified according to wastewater flow diagram running per hour and work schedule of
pump machine.

7.5 The following equipments should be installed in retaining tank: screening bar, water
level device, mud scouring equipment, natural ventilation system (ventilation cap,
window, etc.)

7.6 Based on wastewater composition, we can select types of pump machine as follows:
Wastewater pump, sand pump, acid-resistant pump, etc.

7.7 Pump should be installed lower than the minimum water level in retaining tank. When
installing pump higher than wastewater level in retaining tank, water sucking height is
not more than allowed value for each selected pump as well as be equipped with safe
water priming device.

7.8 Pump and industrial wastewater retaining tank without toxic gas can be installed in
manufacturing and public houses.

Industrial and domestic wastewater pump with toxic and easily rotten dirtiness (as well
as wastewater pump with toxic gas) should be installed in a separate house or basement,
isolated room. Pump room must be designed with ventilation system (absorbed and

7.9 Wastewater pump should not be installed in houses, kindergartens, hospitals, public
food stores, food processing factories, offices of administration department, schools and
non much noise houses.
7.10 In wastewater pump station, standby pump should be installed except in-site pump. 2 in-
site pump with the same type shall be installed a standby pump. If having more than 2
in-site pump, additional standby pump should be installed.

7.11 Pump, pipeline spare parts should be located so as to be easy to install, maintain and
repair. Minimum distance between pumps should be in accordance with the standard
“Urban drainage. Design standard”

7.12 Height of pump room is not less than 2.2m from floor to exposed part of ceiling.

7.13 Design automatically controlled pump.

7.14 Every wastewater pump should have a separate suction pipe, slope location towards
pump machine of less than 0.005.

7.15 Valves should be installed in suction pipe and pushing pipe. One direction valves should
be installed in pushing pipe.

8. Local wastewater cleaning works

8.1 Industrial wastewater with inflammable, unsolved substances, oil, acid, other toxic
substances affecting to usual work situation of pipelines network and cleaning works or
recycled industrial waste, etc. must be decanted and cleaned prior to discharge into
urban drainage network.

Cleaning industrial wastewater should have local cleaning equipment: screening bar,

8.2 Not discharge into drainage toxic substances, chemical even when contingency occurs.
These substances should be discharged into a separate retaining tank to clean and

8.3 Waste chemicals from laboratory must be neutralized in place prior to discharge into

8.4 Wastewater from departments, infected, isolated areas in hospitals, decontaminating

area of animal bodies, etc. consisting of many dangerous germs should be neutralized
prior to discharge into external drainage.

8.5 When discharged quantity and composition of industrial wastewater change regularly in
the day or timely, wastewater has high dirty concentration, it should design regulating
tank to ensure about discharging stably industrial wastewater into external drainage
network or cleaning works.

8.6 Cleaning works inside factories should be installed reasonably to manage and
mechanize working process.

8.7 When having float waste, cotton wool garbage and raw foreign matters mixed in
wastewater, it should install stably common screening bar for overall drainage or each
Screening bar should be installed in wastewater collecting tank in well or directly
installed in drainage gutter. Sloping angle of screening bar in the direction of
wastewater flow is not less than 600 over horizontal direction.

8.8 In

8.9 Clarifier of easily rotten wastewater should not be installed inside the house.

8.10 For industrial wastewater with oil, oil collecting tank should be installed.

8.11 Collecting inflammable liquid should be executed directly on collecting surface without

8.12 In wastewater conduit pipe system with inflammable liquid leading to collecting tank,
hydraulic fire-resistant valve should be installed or apply other methods to protecting
fire from burning across pipelines.

Closed collecting tank should have ventilation system.

8.13 Not install inflammable liquid collecting tank inside the house.

8.14 Wastewater mixed with fuel and oil can result in preliminarily cleaning collecting tank
in mud scouring tank. This tank is installed in drainage network of garage and the same
production departments.

8.15 In order to cooling wastewater of more than 400C prior to discharge into urban drainage
should be through regulating tank.

8.16 Wastewater, urine from separate construction works far from urban and places without
condition of construct common drainage system, there should be designed local cleaning

8.17 Local wastewater cleaning works should be applied:

- Septic tank with or without filter (inside or outside);

- 2-layer clarifier (with cover);
- Purifying dimes;
- Water-absorbed well;
- Filter ground;
- Irrigating ground;
- Biological lake, etc.

8.18 Design and calculation of local cleaning works include as follows:

- Screening bar, sand clarifier, clarifier, oil collecting tank, neutralizing tank

- Septic tank, 2-layer clarifier, purifying dime, water-absorbed well, filter ground,
irrigating ground, biological lake, etc.
Besides, it should be in accordance with regulation in “Urban drainage. Design

9. Storm water drainage in the roof

9.1 Storm water drainage in the roof should be designed to ensure drainage in every season
in the year.

Detailed design of storm water drainage in the roof is specified to show in architectural
and structural design plan.

Note: IV- grade house (temporary house) can have free drainage of storm water from the roof, but ensure
storm water to drain quickly and not stagnate in the roof.

9.2 Storm water drainage in the roof include some parts: storm water collecting gutter,
screening bar, storm water collecting funnel, branch pipe (hanged pipe), riser, exhaust
pipe, checked well.

9.3 Calculated storm water flow in the area of collecting roof is specified in the formula:

Fq s
QK (3)

In which:

Q – Storm water flow (l/s)

F – Collecting area (m2)

F  Froof  0.3 Fwall

In which:

Froof – Projection area of roof (m2)

Fwall – Horizontal wall area contacted with the roof or built highly in the roof (m2)

K – Coefficient is equal to 2

Qs – Rain intensity l/s calculated for the area of 5 minute raining time and its frequency
exceeds calculated intensity 1 year (p=1) (checked in Appendix)

9.4 Storm water gutter made from corrugated iron usually installed in sloped roof houses.

Reinforcement concrete gutter shall be installed in flat roof houses and sloped roof

9.5 Hydraulic gutter shall be calculated according to the formula:

 V2
l (5)
4R 2 g

In which:
V – Water speed in the gutter (pipe) (m/s)
0.6 ≤ V ≤ 4m/s
I – Hydraulic slope: i – geometrical slope of gutter’s bottom. In case of freely running
water like as gutter: I = i

R – Hydraulic radius (m)

Gutter with rectangular section R (6)
b  2h

g – acceleration of gravitation field

λ – Resisting coefficient resulted from friction in the length of gutter (pipe) shall be
calculated in the formula:

I   td a 
 2 lg  2  (7)
  13.68R R0 

In which:

∆td – Equivalent roughness (cm)

A2 – Roughness coefficient of gutter (pipe)

Mortared concrete gutter (∆td = 0.08 cm

a2 = 50)

R0 - R

R0  (8)

v – Slimy coefficient of water in the gutter (when having downfall)

With temperature of around 27 – 280C, it shall be calculated as follow:

v = 0.0090 cm2/s

9.6 The minimum slope of stormwater collecting gutter shall be as follow:

- For semicircular corrugated iron gutter : 0.003

- For rectangular concrete gutter: 0.004

9.7 Stormwater collecting gutter has its height of minimum wet section of 10cm, and height
of dry section of 10-20cm.

1. Allowed composition: 1m2 of roof should

2. Not design stormwater collection in the roof running directly into collecting funnel without
stormwater collecting gutter.

9.8 Arrangement of stormwater collecting funnel in the roof should be based on roof layout,
allowed water collecting area of a funnel and structure of the roof. For flat and slope
roof, it should be arranged at least 2 stormwater collecting funnels at the same direction
of slope roof.

9.9 Connection of stormwater collecting funnel to risers should be executed by transition

corrugated iron barrels with free flexibility.

9.10 Calculated stormwater flow for a stormwater collecting funnel/ riser does not exceed the
value in Table 9.

Table 9
Diameter of collecting funnel 80 100 150 200
or riser (mm)
Calculated flow for a 5 12 35
stormwater collecting funnel l/s
Calculated stormwater flow for 10 20 50 80
a stormwater collecting riser l/s

9.11 Total area of funnel’s collecting hole shall be more than area of horizontal section of
water collecting riser at least 2 times.

9.12 It is possible to connect water collecting funnels at different height to a riser in case that
total flow in the riser does not exceed the value in Table 9.

9.13 The minimum slope of drainage branch pipe shall be calculated as follows:

- For hanged pipe: 0.005;

- For floor-installed or underground pipe: as directed in Item 6.7 of this standard.

Note: Hanged pipe (branch pipe) shall be designed by cast iron or corrugated iron pipes to prevent from
leakage and be easy to link pipes.

9.14 Risers and branch pipes should be calculated to stand hydraulic pressure when be
obstructed or overflowed in the pipeline.

9.15 The maximum diameter of hanged pipes is not more than 300mm

9.16 The quantity of required stormwater collecting risers shall be calculated according to the
following formula:

nr  (9)

In which:
nr: quantity of riser
Q: calculated stormwater flow in the roof (l/s)
qr: calculated flow of stormwater collecting riser in Table 9

9.17 Internal drainage should be calculated with automatically running situation of required
identification with the thickness of 0.8 of diameter.

9.18 In internal stormwater drainage, we should install checked pipes, cleared pipes and
checked well to be easy for cleaning.

9.19 Stormwater from internal drainage shall be led to external stormwater drainage or
general drainage.

When not having external stormwater drainage and general drainage in the area of
construction, it is possible to discharge stormwater from internal drainage into the
trench and pond, lakes nearby the house (opened discharge).


1. Should have method of preventing from surface erosion in both sides of discharge mouth
(planting trees, constructing embankment, etc.)

2. It is possible to discharge stormwater from internal drainage into non-dirty industrial

wastewater drainage or recycled water if accepted by technical feasibility study.

3. Not discharge stormwater into internal wastewater drainage

9.20 Internal stormwater drainage pipelines shall use flexible pipe, fibrocement, flower
corrugated iron pipe, cast iron pipe, both side enameled pottery pipe, etc.

In horizontal hanged pipeline, it is possible to use steel pipe when having allowed
vibration load.

10. Requirements of internal drainage pipelines in weak-soil area

10.1 Automatically running or internal pressured drainage pipeline constructed in weak soil
should be installed in water-proofing trench with its slope of 0.02 in the direction of
checked well. Trench composition should be considered to unsteady subsidence of soil.
Cover removable and installable reinforcement concrete bars in the trench.

The length of trench, from the middle of foundation and checked well, should be
calculated according to thickness of weak soil layer and diameter of discharge pipe in
Table 10.

Table 10

Thickness of weak Trench length (m)

soil layer (m) Diameter of pipe (mm)
To 100 101 – 300 More than 300
From 5 – 12 5 7.5 10
More than 12 7.5 10 15

10.2 In case of weak floor, building foundation has been already treated, internal drainage
and exhaust pipe shall be designed normally.

10.3 Not install exhaust pipeline under the foundation foot, but install through foundation
wall only.

10.4 Location of risers through foundation should be left holes, minimum size of hole is 400
x 400mm. Distance from pipe top to hole top is not less than 0.15m. Conceal holes by
petroleum jute string.

10.5 Internal stormwater drainage pipelines should be linked by hang. In case of not
executing this due to manufacturing conditions, then can install pipelines as specified in
Item 10.1 and 10.4 of this standard.

10.6 In case of not constructing stormwater drainage or general drainage, it is possible to

discharge water into opened trench. Gutter, trench should be slope in the direction of
outside drainage trench (except from urinal).

Floor under the trench must be rammed carefully in the depth of 0.8 – 1m and pour
leveling concrete. The thickness of leveling concrete is not less than 0.15m. Traveling
places such as pavement, path, etc. must have cover.

10.7 Not install pipeline through deformation slit of house.

10.8 Connection of cast iron drainage pipe with bowl mouth figure should use rubber buffer

10.9 For earthquake areas, when designing internal drainage network, except from complying
with specifications in this standard, we should be in accordance with other specified
design standards for construction projects in earthquake area.
Value q5 in some areas

No. Station q5 (l/s.ha) Note

1 Bắc Cạn 421.9
2 Bắc Giang 433.3
3 Bảo Lộc 506.26
4 Buôn Mê Thuột 387.7
5 Bắc Quang 611.14 Hà Tuyên
6 Cà Mau 507.4
7 Cửa Tùng 384.28
8 Đô Lương 450.30
9 Đà Lạt 416.2 Liên Khương
10 Đà Nẵng 370.6
11 Hòa Bình 384.6
12 Hải Dương 450.4
13 Hà Giang 390
14 Hồng Gai 478.9
15 Hà Nam 433.3
16 Huế 370.6
17 Hưng Yên 450.4
18 Hà Nội 484.6 Láng
19 Lào Cai 450.4
20 Lai Châu 391.2
21 Móng Cái 524.5
22 Ninh Bình 507.4
23 Nam Định 433.3
24 Nha Trang 281.68
25 Phù Liễn 461.8
26 Plâycu 392.26
27 Phan Thiết 326.14
28 Quy Nhơn 342.1
29 Quảng Ngãi 416.2
30 Quảng Trị 421.9
31 HCMC 496
32 Sơn La 370.6
33 Sóc Trăng 450.4
34 Sơn Tây 484.6
35 Sapa 262.3
36 Thái Bình 484.6
37 Tam Đảo 547.3
38 Tây Hiếu 404.8
39 Tuy Hòa 356.92
40 Thanh Hóa 427.6
41 Thái Nguyên 564.4
42 Tuyên Quang 440.14
43 Vinh 450.4
44 Văn Lý 452.68 Hà Nam Ninh
45 Việt Trì 509.68
46 Vĩnh Yên 472.06
47 Yên Bái 478.9
Note: For construction location not included in the above list, it is possible to apply value of raining
intensity of surrounding areas for calculation.

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