Susteq FTP Export API Manual

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Susteq FTP export API manual


Manual Version Preliminary

Status Preliminary
Date 14th December 2020
Copyright Susteq B.V.

Table of Contents
Dispensed data file format and field description.....................................................................3
Description........................................................................................................................... 3
File format............................................................................................................................ 3
Fields description................................................................................................................. 3
User credits sold data file format and field description............................................................4
Description........................................................................................................................... 4
File format............................................................................................................................ 4
Fields description................................................................................................................. 4

Susteq FTP export API


Dispensed data file format and field description

These files contain water dispensed data per Hub per day for the last 30 days. The information is
similar then can be seen on the Susteq dashboard Water dispensed report.

File format
The file format is CSV. The fields are enclosed by quotes when the originating data is a string or date
value. Original numbers (with or without dot as decimal separator) are not enclosed by quotes.

Fields description
The files have 9 fields per row, there is no header row.

Following table provides information about the field contents for the dispensed CSV file
Field Name Description
1 Service provider The name of the water service provider
2 Project The name of the project
3 Community The name of the community
4 Hub ID The Hub ID (Serial number)
5 Hub name The name of the hub (usually includes the
Hub ID)
Day Day in YYYYMMDD format
7 Liters dispensed The Sum of liters dispensed with max 1
decimal place
8 Dispense count The number of times water has been
9 Sum paid The sum of the amount that was paid with a
maximum of 2 decimal places (Currency
depending on the location of the Hub, for
example Kenyan shilling for Hubs in Kenya)

Susteq FTP export API


User credits sold data file format and field description

These files contain User credits sold data per Hub per day for the last 30 days. The information is
similar then can be seen on the Susteq dashboard User credit sales report.

File format
The file format is CSV. The fields are enclosed by quotes when the originating data is a string or date
value. Original numbers (with or without dot as decimal separator) are not enclosed by quotes.

Fields description
The files have 8 fields per row, there is no header row.

Following table provides information about the field contents for the user_credits CSV file
Field Name Description
1 Service provider The name of the water service provider
2 Project The name of the project
3 Community The name of the community
4 Hub ID The Hub ID (Serial number)
5 Hub name The name of the hub (usually includes the
Hub ID)
Day Day in YYYYMMDD format
7 Credits sold The sum of the amount that was sold with a
maximum of 2 decimal places (Currency
depending on the location of the Hub, for
example Kenyan shilling for Hubs in Kenya)
8 Transactions count The number of credits sale transactions

Susteq FTP export API


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