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Page 35 Answer Key

Student booklet - Classwork – 2


Q. ‘Quantity demanded increases as price falls. Yet as demand falls, price falls.’ Using
Diagrams, explain whether these two statements contradict each other. [10 marks]

Guidelines for answer:

• Definitions of demand
• Law of demand
• Draw the diagram to show an increase in quantity demanded as price falls
• Draw a diagram to show a fall in price as demand falls
• Explain the contradiction in the statement


• Definitions of demand

The statement ‘Quantity demanded increases as price falls’ refers to consumer’s response to a
change in the price of the product itself, other non-price determinants of demand remaining

The statement ‘as demand falls, price falls’ refers to consumer’s response to a change in non-
price determinants of demand, while the price of the product itself did not change initially.

Demand refers to consumers’ willingness and ability to buy a certain product at a certain price
over a period of time.

• Law of demand

The Law of demand states an inverse relationship between the price and the quantity

As per the signaling and incentive functions of ‘Price mechanism’, consumers respond to a fall
in price by demanding more quantity of goods and services. Both income and substitution
effects can be attributed to the law of demand.

Ceteris Paribus other (non-price determinants) staying constant, a fall in price results in an
increase in quantity demanded, confirming the inverse relationship stated by the law of
demand, which can be shown through a diagram.
• Draw the diagram to show an increase in quantity demanded as price falls

For example, at the price of $6 per hot dog, consumers buy two hot dogs per day; the quantity demanded
is two. If, however, the price of a hot dog decreases to $4, then customers want to consume three hot
dogs: the quantity demanded moves rightward from two to three when the price falls from $6 to $4. 

The fall in price shows an extension in demand .

By graphing these combinations of price and quantity demanded, we can construct a demand
curve connecting the three points.
Price of hotdogs ($)


Quantity demanded of hotdogs

• Draw a diagram to show a fall in price as demand falls

If the income of the consumer falls then they will stop buying the hot dogs daily, this refers as
non-price determinants that affects the demand of the hot dogs. So there will be a decreases in
the demand for hotdogs and the demand curve will show the contraction.

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