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5 Reading

Family Ties
Skills Reminder
Określanie kluczowych elementów zdań
A Read the Skills Reminder. Which words should
• Przed przeczytaniem głównego tekstu zapoznaj się
you underline?
ze zdaniami, które będziesz oceniać.
• Podkreśl w nich kluczowe wyrazy, aby wiedzieć,
jakich informacji należy szukać w głównym tekście.
B Now complete the Skills Booster task. • Szybko przeczytaj tekst, aby rozeznać się w jego
tematyce. Czytając ponownie, wyszukuj wyrazy

TwinssniwT o znaczeniu zbliżonym do kluczowych słów.

• Informacje występują w podanych zdaniach w tej
samej kolejności, co w tekście głównym.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have
a brother or a sister who looked just like you? Maybe you
would like to be a twin. Holly and Daisy Preston, 14-year-old Scientists have always wondered how important genes
twins from London, say there’s nothing like it. ‘I feel really are. While it’s true that, they determine which relative
special,’ says Holly. Daisy agrees and adds, ‘It’s fantastic we look like, what about personality? Do our genes
having someone who understands you completely. ’ If you control whether we like music or are outgoing? Or are
are a twin, you probably know what they are talking about! our personalities a result of the way we grow up and the
Scientists think twins are great, too, but for different experiences we have? Interestingly, researchers have
reasons. They give scientists a unique opportunity to find discovered that both our genes and our experiences
out what makes us who we are. That’s because twins have play a role in forming our personality. For example, you
more in common than brothers and sisters born at different may have a gene that makes you creative, but if your
times, but are still different from each other in important environment does not give you the chance to show your
ways. By studying the similarities and differences between creativity, it may never be revealed.
twins, scientists can begin to find out which qualities are Identical twins can show us this relationship between genes
passed down from our ancestors and which ones result and environment. If it were only our genes that influenced
from our experiences in life. everything about us, identical twins would be identical in
There are two kinds of twins, known as identical and every way. Not only would they look the same, but they
fraternal. Identical twins are often so similar that it is would like the same kinds of music, clothes and friends. But
difficult to tell them apart. Twins that grow inside their they don’t. Studying such differences can help scientists find
mother at the same time, but are not identical, are called out what makes us the same and what makes us different.
fraternal twins. These twins can be both boys, both girls,
or one of each.
Identical twins are interesting to scientists because of their
genes, which determine the colour of their hair and eyes,
the shape of their nose and mouth, their height and much
more. Most people inherit a different mixture of genes from
their parents. That explains why you might take after your
mother, while your sister takes after your father. But with
identical twins, each one receives exactly the same genes
from each parent. That is what makes them ‘identical’.

Skills Booster
Look at the sentences below about twins. Read the text to decide if each sentence is true (T) or false (F).
1 Holly and Daisy are sisters. 7 Identical twins get the same genes from
their mother and father. 
2 Holly and Daisy understand each other well.
8 Genes control who we look like.
3 Scientists think twins are great because
being a twin brings some unique opportunities. 9 Scientists have learnt that personality depends
on genes and environment.
4 It is always easy to tell identical twins apart.
10 Identical twins like the same music.
5 Fraternal twins look the same.
6 Genes do not control our eye colour.

Vocabulary 1
A Complete the sentences with these words.

 aunt    cousins    grandmother    nephew    niece    step-mother 

1 Your is the sister of your mother or father.

2 Your are the children of your uncle or aunt.
3 Your is the mother of your mother or father.
4 Your is the wife of your father if he
marries someone who isn’t your mother.
5 Your is the son of your sister or brother.
6 Your is the daughter of your sister or brother.

B Complete the words in the sentences. The first letter of each word has been given.
1 My e _ _ _ _ _ _ grandparents live with us because they are too old to look after themselves.
2 Don’t worry. If Carrie says she’ll help you, she will. She’s very r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , you know.
3 Fred is quite l _ _ _ . He never helps me with the cooking and cleaning.
4 You can’t wear jeans to your sister’s wedding, Barry! You’ll look really s _ _ _ _ _ _ !
5 Vera wanted an h _ _ _ _ _ opinion about her wedding dress, so I told her the truth.
6 How can my parents understand me? They’re not young any more – they’re m _ _ _ _ _ – _ _ _ _ !

Grammar 1  Grammar Guide p 150 in Student’s Book

Present Simple & Present Continuous

A Circle the correct option.
1 Angela is living / lives in Paris. She was born there and has never left.
Mum, where are you? Quick! The dinner is burning / burns!
Russ and Katy are planning / plan their wedding for next year.
Dad usually does / does usually the supermarket shopping after work.
5 It gets / It’s getting harder and harder to have a family in the city.
Genes determine / are determining your hair and eye colour.
My brother and sister are always arguing / are arguing always. It really annoys me!
Brian, what do you do / are you doing this weekend? Do you want to go fishing?
The Greeks and the Italians have / are having very large families.
The train to my mum’s village leaves / is leaving at nine o’clock every morning.

B Tick (✓) if the sentence is correct. Rewrite the incorrect sentences.

I am knowing Jim very well because we went to university together.

We don’t often visit our cousins in the countryside.

My grandfather is a scientist and he is liking to invent things.

Michael is a chef, but never he cooks at home for his family!

Teenagers become more and more independent these days.

The Sun is rising in the east and it is setting in the west.

Why does your little sister cry? Is she thirsty?

Tim wants to buy a house, but Helen thinks they should wait until next year.

Family Ties
5 57

nagrania 5.1
Kod: CK23A3
Skills Reminder
Rozpoznawanie różnic
A Read the Skills Reminder. Why should you look • Przed wysłuchaniem nagrań przeczytaj
at each set of pictures? pytania i podkreśl w nich kluczowe wyrazy.
• Uważnie przyjrzyj się ilustracjom. Zastanów
się, czym się między sobą różnią.
B 5.1 Listen and complete the Skills Booster task.

Skills Booster
There are six questions in this part. For each question, there are three pictures and a short recording. Circle the correct
picture: a, b or c. You will hear the recordings twice.
1 Which photo are they looking at? 4 What does her brother like to do with his friends?
a b c a b c

2 What do the girls look like? 5 Which day were they going to go shopping?
a b c a b c

3 Where do the cousins buy their clothes? 6 Which person is her son?
a b c a b c


Vocabulary 2
A Complete the text with these words in the correct form. You can use some of them more than once.

 fall    get    have    keep    pay 

Summer love
When Joe returned from his holiday in Spain, he brought back more than a few souvenirs. He had
some very exciting news. He was going to (1) married! His family and friends couldn’t
believe it. Who? When? How? They had so many questions! ‘Well,’ explained Joe, ‘I met Carmen in
Barcelona and we (2) in love.’ Joe didn’t want to (3) any secrets from
his family, so he told them everything. ‘She worked at the hotel where I was staying. She’s very pretty,
so I (4) her a compliment and asked her out for a coffee. Before I knew it, we were
spending all our time together.’ ‘When can we meet her?’ asked his mother. ‘Soon,’ replied Joe.
‘She’s going to (5) us a visit next month.’ His mother was worried. ‘But you hardly
know her. You don’t want to make a mistake and then (6) divorced in a couple of
years!’ she said. ‘Don’t worry, Mum,’ replied Joe. ‘Everything will be fine.’ And Joe was right. Twenty
years later, Joe and Carmen now (7) a family and are still living happily ever after!

B Circle the correct option.

1 Sam’s father has left his mother. Sam’s worried that 4 A lot of my friends keep a diary / a secret; they write
she’ll fall to pieces / in love. something in it every day.
2 I have a lot of sympathy / families for the children of 5 My sister is getting married / divorced at the end of
divorced parents. the month – she’s having a traditional wedding.
3 My grandmother’s house is near here; let’s go and 6 Do you plan to have sympathy / a family when you
pay her a compliment / a visit. grow up? I want a big one with five children!

5 Family Ties
Grammar 2 Grammar Guide p 151 in Student’s Book

Countable / Uncountable Nouns & Quantifiers

A Complete the text with these words.

  a lot     few    little     lot of     many    much    number    some 

She’s the boss!

The Mosuo people live in China and they are one of only a (1) matriarchal societies in the world.
In a matriarchal society, the head of the family is the mother. The family name passes down from female to female,
and the women make all the decisions.
(2) generations of women – great-grandmothers, grandmothers, mothers and daughters – live in the same
house with a (3) their male relatives, such as uncles, brothers, sons and nephews. Fathers or husbands live
elsewhere and they only have a (4) contact with their children.
The children belong to the mother and her family. The uncles help with the children’s education and care, but they
don’t have (5) control. In time, the children care for their elderly uncles. These large extended families
care (6) about each other.
The modern world, however, is affecting (7) traditions, and so things are changing very quickly. Many young
people are leaving their villages to work in a (8) of large cities nearby. There, they may discover a different
way of life and a culture that is very different to their own.

B Complete the sentences with the correct Present Simple form of the verb be.
Where the information I am looking for?
There many people in my family tree.
That great advice. Thanks, Dad!
Maths my favourite subject at school.
5 My mirror broken. I need a new one.
Their traditions quite strange, I think.
The food cold. Can you put it back in the oven, please?
This family research very important.

Use your English

A Choose the correct option.

Who do you think you are?

Genealogy is hugely popular because people are curious to know about their ancestors. There are even TV programmes
about genealogy. The most well-known one (1) a series called Who Do You Think You Are? In each
episode, genealogists (2) a celebrity to trace his or her family tree. They use the internet and paper
records to discover the past. Sometimes, the records go back hundreds of years and people discover that their
(3) were kings, queens, or something more down-to-earth, such as farmers, cowboys or soldiers.
If your past interests you, it isn’t difficult to find (4) of this information on the internet. (5)
official records are available online. The more information you discover, the more interested you become. It’s hard to stop
looking! (6) people are (7) their past, and maybe you can, too.

1 a are b is c has
2 a help b helps c is helping
3 a members b families c relatives
4 a few b some c lot
5 a Many b Much c A little
6 a A lot of b A lot c Lot of
7 a discover b discovering c discovers

Family Ties
5 59
Writing: wishes Forms Reminder
Zastosowanie skrótów
A Match the abbreviations with their meanings. W tekstach zaproszeń, życzeń czy na pocztówkach
stosujemy popularne formy skrócone:
1 e.g. a twentieth
• a.m. (rano) and p.m. (po południu),
2 a.m. b street
• tytuły, np. Mrs, Miss, Ms, Mr czy Dr,
3 i.e. c
the United Kingdom
• skróty etc. (i tak dalej), e.g. (na przykład) and i.e.
4 USA d for example (to znaczy),
5 St e
that’s to say • liczebniki porządkowe, np. 1st (pierwszy) czy 20th
6 UK f
morning (dwudziesty),
7 p.m. g afternoon • w adresach, np. St (ulica), Ave (aleja) and Rd (droga),
8 20th h the United States of America • w nazwach niektórych krajów, np. USA (the United
States of America), UAE (the United Arab Emirates)
czy UK (the United Kingdom).
B Read the writing task below and then circle
the correct answer, a or b.
An elderly family friend is in hospital. You want to send them a card. Write a message to put in the card.
In your message you should:

• greet the family friend,

• say when you are going to visit,
• send wishes.

1 a You need to invite someone in the message. 3 a You will send it to a member of your family.
b You need to tell about your plans in the message. b You will send it to a person who is not very well.
2 a You must write an informal message.
b You must write a formal message.

C Read the example email and underline the abbreviations.


Greet the reader. Dear Mrs Smith,

My step-mother told me that you are in hospital. I’m very sorry
to hear it. We’re thinking of paying you a visit next Tuesday, Say when you are
5th October at around 2 p.m. Please let us know if there is anything going to visit.
that we can bring.
Wishing you all the very best, I hope you get well soon.
Send wishes.
Best wishes,
Sign off. Asmita

D Read the message and complete sentences 1–4. E Read and complete the Skills Booster
task below. Don’t forget to use the Useful
Expressions on page 83 of your Student’s Book.
Dear Uncle Paul and Auntie Emma,
Congratulations on your new home! I hope
you enjoy your new life in the UAE and Skills Booster
I wish you lots of luck for your new jobs.
Your older brother has got into a good university and you
I’m looking forward to visiting you next want to congratulate him. Write an email to your brother.
year in the summer.
In your email you should:
All the best,
• tell your brother why you are emailing,
• congratulate him and wish him further success,
• tell him when you can come to visit him on his
1 Alex has written a message to his .
university campus (50–120 words)
2 Paul and Emma live in .
3 Paul and Emma have a new .
4 Alex will see Paul and Emma . Writing Guide p 165 in Student’s Book

5 Family Ties
5 One Woman’s Choice
Before you watch Obejrzyj film
na stronie

A Work with a partner and answer these questions.
Kod: X5YBY9 Tanzania,
What do you think ‘family ties’ are? Africa
Are family ties important to you? Why? / Why not?
Why might a person cut their family ties?

While you are watching

B Watch the video and decide if these statements are T (True) or F (False).
1 Flora Salonik has a university degree but nowadays she lives on a farm.
2 Flora’s life changed because she fell in love with a man from the Dorobo people.
3 The remote village of Kijunga is a forty-minute walk from Arusha.
4 Flora’s family didn’t know she was leaving the comforts of the city and moving to a faraway village.
5 Flora and her husband Loshero raise cattle and grow crops to feed their family.
6 Since Flora has been away for so long, the busy streets of her hometown have become unfamiliar to Flora.

After you have watched

C Complete the summary of the video below, using these words.

 belonged    city    decision    farm    grew    happy    married    stayed 

A family processes recently

harvested plants, Tanzania
Flora Salonik (1) up in
Arusha, which is one of Tanzania’s busiest
cities. She went to university and learnt
to speak four languages. However, Flora's life
changed dramatically after she got
(2) . Her husband took
her home to the small village of Kijungu, very
far away from Arusha. Besides looking after
their three children, Flora also took care of the
family’s (3) as her husband
was away for most of the time. It was difficult
for her to stop thinking about her past and she
wondered how her life would look if she lived in
the (4) . Flora had to make
a (5) about her family’s
future. She decided to go back to Arusha to figure
things out. Flora was very (6)
to see her mother and (7)
with her for a while. She also visited all the places
she used to know. Finally, Flora made her decision;
she (8) in Kijungu.

• Do you think it’s better to raise a family in a village

or in a city? Why / Why not?
• Would you like to live close to your childhood home Ideas Focus
when you grow up? Why? / Why not?
Skills Checkpoint 5
nagrania 5.2

Rozumienie ze słuchu
A 5.2 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę o rodzinnych relacjach. W zadaniach 1–3, na podstawie informacji
zawartych w nagraniu, z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą. Zakreśl a, b lub c.
1 Philippa’s grandmother 2 Philippa’s grandfather 3 Brian is
a was a captain in the army. a helped other family members. a reliable and easy-going.
b got married in secret. b wasn’t popular in the family. b lazy and not generous.
fell in love when she was c 
was nice to other people in c tall and good-looking.
young. the family.

Znajomość funkcji językowych

B Uzupełnij dialogi 1–3. Każdą lukę uzupełnij brakującym fragmentem wypowiedzi, tak aby otrzymać
spójne i logiczne teksty. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.
1 A: Thank you for inviting me to your party.
B: Let me know if you not.
2 A: What are you ?
B: I’ve just passed my driving test. That’s why I’m having a party.
3 A: What at the party?
B: She came in a short black dress and black shoes.

C Uzupełnij luki (1–3) w dialogu brakującymi fragmentami wypowiedzi, tak aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny
tekst. Wykorzystaj wyrazy podane w nawiasie, ale nie zmieniaj ich formy. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku
A: Hey, look at this! It’s an old photo of our teachers.
B: Oh no, the photo (1) (must) at least 30 years old. Look at what they’re wearing!
A: Is that the maths teacher there (2) (backround) behind those three women? The one
with the long hair and the black suit.
B: I think it’s him. Is that Mr Brown, the history teacher?
A: Yes, he’s with his wife, but Mr Brown isn’t married any more, he (3) (divorced) last year,
so he probably doesn’t care about what he wears any longer.
B: Yeah, you could be right. Come on, we must show this to the rest of the class ...

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych

D Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto trzy zdania. Wpisz w każdą lukę (1–3) literę, którą oznaczono
brakujące zdanie (a–d), tak aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst.
Uwaga! Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.
a There are always one or two people who want to tell you what to do.
b It’s great if you can take it outdoors, but sometimes the light can be a problem.
The last time I took a family photo it was so difficult.
d i.e. who looks like your grandmother most or who is the same height.

Taking a good family photo is not as easy as it sounds. There is always someone looking away from the camera or
someone who is not smiling or looking nervous. If you want your photo to come out well, the first thing to think about
is where you take the picture. (1)
Family photos are best when you can get more than one generation and as many different relatives as possible into
one picture, but this isn’t easy to arrange. If you get a lot of different people together, you can see who is similar,
(2) . We usually look like our relatives thanks to our genes, but sometimes a cousin or a nephew can
look very different. Also, in family photos you will often see if people are feeling happy and relaxed.
The other common problem with family photos is that someone always interrupts you when you’re trying to organise
it. (3) . The best way is to tell everybody to stand together, and then you decide who is going to be
where. If everybody starts discussing it, you will never get a good photo. Another useful idea is to suggest that any
young children lie down or sit at the front. This will stop them from running around.

5 Family Ties
E Przeczytaj teksty 1 i 2. Uzupełnij luki 1–3 w tekście, zgodnie z treścią SMS-a oraz kartki z życzeniami.
Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.

Tekst 1 Tekst 2

As you all know, it’s my birthday this

weekend, so I want to invite everyone
to a birthday dinner at our house this
Saturday at 4 p.m. Send me a text
if you can come.
See you on Saturday!
love Uncle Gareth

To Uncle Gareth,
Our best wishes for a very

Victor, remember that we are going to Uncle Gareth’s

so don’t plan anything with
Happy Birthday!
your friends. It’s on Saturda y at 4 p.m. I have We wish you all the best on your birthday and hope
a (2) for him from all of us, you will always be as cheerful and easy-going as you are
but it would be a good idea for you to prepare one
today. A special thank you for helping to find Victor’s
yourself. Uncle Gareth has been very good to you
over the years. He also helped you with your course
university course in Edinburgh. We are all very grateful
at college in (3) , so you need to you for your help.
to say a big thank you for that.
Lots of love
Mary, Bob, Victor and Felix xxx

Znajomość środków językowych

F Wykorzystując wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami, uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką, tak aby zachować
sens zdania wyjściowego (1–3). Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna i gramatyczna
wpisywanych fragmentów zdań.
Uwaga! Nie zmieniaj formy podanych wyrazów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy,
wliczając w to wyraz już podany.

1 My mum is standing behind me in this photo. FRONT I’m sitting my mum in this photo.
2 She looks like her dad. AFTER She her dad.
3 There is only a little milk in the fridge. MUCH There milk in the fridge.

Tworzenie wypowiedzi pisemnej

G Przyjaciel zaprosił cię na urodziny. Napisz w odpowiedzi e-mail, a w nim:
• podziękuj za zaproszenie i wyjaśnij, dlaczego nie możesz wziąć udziału w zabawie,
• złóż przyjacielowi życzenia,
• zapewnij, że z chęcią spotkasz się z nim w innym terminie.
 apisz e-mail w języku angielskim. Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z trzech podpunktów, tak aby osoba nieznająca
polecenia w języku polskim uzyskała wszystkie wskazane w nim informacje. Pamiętaj, że długość e-maila powinna wynosić
od 50 do 120 słów i zawierać wszystkie elementy typowe dla tego rodzaju tekstu. Oceniane są: umiejętność pełnego
przekazania informacji, spójność, bogactwo językowe oraz poprawność językowa.

Family Ties
5 63
Review 5
nagrania 5.3
Kod: NL84XL

A Complete the words by writing the missing letters.

1 __ e r __ __ __ s 2 o __ __ r __ e __ __ __ t 3 m i __ __ __ e - __ g __ d 4 s __ r __ __ f __

B Match the family members (1–7) with their definitions (a–h). There is one extra definition.
Write the numbers next to the letters.
1 cousin 5 niece a grandma and grandpa e my aunt’s child
2 grandparents 6 nephew b my brother’s son f my dad’s brother
3 step-father 7 uncle c my uncle’s wife g my mum’s second husband
4 aunt d my step-father’s son h my sister’s daughter
What family member does the extra definition talk about?                             

C Complete the collocations with the words in the box.

  a compliment      a diary      a family      a secret      a visit     divorced     in love     married    sympathy     to pieces 


D Complete sentences 1–10 with the collocations from C. Use the correct form / tense.
1 Last summer I decided to                           because I wanted to write down all the interesting things that
were happening at the time.
2 I met a wonderful person last summer, who I                          with.
3 My sister is so nice. She always              me                        when I don’t wear scruffy clothes.
4 Can you                         ? I have something really interesting to tell you about our teacher!
5 We were all really unhappy last year when my parents decided they didn’t want to live together any longer. They will
                         later this year.
6 My grandmother was ill last year, and the whole family              her                    to make her feel better.
7 When Karla’s boyfriend broke up with her, she                               and couldn’t eat or sleep for a week.
8 I am so excited, my older sister                                    next week, and my whole family is coming
to celebrate with us.
9 You have to                          for him, he’s just failed an important test.
10 Both my mum and my dad always wanted to                          and now there are five of us.

E 5.3 Listen to Greta talking about her family. Complete sentences 1–6.
1 Greta’s cousin Dominik doesn’t play basketball although he is                    .
2 Greta’s uncle Fryderyk is very generous but when he is too busy, he may not be                    .
3 What Greta likes best about her step-mother Helena is that she is                     .
4 Greta’s cousins Agata and Dorota both enjoy eating. However, Dorota is very                    .
5 Greta’s grandmother Izabela has always had                    hair.
6 Greta’s nephew Jerzy doesn’t always work hard but he is                    and does well at school.

5 Family Ties
A Fill in the gaps with words or phrases in the box. Use the correct tense – the Present Simple
or the Present Continuous. There is one extra word / phrase.

  pay a compliment      keep a diary      have sympathy      fall to pieces

keep a secret     interrupt     get married     relax     pay a visit 

1 I can’t help you now, I  on the couch with a good book.

2 Next week we  to our grandparents.
3 I usually , but this was so interesting I just had to tell you.
4 I don’t know why he always me when I try to say something. It isn’t very polite.
5 I like because I like to write down my thoughts.
6 Have you heard the news? My cousin this weekend, and we are all very excited about the fact.
7 He is so nice, he always to his young niece whenever he sees her.
8 My boyfriend and I have stopped seeing each other, and I  .

B Choose one of these topics / titles. Create a short story. Do not use the words from the title in your story.
• Paying Compliments • Being Easy-going • Being Reliable
• Keeping Secrets • Being Scruffy • Having Sympathy for Others

C Circle the correct stative verb to complete the sentence.

1 Do you know who owns / has this phone? They left it here in the classroom.
2 I like / hate spinach, so my mum doesn’t cook it for me anymore.
3 My brother and I look like / are looking like my grandfather.
4 We all know / understand the maths homework now. Thanks for your help.
5 My dad and my uncle both are having / have a beard.
6 That cake smells / are delicious. I can’t wait to have some!
7 I am remembering / don’t remember where my school bag is.
8 I am thinking / think that it is important to have a family.

D Are these nouns countable or uncountable? Circle C, U or both.

advice C/U hair C/U money C/U story C/U
cupboard C/U information C / U rocket C/U tradition C/U
dollar C/U letter C/U salt C/U traffic C/U
furniture C/U love C / U  soup C/U

E Match 1–8 with a–h. Draw lines between the matching parts.

1 I have a little a milk for tomorrow or should I buy some at the shop?
2 We saw a number of b black curly hairs from our dog on her dress. She wasn’t too happy.
3 Do we have any c minutes to chat. What do you need?
4 I only have a few d fruit left. I’ll tell Mum so she can buy some.
5 Mum found some e flour and some chocolate to make this cake.
6 We don’t have much f time this afternoon, so I can help you with your homework.
7 I need a a kilo of g money on clothes because they don’t want to look scruffy.
8 They spend lots of h our classmates at the football match on Saturday.

Family Ties
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