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Internal energy, U
➤ Why do you need to know this material?
i Path 1
Thermodynamics has the power to provide relations
(w ≠ 0, q = 0)
between a variety of properties. This Topic introduces its
Path 2
key procedure, the manipulation of equations involving (w ≠ 0, q ≠ 0)
state functions.

➤ What is the key idea? f

The fact that internal energy and enthalpy are state functions
Temperature, T
leads to relations between thermodynamic properties.
Volume, V

➤ What do you need to know already?

You need to be aware that the internal energy and enthal- Figure 2D.1  As the volume and temperature of a system are
py are state functions (Topics 2B and 2C) and be familiar changed, the internal energy changes. An adiabatic and a non-
with the concept of heat capacity. You need to be able adiabatic path are shown as Path 1 and Path 2, respectively: they
to make use of several simple relations involving partial correspond to different values of q and w but to the same value
derivatives (The chemist’s toolkit 9 in Topic 2A). of ΔU.

A state function is a property that depends only on the current

state of a system and is independent of its history. The inter- adiabatically to a state f. In this state the system has an inter-
nal energy and enthalpy are two examples. Physical quanti- nal energy Uf and the work done on the system as it changes
ties with values that do depend on the path between two states along Path 1 from i to f is w. Notice the use of language: U is a
are called path functions. Examples of path functions are the property of the state; w is a property of the path. Now consider
work and the heating that are done when preparing a state. It another process, Path 2, in which the initial and final states are
is not appropriate to speak of a system in a particular state as the same as those in Path 1 but in which the expansion is not
possessing work or heat. In each case, the energy transferred adiabatic. The internal energy of both the initial and the final
as work or heat relates to the path being taken between states, states are the same as before (because U is a state function).
not the current state itself. However, in the second path an energy q′ enters the system as
A part of the richness of thermodynamics is that it uses the heat and the work w′ is not the same as w. The work and the
mathematical properties of state functions to draw far-reaching heat are path functions.
conclusions about the relations between physical properties If a system is taken along a path (e.g. by heating it), U
and thereby establish connections that may be completely un- changes from Ui to Uf, and the overall change is the sum (inte-
expected. The practical importance of this ability is the pos- gral) of all the infinitesimal changes along the path:
sibility of combining measurements of different properties to f
obtain the value of a desired property. ∆U = ∫ dU (2D.1)

The value of ΔU depends on the initial and final states of the

system but is independent of the path between them. This
2D.1  Exact and inexact differentials path-independence of the integral is expressed by saying that
dU is an ‘exact differential’. In general, an exact differential
Consider a system undergoing the changes depicted in is an infinitesimal quantity that, when integrated, gives a re-
Fig. 2D.1. The initial state of the system is i and in this state the sult that is independent of the path between the initial and
internal energy is Ui. Work is done by the system as it expands final states.
60  2  The First Law

When a system is heated, the total energy transferred as Self-test 2D.1 Calculate the values of q, w, and ΔU for an
heat is the sum of all individual contributions at each point of irreversible isothermal expansion of a perfect gas against a
the path: constant non-zero external pressure.
Answer: q = pexΔV, w = −pexΔV, ΔU = 0
q= ∫ dq  (2D.2)

Notice the differences between this equation and eqn 2D.1.

First, the result of integration is q and not Δq, because q is 2D.2  Changes in internal energy
not a state function and the energy supplied as heat cannot be
expressed as qf − qi. Secondly, the path of integration must be Consider a closed system of constant composition (the only
specified because q depends on the path selected (e.g. an adia- type of system considered in the rest of this Topic). The inter-
batic path has q = 0, whereas a non-adiabatic path between the nal energy U can be regarded as a function of V, T, and p, but,
same two states would have q ≠ 0). This path dependence is ex- because there is an equation of state that relates these quan-
pressed by saying that dq is an ‘inexact differential’. In general, tities (Topic 1A), choosing the values of two of the variables
an inexact differential is an infinitesimal quantity that, when fixes the value of the third. Therefore, it is possible to write U
integrated, gives a result that depends on the path between the in terms of just two independent variables: V and T, p and T,
initial and final states. Often dq is written đq to emphasize or p and V. Expressing U as a function of volume and tempera-
that it is inexact and requires the specification of a path. ture turns out to result in the simplest expressions.
The work done on a system to change it from one state to
another depends on the path taken between the two speci-
(a)  General considerations
fied states. For example, in general the work is different if the
change takes place adiabatically and non-adiabatically. It fol- Because the internal energy is a function of the volume and
lows that dw is an inexact differential. It is often written đw. the temperature, when these two quantities change, the inter-
nal energy changes by

Example 2D.1  Calculating work, heat, and change in  ∂U   ∂U  General expression

dU =     dV +  dT    (2D.3)
 ∂T  V
for a change in U
internal energy  ∂V T with T and V

Consider a perfect gas inside a cylinder fitted with a piston. The interpretation of this equation is that, in a closed system of
Let the initial state be T,Vi and the final state be T,Vf. The
constant composition, any infinitesimal change in the internal
change of state can be brought about in many ways, of which
energy is proportional to the infinitesimal changes of volume
the two simplest are the following:
and temperature, the coefficients of proportionality being the
• Path 1, in which there is free expansion against zero two partial derivatives (Fig. 2D.2).
external pressure;
• Path 2, in which there is reversible, isothermal expansion.
Calculate w, q, and ΔU for each process.
Internal energy, U

Collect your thoughts  To find a starting point for a calculation

in thermodynamics, it is often a good idea to go back to first
principles and to look for a way of expressing the quantity to
be calculated in terms of other quantities that are easier to
calculate. It is argued in Topic 2B that the internal energy of
a perfect gas depends only on the temperature and is inde-
pendent of the volume those molecules occupy, so for any
isothermal change, ΔU = 0. Also, ΔU = q + w in general. To
U+ ( ∂U
∂V )
dV + (
∂T )

solve the problem you need to combine the two expressions, dT Temperature, T
selecting the appropriate expression for the work done from Volume, V dV
the discussion in Topic 2A.
The solution  Because ΔU = 0 for both paths and ΔU = q + w,
in each case q = −w. The work of free expansion is zero (eqn Figure 2D.2  An overall change in U, which is denoted dU, arises
2A.7 of Topic 2A, w = 0); so in Path 1, w = 0 and therefore q = when both V and T are allowed to change. If second-order
0 too. For Path 2, the work is given by eqn 2A.9 of Topic 2A (w infinitesimals are ignored, the overall change is the sum of
= −nRT ln(Vf/Vi)) and consequently q = nRT ln(Vf/Vi). changes for each variable separately.
2D  State functions and exact differentials   61

Internal energy, U
πT dominant, πT < 0

Internal energy, U
Perfect gas

dominant, πT > 0
Temperature, T
Volume, V
Volume, V

Figure 2D.4  For a perfect gas, the internal energy is independent

Figure 2D.3  The internal pressure, πT, is the slope of U with of the volume (at constant temperature). If attractions are
respect to V with the temperature T held constant. dominant in a real gas, the internal energy increases with volume
because the molecules become farther apart on average. If
repulsions are dominant, the internal energy decreases as the gas
In many cases partial derivatives have a straightforward
physical interpretation, and thermodynamics gets shapeless
and difficult only when that interpretation is not kept in sight.
The term (∂U/∂T)V occurs in Topic 2A, as the constant-volume 22 atm and the other was evacuated. He then tried to meas-
heat capacity, CV . The other coefficient, (∂U/∂V)T , denoted πT , ure the change in temperature of the water of the bath when a
plays a major role in thermodynamics because it is a measure stopcock was opened and the air expanded into a vacuum. He
of the variation of the internal energy of a substance as its vol- observed no change in temperature.
ume is changed at constant temperature (Fig. 2D.3). Because The thermodynamic implications of the experiment are as
π T has the same dimensions as pressure but arises from the follows. No work was done in the expansion into a vacuum,
interactions between the molecules within the sample, it is so w = 0. No energy entered or left the system (the gas) as heat
called the internal pressure: because the temperature of the bath did not change, so q = 0.
Consequently, within the accuracy of the experiment, ΔU = 0.
 ∂U 
πT =   Internal pressure
  (2D.4) Joule concluded that U does not change when a gas expands
 ∂V  T [definition]
isothermally and therefore that π T = 0. His experiment, how-
In terms of the notation CV and πT, eqn 2D.3 can now be ever, was crude. The heat capacity of the apparatus was so large
written that the temperature change, which would in fact occur for a
real gas, is simply too small to measure. Joule had extracted
dU = πT dV + CVdT (2D.5)
an essential limiting property of a gas, a property of a perfect
It is shown in Topic 3D that the statement πT = 0 (i.e. the gas, without detecting the small deviations characteristic of
internal energy is independent of the volume occupied by real gases.
the sample) can be taken to be the definition of a perfect
gas, because it implies the equation of state pV ∝ T. In mo-
lecular terms, when there are no interactions between the
molecules, the internal energy is independent of their separa-
tion and hence independent of the volume of the sample and
πT = 0. If the gas is described by the van der Waals equation
with a, the parameter corresponding to attractive interactions,
High pressure
dominant, then an increase in volume increases the average gas
separation of the molecules and therefore raises the internal
energy. In this case, it is expected that πT > 0 (Fig. 2D.4). This
expectation is confirmed in Topic 3D, where it is shown that
πT = na/V 2.
James Joule thought that he could measure π T by observ- Figure 2D.5  A schematic diagram of the apparatus used by Joule
ing the change in temperature of a gas when it is allowed to in an attempt to measure the change in internal energy when
expand into a vacuum. He used two metal vessels immersed a gas expands isothermally. The heat absorbed by the gas is
in a water bath (Fig. 2D.5). One was filled with air at about proportional to the change in temperature of the bath.
62  2  The First Law

(b)  Changes in internal energy at tive sign in the definition ensures that the compressibil-
ity is a positive quantity, because an increase of pressure,
constant pressure implying a positive dp, brings about a reduction of volume,
Partial derivatives have many useful properties and some are a negative dV.
reviewed in The chemist’s toolkit 9 of Topic 2A. Skilful use of
them can often turn some unfamiliar quantity into a quantity
Example 2D.2  Calculating the expansion coefficient of
that can be recognized, interpreted, or measured.
As an example, to find how the internal energy varies with a gas
temperature when the pressure rather than the volume of the Derive an expression for the expansion coefficient of a perfect
system is kept constant, begin by dividing both sides of eqn gas.
2D.5 by dT. Then impose the condition of constant pressure on
the resulting differentials, so that dU/dT on the left becomes Collect your thoughts  The expansion coefficient is defined in
(∂U/∂T)p. At this stage the equation becomes eqn 2D.6. To use this expression, you need to substitute the
expression for V in terms of T obtained from the equation of
 ∂U   ∂V  state for the gas. As implied by the subscript in eqn 2D.6, the
 ∂T  = π T  ∂T  + CV pressure, p, is treated as a constant.
p p
The solution Because pV = nRT, write
As already emphasized, it is usually sensible in thermodynam-
ics to inspect the output of a manipulation to see if it contains pV = nRT pV = nRT

any recognizable physical quantity. The partial derivative on 1  ∂V  1  ∂(nRT / p)  1 nR nR nR 1

α= =  = V × p = pV = nRT = T
the right in this expression is the slope of the plot of volume V  ∂T  p V  ∂T p
against temperature (at constant pressure). This property is
normally tabulated as the expansion coefficient, α , of a sub- The physical interpretation of this result is that the higher the
stance, which is defined as temperature, the less responsive is the volume of a perfect gas
1  ∂V  to a change in temperature.
α= Expansion coefficient
V  ∂T  p  [definition]
Self-test 2D.2  Derive an expression for the isothermal com-
pressibility of a perfect gas.
and physically is the fractional change in volume that accom- Answer: κT = 1/p
panies a rise in temperature. A large value of α means that the
volume of the sample responds strongly to changes in tem-
perature. Table 2D.1 lists some experimental values of α . For Introduction of the definition of α into the equation for
future reference, it also lists the isothermal compressibility, (∂U/∂T)p gives
κT (kappa), which is defined as
 ∂U 
 ∂T  = απ T V + CV (2D.8)
1  ∂V  Isothermal compressibility
κT = −    (2D.7)
V  ∂ p  T [definition] This equation is entirely general (provided the system is
closed and its composition is constant). It expresses the de-
The isothermal compressibility is a measure of the fractional pendence of the internal energy on the temperature at con-
change in volume when the pressure is increased; the nega- stant pressure in terms of CV, which can be measured in one
experiment, in terms of α , which can be measured in an-
other, and in terms of the internal pressure π T. For a perfect
Table 2D.1  Expansion coefficients (α) and isothermal
gas, π T = 0, so then
compressibilities (κT) at 298 K*
 ∂U 
α/(10 K ) −1 −6
κT/(10 bar ) −1  ∂T  = CV (2D.9)
Liquids: That is, although the constant-volume heat capacity of a per-
 Benzene 12.4 90.9 fect gas is defined as the slope of a plot of internal energy
 Water  2.1 49.0 against temperature at constant volume, for a perfect gas CV is
Solids: also the slope of a plot of internal energy against temperature
 Diamond  0.030  0.185 at constant pressure.
 Lead  0.861  2.18 Equation 2D.9 provides an easy way to derive the relation
between Cp and CV for a perfect gas (they differ, as explained
* More values are given in the Resource section. in Topic 2B, because some of the energy supplied as heat
2D  State functions and exact differentials   63

escapes back into the surroundings as work of expansion when a function of p and T, and the argument in Section 2D.2 for
the volume is not constant). First, write the variation of U can be adapted to find an expression for the
variation of H with temperature at constant volume.
of C eqn 2D.9

 How is that done? 2D.1  Deriving an expression for the
 ∂H   ∂U 
C p − CV =  − variation of enthalpy with pressure and temperature
 ∂T  p  ∂T  p
Consider a closed system of constant composition. Because H
Then introduce H = U + pV = U + nRT into the first term and is a function of p and T, when these two quantities change by
obtain an infinitesimal amount, the enthalpy changes by
 ∂(U + nRT )   ∂U   ∂H 
dH =   
 ∂H 
dp +  dT
C p − CV =   −  ∂T  = nR(2D.10)  ∂ p 
T  ∂T  p
 ∂T p p

The general result for any substance (the proof makes use of The second partial derivative is Cp. The task at hand is to
the Second Law, which is introduced in Focus 3) is express (∂H/∂p)T in terms of recognizable quantities. If the
enthalpy is constant, then dH = 0 and
α 2TV
C p − CV =
κ T (2D.11)  ∂H 
 ∂ p  dp = − C pdT   at constant  H
This relation reduces to eqn 2D.10 for a perfect gas when α =
1/T and κT =1/p. Because expansion coefficients α of liquids Division of both sides by dp then gives
and solids are small, it is tempting to deduce from eqn 2D.11  ∂H   ∂T 
that for them Cp ≈ CV. But this is not always so, because the  ∂ p  = − C p  ∂ p  = − C p µ
compressibility κT might also be small, so α 2/κT might be large.
That is, although only a little work need be done to push back where the Joule–Thomson coefficient, μ (mu), is defined as
the atmosphere, a great deal of work may have to be done to  ∂T  Joule–Thomson coefficient   (2D.12)
pull atoms apart from one another as the solid expands.  ∂ p  H [definition]

It follows that
Brief illustration 2D.1
dH = −μCpdp + CpdT
The expansion coefficient and isothermal compressibility of The variation of enthalpy with
water at 25 °C are given in Table 2D.1 as 2.1 × 10−4 K−1 and temperature and pressure
49.0 × 10−6 bar−1 (4.90 × 10−10 Pa−1), respectively. The molar vol-
ume of water at that temperature, Vm = M/ρ (where ρ is the Brief illustration 2D.2
mass density), is 18.1 cm3 mol−1 (1.81 × 10−5 m3 mol−1). Therefore,
from eqn 2D.11, the difference in molar heat capacities (which The Joule–Thomson coefficient for nitrogen at 298 K and
is given by using Vm in place of V) is 1 atm (Table 2D.2) is +0.27 K bar−1. (Note that μ is an intensive
property.) It follows that the change in temperature the gas
(2.1×10−4 K −1 )2 × (298K) × (1.81×10−5 m3 mol −1 ) undergoes when its pressure changes by −10 bar under isen-
C p ,m − CV,m =
4.90 ×10−10 Pa −1   thalpic conditions is
3 −1 −1 −1 −1
     = 0.485Pa m K mol = 0.485JK mol
∆T ≈ µ∆p = + (0.27 K bar −1 ) × (−10 bar) =  − 2.7K
−1 −1 −1 −1
For water, Cp,m = 75.3 J K  mol , so CV,m = 74.8 J K  mol . In some
cases, the two heat capacities differ by as much as 30 per cent.
Table 2D.2  Inversion temperatures (TI), normal freezing (Tf ) and
boiling (Tb) points, and Joule–Thomson coefficients (μ) at 1 atm
and 298 K*
2D.3  Changes in enthalpy
TI/K Tf/K Tb/K μ/(K atm−1)
A similar set of operations can be carried out on the enthalpy, Ar 723 83.8 87.3
H = U + pV. The quantities U, p, and V are all state functions; CO2 1500 194.7 +1.10 +1.11 at 300 K
therefore H is also a state function and dH is an exact differ- He 40 4.2 4.22 −0.062
ential. It turns out that H is a useful thermodynamic function N2 621 63.3 77.4 +0.27
when the pressure can be controlled: a sign of that is the re-
lation ΔH = q p (eqn 2B.2b). Therefore, H can be regarded as * More values are given in the Resource section.
64  2  The First Law

2D.4  The Joule–Thomson effect Cold gas

The analysis of the Joule–Thomson coefficient is central to the Heat

technological problems associated with the liquefaction of exchanger
gases. To determine the coefficient, it is necessary to measure
the ratio of the temperature change to the change of pressure,
ΔT/Δp, in a process at constant enthalpy. The cunning re-
quired to impose the constraint of constant enthalpy, so that
the expansion is isenthalpic, was supplied by James Joule and Liquid
William Thomson (later Lord Kelvin). They let a gas expand
through a porous barrier from one constant pressure to an- Compressor
other and monitored the difference of temperature that arose Figure 2D.7  The principle of the Linde refrigerator is shown in
from the expansion (Fig. 2D.6). The change of temperature this diagram. The gas is recirculated, and so long as it is beneath
that they observed as a result of isenthalpic expansion is called its inversion temperature it cools on expansion through the
the Joule–Thomson effect. throttle. The cooled gas cools the high-pressure gas, which cools
The ‘Linde refrigerator’ makes use of the Joule–Thomson still further as it expands. Eventually liquefied gas drips from the
effect to liquefy gases (Fig. 2D.7). The gas at high pressure is throttle.
allowed to expand through a throttle; it cools and is circu-
lated past the incoming gas. That gas is cooled, and its sub-
sequent expansion cools it still further. There comes a stage
when the circulating gas becomes so cold that it condenses How is that done? 2D.2  Establishing that the expansion is
to a liquid.
Because all changes to the gas occur adiabatically, q = 0 and,
(a)  The observation of the Joule–Thomson
consequently, ΔU = w.
Step 1 Calculate the total work
The apparatus Joule and Thomson used was insulated so
Consider the work done as the gas passes through the barri-
that the process was adiabatic. By considering the work
er by focusing on the passage of a fixed amount of gas from
done at each stage it is possible to show that the expansion
the high pressure side, where the pressure is p i, the tempera-
is isenthalpic.
ture Ti, and the gas occupies a volume Vi (Fig. 2D.8). The gas

Upstream Downstream
pi, Vi, Ti
Gas at pressure p pf pressure
Thermocouples low

barrier pi pf

pf, Vf Tf
Gas at pi pf
high pressure

Figure 2D.6  The apparatus used for measuring the Joule– Figure 2D.8  The thermodynamic basis of Joule–Thomson
Thomson effect. The gas expands through the porous barrier, expansion. The pistons represent the upstream and
which acts as a throttle, and the whole apparatus is thermally downstream gases, which maintain constant pressures either
insulated. As explained in the text, this arrangement corresponds side of the throttle. The transition from the top diagram to
to an isenthalpic expansion (expansion at constant enthalpy). the bottom diagram, which represents the passage of a given
Whether the expansion results in a heating or a cooling of the gas amount of gas through the throttle, occurs without change of
depends on the conditions. enthalpy.
2D  State functions and exact differentials   65

emerges on the low pressure side, where the same amount

of gas has a pressure p f, a temperature Tf, and occupies a
volume Vf. The gas on the left is compressed isothermally by
the upstream gas acting as a piston. The relevant pressure is

Temperature, T
p i and the volume changes from Vi to 0; therefore, the work
done on the gas is Cooling

w1 = –pi(0 − Vi) = piVi

The gas expands isothermally on the right of the barrier (but μ<0
possibly at a different constant temperature) against the pres-
sure pf provided by the downstream gas acting as a piston to
be driven out. The volume changes from 0 to Vf, so the work Pressure, p

done on the gas in this stage is Figure 2D.9  The sign of the Joule–Thomson coefficient, µ,
w2 = −pf(Vf − 0) = −pfVf depends on the conditions. Inside the boundary, the blue
area, it is positive and outside it is negative. The temperature
The total work done on the gas is the sum of these two quanti- corresponding to the boundary at a given pressure is the
ties, or ‘inversion temperature’ of the gas at that pressure. Reduction of
pressure under adiabatic conditions moves the system along one
w = w1 + w2 = piVi − pfVf
of the isenthalps, or curves of constant enthalpy (the blue lines).
The inversion temperature curve runs through the points of the
Step 2 Calculate the change in internal energy isenthalps where their slope changes from negative to positive.
It follows that the change of internal energy of the gas as it
moves adiabatically from one side of the barrier to the other is
Uf − Ui = w = piVi − pfVf
Step 3 Calculate the initial and final enthalpies
inversion Heating
Reorganization of the preceding expression, and noting that temperature
H = U + pV, gives
Temperature, T/K

Uf + pfVf = Ui + piVi  or Hf = Hi Nitrogen
Therefore, the expansion occurs without change of enthalpy.
Lower μ<0
Hydrogen inversion
For a perfect gas, μ = 0; hence, the temperature of a perfect
gas is unchanged by Joule–Thomson expansion. This char- Helium
acteristic points clearly to the involvement of intermolecular 0 200 400
Pressure, p
forces in determining the size of the effect.
Real gases have non-zero Joule–Thomson coefficients. Figure 2D.10  The inversion temperatures for three real gases,
Depending on the identity of the gas, the pressure, the rela- nitrogen, hydrogen, and helium.
tive magnitudes of the attractive and repulsive intermolecular
forces, and the temperature, the sign of the coefficient may be
either positive or negative (Fig. 2D.9). A positive sign implies (b)  The molecular interpretation of the
that dT is negative when dp is negative, in which case the gas
cools on expansion. However, the Joule–Thomson coefficient
Joule–Thomson effect
of a real gas does not necessarily approach zero as the pres- The kinetic model of gases (Topic 1B) and the equiparti-
sure is reduced even though the equation of state of the gas ap- tion theorem (The chemist’s toolkit 7 of Topic 2A) jointly
proaches that of a perfect gas. The coefficient behaves like the imply that the mean kinetic energy of molecules in a gas is
properties discussed in Topic 1C in the sense that it depends proportional to the temperature. It follows that reducing the
on derivatives and not on p, V, and T themselves. average speed of the molecules is equivalent to cooling the gas.
Gases that show a heating effect (μ < 0) at one temperature If the speed of the molecules can be reduced to the point that
show a cooling effect (μ > 0) when the temperature is below neighbours can capture each other by their intermolecular
their upper inversion temperature, TI (Table 2D.2, Fig. 2D.10). attractions, then the cooled gas will condense to a liquid.
As indicated in Fig. 2D.10, a gas typically has two inversion Slowing gas molecules makes use of an effect similar to that
temperatures. seen when a ball is thrown up into the air: as it rises it slows
66  2  The First Law

in response to the gravitational attraction of the Earth and their neighbours. Because some kinetic energy must be con-
its kinetic energy is converted into potential energy. As seen verted into potential energy to reach greater separations, the
in Topic 1C, molecules in a real gas attract each other (the at- molecules travel more slowly as their separation increases,
traction is not gravitational, but the effect is the same). It fol- and the temperature drops. The cooling effect, which cor-
lows that, if the molecules move apart from each other, like a responds to μ > 0, is observed in real gases under conditions
ball rising from a planet, then they should slow. It is very easy when attractive interactions are dominant (Z < 1, where Z is
to move molecules apart from each other by simply allowing the compression factor defined in eqn 1C.1, Z = Vm/V °),
m be-
the gas to expand, which increases the average separation of cause the molecules have to climb apart against the attractive
the molecules. To cool a gas, therefore, expansion must occur force in order for them to travel more slowly. For molecules
without allowing any energy to enter from outside as heat. As under conditions when repulsions are dominant (Z > 1), the
the gas expands, the molecules move apart to fill the availa- Joule–Thomson effect results in the gas becoming warmer,
ble volume, struggling as they do so against the attraction of or μ < 0.

Checklist of concepts
☐ 1. The quantity dU is an exact differential, dw and dq are ☐ 5. The change in internal energy with pressure and tem-
not. perature is expressed in terms of the internal pressure
☐ 2. The change in internal energy may be expressed in and the heat capacity and leads to a general expression
terms of changes in temperature and volume. for the relation between heat capacities.
☐ 3. The internal pressure is the variation of internal energy ☐ 6. The Joule–Thomson effect is the change in temperature
with volume at constant temperature. of a gas when it undergoes isenthalpic expansion.
☐ 4. Joule’s experiment showed that the internal pressure of
a perfect gas is zero.

Checklist of equations
Property Equation Comment Equation number
Change in U(V,T) dU =  (∂U / ∂V )T dV + (∂U / ∂T )V dT Constant composition 2D.3
Internal pressure πT = (∂U/∂V)T Definition; for a perfect gas, πT = 0 2D.4
Change in U(V,T) dU = πT dV + CV dT Constant composition 2D.5
Expansion coefficient α = (1/ V )(∂V / ∂T ) p Definition 2D.6
Isothermal compressibility κ T = −(1/ V )(∂V/ ∂p )T Definition 2D.7
Relation between heat capacities Cp − CV = nR Perfect gas 2D.10
Cp − CV = α2TV/κT 2D.11
Joule–Thomson coefficient μ = (∂T/∂p)H For a perfect gas, μ = 0 2D.12
Change in H(p,T) dH = −μCpdp + CpdT Constant composition 2D.13

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