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300040 Mechanics of Materials

2021 Tutorial Questions Set 2

Hand in during your tute class on 15 to 19 March.

The questions for tute set 2 are on the following pages.

1. To help you to learn how to answer the questions, the questions indicated will be answered
during the Lecture-Tutes (time permitting). These questions should still be handed in.

2. Based on what you learn in the lecture and the lecture-tute, attempt to answer the remaining
questions before the following week’s tute class.

3. If there are any questions you can’t answer, ask your tutor during the tute class

4. Hand your solutions to your tutor during your tutorial class, other methods of handing in will not
be accepted. Late submissions will not be accepted.

5. Attach a completed copy of the enclosed coversheet.

6. Your solutions will be returned in a later tute class. Uncollected tute sets will be disposed of.

If you need further help with the questions, I suggest you read the following sections from the text
book; Hibbeler Mechanics of Materials: 4.3 to 4.6, 3.5
Question 1.
An axial centric force of magnitude P = 450 kN is applied to
the composite block shown by means of a right end plate.
Knowing that h = 10 mm, determine the normal stress in
(a) the brass core,
(b) the aluminium plates.

Question 2.
Three steel rods (E = 200 GPa) support a 36-kN load P. Each of the
rods AB and CD has a 200 mm2 cross-sectional area and rod EF
has a 625 mm2 cross-sectional area. Determine
(a) the change in length of rod EF,
(b) the stress in each rod.

Question 3.
Will be answered in the lecture-tute
A brass bolt (Eb = 103 GPa) with a 10 mm diameter is fitted
inside a steel tube (Es = 200 GPa) with a 22 mm outer
diameter and 3 mm wall thickness. After the nut has been fit
snugly, it is tightened one quarter of a full turn. Knowing that
the bolt is single-threaded with a 2.5 mm pitch, determine the
normal stress
(a) in the bolt,
(b) in the tube.

Question 4.
Three wires are used to suspend the plate shown. Aluminium wires are
used at A and B with a diameter of 3 mm and a steel wire is used at C
with a diameter of 2 mm. Knowing that the allowable stress for
aluminium (E = 72 GPa) is 96 MPa and that the allowable stress for
steel (E = 200 GPa) is 124 MPa, determine the maximum load P that
may be applied.
Question 5.
Will be answered in the lecture-tute
The rigid bar AD is supported by two steel wires of
1.5 mm diameter (E = 200 GPa) and a pin and bracket at
A. Knowing that the wires were initially taught, determine
(a) the additional tension in each wire when a 1.0 kN load
P is applied at D,
(b) the corresponding deflection of point D.

Question 6.
The aluminium shell is fully bonded to the brass core, and the
assembly is unstressed at a temperature of 26°C. Considering only
axial deformations, determine the stress when the temperature
reaches 82°C
(a) in the brass core,
(b) in the aluminium shell.

Question 7.
Will be answered in the lecture-tute
The assembly shown consists of an aluminium shell
(Ea = 73 GPa, αa = 23.2x10–6/°C) fully bonded to a steel
core (Es = 200 GPa, αs = 11.7x10-6/°C) and is unstressed.
(a) the largest allowable change in temperature if the
stress in the aluminium shell is not to exceed 41 MPa,
(b) the corresponding change in length of the assembly.

Question 8.
(a) the compressive force in the bars shown after a temperature
rise of 96°C,
(b) the corresponding change in length of the bronze bar.
Question 9.
A 2-m length of an aluminium pipe of 240-mm outer diameter and 10-mm
wall thickness is used as a short column and carries a centric axial load of
640 kN. Knowing that E = 73 GPa and ν = 0.33, determine
(a) the change in length of the pipe,
(b) the change in its outer diameter,
(c) the change in its wall thickness.

Question 10.
Will be answered in the lecture-tute
A 25-mm square is scribed on the side of a large steel
pressure vessel. After pressurization the biaxial stress
condition at the square is as shown. Knowing that
E = 200 GPa and ν = 0.30, determine the change in length
(a) side AB,
(b) side BC,
(c) diagonal AC.
Put a staple near the edge so
that all your work can be seen
on every page.

Assignment Cover Sheet

300040 Mechanics of Materials
School of Computing, Engineering and Maths




• I have completed all of the questions that I have listed above.
• I have kept a photocopy of my solution.
• I hereby certify that no part of this assignment or product has been copied from any other
student’s work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made in the
assignment. No part of this assignment/product has been written/produced for me by any
other person except where such collaboration has been authorised by the subject
lecturer/tutor concerned.

Signature: ...........................................................................................

Note: Marks may be deducted for an incomplete or inaccurate cover sheet.

An examiner or lecturer/tutor has the right not to mark this assignment if the above
declaration has not been signed.

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