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Grammar Section



A. Simple Present Tense

Simple present tense adalah tenses yang digunakan ketika suatu kejadian sedang
berlangsung saat ini atau kejadian yang berlangsung berulang kali (kebiasaan). Tenses
ini merupakan tenses yang paling sering digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris.

Pola Kalimat Verbal

(+) S + V1 + O/C
(-) S + do/does + not + V1 + O/C
(?) Do/Does + S + V1 + O/C?

Subject V1 Object/Complement
+ I/You/We/They
To school everyday

Subject Do/Does not V1 Object/Complement

- I/You/We/They
Do not
Does not
To school everyday

Do/Does Subject V1 Object/Complement

? Do
To school everyday?

Pola Kalimat Nominal

(+) S + Be (am, is, are) + O/C
(-) S + Be (am, is, are) + not + O/C
(?) Be (am, is, are) + S + O/C

Subject Be Complement (Adv, N, Adj)

I Am
+ You/We/They Are A student
He/She/It Is

Complement (Adv, N,
Subject Be Not
- I Am
You/We/They Are Not A student

He/She/It Is

Complement (Adv, N,
Be Subject
? Am
You/We/They A student?
Is He/She/It

Exercise 1
What do you do every day regularly? On the left is a list of habits. On the right, make a
list if your habit every morning. Put them in order. What do you do first, second, third,
Habits My Habits everyday
a. Eat breakfast 1. I wake up in the morning
b. Take a bath 2. ______________________
c. Brush my teeth 3. ______________________
d. Go to school 4. ______________________
e. Put on my clothes 5. ______________________
f. Study in the class 6. ______________________
g. Wake up 7. ______________________
h. Shake my hand 8. ______________________
i. Take a break 9. ______________________
j. Have a meeting in organization 10. _____________________
k. Have lunch 11. _____________________
l. Pray dzuhur 12. _____________________
m. Pray ashar 13. _____________________
n. Go home 14. _____________________
o. Sleep 15. _____________________
p. Have dinner 16. _____________________
q. Study in the evening 17. _____________________



A. Present Progressive Tense
Present progressive atau bisa disebut dengan Present continuous adalah bentuk tense
yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu aksi sedang berlangsung selama waktu
tertentu pada waktu sekarang (present). Bentuk ini menunjukkan bahwa aksi tersebut
terjadi sebelum (begins before), selama (is in progress at the present), dan berlanjut
setelah (continues after) waktu atau aksi lainnya.
Pola kalimat Present Progressive
(+) S + be (am, is, are) + V-ing + O/C
(-) S + be (am, is, are) + not + V-ing + O/C
(?) Be (am, is, are) + S + V-ing + O/C
1. I’m sitting in the class right now
2. Nabil is sitting in the class right now
3. You are sitting here
4. He is not taking a bath
5. Are you studying?
Exercise 1.
One to another student ask “What am I doing?” and try to make a gesture action. The rest of
students will guess.



Simple Past Tense
Simple past tense adalah kalimat tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang
terjadi di masa lampau dan telah berakhir di masa lampau.
Rumus Simple Past Tense
Untuk membentuk kalimat simple past tense, rumusnya adalah sebagai berikut
Kalimat Verbal
(+) S + Verb 2 + O/C
(-) S + did + not + V1 + O/C
(?) Did + S + V1 + O/C
Kalimat Nominal
(+) S + Be (Was, Were) + C (A, N, A)
(-) S + Be (Was, Were) + Not + C (A, N, A)
(?) Be (Was, Were) + S + C + (A, N, A)
Dalam kalimat simple past tense, kata kerja / verb yang digunakan merupakan bentuk kata
kerja kedua. Terdapat 2 jenis kata kerja / Verb, yakni Regular Verb dan Irregular Verb.
Untuk regular verb, tambahkan -ed / -d dibelakang setelah kata kerja bentuk pertama.
e.g :
1. Ramzy went to Bali for holiday last month
2. Last Monday, Nabil got an accident on the street
3. Bambang did not submit his homework yesterday
4. Alfandi did not come to my birthday party last night
5. I was a student of kindergarden 8 years ago
6. Did you come to the Kiki’s party last night?
7. Were you a student of Arafah Kindergarden?



Speaking Section

Greeting and Introduction.

There are different ways to greet people in English. These are some of the most common phrases to
greet people.

Greeting Hi…
How are you ?
What’s up?
How are you doing?
Opening Let me introduce myself
Allow me to introduce myself
Name My name is…
You can call me…
My friends usually call me…
Origin I come from…
I am from…
Place and date of birth I was born in … ( name of month)
I was born on … (name of the day)
Address I live in (name of the city/place)
I live at (street – number)
Educational status I study…
My latest education is …
I was graduated from …
Nationality I am Indonesian
Occupation/profession I am a teacher
I teach at …
I work at …
Hobby My hobby is/are…
Interest I am interested in ….
Telephone number 0271/081…
Religion I am a Moslem
Pre-closing It’s nice to see you
It’s nice to meet you
I think that’s all…
Closing See you

Asking for information

 May I know your name?

 Where do you live?
 What do you do?
 What are your hobbies?
 Do you like music?

Task 1.
Introduce yourself in front of you teacher and friends.

Read the personal information below.

Hello. My name is Mike Miller. Everybody calls me Mike. I am American currently live in
Indonesia at Jl. Jendral Sudirman, Mils Garden Residence, Surabaya. I was born in California on
4th of February 1999. I’m a student at Airlangga University. I have an older brother named
Benjamin, and a little sister named Mia. I am the second child. My hobbies are swimming,
fishing, and collecting guitar. I was like Spaghetti, but since we live in Indonesia, I think Mie
Ayam is better. I love playing guitar with my brother because he’s expert on it. I want to be a
musician and make my own music studio.

Practice these dialogues with your friend, with correct intonation.

Dialogue #1

Mike : Good morning.

Linda : How are you Mike?

Mike : I’m fine Linda. What about you?

Linda : I’m good.

Mike : Glad to hear that. By the way, what do you do now?

Linda : I work in the law firm as a staff. And you?

Mike : I just finished my bachelor degree and I will work at my fathers’ company.

Linda : Nice. Good luck Mike.

Mike : Thank you.

Dialogue #2

Marina : Hello, meet my friend Nia.

Sandra : Nice to meet you Nia. I’m Sandra.

Nia : Nice to meet you too, Sandra.

Sandra : Where are you from?

Nia : I’m from Bogor.

Marina : Nia is my best friend since we were nine. But, she and her parents moved to

Bogor last year.

Sandra : Wow! No wonder. I thought she’s your sister. So, she’s on vacation.

Marina : Yupp. People say so too. We look same.

Nia : By the way, we are about to going to the cinema. Let’s join us Sandra.

Marina : There are good movies tonight.

Sandra : Sounds good. But, first let me take my order in the coffee shop.

Marina : Okay.

Task 2.

Work in pair and make a dialogue how to introduce your family or friend to others and make a
presentation in front of the class.

Daily Activities

Lisa is a student at university. Here is her daily routine.

1. I always wake up at 7:00 in the morning.

2. I usually have breakfast at 7:30.
3. I catch the bus to university at 8:00.
4. I usually start studying at 8:30.
5. I always have lunch at noon.
6. I finish university at 4:15 in the afternoon.
7. I sometimes go to the cinema with my friends in the evening.
8. I usually have dinner with my family at about 7:00 in the evening.
9. I never go to bed before 11 o’clock.
10. I often go to bed at midnight.

What are some of the daily activities that you do at home?

I wake up at 4 a.m every morning. I press the snooze button two times every morning
before I turn off the alarm and get up. I have a cup of coffee and eat breakfast. I usually read
the newspaper while I have breakfast. My brother likes to have a shower after he has breakfast
but I like to have a shower before I get dressed. My father brushes his hair, and I have short
wavy hair so I comb my hair and put on my hijab. It is important to brush your teeth.
The family eat dinner together at 730 p.m. After dinner I do my homework, and then
I chill out on the sofa and watch television. On television I usually watch the movies. My
parents usually come to tell me to take the rubbish out, or wash the dishes feed the cat before
I go to bed. If I am sick I have to take my medication, but then I get into my pajamas and set
the alarm so I wake up in the morning. The last things I do are turn off the lights, and go to
bed. It doesn't take me long to fall asleep.

Read the text below aloud.

Hello! My name is Julie. I am a journalist. At work, I write stories for the newspaper. I interview
celebrities and important people. I ask them questions relevant to the news. I research topics like
the environment, politics, and culture. I work with a colleague named Anne. She takes pictures
for the newspaper. She is the photographer on the team. We often travel together and report
about many different topics.

Task 1

Make a presentation about your daily routine in front of the class.

What Are You Doing?

Read the text below aloud.

Today, Hani is visiting her grandparents. She loves cooking with her grandmother. Her
grandmother usually teaches her how to cook delicious dishes. At this moment, Hani is learning how
to make tasty chicken soup. Hani is helping her grandma to cut some onions, chilies, carrots, potatoes
and other vegetables. She is also writing her own recipes. She plans to make chicken soup at home
next Monday. She is making the chicken soup for her mother because next Monday is her mother’s

 Look at the pictures. Make a sentence based on the pictures using present continuous tense.

Task 1

Pay attention to your friends. What is he/she doing right now?

Task 2

Find some verbs and make sentences using present continuous


Read the text below aloud.

I had a really good weekend. My elder sister and I went shopping. My sister bought a dress as
a birthday present for her friend. I bought a new pair of shoes, skateboard and sneakers. I bought the
sneakers using my pocket money. I had saved my money for ten months. I was so happy that I could
buy them by myself. On Sunday morning, I put on my shoes. Then I played skateboard all day. The
shoes were so comfortable. It was so fun.

Practice this dialogue with your friend.

Danni : Hi, Son. Happy New Year.

Soni : Happy New Year too, Dan.

Danni : How was your New Year celebration?

Soni : It was fun. My family and I camped on a hill.

Danni : Wow, what were the activities?

Soni : There were many outdoor activities. They were like scout activities.

Danni : Who managed the camp activities?

The company where my father works. What about you? How was your New
Soni : Year celebration?

Danni : It was same as last year. No special celebration.

Soni : That’s okay. Oh yeah, next weekend I will go hiking with my family. Do you
want to join us?

Danni : Really? May I join?

Soni : Absolutely yes! You’re my best friend.

Danni : Thank you.

Soni : Don’t mention it.

Task 1

Tell your experience from day 1 until present. Share it with your friend in front of the class.

Task 2
Make a dialogue based on the situations below.
Situation 1 : You went to Surabaya last month.
Situation 2 : My family had barbeque party yesterday.

Describing Someone or Something

Read the text below aloud.

My best friend is Ernest and he is my classmate. We go to school together.

Ernest comes from an educated family. His father is a school principal and his mother is also a
teacher. He is punctual, well-educated, and has good manners. He is really hard working. He always
does his homework. He is also well-dressed and well-behaved. All teachers have a high opinion of
him. Ernest has a well-built body. He is gentle but fearless. He takes part in all sports, scout, trekking
and mountaineering activities. He has a good heart. He is truthful, honest and obedient.

Look at the pictures below. Describe them in front of the class.

Practice this conversation with your friend.

Vina : There’s a new girl in school, have you seen her yet?

Ainun : I haven’t seen her yet.

Vina : I think that she is very pretty.

Ainun : Tell me how she looks.

Vina : She’s kind of short.

Ainun : What height is she?

Vina : She’s probably about five feet.

Ainun : That’s nice, but tell me what she looks like.

Vina : The first thing I noticed was her beautiful brown eyes.

Ainun : I think I might’ve bumped into her before.

Vina : Are you telling me that you’ve seen her before?

Ainun : I believe so.

Task 1

Work in pair. Describe your friend in front of the class.

In The Market

Practice these dialogues with your friend

Dialogue #1

Maya : I want to buy some eggs, please? How much does it costs?
Seller : One kilo is Rp 20.000,00
Maya : Ok, I want to buy 2 kilo of eggs. Here is the money Rp 50.000,00
The cost is Rp 40.000,00. So, the change is Rp 10.000,00
Seller : Here you are
Maya : Thank you
Seller : You’re welcome

Dialogue #2

Sinta : Good morning Wulan. where are you going?

Wulan : I’m going to traditional market nearby.
Sinta : What would you buy?
Wulan : I want buy spices and some fishes.
Sinta : What a coincidence. I’m about to go there too. I want to buy a chicken.
Wulan : Well, let’s go then.

Task 1
Look around you. Find some things and mention it.

Read the text below aloud.

On Sunday I go to the traditional market with my mother. We buy shrimps, crabs, and
vegetables. I love seafood very much. My mother usually cooks them with salted egg sauce, carrots
and some corns. My mothers’ dish is very delicious and I learn how to cook with her. She’s very good
in the kitchen and she’s also a good singer. She cooks her dish and sings a song at the same time. Her
voice is good as gold.

Task 2

Make a dialog based on the situations below.

Situation 1 : You want to buy a pair of new shoes at mall.

Situation 2 : Father wants you to buy him a shirt.
Situation 3 : Your friends and you are on the way. You’re hungry and decided to stop to buy
some snacks.

Instructions and Commands

Giving instructions

Simple instructions to replace a light bulb:

First, turn off the electricity

Second, remove the light bulb.

Then, screw in the new light bulb

Finally, turn the electricity on and switch on the light.

(you can also say “after that” instead of “then”)

Giving extra help

When you give instructions, you can help the other person with extra information and advice.
Be careful not to … (touch any live wires)
Try not to … (touch the lightbulb with your hands)
You need to … (check the wattage of the lightbulb first)
It’s important to … (make sure the electricity is off)
It helps to … (wait for the lightbulb to cool down before you remove it)
Be sure to … (turn off the electricity before you you touch the lightbulb)
Always … (wear gloves when you touch a lightbulb)
Never … (touch a socket with wet hands)

Practice this dialogue with your friend.

Anna : mom, how to cook an omelet?

Mother : first, wash the vegetables and after that dice them. Second, crack the egg and whisk it.

After that put the vegetables into the egg and fry it on the hot pan.

Anna : Thank you mom.

Mother : Sure, anytime.

Giving a comment
I think …
It would be better if …
Maybe you should …
In my opinion …

Dialogue #1

You : Is that your car?

Friend : Yeah. What do you think?

You : That’s cool. But, I personally like black rather than white.

Friend : Well, the seller said that they are out of stock.

You : It’s better than nothing

Dialogue #2

Son : I want buy this t-shirt.

Father : Which one do you want?

Son : I like this one. What do you think?

Father : I think it looks good on you.

Son : Can I get this one, please?

Father : Sure.

Task 1

Make a dialogue based on the situations below.

Situation 1 : Your brother asks you to help him to pick some ties.

Situation 2 : Your friend asks you how to make a fried noodle.

Situation 3 : How to make a cup of tea?

Where Is It?

Practice these dialogues with your friend.

Dialogue #1
Nina : Where are you?
Jack : I’m at my office
Nina : Where is your office?
Jack : My office is in the empire state building, near penn station.
Nina : What floor is your company on?
Jack : It’s on the 14th floor

Dialogue #2
Millie : Lika, I forget where I located my headband.
Lika : How it can be? I remembered it was under this chair, wasn’t it?
Millie : It should be there. Yet, when I ran toward the building in around one hour ago, and
got back here, it suddenly vanished!
Lika : I’m sorry to hear that. Next time, put your belongings in more spacious places
instead under this chair.
Millie : Yes, I understand. Thank you very much for your advice.

 Year, Month, In 1999, In December

 Country, State, City In Japan, In Utah, In Taipei
 Day, Date On Saturday, On May 1
 Street On Main Street, On 1st Ave.
 Time At 8:00, At 7:30
 Address At 815 East Main Street

Pay attention to these examples

 I met my friend at the theater. (while watching a movie)

 I spilled my drink in the theater (on the floor of the building)
 She works at the library on Wednesdays.
 She found a rare coin in the library (building).
 Dr. Jones works at the hospital every day.
 John was in the hospital for a week with a broken leg.

Task 1

Work in pair. Make a dialogue related to things around you.

Task 2
Think about your bedroom or other places in your house. Remember some things and where you put
them. Make sentences using prepositions.

No Introduction, No Affection (tak kenal maka tak sayang)
Please translate these expression below :

 May I introduce my self to you ?

 Have we met before ?
 Do you recognize / know her ?
 What’s your name ?
 What’s is your call name ?
 How to spell your name ?
 Where are you from ?
 Exactly
 Where is your boarding house / dormitory ?
 Is it near of far from here ?

1. Gimana kabarnya ?
 how are you ?
 how are you today ?
 how are you this morning ?
 how are you this evening ?
 How’s life ?
 How’s everything ?
 What’s up ?
 Is everything alright ?
2. Baik baik saja
 Just fine
 I’m fine, thanks
 Pretty well, thanks
 Not too bad, thanks
3. Kemana aja selama ini ? kok gak pernah kelihatan ?
 Where have you been ? it’s been a long time not to see you
4. Boleh kenalan ?
 May i introduce my self to you ?
 May i know your name ?
 Is it O.K to have an Introduce now ?
5. Baru datang ya ?
 Have you just come ?
 Have you just arrived
6. Anak / siswa baru ?

 Are you new comer ?
 Are you new student ?
7. Kapan datang ?
 When did you come come here ?
 When did you arrive ?
8. Baru saja
 Just now
 I’ve just come
 I’just arrived


 Occasion : kesempatan
 Get up : bangun
 Wash :mencuci
 Brush :menyikat
 Tell :menceritakan
 Take a ritual ablution :wudhu
 Take a bath :mandi
 Iron :menyetrika


 What time do you usually get up?

 Where do you usually have breakfast?
 How many times do you eat every day?
 Do you take a bath...


 I usually get up 3 o’clock a.m.

 I usually have breakfast in Ma’Nyos inn.
 Twice .in the morning and in the afternoon.
 Yes,.............../No............


 Yawn : menguap
 Sleepy :Mengantuk
 Sleep : Tidur
 Dream :Mimpi
 Talk in one’s sleep :Mengigau
 Nice Dream :Mimpi Indah
 Snore :Mendengkur
 Nightmare :Mimpi Buruk
 Wake Up :Bangun
 Wash The Face : Cuci Muka
 Take a ritual ablution : Berwudhu
 Take a bath : Mandi
 Pray :sholat
 Dawn prayer :sholat shubuh
 Midday prayer :sholat dzuhur
 After noon prayer :sholat ashar

 Sunset prayer :sholat maghrib
 Evening prayer :sholat isya
 Optional prayer :sholat sunah
 Worship :ibadah
 Breakfast :makan pagi
 Lunch :makan siang
 Dinner :makan malam
 Brunch :makan ½ pagi ½ siang
 Supper :makan malam tidak formal
 Go to school :pergi ke sekolah
 On foot :dengan jalan kaki
 By bicycle :dengan naik sepeda
 By motorcycle :dengan motor
 By car :dengan naik mobil
 Take a walk :jalan-jalan
 Take a rest :beristirahat
 Take a dumb :buang air besar
 Take a leak :buang air kecil
 Take care :jaga diri
 Make up :berdandan
 Mirror :cermin
 Comb :menyisir rambut
 Tidy :merapikan
 Peep :mengintip
 Sweat :berkeringat
 Pinch :mencubit
 Itch :gatal
 Pull :menarik
 Push :mendorong
 Scratch : mencakar
 Shake hands :berjabat tangan
 Shout : berteriak

Verb (kata kerja )

No Verb 1 Verb 2 Verb 3 Verb ing Meaning

1 Accept Accepted Accepted Accepting Menerima
2 Bring Brought Brought Bringing Membawa
3 Choose Choosed Choosed Choosing Memilih
4 Check Checked Checked Checking Memeriksa
5 Cross Croosed Croossed Croosing Menyilang
6 Destroy Destroyed Destroyed Destroying Merusak
7 Develop Developed Developed Developing Mengembangkan
8 Dry Dried Dried Drying Menjemur
9 Handle Hendled Handled Handling Menangani
10 Knock Knocked Knocked Knocking Mengetuk
11 Listen Listened Listened Listening Mendengarkan
12 Lock Locked Locked Locking Mengunci
13 Memorize Memorized Memorized Memorizing Menghafal
14 Offer Offered Offered Offering Menawarkan
15 Postpone Postponed Postponed Postponing Menunda
16 Repair Repaired Repaired Repairing Memperbaiki
17 Talk Talked Talked Talking Berbicara
18 Visit Visited Visited Visiting Mengunjungi
19 Wait Waited Waited Waiting Menunggu
20 Want Wanted Wanted Wanting Ingin


 Bald : botak
 Bangs : rambut poni
 Cruly hair : rambut kriting
 Wavy hair : rambut ikal
 Dark skin : kulit hitam
 Elegant : elegant
 Fat : gemuk
 Good looking : menarik
 Muscular : berotot
 Obese : obesitas
 Pale : pucat
 Wrinkles : keriput
 Brave :berani
 Calm :pendiam
 Careful :hati-hati
 Diligent :rajin
 Fair/just :adil
 Friendly :ramah
 Funny :lucu
 Genorous :dermawan

Expresion : Response :

 What does it look like ? it’s big, with eight hairy arms.
 How big is it ? it’s 3 meters
 How much does it weigh ? it is weighs 75 kilograms
 What color is it ? it’s bright yellow, brighter than
 What’s it made out of ? it’s made of plastic and aluminium
 What is it ? it’s garlic press
 What does it do ? it’s puts sharp poin on wooden
 What is the purpose / function of a pencil case ? the purpose of it is to our stationary
 What do you use a (.... cheese grater )? A cheese grater is used to make
small strips of cheese from cheese block
 How does a (... mixer ) work ? turn on the mixer an press the
number , the mixer will run well


 North :utara
 East :timur
 Turn :belok
 Go on :terus
 Grade :tanjakan
 Crossroad :perempatan
 Dead alley :gang buntu
 Hedge :pagar (tanaman)
 Border :perbatasan
 Mosque :masjid
 Right side :sebelah kanan
 South :selatan
 West :barat
 Straight :lurus
 Zig zag :berliku liku
 Side walk :trotoar
 Three junctions :pertigaan
 Fence :pagar (tembok)
 Gate :gerbang
 Highway :jalan raya
 Bridge :jembatan
 Left side :sebelah kiri
 One lane : satu jalur
 Tower : menara
 Stadiun :stadion
 Gas station : pom bensin
 Inn : warung
 Garden : taman
 Traffic circle :bundaran
 Traffic light : lampu lalu lintas
 Post office :kantor pos
 Calling station : wartel
 Shop :toko
 Buy : membeli

 Ask around = Bertanya pada banyak orang pertanyaan yang sama
 Back (something) up = Mengembalikan
 Back (somebody) up = Mendukung
 Blow up = Meledak
 Blow (something) up = Meniup
 Break down = Berhenti berfungsi / Kecewa
 Break up = Mengakhiri hubungan
 Break out = Kabur
 Bring (somebody) down = Membuat sedih
 Bring (somebody) up = Membesarkan anak
 Call (somebody) back = Membalas telepon
 Call (something) off = Membatalkan
 Calm down = Tenang
 Catch up = Menyusul
 Check in = Sampai dan melakukan pendaftaran di hotel atau bandara
 Check out = Meninggalkan atau keluar dari hotel
 Cheer up = Jadi lebih senang
 Clean up = Membersihkan
 Come forward = Bersukarela terhadap suatu tugas
 Come from = Berasal dari
 Count on = Bergantung atau mengandalkan
 Cut off = Memotong / Memberhentikan persediaan / Mencabut hak waris
 Do away with = Membuang
 Do (something) up = Mengencangkan
 Dress up = Mengenakan pakaian bagus
 Eat out = Makan di luar
 End up = Akhirnya
 Fall apart = Tercerai berai
 Fall down = Jatuh ke tanah
 Fall out = Jatuh atau keluar dari suatu wadah
 Find out = Menemukan

 Get away = Pergi berlibur
 Get away with = Lolos
 Get back /Go back = Kembali
 Get (something) back = Mendapatkan kembali
 Get back into = Tertarik akan sesuatu lagi
 Get on = Naik kendaraan
 Get up = Berdiri
 Give away = Memberi secara gratis
 Give up = Berhenti mencoba atau menyerah
 Go after = Mengikuti
 Go against = Melawan
 Go ahead = Memulai atau melanjutkan
 Grow back = Tumbuh kembali
 Grow into = Berkembang hingga sebesar
 Grow up = Mendewasa
 Hand in = Menyerahkan
 Hand out = Membagikan sesuatu pada sekelompok orang
 Hang in = Tetap positif
 Hang on = Menunggu dalam jangka waktu singkat
 Hang out = Menghabiskan waktu bersantai
 Hang up = Menutup telepon
 Hold back = Mencegah dari melakukan sesuatu
 Hold on = Menunggu untuk jangka waktu singkat
 Hold onto = Berpegang kuat
 Let down = Mengecewakan
 Let in = Memperbolehkan masuk
 Log in = Masuk ke website atau computer
 Log out = Keluar dari website atau computer
 Look after = Menjaga
 Look down on = Meremehkan
 Look for = Mencari
 Look up = mencari informasi

 Look up to = Mengagumi
 Make up = Menemukan, berbohong, saling memaafkan, menggunakan kosmetika
 Pass away = Meninggal
 Pass up = Menolak
 Pass back = Mengembalikan uang hutang
 Pay for = Menerima hukuman atas perbuatan buruk
 Point out = Menunjuk dengan jari
 Put down = Meletakkan
 Put off = Menunda
 Put out = Mematikan (biasanya api)
 Put together = Mengumpulkan
 Put on = Mengenakan atau memakai
 Run into = Bertemu secara tak sengaja
 Run over = Melindas dengan kendaraan
 Run away = Kabur atau melarikan diri
 Run out = Kehabisan
 Send back = Mengembalikan
 Set up = Mengatur atau merencanakan / jebakan
 Sleep over = Menginap disuatu tempat untuk semalam
 Switch off = Memberhentikan energy mengalir atau mematikan
 Switch on = Mengalirkan energy atau menghidupkan
 Sit down = duduk
 Stand up = berdiri
 Tear up = Merobek
 Think back = Mengingat ulang
 Think over = Memutuskan
 Throw away = Membuang
 Turn down = Mengecilkan suara, menolak
 Turn off = Mematikan
 Turn on = Menghidupkan
 Turn up = Menaikkan suara
 Try on = Pakaian contoh

 Try out = Ujian uji coba
 Wake up = Bangun tidur
 Warm up = Pemanasan

Adverb of time :

 two days ago (dua hari lalu),

 already (sudah)
 before dawn (sebelum fajar)
 early (awal; sebelum waktunya)
 finally (akhirnya; setelah waktu yang lama)
 last year (tahun lalu)
 later (nanti)
 next week (minggu depan)
 now (sekarang)
 since yesterday (sejak kemarin)
 then (pada saat itu (di masa lalu atau masa depan))
 today (hari ini, pada saat ini)
 tomorrow (besok)
 yesterday (kemarin)

Adverb of Manner

 automatically (secara otomatis)

 carefully (secara hati-hati)
 clearly (dengan jelas)
 correctly (dengan benar)
 fast (dengan cepat)
 fluently (dengan lancar)
 hard (dengan keras)
 quickly (dengan cepat)
 slowly (dengan lambat)
 successfully (dengan sukses)
 suddenly (secara tiba-tiba)
 well (dengan baik)
 in a friendly way (dengan cara yang bersahabat)
 like a child (seperti anak-anak)

Adverb of frequency ( How often)

 automatically (secara otomatis)

 carefully (secara hati-hati)
 clearly (dengan jelas)
 correctly (dengan benar)
 fast (dengan cepat)
 fluently (dengan lancar)
 hard (dengan keras)
 quickly (dengan cepat)
 slowly (dengan lambat)

 successfully (dengan sukses)
 suddenly (secara tiba-tiba)
 well (dengan baik)
 in a friendly way (dengan cara yang bersahabat)
 like a child (seperti anak-anak)

Adverb of Place

 above (di tempat/posisi yang lebih tinggi)

 abroad (di/ke luar negeri)
 across (dari satu sisi ke sisi yang lain)
 anywhere (di/ke tempat apapun)
 away (di/ke tempat lain, ke arah lain)
 backward(s) (ke belakang)
 downstairs (di/ke lantai yang lebih rendah)
 east (di/ke timur)
 here (disini, kesini)
 indoors (di dalam ruangan)
 nearby (dekat)
 uphill (ke atas bukit/lereng
 at home (di rumah)
 under the bed (di bawah tempat tidur)


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