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A newsletter of the First United Presbyterian Church

Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors
March 2011

March 9, 2011
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Fellowship Hall
A soup buffet supper will be served at 6 p.m.
Menu ~ homemade soups, breads, and fruit.
Following supper we will have a service of worship including
communion and the imposition of ashes for those who desire

We hope you will come to deepen your life of faith as we begin

the Lenten journey together. Please sign up in Fellowship Hall
or call the church office before Monday, March 7, to reserve
your place.

The kind of fasting I want is this: remove the chains of

oppression and injustice, and let the oppressed go free.
The Season of Lent Share your food with the hungry, and open your homes to
the homeless poor. Give clothes to those who have noth-
The season of Lent is a time of prayer, fasting ing to wear, and do not refuse to help your own relatives.
and self-examination in preparation for the Isaiah 58: 6-7
celebration of the resurrection of the Lord at
Easter. It is a period of 40 days — like the
flood of Genesis, Moses’ sojourn at Mount Si-
nai, Elijah’s journey to Mount Horeb, Jonah’s
call to Ninevah to repent and Jesus’ time of
testing in the wilderness. (The Sundays in
Lent are not counted in this reckoning of the
time between Ash Wednesday and Easter, as
every Lord’s Day is a celebration of the resur-
rection of Jesus Christ.)
A Pastoral Note
from Jacquelyn Pinkowski
Within a few days the season of Lent will be upon us. Ash Wednesday begins this season of penitents. This season has
been observed by the church since before the 7th Century. If you count the days between Ash Wednesday and Easter
you will find that there are more than 40 days. Why, since we talk about the 40 days before Easter? Sunday’s are not
included. Each Sunday is considered a “Little Easter.”
When I come into a church it is always interesting to see how Lent is observed. I have been in a church where the Mis-
sion Committee puts a major emphasis on feeding the hungry. That congregation is asked to refrain from eating in a
restaurant at least one day a week and taking the money you would have spent and giving it to the “Hunger Fund”. An-
other church had a weekly Bible Study on Wednesday at noon and in the evening. Both studies included a simple meal
of soup and bread. Still another church observed Ash Wednesday and then went on about their business as usual. So,
what/how//when does FUPC observe Lent?
During this 40 day period we are preparing ourselves for the testing that will come to us during Holy Week. As one
parishioner said: “How can I really experience the wonder and thrill of Easter, if I have not walked the depths of my
faith before?” I really think that she had something with that question that we each need to think about.
Lent gives us a structured time to identify who we are, what it is that we believe, and how I live my life in response. As
Christians what difference does Jesus’ death and resurrection mean to me/to us as a congregation. “As a penitential
practice, fasting is designed to strengthen the spiritual life by weakening the attractions of sensible pleasures. Our Lord
Himself coupled it with prayer and in the lives of the saints the two almost always go together.” (The Oxford Dictionary of
the Christian Church)
Often we associate Lent with fasting. Fasting is seen as a act of giving something up. That may be the reason that this
spiritual discipline is not practice very often today. So, what is it that is standing between us and our relationship with
God. Is it our busyness? Or perhaps we don’t know where to begin or what to do? What about our addiction to the
TV or internet. Instead of tweeting someone, maybe we need to stop and pray.
Let me suggest that this Lent is a time to add something instead of giving it up. Consider attending Bible Study on
Wednesday evening. Or, a set time each day for prayer. Maybe you have wondered what the differences are in the
Gospels. Now would be a good time to find out. There are all kinds of things that we can do to aid and strength our
relationship with God and our relationship with each other.
I am anxious to hear how you are observing Lent this year.

Sermons for the Upcoming Month of March

March 6, 2011 - Transfiguration of the Lord March 20, 2011- 2nd Sunday in Lent
―Is Seeing Believing?‖ ―Flesh or Spirit‖
Scriptures: Exodus 24:12-18; Psalm 99; 2 Pe- Scriptures: Genesis 12:1-4a; Psalm 121; Ro-
ter 1:16-21; Matthew 17:1-9 mans 4:1-5; John 3:1-17

March 13, 2011- 1st Sunday in Lent March 27, 2011- 3rd Sunday in Lent
Al Siegel—Guest Preacher ―Hope‖
Scriptures: Genesis 2:15-17; Psalm 32; Ro- Scriptures: Exodus 17:1-7; Psalm 95; Romans
mans 5:12-19; Matthew 4:1-11 5:1-11; John 4:5-42
Things to Ponder... Presbyterians are BELIEVERS and DOERS
WE BELIEVE — in the Great Ends of the
Church as set forth in our Book of Order:
Annie Dillard in Teaching a Stone to Talk:
―the proclamation of the Gospel for the sal-
vation of humankind; the shelter, nurture,
―On the whole, I do not find Christians, and spiritual fellowship of the children of
outside of the catacombs, sufficiently sensi- God; the maintenance of divine worship; the
ble of conditions. Does anyone have the fog- preservation of the truth; the promotion of
giest idea what sort of power we so blithely social righteousness; and the exhibition of
invoke? the Kingdom of Heaven to the world.‖
Or, as I suspect, does no one believe a word
of it? The churches are children playing on
the floor with their chemistry sets, mixing WE BELIEVE — in a theology of mission, as
up a batch of TNT to kill a Sunday morning. expressed in the Westminster Confession of
It is madness to wear ladies’ straw hats and Faith: ―... Christ hath commissioned his
velvet hats to church; we should all be wear- Church to go into all the world and to make
ing crash helmets. Ushers should issue life disciples of all nations. All believers are
preservers and signal flares; they should therefore under obligation ... to contribute
lash us to our pews. For the sleeping god by their prayers, gifts, and personal efforts
may wake someday and take offense, or the to the extension of the Kingdom of Christ
waking god may draw us out to where we
throughout the whole earth.‖
can never return.‖

WE BELIEVE — in a theology of mission, as

expressed in the Westminster Confession of
Faith: ―... Christ hath commissioned his
Church to go into all the world and to make
disciples of all nations. All believers are
therefore under obligation ... to contribute
by their prayers, gifts, and personal efforts
to the extension of the Kingdom of Christ
throughout the whole earth.‖

WE DO — mission in partnership locally,

nationally and globally by prioritizing our
available resources, guided by the emphases
given by our General Assembly, the biannual
meeting of clergy and lay commissioners
who represent the presbyteries of the
church. Through the General Assembly, all
Presbyterians have a voice in setting direc-
tions for mission and through their general
mission giving, have a vital responsibility in
carrying out what the General Assembly has
Ministry of Music News
from Maury Castro Troy Children’s Chorus Concert
The Troy Children’s Chorus will give a
concert at the Eddy Geriatric Center (2256
Betsy Belle Eadie, long-time member of this Burdett Avenue) on Saturday, February
congregation, shared this personal story 12, at 10:30 AM, in the chapel. This con-
with me and gave me permission to share cert is for the residents at the Eddy. If
with you: you know a resident, please invite them to
Last autumn, when I received a frantic phone join you at this concert.
call from my daughter, Lauren, telling me that
her 15-month-old son was in an ambulance
being rushed to the hospital after having 3nd Annual Troy Music Day Camp. Do
spilled a mug of scalding tea onto his body, you want to introduce your child to the
the first thing that I could think to tell her was world of music in a fun-filled environ-
„No matter what, just keep singing to ment? Or perhaps you want to strengthen
Liam. Songs you know, over and over, what- your child’s already-developed musical
ever! Just keep singing to him.‟ So she foundation? Troy Music Day Camp is for
started singing as soon as she could be with you! This camp, which runs at First
him, in the emergency room, as the medical United from June 27 – July 8 (two weeks
staff was trying to assess his situation and this year!), will give your child a variety of
help ease the pain. Then she sang to him in fun-filled learning experiences associated
the intensive care unit every day for over two with music such as singing, dancing, in-
weeks as the medical professionals changed troductions to a variety of instruments
his dressings in a routine that was for him and composers, field trips, guest musi-
nothing but agony. After the ordeal, they told cians, and more. The camp is open to
her that they never saw a child with such children entering grades 1-6. The pro-
burns handle that process with such gram day runs from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with
calm. Her singing got him through. extensions to 7:45 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. If
Perhaps there is a time and a place where you are interested in registering, please
your singing might make all the difference to pick up a registration brochure at church
someone? A child, an aging parent, a trou- or go to to find a
bled spouse, or even yourself. Don’t under- downloadable form there.
estimate this miracle!
Dedicate an Anthem
Congregants are invited to donate $25 to-
ward the purchase of new choral music,
and the church will match that $25 in or-
der to purchase a new anthem (Each an-
them in our library costs about $50). The
donor may dedicate the anthem to the
person(s) or event of their choice, and
when that anthem is sung in church, this
will be recognized. To participate in this
ongoing program, please contact Maury A.
Faith Education News
from Leslie Kelly

During the month of March, Faith Ed Prayer of St. Teresa

classes for children will be held on March 6,
20 and 27. Children will remain in worship
on March 13. One Great Hour of Sharing May today there be peace within.
Fish Banks will be given to the children on
May you trust God that you are ex-
March 6, along with a Sharing Calendar.
Families are encouraged to read the infor- actly where you are meant to be.
mation on the calendar each day and make May you not forget the infinite possi-
a contribution to the Fish Bank. Fish bilities that are born of faith.
Banks will be collected in April. One Great
Hour of Sharing helps people in need all May you use those gifts that you
over the world. have received, and pass on the love
that has been given to you…
On March 6 after worship everyone is in- May you be content knowing you are
vited to the Rose Room to hear Jennifer Nel- a child of God…
son and her family share stories about their
year living in Africa. For the remainder of Let this presence settle into your
the Sundays in March the More Light Min- bones, and allow your soul the free-
istries Team will be hosting Adult Ed. The dom to sing, dance, praise and love.
movie ―Anyone and Everyone‖ will be shown
on March 13 along with discussion. March
It is there for each and every one of
20 the Shower of Stoles Project will be the us.
focus of Adult Ed and March 27 the movie
―Bullied‖ will be shown with discussion to

During the Adult Ed class on grieving in

January, Will Hannah, a bereavement
counselor with Community Hospice of
Rensselaer County, opened with a Prayer of
St. Teresa. Many of you mentioned that
you would like a copy. Here it is...
Adult Education, March 13, 20, and 27
sponsored by the More Light Ministries Team and Faith Ed


3/13 @ 11:15 A.M. - “Anyone and Everyone” movie & discussion

3/20 @ 11:30 A.M. - Shower of Stoles Project

Stole display in sanctuary at 10 AM Service followed by group dialogue about those who are prohibited
from fully serving in their faith

3/27 @ 11:20 A.M. - “Bullied” movie & discussion

This video, subtitled “A School, a Student and a Case that Made History,” chronicles the story of a Wisconsin
student who stood up to his tormentors and won a landmark federal court decision holding that school officials
could be held accountable for not stopping the harassment and abuse of gay students. It is produced by the
Southern Poverty Law Center‟s renowned Teaching Tolerance program.

Though the specific content of this video is an instance of a gay student being bullied the roles of bully, vic-
tim, and by standers are the same no matter what the details. For this purpose MLMT is working with the
Faith Ed Committee and Leslie Kelly to present this discussion, to which high school students and their
families are invited. A follow up session on April 3 is also planned, given the breadth and depth of discussion

For your reflection in preparation for this video:


160,000 – The estimated number of U.S. students who skip school daily to avoid being bullied.
32% -- The percentage of students who report being bullied at school during the school year.
86% -- The percentage of gay or lesbian students who report being bullied.
70% -- The percentage of teachers surveyed who sat that educators ―almost always‖ intervene
when bullying occurs.
35% -- The percentage of 9th graders who believe their teachers are interested in trying to stop bul
66% -- The percentage of bullying victims who believe school professionals responded poorly to the
bullying they observed.
10 – 20% -- The percentage of bystanders who provide any real help.

(Resource for these statistics: The study guide for video ―Bullied‖)
Session Notes
The Session met in an informal meeting on Flowers for the Sanctuary - Sign up to spon-
January 31st to talk about mission and sor flowers for the sanctuary! This is a won-
ministries at First United. One thing be- derful way to remember someone or celebrate
came clear; we have a lot of activity! And it a special occasion in your life. To sign up
also became clear that we need to ask every there is a ―flower‖ chart for 2011 in the back
person who is part of the life of First United of the church and/or Fellowship Hall. There
to pitch in.
are many dates available for you to make a
Help Wanted to people who will search their request. Feel free to put your name on any
hearts and minds to find a ministry and blank space, then let Pat Carlson know via
sign on. We will help you to identify which email at or telephone at
one fits you best, one time only or commit- 518-273-8610.
tee work, inside the building or out in the


Announcements wonderful response to the fundraiser for
Bread for the World! Through food/baked
FUPC’s parking lot – if you
visit the church during busi- goodies plus auction we raised over $650 for
ness hours, please do NOT the BFW. Thanks for all who participated and
park in the parking lot! supported this cause! A Special thanks to
Our parking spaces are re- Sue Steele, Peg Drew, Martha Juenger, and
served for the staff of FUPC Courtney Savaria who worked behind the
and it tenants from 8:30 am scene.
until 5 pm Mon.
through Thurs. Joseph’s House & Shelter - Please join us
for the opening of The Hill Street Inn located
at 202 Fourth Street on Thursday, March
4 spaces assigned to FUPC staff
10th from 11 AM - 2 PM (program begins at
3 spaces assigned to Presbytery staff 11:30). Refreshments provided by Flavour
2 spaces assigned to Literacy Volunteers staff Café. RSVP by February 28th to F. Paul Del-
2 spaces assigned to Unity Preschool staff lio at 272-2544 or
1 space handicapped

12 assigned spaces
The Community Hospice of Rensselaer
County - Needs volunteers to visit patients.
Special Thanks to our March Coffee Hour
Hosts: Winter 2011 training for volunteers will be
held at the Community Hospice of Rensselaer
Mar. 6th - Shirley E. Street
County located at 295 Valley View Blvd on the
Mar. 13th - Jane Husson following dates: March 21 - 5-8PM; March 23
Mar. 20th - NEEDS A VOLUNTEER!!! - 5-8PM; March 29 - 5-8PM; March 31 - 5-
8PM; April 2 - 9AM-4PM; April 4 - 5-8PM
Mar. 27th - Dana Parker
Can you help? Please sign up and share in To register or for more info please contact
creating our fellowship time. Questions? Susan Cunningham at 285-8114 or
Call or write Betsy Belle Eadie at 283-1624
Hello Everyone!

Abby Parmelee here.

I wanted to tell you about a fantastic opportunity ART EXHIBIT

that has opened up to me.
Next summer, that is the summer of 2011, a por-
tion of my college choir will be traveling to the Pra-
gue Choral Festival in The Czech Republic. BY PATRICIA TRUDEAU
This is a HUGE event, one that singers all over the MARCH 7-APRIL 30, 2011
world strive to be a part of. The chances of receiving
an opportunity to go are minimal, and to actually get
such a window is an honor and a once-in-a-lifetime MARCH 31, 2011, 6-8 PM
experience. This trip would do wonders for my in-
tended career as a teacher and performer/creator of CHAPEL + CULTURAL CENTER AT RPI
the arts, and would greatly advance my knowledge 2125 BURDETT AVENUE, TROY, NY 12180
and experience in music.
There is however, one small problem. I have
come up short on funding for this opportunity, so I
am asking for the help of my friends and family. The
total cost of the trip is $3953.00. My parents are
able to help with $2000, but the for the remaining
amount we are at a loss. Anything you can spare will
be of help.

In return for any donations I would offer some

of my artwork, if anyone would be interested. I paint,
create digital art, sketch, make bracelets out of
forks, and enhance digital photos. (You know that
retouching thing they do on a lot of professional
photos where any acne, discoloration, or blemishes
go away? I can do that, and so much more.) Any aid
at all would be greatly appreciated.

Please direct donations and art requests to my

mother, Miriam Parmelee, at the address listed be-
low. Digital photos and other art requests should be
sent to her as well via email, also listed below, or
“The Fourth Station: Jesus Meets His Mother”
snail mail, with an explanation and description of
what you want done. These she will pass on to me.
Thank you SO MUCH for your consideration. This
is an opportunity I am unlikely to have again, I
would hate to miss out on it.

Thanks again!
Abby Parmelee

Miriam Parmelee
31 Brinker Drive South
Rensselaer, NY 12144
March Birthdays
LENT 2011 5 Kerry Welcome
AT 9 Betsy Belle Eadie
Steven Bowes
Karen Marbot
10 Susan Steele
Mardi Gras
Tuesday, 8 March 2011 11 Julia Rivers
10:00 PM – Midnight
14 Alex Duggan
12:00 Midnight Mass with Blessing and Distribution of
19 Patience Zewou

Ash Wednesday 20 Emily Husson

Wednesday, 9 March 2011
12:00 Midnight, 12:10 PM, 5:15 PM, 7:30 PM 21 Nathan Parmelee

22 Dana Crobok
Pysanky Workshop
Saturday, 12 March 2011
23 Philip Wentworth
9:30 AM and 1:00 PM
Learn, renew, and enjoy a day of creating the European 24 Brendan Lanoue
Easter Egg.
27 Dan Rogers
For More information on our Lenten Services check out our
website at 30 Aline Wilson or call 518-274-7793

Happy Birthday to
you all!
March 2011
Sunday Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 5
10 AM AA Group
3:45 Troy
4:30 Worship
6:30 Overnight
6:30 Bible Study 7:00 Chancel Women’s Retreat

6 7 8 9 10 11 12
10:00 Worship
10 AM AA Group
11:00 Refreshments 3:45 Troy
11:30 Faith Ed Children’s
Chorus 6:00 Ash Wednes-
day-Soup Dinner- 6:00 Music Sub-
5:00 MLMT
Service Directly Committee
6:30 Personnel
Follows in Fellow- 7:00 Chancel
7:30 NA Group Meeting ship Hall Choir

13 14 15 16 17 18 19
10:00 Worship
9 AM Labyrinth
11:00 Refreshments 3:45 Troy 10 AM AA Group
11:30 Faith Ed Children’s

7:30 NA Group 6:30 Bible Study 7:00 Chancel


20 21 22 23 24 25 26
10:00 Worship
11:00 Refreshments 10 AM AA Group
3:45 Troy
11:30 Faith Ed Children’s

7:30 NA Group 7:00 Chancel

6:30 Bible Study Choir

27 28 29 30 31
10:00 Worship
11:00 Refreshments
3:45 Troy
11:30 Faith Ed Children’s

7:30 NA Group 6:30 Bible Study 7:00 Chancel

6:30 Session Choir
Open Minds, Open Hearts, Open Doors:
Where People with Differences Unite in Christ

First United Presbyterian Church

1915 Fifth Avenue
Troy, New York 12180

In this issue: Beginning of Lent

Things to Ponder...
Notes from Jackie, Maury, and Leslie
What’s happening in the community
And more...

Vision Newsletter is published 11 times a year by

First United Presbyterian Church Officers for 2011,
2012 & 2013 First United Presbyterian Church, Troy, New York
The Session Jacquelyn Pinkowski Pastor
Moderator - The Reverend Jacquelyn Pinkowski Maury A. Castro Minister of Music
Class of 2011: Debbie Brown, Sue Steele, Courtney Savaria, Leslie Kelly Faith Education Director
Karen Harpe
Carlie D’Annunzio Financial Analyst
Class of 2012: John Buckley, Pat Carlson, Peg Drew, Chandlee
Gill Carla Fisk Administrative Assistant
Class of 2013: David Lanoue, Bonnie McCaig, Dan Rogers,
To Contact Us: you may call 518-272-2771
Trudi Wybourn
you may write to us at
The Board of Deacons
Class of 2011: Martha Juenger, Don Lutz, 1915 Fifth Avenue Troy, New York 12180
Marsha Mintz-Botsford, Pat Rudebush
Class of 2012: Bob Harrington, Bonnie Kerr, Courtney Savaria, or you may email us at
For pastoral emergencies call (518) 279-7401 or (406)794-
Class of 2013: Shirley Bowes, Steven Paul Bowes II, Dana
Crobok, Shirley Street
or email

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